Expectation-Maximization for Scheduling Problems in Satellite Communication

Werner Bailer, Martin Winter, Johannes Ebert, Joel Flavio, Karin Plimon

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Machine Learning for Satellite Communication Using Expectation-Maximization

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In this paper we address unsupervised machine learning for two use cases in satellite communication, which are scheduling problems: (i) Ka-band frequency plan optimization and (ii) dynamic configuration of an active antenna array satellite. We apply approaches based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework to both of them. We compare against baselines of currently deployed solutions, and show that they can be significantly outperformed by the EM-based approach. In addition, the approaches can be applied incrementally, thus supporting fast adaptation to small changes in the input configuration.

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Naturally Constrained Online Expectation Maximization

Daniela Pamplona, Antoine Manzanera

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Online Expectation-Maximization for Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis

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With the rise of big data sets, learning algorithms must be adapted to piece-wise mechanisms in order to tackle time and memory costs of large scale calculations. Furthermore, for most learning embedded systems the input data are fed in a sequential and contingent manner: one by one, and possibly class by class. Thus, learning algorithms should not only run online but cope with time-varying, non-independent, and non-balanced training data for the system's entire life. Online Expectation-Maximization is a well-known algorithm for learning probabilistic models in real-time, due to its simplicity and convergence properties. However, these properties are only valid in the case of large, independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. In this paper, we propose to constraint the online Expectation-Maximization on the Fisher distance between the parameters. After the presentation of the algorithm, we make a thorough study of its use in Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. First, we derive the update rules, then we analyse the effect of the constraint on major problems of online and sequential learning: convergence, forgetting and interference. Furthermore we use several algorithmic protocols: iid {\em vs} sequential data, and constraint parameters updated step-wise {\em vs} class-wise. Our results show that this constraint increases the convergence rate of online Expectation-Maximization, decreases forgetting and slightly introduces transfer learning.

Penalized K-Means Algorithms for Finding the Number of Clusters

Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, Behrooz Kamgar-Parsi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the coefficient of additive penalty in k-means for ideal clusters

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In many applications we want to find the number of clusters in a dataset. A common approach is to use a penalized k-means algorithm with an additive penalty term linear in the number of clusters. Obviously, the number of discovered clusters depends critically on the value of the coefficient of the penalty term, and an open problem is estimating the value of the coefficient in a principled manner. In this paper (a) We derive rigorous bounds for the coefficient of additive penalty in k-means for ideal clusters. Although in practice clusters typically deviate from the ideal assumption, the ideal case serves as a useful guideline. (b) We propose an alternative approach to additive penalty, namely multiplicative penalty, which appears to produce a more reliable signature for the correct number of clusters in most cases. We also empirically investigate certain types of deviations from ideal cluster assumption and show, in particular, that the best way to resolve ambiguous solutions is to combine additive and multiplicative penalties.

An Invariance-Guided Stability Criterion for Time Series Clustering Validation

Florent Forest, Alex Mourer, Mustapha Lebbah, Hanane Azzag, Jérôme Lacaille

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Auto-TLDR; An invariance-guided method for clustering model selection in time series data

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Time series clustering is a challenging task due to the specificities of this type of data. Temporal correlation and invariance to transformations such as shifting, warping or noise prevent the use of standard data mining methods. Time series clustering has been mostly studied under the angle of finding efficient algorithms and distance metrics adapted to the specific nature of time series data. Much less attention has been devoted to the general problem of model selection. Clustering stability has emerged as a universal and model-agnostic principle for clustering model selection. This principle can be stated as follows: an algorithm should find a structure in the data that is resilient to perturbation by sampling or noise. We propose to apply stability analysis to time series by leveraging prior knowledge on the nature and invariances of the data. These invariances determine the perturbation process used to assess stability. Based on a recently introduced criterion combining between-cluster and within-cluster stability, we propose an invariance-guided method for model selection, applicable to a wide range of clustering algorithms. Experiments conducted on artificial and benchmark data sets demonstrate the ability of our criterion to discover structure and select the correct number of clusters, whenever data invariances are known beforehand.

One Step Clustering Based on A-Contrario Framework for Detection of Alterations in Historical Violins

Alireza Rezaei, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi

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Auto-TLDR; A-Contrario Clustering for the Detection of Altered Violins using UVIFL Images

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Preventive conservation is an important practice in Cultural Heritage. The constant monitoring of the state of conservation of an artwork helps us reduce the risk of damage and number of interventions necessary. In this work, we propose a probabilistic approach for the detection of alterations on the surface of historical violins based on an a-contrario framework. Our method is a one step NFA clustering solution which considers grey-level and spatial density information in one background model. The proposed method is robust to noise and avoids parameter tuning and any assumption about the quantity of the worn out areas. We have used as input UV induced fluorescence (UVIFL) images for considering details not perceivable with visible light. Tests were conducted on image sequences included in the ``Violins UVIFL imagery'' dataset. Results illustrate the ability of the algorithm to distinguish the worn area from the surrounding regions. Comparisons with the state of the art clustering methods shows improved overall precision and recall.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

Uncertainty Guided Recognition of Tiny Craters on the Moon

Thorsten Wilhelm, Christian Wöhler

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Auto-TLDR; Accurately Detecting Tiny Craters in Remote Sensed Images Using Deep Neural Networks

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Accurately detecting craters in remotely sensed images is an important task when analysing the properties of planetary bodies. Commonly, only large craters in the range of several kilometres are detected. In this work we provide the first example of automatically detecting tiny craters in the range of several meters with the help of a deep neural network by using only a small set of annotated craters. Additionally, we propose a novel way to group overlapping detections and replace the commonly used non-maximum suppression with a probabilistic treatment. As a result, we receive valuable uncertainty estimates of the detections and the aggregated detections are shown to be vastly superior.

