Picture-To-Amount (PITA): Predicting Relative Ingredient Amounts from Food Images

Jiatong Li, Fangda Han, Ricardo Guerrero, Vladimir Pavlovic

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Auto-TLDR; PITA: A Deep Learning Architecture for Predicting the Relative Amount of Ingredients from Food Images

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Increased awareness of the impact of food consumption on health and lifestyle today has given rise to novel data-driven food analysis systems. Although these systems may recognize the ingredients, a detailed analysis of their amounts in the meal, which is paramount for estimating the correct nutrition, is usually ignored. In this paper, we study the novel and challenging problem of predicting the relative amount of each ingredient from a food image. We propose PITA, the Picture-to-Amount deep learning architecture to solve the problem. More specifically, we predict the ingredient amounts using a domain-driven Wasserstein loss from image-to-recipe cross-modal embeddings learned to align the two views of food data. Experiments on a dataset of recipes collected from the Internet show the model generates promising results and improves the baselines on this challenging task.

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Multi-Task Learning for Calorie Prediction on a Novel Large-Scale Recipe Dataset Enriched with Nutritional Information

Robin Ruede, Verena Heusser, Lukas Frank, Monica Haurilet, Alina Roitberg, Rainer Stiefelhagen

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Auto-TLDR; Pic2kcal: Learning Food Recipes from Images for Calorie Estimation

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A rapidly growing amount of content posted online, such as food recipes, opens doors to new exciting applications at the intersection of vision and language. In this work, we aim to estimate the calorie amount of a meal directly from an image by learning from recipes people have published on the Internet, thus skipping time-consuming manual data annotation. Since there are few large-scale publicly available datasets captured in unconstrained environments, we propose the pic2kcal benchmark comprising 308,000 images from over 70,000 recipes including photographs, ingredients and instructions. To obtain nutritional information of the ingredients and automatically determine the ground-truth calorie value, we match the items in the recipes with structured information from a food item database. We evaluate various neural networks for regression of the calorie quantity and extend them with the multi-task paradigm. Our learning procedure combines the calorie estimation with prediction of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat amounts as well as a multi-label ingredient classification. Our experiments demonstrate clear benefits of multi-task learning for calorie estimation, surpassing the single-task calorie regression by 9.9%. To encourage further research on this task, we make the code for generating the dataset and the models publicly available.

RWMF: A Real-World Multimodal Foodlog Database

Pengfei Zhou, Cong Bai, Kaining Ying, Jie Xia, Lixin Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-World Multimodal Foodlog: A Real-World Foodlog Database for Diet Assistant

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With the increasing health concerns on diet, it's worthwhile to develop an intelligent assistant that can help users eat healthier. Such assistants can automatically give personal advice for the users' diet and generate health reports about eating on a regular basis. To boost the research on such diet assistant, we establish a real-world foodlog database using various methods such as filter, cluster and graph convolutional network. This database is built based on real-world lifelog and medical data, which is named as Real-World Multimodal Foodlog (RWMF). It contains 7500 multimodal pairs, and each pair consists of a food image paired with a line of personal biometrics data (such as Blood Glucose) and a textual food description of food composition paired with a line of food nutrition data. In this paper, we present the detailed procedures for setting up the database. We evaluate the performance of RWMF using different food classification and cross-modal retrieval approaches. We also test the performance of multimodal fusion on RWMF through ablation experiments. The experimental results show that the RWMF database is quite challenging and can be widely used to evaluate the performance of food analysis methods based on multimodal data.

Uncertainty-Aware Data Augmentation for Food Recognition

Eduardo Aguilar, Bhalaji Nagarajan, Rupali Khatun, Marc Bolaños, Petia Radeva

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Auto-TLDR; Data Augmentation for Food Recognition Using Epistemic Uncertainty

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Food recognition has recently attracted attention of many researchers. However, high food ambiguity, inter-class variability and intra-class similarity define a real challenge for the Deep learning and Computer Vision algorithms. In order to improve their performance, it is necessary to better understand what the model learns and, from this, to determine the type of data that should be additionally included for being the most beneficial to the training procedure. In this paper, we propose a new data augmentation strategy that estimates and uses the epistemic uncertainty to guide the model training. The method follows an active learning framework, where the new synthetic images are generated from the hard to classify real ones present in the training data based on the epistemic uncertainty. Hence, it allows the food recognition algorithm to focus on difficult images in order to learn their discriminatives features. On the other hand, avoiding data generation from images that do not contribute to the recognition makes it faster and more efficient. We show that the proposed method allows to improve food recognition and provides a better trade-off between micro- and macro-recall measures.