Cluster-Size Constrained Network Partitioning

Maksim Mironov, Konstantin Avrachenkov

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Graph Clustering with Stochastic Block Model

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In this paper we consider a graph clustering problem with a given number of clusters and approximate desired sizes of the clusters. One possible motivation for such task could be the problem of databases or servers allocation within several given large computational clusters, where we want related objects to share the same cluster in order to minimize latency and transaction costs. This task differs from the original community detection problem, though we adopt some ideas from Glauber Dynamics and Label Propagation Algorithm. At the same time we consider no additional information about node labels, so the task has nature of unsupervised learning. We propose an algorithm for the problem, show that it works well for a large set of parameters of Stochastic Block Model (SBM) and theoretically show its running time complexity for achieving almost exact recovery is of $O(n\cdot\deg_{av} \cdot \omega )$ for the mean-field SBM with $\omega$ tending to infinity arbitrary slow. Other significant advantage of the proposed approach is its local nature, which means it can be efficiently distributed with no scheduling or synchronization.

Towards life-long mapping of dynamic environments using temporal persistence modeling

Georgios Tsamis, Ioannis Kostavelis, Dimitrios Giakoumis, Dimitrios Tzovaras

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Auto-TLDR; Lifelong Mapping for Mobile Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments

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The contemporary SLAM mapping systems assume a static environment and build a map that is then used for mobile robot navigation disregarding the dynamic changes in this environment. The paper at hand presents a novel solution for the \emph{lifelong mapping} problem that continually updates a metric map represented as a 2D occupancy grid in large scale indoor environments with movable objects such as people, robots, objects etc. suitable for industrial applications. We formalize each cell's occupancy as a failure analysis problem and contribute temporal persistence modeling (TPM), an algorithm for probabilistic prediction of the time that a cell in an observed location is expected to be ``occupied" or ``empty" given sparse prior observations from a task specific mobile robot. Our work is evaluated in Gazebo simulation environment against the nominal occupancy of cells and the estimated obstacles persistence. We also show that robot navigation with lifelong mapping demands less re-plans and leads to more efficient navigation in highly dynamic environments.

ILS-SUMM: Iterated Local Search for Unsupervised Video Summarization

Yair Shemer, Daniel Rotman, Nahum Shimkin

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Auto-TLDR; ILS-SUMM: Iterated Local Search for Video Summarization

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In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in building video summarization tools, where the goal is to automatically create a short summary of an input video that properly represents the original content. We consider shot-based video summarization where the summary consists of a subset of the video shots which can be of various lengths. A straightforward approach to maximize the representativeness of a subset of shots is by minimizing the total distance between shots and their nearest selected shots. We formulate the task of video summarization as an optimization problem with a knapsack-like constraint on the total summary duration. Previous studies have proposed greedy algorithms to solve this problem approximately, but no experiments were presented to measure the ability of these methods to obtain solutions with low total distance. Indeed, our experiments on video summarization datasets show that the success of current methods in obtaining results with low total distance still has much room for improvement. In this paper, we develop ILS-SUMM, a novel video summarization algorithm to solve the subset selection problem under the knapsack constraint. Our algorithm is based on the well-known metaheuristic optimization framework -- Iterated Local Search (ILS), known for its ability to avoid weak local minima and obtain a good near-global minimum. Extensive experiments show that our method finds solutions with significantly better total distance than previous methods. Moreover, to indicate the high scalability of ILS-SUMM, we introduce a new dataset consisting of videos of various lengths.

3D Semantic Labeling of Photogrammetry Meshes Based on Active Learning

Mengqi Rong, Shuhan Shen, Zhanyi Hu

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Semantic Expression of Urban Scenes Based on Active Learning

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As different urban scenes are similar but still not completely consistent, coupled with the complexity of labeling directly in 3D, high-level understanding of 3D scenes has always been a tricky problem. In this paper, we propose a procedural approach for 3D semantic expression of urban scenes based on active learning. We first start with a small labeled image set to fine-tune a semantic segmentation network and then project its probability map onto a 3D mesh model for fusion, finally outputs a 3D semantic mesh model in which each facet has a semantic label and a heat model showing each facet’s confidence. Our key observation is that our algorithm is iterative, in each iteration, we use the output semantic model as a supervision to select several valuable images for annotation to co-participate in the fine-tuning for overall improvement. In this way, we reduce the workload of labeling but not the quality of 3D semantic model. Using urban areas from two different cities, we show the potential of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness.

Temporal Pattern Detection in Time-Varying Graphical Models

Federico Tomasi, Veronica Tozzo, Annalisa Barla

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Auto-TLDR; A dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns

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Graphical models allow to describe the interplay among variables of a system through a compact representation, suitable when relations evolve over time. For example, in a biological setting, genes interact differently depending on external environmental or metabolic factors. To incorporate this dynamics a viable strategy is to estimate a sequence of temporally related graphs assuming similarity among samples in different time points. While adjacent time points may direct the analysis towards a robust estimate of the underlying graph, the resulting model will not incorporate long-term or recurrent temporal relationships. In this work we propose a dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns (such as circadian rhythms or seasonality). We show how our approach may also be exploited when the recurrent patterns are unknown, by coupling the network inference with a clustering procedure that detects possibly non-consecutive similar networks. Such clusters are then used to build similarity kernels. The convexity of the functional is determined by whether we impose or infer the kernel. In the first case, the optimisation algorithm exploits efficiently proximity operators with closed-form solutions. In the other case, we resort to an alternating minimisation procedure which jointly learns the temporal kernel and the underlying network. Extensive analysis on synthetic data shows the efficacy of our models compared to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we applied our approach on two real-world applications to show how considering long-term patterns is fundamental to have insights on the behaviour of a complex system.

Deep Learning on Active Sonar Data Using Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning

Henrik Berg, Karl Thomas Hjelmervik

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Optimization for Sonar Operations in Littoral Environments

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Sonar operations in littoral environments may be challenging due to an increased probability of false alarms. Machine learning can be used to train classifiers that are able to filter out most of the false alarms automatically, however, this is a time consuming process, with many hyperparameters that need to be tuned in order to yield useful results. In this paper, Bayesian optimization is used to search for good values for some of the hyperparameters, like topology and training parameters, resulting in performance superior to earlier trial-and-error based training. Additionally, we analyze some of the parameters involved in the Bayesian optimization, as well as the resulting hyperparameter values.

Sketch-Based Community Detection Via Representative Node Sampling

Mahlagha Sedghi, Andre Beckus, George Atia

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Auto-TLDR; Sketch-based Clustering of Community Detection Using a Small Sketch

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This paper proposes a sketch-based approach to the community detection problem which clusters the full graph through the use of an informative and concise sketch. The reduced sketch is built through an effective sampling approach which selects few nodes that best represent the complete graph and operates on a pairwise node similarity measure based on the average commute time. After sampling, the proposed algorithm clusters the nodes in the sketch, and then infers the cluster membership of the remaining nodes in the full graph based on their aggregate similarity to nodes in the partitioned sketch. By sampling nodes with strong representation power, our approach can improve the success rates over full graph clustering. In challenging cases with large node degree variation, our approach not only maintains competitive accuracy with full graph clustering despite using a small sketch, but also outperforms existing sampling methods. The use of a small sketch allows considerable storage savings, and computational and timing improvements for further analysis such as clustering and visualization. We provide numerical results on synthetic data based on the homogeneous, heterogeneous and degree corrected versions of the stochastic block model, as well as experimental results on real-world data.

Radar Image Reconstruction from Raw ADC Data Using Parametric Variational Autoencoder with Domain Adaptation

Michael Stephan, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Georg Fischer, Robert Weigel, Fabian Lurz

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Auto-TLDR; Parametric Variational Autoencoder-based Human Target Detection and Localization for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar

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This paper presents a parametric variational autoencoder-based human target detection and localization framework working directly with the raw analog-to-digital converter data from the frequency modulated continuous wave radar. We propose a parametrically constrained variational autoencoder, with residual and skip connections, capable of generating the clustered and localized target detections on the range-angle image. Furthermore, to circumvent the problem of training the proposed neural network on all possible scenarios using real radar data, we propose domain adaptation strategies whereby we first train the neural network using ray tracing based model data and then adapt the network to work on real sensor data. This strategy ensures better generalization and scalability of the proposed neural network even though it is trained with limited radar data. We demonstrate the superior detection and localization performance of our proposed solution compared to the conventional signal processing pipeline and earlier state-of-art deep U-Net architecture with range-doppler images as inputs.

Wasserstein k-Means with Sparse Simplex Projection

Takumi Fukunaga, Hiroyuki Kasai

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Auto-TLDR; SSPW $k$-means: Sparse Simplex Projection-based Wasserstein $ k$-Means Algorithm

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This paper presents a proposal of a faster Wasserstein $k$-means algorithm for histogram data by reducing Wasserstein distance computations exploiting sparse simplex projection. We shrink data samples, centroids and ground cost matrix, which enables significant reduction of the computations to solve optimal transport problems without loss of clustering quality. Furthermore, we dynamically reduce computational complexity by removing lower-valued data samples harnessing sparse simplex projection while keeping degradation of clustering quality lower. We designate this proposed algorithm as sparse simplex projection-based Wasserstein $k$-means, for short, SSPW $k$-means. Numerical evaluations against Wasserstein $k$-means algorithm demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SSPW $k$-means on real-world datasets.

Fused 3-Stage Image Segmentation for Pleural Effusion Cell Clusters

Sike Ma, Meng Zhao, Hao Wang, Fan Shi, Xuguo Sun, Shengyong Chen, Hong-Ning Dai

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Auto-TLDR; Coarse Segmentation of Stained and Stained Unstained Cell Clusters in pleural effusion using 3-stage segmentation method

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The appearance of tumor cell clusters in pleural effusion is usually a vital sign of cancer metastasis. Segmentation, as an indispensable basis, is of crucial importance for diagnosing, chemical treatment, and prognosis in patients. However, accurate segmentation of unstained cell clusters containing more detailed features than the fluorescent staining images remains to be a challenging problem due to the complex background and the unclear boundary. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a fused 3-stage image segmentation algorithm, namely Coarse segmentation-Mapping-Fine segmentation (CMF) to achieve unstained cell clusters from whole slide images. Firstly, we establish a tumor cell cluster dataset consisting of 107 sets of images, with each set containing one unstained image, one stained image, and one ground-truth image. Then, according to the features of the unstained and stained cell clusters, we propose a three-stage segmentation method: 1) Coarse segmentation on stained images to extract suspicious cell regions-Region of Interest (ROI); 2) Mapping this ROI to the corresponding unstained image to get the ROI of the unstained image (UI-ROI); 3) Fine Segmentation using improved automatic fuzzy clustering framework (AFCF) on the UI-ROI to get precise cell cluster boundaries. Experimental results on 107 sets of images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can achieve better performance on unstained cell clusters with an F1 score of 90.40%.

Classification and Feature Selection Using a Primal-Dual Method and Projections on Structured Constraints

Michel Barlaud, Antonin Chambolle, Jean_Baptiste Caillau

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Auto-TLDR; A Constrained Primal-dual Method for Structured Feature Selection on High Dimensional Data

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This paper deals with feature selection using supervised classification on high dimensional datasets. A classical approach is to project data on a low dimensional space and classify by minimizing an appropriate quadratic cost. Our first contribution is to introduce a matrix of centers in the definition of this cost. Moreover, as quadratic costs are not robust to outliers, we propose to use an $\ell_1$ cost instead (or Huber loss to mitigate overfitting issues). While control on sparsity is commonly obtained by adding an $\ell_1$ constraint on the vectorized matrix of weights used for projecting the data, our second contribution is to enforce structured sparsity. To this end we propose constraints that take into account the matrix structure of the data, based either on the nuclear norm, on the $\ell_{2,1}$ norm, or on the $\ell_{1,2}$ norm for which we provide a new projection algorithm. We optimize simultaneously the projection matrix and the matrix of centers thanks to a new tailored constrained primal-dual method. The primal-dual framework is general enough to encompass the various robust losses and structured constraints we use, and allows a convergence analysis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on three biological datasets. Our primal-dual method with robust losses, adaptive centers and structured constraints does significantly better than classical methods, both in terms of accuracy and computational time.