A CNN-RNN Framework for Image Annotation from Visual Cues and Social Network Metadata

Tobia Tesan, Pasquale Coscia, Lamberto Ballan

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Auto-TLDR; Context-Based Image Annotation with Multiple Semantic Embeddings and Recurrent Neural Networks

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Images represent a commonly used form of visual communication among people. Nevertheless, image classification may be a challenging task when dealing with unclear or non-common images needing more context to be correctly annotated. Metadata accompanying images on social-media represent an ideal source of additional information for retrieving proper neighborhoods easing image annotation task. To this end, we blend visual features extracted from neighbors and their metadata to jointly leverage context and visual cues. Our models use multiple semantic embeddings to achieve the dual objective of being robust to vocabulary changes between train and test sets and decoupling the architecture from the low-level metadata representation. Convolutional and recurrent neural networks (CNNs-RNNs) are jointly adopted to infer similarity among neighbors and query images. We perform comprehensive experiments on the NUS-WIDE dataset showing that our models outperform state-of-the-art architectures based on images and metadata, and decrease both sensory and semantic gaps to better annotate images.

Partially Supervised Multi-Task Network for Single-View Dietary Assessment

Ya Lu, Thomai Stathopoulou, Stavroula Mougiakakou

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Auto-TLDR; Food Volume Estimation from a Single Food Image via Geometric Understanding and Semantic Prediction

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Food volume estimation is an essential step in the pipeline of dietary assessment and demands the precise depth estimation of the food surface and table plane. Existing methods based on computer vision require either multi-image input or additional depth maps, reducing convenience of implementation and practical significance. Despite the recent advances in unsupervised depth estimation from a single image, the achieved performance in the case of large texture-less areas needs to be improved. In this paper, we propose a network architecture that jointly performs geometric understanding (i.e., depth prediction and 3D plane estimation) and semantic prediction on a single food image, enabling a robust and accurate food volume estimation regardless of the texture characteristics of the target plane. For the training of the network, only monocular videos with semantic ground truth are required, while the depth map and 3D plane ground truth are no longer needed. Experimental results on two separate food image databases demonstrate that our method performs robustly on texture-less scenarios and is superior to unsupervised networks and structure from motion based approaches, while it achieves comparable performance to fully-supervised methods.

Price Suggestion for Online Second-Hand Items

Liang Han, Zhaozheng Yin, Zhurong Xia, Li Guo, Mingqian Tang, Rong Jin

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Auto-TLDR; An Intelligent Price Suggestion System for Online Second-hand Items

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This paper describes an intelligent price suggestion system for online second-hand listings. In contrast to conventional pricing strategies which are employed to a large number of identical products, or to non-identical but similar products such as homes on Airbnb, the proposed system provides price suggestions for online second-hand items which are non-identical and fall into numerous different categories. Moreover, simplifying the item listing process for users is taken into consideration when designing the price suggestion system. Specifically, we design a truncate loss to train a vision-based price suggestion module which mainly takes some vision-based features as input to first classify whether an uploaded item image is qualified for price suggestion, and then offer price suggestions for items with qualified images. For the items with unqualified images, we encourage users to input some text descriptions of the items, and with the text descriptions, we design a multimodal item retrieval module to offer price suggestions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.

Beyond the Deep Metric Learning: Enhance the Cross-Modal Matching with Adversarial Discriminative Domain Regularization

Li Ren, Kai Li, Liqiang Wang, Kien Hua

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Auto-TLDR; Adversarial Discriminative Domain Regularization for Efficient Cross-Modal Matching

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Matching information across image and text modalities is a fundamental challenge for many applications that involve both vision and natural language processing. The objective is to find efficient similarity metrics to compare the similarity between visual and textual information. Existing approaches mainly match the local visual objects and the sentence words in a shared space with attention mechanisms. The matching performance is still limited because the similarity computation is based on simple comparisons of the matching features, ignoring the characteristics of their distribution in the data. In this paper, we address this limitation with an efficient learning objective that considers the discriminative feature distributions between the visual objects and sentence words. Specifically, we propose a novel Adversarial Discriminative Domain Regularization (ADDR) learning framework, beyond the paradigm metric learning objective, to construct a set of discriminative data domains within each image-text pairs. Our approach can generally improve the learning efficiency and the performance of existing metrics learning frameworks by regulating the distribution of the hidden space between the matching pairs. The experimental results show that this new approach significantly improves the overall performance of several popular cross-modal matching techniques (SCAN, VSRN, BFAN) on the MS-COCO and Flickr30K benchmarks.