Self-Supervised Detection and Pose Estimation of Logistical Objects in 3D Sensor Data

Nikolas Müller, Jonas Stenzel, Jian-Jia Chen

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Auto-TLDR; A self-supervised and fully automated deep learning approach for object pose estimation using simulated 3D data

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Localization of objects in cluttered scenes with machine learning methods is a fairly young research area. Despite the high potential of object localization for full process automation in Industry 4.0 and logistical environments, 3D data sets for such applications to train machine learning models are not openly available and less publications have been made on that topic. To the authors knowledge, this is the first publication that describes a self-supervised and fully automated deep learning approach for object pose estimation using simulated 3D data. The solution covers the simulated generation of training data, the detection of objects in point clouds using a fully convolutional feedforward network and the computation of the pose for each detected object instance.

Personalized Models in Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning

Hamza Amrani, Daniela Micucci, Paolo Napoletano

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Auto-TLDR; Incremental Learning for Personalized Human Activity Recognition

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Current sensor-based human activity recognition techniques that rely on a user-independent model struggle to generalize to new users and on to changes that a person may make over time to his or her way of carrying out activities. Incremental learning is a technique that allows to obtain personalized models which may improve the performance on the classifiers thanks to a continuous learning based on user data. Finally, deep learning techniques have been proven to be more effective with respect to traditional ones in the generation of user-independent models. The aim of our work is therefore to put together deep learning techniques with incremental learning in order to obtain personalized models that perform better with respect to user-independent model and personalized model obtained using traditional machine learning techniques. The experimentation was done by comparing the results obtained by a technique in the state of the art with those obtained by two neural networks (ResNet and a simplified CNN) on three datasets. The experimentation showed that neural networks adapt faster to a new user than the baseline.

A Heuristic-Based Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling of 3D Volumes

Maximilian Söchting, Stefano Allegretti, Federico Bolelli, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; Entropy Partitioning Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling

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Connected Components Labeling represents a fundamental step for many Computer Vision and Image Processing pipelines. Since the first appearance of the task in the sixties, many algorithmic solutions to optimize the computational load needed to label an image have been proposed. Among them, block-based scan approaches and decision trees revealed to be some of the most valuable strategies. However, due to the cost of the manual construction of optimal decision trees and the computational limitations of automatic strategies employed in the past, the application of blocks and decision trees has been restricted to small masks, and thus to 2D algorithms. With this paper we present a novel heuristic algorithm based on decision tree learning methodology, called Entropy Partitioning Decision Tree (EPDT). It allows to compute near-optimal decision trees for large scan masks. Experimental results demonstrate that algorithms based on the generated decision trees outperform state-of-the-art competitors.

How to Define a Rejection Class Based on Model Learning?

Sarah Laroui, Xavier Descombes, Aurelia Vernay, Florent Villiers, Francois Villalba, Eric Debreuve

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Auto-TLDR; An innovative learning strategy for supervised classification that is able, by design, to reject a sample as not belonging to any of the known classes

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In supervised classification, the learning process typically trains a classifier to optimize the accuracy of classifying data into the classes that appear in the learning set, and only them. While this framework fits many use cases, there are situations where the learning process is knowingly performed using a learning set that only represents the data that have been observed so far among a virtually unconstrained variety of possible samples. It is then crucial to define a classifier which has the ability to reject a sample, i.e., to classify it into a rejection class that has not been yet defined. Although obvious solutions can add this ability a posteriori to a classifier that has been learned classically, a better approach seems to directly account for this requirement in the classifier design. In this paper, we propose an innovative learning strategy for supervised classification that is able, by design, to reject a sample as not belonging to any of the known classes. For that, we rely on modeling each class as the combination of a probability density function (PDF) and a threshold that is computed with respect to the other classes. Several alternatives are proposed and compared in this framework. A comparison with straightforward approaches is also provided.

Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet Loss Approaches

Kalun Ho, Janis Keuper, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Margret Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering Objectives for K-means and Correlation Clustering Using Triplet Loss

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In this work, we evaluate two different image clustering objectives, k-means clustering and correlation clustering, in the context of Triplet Loss induced feature space embeddings. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network to learn discriminative features by optimizing two popular versions of the Triplet Loss in order to study their clustering properties under the assumption of noisy labels. Additionally, we propose a new, simple Triplet Loss formulation, which shows desirable properties with respect to formal clustering objectives and outperforms the existing methods. We evaluate all three Triplet loss formulations for K-means and correlation clustering on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset.

Multiple Future Prediction Leveraging Synthetic Trajectories

Lorenzo Berlincioni, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Trajectory Prediction using Markov Chains

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Trajectory prediction is an important task, especially in autonomous driving. The ability to forecast the position of other moving agents can yield to an effective planning, ensuring safety for the autonomous vehicle as well for the observed entities. In this work we propose a data driven approach based on Markov Chains to generate synthetic trajectories, which are useful for training a multiple future trajectory predictor. The advantages are twofold: on the one hand synthetic samples can be used to augment existing datasets and train more effective predictors; on the other hand, it allows to generate samples with multiple ground truths, corresponding to diverse equally likely outcomes of the observed trajectory. We define a trajectory prediction model and a loss that explicitly address the multimodality of the problem and we show that combining synthetic and real data leads to prediction improvements, obtaining state of the art results.

Multi-annotator Probabilistic Active Learning

Marek Herde, Daniel Kottke, Denis Huseljic, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; MaPAL: Multi-annotator Probabilistic Active Learning

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Classifiers require annotations of instances, i.e., class labels, for training. An annotation process is often costly due to its manual execution through human annotators. Active learning (AL) aims at reducing the annotation costs by selecting instances from which the classifier is expected to learn the most. Many AL strategies assume the availability of a single omniscient annotator. In this article, we overcome this limitation by considering multiple error-prone annotators. We propose a novel AL strategy multi-annotator probabilistic active learning (MaPAL). Due to the nature of learning with error-prone annotators, it must not only select instances but annotators, too. MaPAL builds on a decision-theoretic framework and selects instance-annotator pairs maximizing the classifier's expected performance. Experiments on a variety of data sets demonstrate MaPAL's superior performance compared to five related AL strategies.

Wireless Localisation in WiFi Using Novel Deep Architectures

Peizheng Li, Han Cui, Aftab Khan, Usman Raza, Robert Piechocki, Angela Doufexi, Tim Farnham

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Network for Indoor Localisation of WiFi Devices in Indoor Environments

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This paper studies the indoor localisation of WiFi devices based on a commodity chipset and standard channel sounding. First, we present a novel shallow neural network (SNN) in which features are extracted from the channel state information (CSI) corresponding to WiFi subcarriers received on different antennas and used to train the model. The single layer architecture of this localisation neural network makes it lightweight and easy-to-deploy on devices with stringent constraints on computational resources. We further investigate for localisation the use of deep learning models and design novel architectures for convolutional neural network (CNN) and long-short term memory (LSTM). We extensively evaluate these localisation algorithms for continuous tracking in indoor environments. Experimental results prove that even an SNN model, after a careful handcrafted feature extraction, can achieve accurate localisation. Meanwhile, using a well-organised architecture, the neural network models can be trained directly with raw data from the CSI and localisation features can be automatically extracted to achieve accurate position estimates. We also found that the performance of neural network-based methods are directly affected by the number of anchor access points (APs) regardless of their structure. With three APs, all neural network models proposed in this paper can obtain localisation accuracy of around 0.5 metres. In addition the proposed deep NN architecture reduces the data pre-processing time by 6.5 hours compared with a shallow NN using the data collected in our testbed. In the deployment phase, the inference time is also significantly reduced to 0.1 ms per sample. We also demonstrate the generalisation capability of the proposed method by evaluating models using different target movement characteristics to the ones in which they were trained.

Improving Gravitational Wave Detection with 2D Convolutional Neural Networks

Siyu Fan, Yisen Wang, Yuan Luo, Alexander Michael Schmitt, Shenghua Yu

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Auto-TLDR; Two-dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks for Gravitational Wave Detection from Time Series with Background Noise

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Sensitive gravitational wave (GW) detectors such as that of Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) realize the direct observation of GW signals that confirm Einstein's general theory of relativity. However, it remains challenges to quickly detect faint GW signals from a large number of time series with background noise under unknown probability distributions. Traditional methods such as matched-filtering in general assume Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and are far from being real-time due to its high computational complexity. To avoid these weaknesses, one-dimensional (1D) Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are introduced to achieve fast online detection in milliseconds but do not have enough consideration on the trade-off between the frequency and time features, which will be revisited in this paper through data pre-processing and subsequent two-dimensional (2D) CNNs during offline training to improve the online detection sensitivity. In this work, the input data is pre-processed to form a 2D spectrum by Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), where frequency features are extracted without learning. Then, carrying out two 1D convolutions across time and frequency axes respectively, and concatenating the time-amplitude and frequency-amplitude feature maps with equal proportion subsequently, the frequency and time features are treated equally as the input of our following two-dimensional CNNs. The simulation of our above ideas works on a generated data set with uniformly varying SNR (2-17), which combines the GW signal generated by PYCBC and the background noise sampled directly from LIGO. Satisfying the real-time online detection requirement without noise distribution assumption, the experiments of this paper demonstrate better performance in average compared to that of 1D CNNs, especially in the cases of lower SNR (4-9).

Motion Segmentation with Pairwise Matches and Unknown Number of Motions

Federica Arrigoni, Tomas Pajdla, Luca Magri

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Auto-TLDR; Motion Segmentation using Multi-Modelfitting andpermutation synchronization

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In this paper we address motion segmentation, that is the problem of clustering points in multiple images according to a number of moving objects. Two-frame correspondences are assumed as input without prior knowledge about trajectories. Our method is based on principles from ''multi-model fitting'' and ''permutation synchronization'', and - differently from previous techniques working under the same assumptions - it can handle an unknown number of motions. The proposed approach is validated on standard datasets, showing that it can correctly estimate the number of motions while maintaining comparable or better accuracy than the state of the art.

Enhancing Deep Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Data with Entangled Forests

Matteo Terreran, Elia Bonetto, Stefano Ghidoni

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Auto-TLDR; FuseNet: A Lighter Deep Learning Model for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation is a problem which is getting more and more attention in the computer vision community. Nowadays, deep learning methods represent the state of the art to solve this problem, and the trend is to use deeper networks to get higher performance. The drawback with such models is a higher computational cost, which makes it difficult to integrate them on mobile robot platforms. In this work we want to explore how to obtain lighter deep learning models without compromising performance. To do so we will consider the features used in the Entangled Random Forest algorithm and we will study the best strategies to integrate these within FuseNet deep network. Such new features allow us to shrink the network size without loosing performance, obtaining hence a lighter model which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the semantic segmentation task and represents an interesting alternative for mobile robotics applications, where computational power and energy are limited.

Trainable Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Michele Alberti, Angela Botros, Schuetz Narayan, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki, Mathias Seuret

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Auto-TLDR; Trainable and Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations for Neural Networks

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In this work, we introduce a new architectural component to Neural Networks (NN), i.e., trainable and spectrally initializable matrix transformations on feature maps. While previous literature has already demonstrated the possibility of adding static spectral transformations as feature processors, our focus is on more general trainable transforms. We study the transforms in various architectural configurations on four datasets of different nature: from medical (ColorectalHist, HAM10000) and natural (Flowers) images to historical documents (CB55). With rigorous experiments that control for the number of parameters and randomness, we show that networks utilizing the introduced matrix transformations outperform vanilla neural networks. The observed accuracy increases appreciably across all datasets. In addition, we show that the benefit of spectral initialization leads to significantly faster convergence, as opposed to randomly initialized matrix transformations. The transformations are implemented as auto-differentiable PyTorch modules that can be incorporated into any neural network architecture. The entire code base is open-source.

Adaptive Sampling of Pareto Frontiers with Binary Constraints Using Regression and Classification

Raoul Heese, Michael Bortz

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Optimization for Black-Box Multi-Objective Optimizing Problems with Binary Constraints

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We present a novel adaptive optimization algorithm for black-box multi-objective optimization problems with binary constraints on the foundation of Bayes optimization. Our method is based on probabilistic regression and classification models, which act as a surrogate for the optimization goals and allow us to suggest multiple design points at once in each iteration. The proposed acquisition function is intuitively understandable and can be tuned to the demands of the problems at hand. We also present a novel ellipsoid truncation method to speed up the expected hypervolume calculation in a straightfoward way for regression models with a normal probability density. We benchmark our approach with an evolutionary algorithm on multiple test problems.