VSR++: Improving Visual Semantic Reasoning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Matching

Hui Yuan, Yan Huang, Dongbo Zhang, Zerui Chen, Wenlong Cheng, Liang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Visual Semantic Reasoning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Matching

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Image-text matching has made great progresses recently, but there still remains challenges in fine-grained matching. To deal with this problem, we propose an Improved Visual Semantic Reasoning model (VSR++), which jointly models 1) global alignment between images and texts and 2) local correspondence between regions and words in a unified framework. To exploit their complementary advantages, we also develop a suitable learning strategy to balance their relative importance. As a result, our model can distinguish image regions and text words in a fine-grained level, and thus achieves the current stateof-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets.

RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification Via Image Modality Conversion

Huangpeng Dai, Qing Xie, Yanchun Ma, Yongjian Liu, Shengwu Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; CE2L: A Novel Network for Cross-Modality Re-identification with Feature Alignment

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As a cross modality retrieval task, RGB-infrared person re-identification(Re-ID) is an important and challenging tasking, because of its important role in video surveillance applications and large cross-modality variations between visible and infrared images. Most previous works addressed the problem of cross-modality gap with feature alignment by original feature representation learning straightly. In this paper, different from existing works, we propose a novel network(CE2L) to tackle the cross-modality gap with feature alignment. CE2L mainly focuses on adding discriminative information and learning robust features by converting modality between visible and infrared images. Its merits are highlighted in two aspects: 1)Using CycleGAN to convert infrared images into color images can not only increase the recognition characteristics of images, but also allow the our network to better learn the two modal image features; 2)Our novel method can serve as data augmentation. Specifically, it can increase data diversity and total data against over-fitting by converting labeled training images to another modal images. Extensive experimental results on two datasets demonstrate superior performance compared to the baseline and the state-of-the-art methods.

A Novel Attention-Based Aggregation Function to Combine Vision and Language

Matteo Stefanini, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Fully-Attentive Reduction for Vision and Language

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The joint understanding of vision and language has been recently gaining a lot of attention in both the Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing communities, with the emergence of tasks such as image captioning, image-text matching, and visual question answering. As both images and text can be encoded as sets or sequences of elements - like regions and words - proper reduction functions are needed to transform a set of encoded elements into a single response, like a classification or similarity score. In this paper, we propose a novel fully-attentive reduction method for vision and language. Specifically, our approach computes a set of scores for each element of each modality employing a novel variant of cross-attention, and performs a learnable and cross-modal reduction, which can be used for both classification and ranking. We test our approach on image-text matching and visual question answering, building fair comparisons with other reduction choices, on both COCO and VQA 2.0 datasets. Experimentally, we demonstrate that our approach leads to a performance increase on both tasks. Further, we conduct ablation studies to validate the role of each component of the approach.

Open-World Group Retrieval with Ambiguity Removal: A Benchmark

Ling Mei, Jian-Huang Lai, Zhanxiang Feng, Xiaohua Xie

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Auto-TLDR; P2GSM-AR: Re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios

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Group retrieval has attracted plenty of attention in artificial intelligence, traditional group retrieval researches assume that members in a group are unique and do not change under different cameras. However, the assumption may not be met for practical situations such as open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios. This paper tackles an important yet non-studied problem: re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios in different camera fields. The open-world scenario considers that there are probably non-target people for the probe set appear in the searching gallery, while the group-ambiguity scenario means the group members may change. The open-world and group-ambiguity issue is very challenging for the existing methods because the changing of group members results in dramatic visual variations. Nevertheless, as far as we know, the existing literature lacks benchmarks which target on coping with this issue. In this paper, we propose a new group retrieval dataset named OWGA-Campus to consider these challenges. Moreover, we propose a person-to-group similarity matching based ambiguity removal (P2GSM-AR) method to solve these problems and realize the intention of group retrieval. Experimental results on OWGA-Campus dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed P2GSM-AR approach in improving the performance of the state-of-the-art feature extraction methods of person re-id towards the open-world and ambiguous group retrieval task.