Inferring Functional Properties from Fluid Dynamics Features

Andrea Schillaci, Maurizio Quadrio, Carlotta Pipolo, Marcello Restelli, Giacomo Boracchi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Convective Properties of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Medical Diagnosis

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In a wide range of applied problems involving fluid flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) provides detailed quantitative information on the flow field, at various levels of fidelity and computational cost. However, CFD alone cannot predict high-level functional properties of the system that are not easily obtained from the equations of fluid motion. In this work, we present a data-driven framework to extract additional information, such as medical diagnostic output, from CFD solutions. The task is made difficult by the huge data dimensionality of CFD, together with the limited amount of training data implied by its high computational cost. By pursuing a traditional ML pipeline of pre-processing, feature extraction, and model training, we demonstrate that informative features can be extracted from CFD data. Two experiments, pertaining to different application domains, support the claim that the convective properties implicit into a CFD solution can be leveraged to retrieve functional information for which an analytical definition is missing. Despite the preliminary nature of our study and the relative simplicity of both the geometrical and CFD models, for the first time we demonstrate that the combination of ML and CFD can diagnose a complex system in terms of high-level functional information.

Comparison of Deep Learning and Hand Crafted Features for Mining Simulation Data

Theodoros Georgiou, Sebastian Schmitt, Thomas Baeck, Nan Pu, Wei Chen, Michael Lew

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Data Analysis of Flow Fields in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are a very important tool for many industrial applications, such as aerodynamic optimization of engineering designs like cars shapes, airplanes parts etc. The output of such simulations, in particular the calculated flow fields, are usually very complex and hard to interpret for realistic three-dimensional real-world applications, especially if time-dependent simulations are investigated. Automated data analysis methods are warranted but a non-trivial obstacle is given by the very large dimensionality of the data. A flow field typically consists of six measurement values for each point of the computational grid in 3D space and time (velocity vector values, turbulent kinetic energy, pressure and viscosity). In this paper we address the task of extracting meaningful results in an automated manner from such high dimensional data sets. We propose deep learning methods which are capable of processing such data and which can be trained to solve relevant tasks on simulation data, i.e. predicting drag and lift forces applied on an airfoil. We also propose an adaptation of the classical hand crafted features known from computer vision to address the same problem and compare a large variety of descriptors and detectors. Finally, we compile a large dataset of 2D simulations of the flow field around airfoils which contains 16000 flow fields with which we tested and compared approaches. Our results show that the deep learning-based methods, as well as hand crafted feature based approaches, are well-capable to accurately describe the content of the CFD simulation output on the proposed dataset.

Electroencephalography Signal Processing Based on Textural Features for Monitoring the Driver’s State by a Brain-Computer Interface

Giulia Orrù, Marco Micheletto, Fabio Terranova, Gian Luca Marcialis

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Auto-TLDR; One-dimensional Local Binary Pattern Algorithm for Estimating Driver Vigilance in a Brain-Computer Interface System

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In this study we investigate a textural processing method of electroencephalography (EEG) signal as an indicator to estimate the driver's vigilance in a hypothetical Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) system. The novelty of the solution proposed relies on employing the one-dimensional Local Binary Pattern (1D-LBP) algorithm for feature extraction from pre-processed EEG data. From the resulting feature vector, the classification is done according to three vigilance classes: awake, tired and drowsy. The claim is that the class transitions can be detected by describing the variations of the micro-patterns' occurrences along the EEG signal. The 1D-LBP is able to describe them by detecting mutual variations of the signal temporarily "close" as a short bit-code. Our analysis allows to conclude that the 1D-LBP adoption has led to significant performance improvement. Moreover, capturing the class transitions from the EEG signal is effective, although the overall performance is not yet good enough to develop a BCI for assessing the driver's vigilance in real environments.

Assortative-Constrained Stochastic Block Models

Daniel Gribel, Thibaut Vidal, Michel Gendreau

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Stochastic Block Models for Assortative Communities in Neural Networks

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Stochastic block models (SBMs) are often used to find assortative community structures in networks, such that the probability of connections within communities is higher than in between communities. However, classic SBMs are not limited to assortative structures. In this study, we discuss the implications of this model-inherent indifference towards assortativity or disassortativity, and show that it can lead to undesirable outcomes in datasets which are known to be assortative but which contain a reduced amount of information. To circumvent these issues, we propose a constrained SBM that imposes strong assortativity constraints, along with efficient algorithmic solutions. These constraints significantly boost community-detection capabilities in regimes which are close to the detectability threshold. They also permit to identify structurally-different communities in networks representing cerebral-cortex activity regions.

Learning Parameter Distributions to Detect Concept Drift in Data Streams

Johannes Haug, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel framework for the detection of concept drift in streaming environments

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Data distributions in streaming environments are usually not stationary. In order to maintain a high predictive quality at all times, online learning models need to adapt to distributional changes, which are known as concept drift. The timely and robust identification of concept drift can be difficult, as we never have access to the true distribution of streaming data. In this work, we propose a novel framework for the detection of real concept drift, called ERICS. By treating the parameters of a predictive model as random variables, we show that concept drift corresponds to a change in the distribution of optimal parameters. To this end, we adopt common measures from information theory. The proposed framework is completely model-agnostic. By choosing an appropriate base model, ERICS is also capable to detect concept drift at the input level, which is a significant advantage over existing approaches. An evaluation on several synthetic and real-world data sets suggests that the proposed framework identifies concept drift more effectively and precisely than various existing works.

Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Techniques for Spectrum Reconstruction

Adriano Simonetto, Vincent Parret, Alexander Gatto, Piergiorgio Sartor, Pietro Zanuttigh

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Auto-TLDR; hyperspectral data estimation from RGB data using semi-supervised learning

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State-of-the-art approaches for the estimation of hyperspectral images (HSI) from RGB data are mostly based on deep learning techniques but due to the lack of training data their performances are limited to uncommon scenarios where a large hyperspectral database is available. In this work we present a family of novel deep learning schemes for hyperspectral data estimation able to work when the hyperspectral information at our disposal is limited. Firstly, we introduce a learning scheme exploiting a physical model based on the backward mapping to the RGB space and total variation regularization that can be trained with a limited amount of HSI images. Then, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning scheme able to work even with just a few pixels labeled with hyperspectral information. Finally, we show that the approach can be extended to a transfer learning scenario. The proposed techniques allow to reach impressive performances while requiring only some HSI images or just a few pixels for the training.

Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark

Kai Cordes, Hellward Broszio

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Auto-TLDR; A Benchmark for Automated Cooperative Maneuvering Using Multi-view Video Streams and Ground Truth Vehicle Description

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Automated driving is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. In this context, connected vehicles have an important role regarding their ability to perform cooperative maneuvers for challenging traffic situations. We propose a benchmark for automated cooperative maneuvers. The targeted cooperative maneuver is the vehicle lane merge where a vehicle on the acceleration lane merges into the traffic of a motorway. The benchmark enables the evaluation of vehicle localization approaches as well as the study of cooperative maneuvers. It consists of temporally synchronized multi-view video streams, highly accurate camera calibration, and ground truth vehicle descriptions, including position, heading, speed, and shape. For benchmark generation, the lane merge maneuver is performed by human drivers on a test track, resulting in 120 lane merge data sets with various traffic situations and video recording conditions.

Location Prediction in Real Homes of Older Adults based on K-Means in Low-Resolution Depth Videos

Simon Simonsson, Flávia Dias Casagrande, Evi Zouganeli

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Learning for Location Recognition and Prediction in Smart Homes using Depth Video Cameras

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In this paper we propose a novel method for location recognition and prediction in smart homes based on semi-supervised learning. We use data collected from low-resolution depth video cameras installed in four apartments with older adults over 70 years of age, and collected during a period of one to seven weeks. The location of the person in the depth images is detected by a person detection algorithm adapted from YOLO (You Only Look Once). The locations extracted from the videos are then clustered using K-means clustering. Sequence prediction algorithms are used to predict the next cluster (location) based on the previous clusters (locations). The accuracy of predicting the next location is up to 91%, a significant improvement compared to the case where binary sensors are placed in the apartment based on human intuition. The paper presents an analysis on the effect of the memory length (i.e. the number of previous clusters used to predict the next one), and on the amount of recorded data required to converge.

Content-Sensitive Superpixels Based on Adaptive Regrowth

Xiaopeng Li, Junlin Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Regrowth for Content-Sensitive Superpixels

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In this paper, we propose an efficient method to produce content-sensitive superpixels. Our method produces regular superpixels in relatively homogeneous regions and captures object boundaries in content-dense regions. Compared with the existing content-sensitive superpixel methods,a new adaptive regrowth strategy with an explicit boundary constraint is proposed.The boundary constraint limits the shapes and the sizes of superpixels to ensure semantic consistency. The adaptive regrowth strategy generates more superpixels to capture small objects in content-dense regions. Experiments on the BSDS500 benchmark show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art superpixel methods in terms of content sensitivity and several standard evaluation metrics.

Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Confidence Based Filtering and Dataset Partitioning

Christian Haase-Schütz, Rainer Stal, Heinz Hertlein, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; Meta Training and Labelling for Unlabelled Data

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State-of-the-art, high capacity deep neural networks not only require large amounts of labelled training data, they are also highly susceptible to labelling errors in this data, typically resulting in large efforts and costs and therefore limiting the applicability of deep learning. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel meta training and labelling scheme that is able to use inexpensive unlabelled data by taking advantage of the generalization power of deep neural networks. We show experimentally that by solely relying on one network architecture and our proposed scheme of combining self-training with pseudolabels, both label quality and resulting model accuracy, can be improved significantly. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results, while being architecture agnostic and therefore broadly applicable. Compared to other methods dealing with erroneous labels, our approach does neither require another network to be trained, nor does it necessarily need an additional, highly accurate reference label set. Instead of removing samples from a labelled set, our technique uses additional sensor data without the need for manual labelling. Furthermore, our approach can be used for semi-supervised learning.

Self-Paced Bottom-Up Clustering Network with Side Information for Person Re-Identification

Mingkun Li, Chun-Guang Li, Ruo-Pei Guo, Jun Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Paced Bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

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Person re-identification (Re-ID) has attracted a lot of research attention in recent years. However, supervised methods demand an enormous amount of manually annotated data. In this paper, we propose a Self-Paced bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information (SPCNet-SI) for unsupervised person Re-ID, where the side information comes from the serial number of the camera associated with each image. Specifically, our proposed SPCNet-SI exploits the camera side information to guide the feature learning and uses soft label in bottom-up clustering process, in which the camera association information is used in the repelled loss and the soft label based cluster information is used to select the candidate cluster pairs to merge. Moreover, a self-paced dynamic mechanism is developed to regularize the merging process such that the clustering is implemented in an easy-to-hard way with a slow-to-fast merging process. Experiments on two benchmark datasets Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID demonstrate promising performance.

A Novel Adaptive Minority Oversampling Technique for Improved Classification in Data Imbalanced Scenarios

Ayush Tripathi, Rupayan Chakraborty, Sunil Kumar Kopparapu

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Minority OverSampling Technique for Imbalanced Data

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Imbalance in the proportion of training samples belonging to different classes often poses performance degradation of conventional classifiers. This is primarily due to the tendency of the classifier to be biased towards the majority classes in the imbalanced dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel three step technique to address imbalanced data. As a first step we significantly oversample the minority class distribution by employing the traditional Synthetic Minority OverSampling Technique (SMOTE) algorithm using the neighborhood of the minority class samples and in the next step we partition the generated samples using a Gaussian-Mixture Model based clustering algorithm. In the final step synthetic data samples are chosen based on the weight associated with the cluster, the weight itself being determined by the distribution of the majority class samples. Extensive experiments on several standard datasets from diverse domains show the usefulness of the proposed technique in comparison with the original SMOTE and its state-of-the-art variants algorithms.

Recovery of 2D and 3D Layout Information through an Advanced Image Stitching Algorithm Using Scanning Electron Microscope Images

Aayush Singla, Bernhard Lippmann, Helmut Graeb

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Auto-TLDR; Image Stitching for True Geometrical Layout Recovery in Nanoscale Dimension

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Image stitching describes the process of reconstruction of a high resolution image from combining multiple images. Using a scanning electron microscope as the image source, individual images will show patterns in a nm dimension whereas the combined image may cover an area of several mm2. The recovery of the physical layout of modern semiconductor products manufactured in advanced technologies nodes down to 22 nm requires a perfect stitching process with no deviation with respect to the original design data, as any stitching error will result in failures during the reconstruction of the electrical design. In addition, the recovery of the complete design requires the acquisition of all individual layers of a semiconductor device which represent a 3D structure with interconnections defining error limits on the stitching error for each individual scanned image mosaic. An advanced stitching and alignment process is presented enabling a true geometrical layout recovery in nanoscale dimensions which is also applied and evaluated on other use cases from biological applications.

Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation

Runsheng Xu, Faezeh Tafazzoli, Li Zhang, Timo Rehfeld, Gunther Krehl, Arunava Seal

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Auto-TLDR; Fused Multi-Sensory Data for Stop Lines Detection in Intersection Scenarios

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Intersection scenarios provide the most complex traffic situations in Autonomous Driving and Driving Assistance Systems. Knowing where to stop in advance in an intersection is an essential parameter in controlling the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle. Most of the existing methods in literature solely use cameras to detect stop lines, which is typically not sufficient in terms of detection range. To address this issue, we propose a method that takes advantage of fused multi-sensory data including stereo camera and lidar as input and utilizes a carefully designed convolutional neural network architecture to detect stop lines. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can improve detection range compared to camera data alone, works under heavy occlusion without observing the ground markings explicitly, is able to predict stop lines for all lanes and allows detection at a distance up to 50 meters.

Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization

Aliaksei Mikhailiuk, Clifford Wilmot, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Dingcheng Yue, Rafal Mantiuk

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Auto-TLDR; ASAP: An Active Sampling Algorithm for Pairwise Comparison Data

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Pairwise comparison data arise in many domains with subjective assessment experiments, for example in image and video quality assessment. In these experiments observers are asked to express a preference between two conditions. However, many pairwise comparison protocols require a large number of comparisons to infer accurate scores, which may be unfeasible when each comparison is time-consuming (e.g. videos) or expensive (e.g. medical imaging). This motivates the use of an active sampling algorithm that chooses only the most informative pairs for comparison. In this paper we propose ASAP, an active sampling algorithm based on approximate message passing and expected information gain maximization. Unlike most existing methods, which rely on partial updates of the posterior distribution, we are able to perform full updates and therefore much improve the accuracy of the inferred scores. The algorithm relies on three techniques for reducing computational cost: inference based on approximate message passing, selective evaluations of the information gain, and selecting pairs in a batch that forms a minimum spanning tree of the inverse of information gain. We demonstrate, with real and synthetic data, that ASAP offers the highest accuracy of inferred scores compared to the existing methods. We also provide an open-source GPU implementation of ASAP for large-scale experiments.

Are Multiple Cross-Correlation Identities Better Than Just Two? Improving the Estimate of Time Differences-Of-Arrivals from Blind Audio Signals

Danilo Greco, Jacopo Cavazza, Alessio Del Bue

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Blind Channel Identification Using Cross-Correlation Identity for Time Differences-of-Arrivals Estimation

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Given an unknown audio source, the estimation of time differences-of-arrivals (TDOAs) can be efficiently and robustly solved using blind channel identification and exploiting the cross-correlation identity (CCI). Prior "blind" works have improved the estimate of TDOAs by means of different algorithmic solutions and optimization strategies, while always sticking to the case N = 2 microphones. But what if we can obtain a direct improvement in performance by just increasing N? In this paper we try to investigate this direction, showing that, despite the arguable simplicity, this is capable of (sharply) improving upon state-of-the-art blind channel identification methods based on CCI, without modifying the computational pipeline. Inspired by our results, we seek to warm up the community and the practitioners by paving the way (with two concrete, yet preliminary, examples) towards joint approaches in which advances in the optimization are combined with an increased number of microphones, in order to achieve further improvements.

Explainable Online Validation of Machine Learning Models for Practical Applications

Wolfgang Fuhl, Yao Rong, Thomas Motz, Michael Scheidt, Andreas Markus Hartel, Andreas Koch, Enkelejda Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A Reformulation of Regression and Classification for Machine Learning Algorithm Validation

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We present a reformulation of the regression and classification, which aims to validate the result of a machine learning algorithm. Our reformulation simplifies the original problem and validates the result of the machine learning algorithm using the training data. Since the validation of machine learning algorithms must always be explainable, we perform our experiments with the kNN algorithm as well as with an algorithm based on conditional probabilities, which is proposed in this work. For the evaluation of our approach, three publicly available data sets were used and three classification and two regression problems were evaluated. The presented algorithm based on conditional probabilities is also online capable and requires only a fraction of memory compared to the kNN algorithm.

Calibration and Absolute Pose Estimation of Trinocular Linear Camera Array for Smart City Applications

Martin Ahrnbom, Mikael Nilsson, Håkan Ardö, Kalle Åström, Oksana Yastremska-Kravchenko, Aliaksei Laureshyn

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Auto-TLDR; Trinocular Linear Camera Array Calibration for Traffic Surveillance Applications

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A method for calibrating a Trinocular Linear Camera Array (TLCA) for traffic surveillance applications, such as towards smart cities, is presented. A TLCA-specific parametrization guarantees that the calibration finds a model where all the cameras are on a straight line. The method uses both a chequerboard close to the camera, as well as measured 3D points far from the camera: points measured in world coordinates, as well as their corresponding 2D points found manually in the images. Superior calibration accuracy can be obtained compared to standard methods using only a single data source, largely due to the use of chequerboards, while the line constraint in the parametrization allows for joint rectification. The improved triangulation accuracy, from 8-12 cm to around 6 cm when calibrating with 30-50 points in our experiment, allowing better road user analysis. The method is demonstrated by a proof-of-concept application where a point cloud is generated from multiple disparity maps, visualizing road user detections in 3D.