Transformer Reasoning Network for Image-Text Matching and Retrieval

Nicola Messina, Fabrizio Falchi, Andrea Esuli, Giuseppe Amato

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Auto-TLDR; A Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network for Image-Text Matching in Large-Scale Information Retrieval

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Image-text matching is an interesting and fascinating task in modern AI research. Despite the evolution of deep-learning-based image and text processing systems, multi-modal matching remains a challenging problem. In this work, we consider the problem of accurate image-text matching for the task of multi-modal large-scale information retrieval. State-of-the-art results in image-text matching are achieved by inter-playing image and text features from the two different processing pipelines, usually using mutual attention mechanisms. However, this invalidates any chance to extract separate visual and textual features needed for later indexing steps in large-scale retrieval systems. In this regard, we introduce the Transformer Encoder Reasoning Network (TERN), an architecture built upon one of the modern relationship-aware self-attentive architectures, the Transformer Encoder (TE). This architecture is able to separately reason on the two different modalities and to enforce a final common abstract concept space by sharing the weights of the deeper transformer layers. Thanks to this design, the implemented network is able to produce compact and very rich visual and textual features available for the successive indexing step. Experiments are conducted on the MS-COCO dataset, and we evaluate the results using a discounted cumulative gain metric with relevance computed exploiting caption similarities, in order to assess possibly non-exact but relevant search results. We demonstrate that on this metric we are able to achieve state-of-the-art results in the image retrieval task. Our code is freely available at https://github.com/mesnico/TERN.

Cross-Media Hash Retrieval Using Multi-head Attention Network

Zhixin Li, Feng Ling, Chuansheng Xu, Canlong Zhang, Huifang Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Cross-Media Hash Retrieval Using Multi-Head Attention Network

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The cross-media hash retrieval method is to encode multimedia data into a common binary hash space, which can effectively measure the correlation between samples from different modalities. In order to further improve the retrieval accuracy, this paper proposes an unsupervised cross-media hash retrieval method based on multi-head attention network. First of all, we use a multi-head attention network to make better matching images and texts, which contains rich semantic information. At the same time, an auxiliary similarity matrix is constructed to integrate the original neighborhood information from different modalities. Therefore, this method can capture the potential correlations between different modalities and within the same modality, so as to make up for the differences between different modalities and within the same modality. Secondly, the method is unsupervised and does not require additional semantic labels, so it has the potential to achieve large-scale cross-media retrieval. In addition, batch normalization and replacement hash code generation functions are adopted to optimize the model, and two loss functions are designed, which make the performance of this method exceed many supervised deep cross-media hash methods. Experiments on three datasets show that the average performance of this method is about 5 to 6 percentage points higher than the state-of-the-art unsupervised method, which proves the effectiveness and superiority of this method.

Integrating Historical States and Co-Attention Mechanism for Visual Dialog

Tianling Jiang, Yi Ji, Chunping Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Integrating Historical States and Co-attention for Visual Dialog

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Visual dialog is a typical multi-modal task which involves both vision and language. Nowadays, it faces two major difficulties. In this paper, we propose Integrating Historical States and Co-attention (HSCA) for visual dialog to solve them. It includes two main modules, Co-ATT and MATCH. Specifically, the main purpose of the Co-ATT module is to guide the image with questions and answers in the early stage to get more specific objects. It tackles the temporal sequence issue in historical information which may influence the precise answer for multi-round questions. The MATCH module is, based on a question with pronouns, to retrieve the best matching historical information block. It overcomes the visual reference problem which requires to solve pronouns referring to unknowns in the text message and then to locate the objects in the given image. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate our model on VisDial v1.0, at the same time, ablation studies are carried out. The experimental results demonstrate that HSCA outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in many aspects.

Attentive Part-Aware Networks for Partial Person Re-Identification

Lijuan Huo, Chunfeng Song, Zhengyi Liu, Zhaoxiang Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Part-Aware Learning for Partial Person Re-identification

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Partial person re-identification (re-ID) refers to re-identify a person through occluded images. It suffers from two major challenges, i.e., insufficient training data and incomplete probe image. In this paper, we introduce an automatic data augmentation module and a part-aware learning method for partial re-identification. On the one hand, we adopt the data augmentation to enhance the training data and help learns more stabler partial features. On the other hand, we intuitively find that the partial person images usually have fixed percentages of parts, therefore, in partial person re-id task, the probe image could be cropped from the pictures and divided into several different partial types following fixed ratios. Based on the cropped images, we propose the Cropping Type Consistency (CTC) loss to classify the cropping types of partial images. Moreover, in order to help the network better fit the generated and cropped data, we incorporate the Block Attention Mechanism (BAM) into the framework for attentive learning. To enhance the retrieval performance in the inference stage, we implement cropping on gallery images according to the predicted types of probe partial images. Through calculating feature distances between the partial image and the cropped holistic gallery images, we can recognize the right person from the gallery. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on the partial re-ID benchmarks and achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Webly Supervised Image-Text Embedding with Noisy Tag Refinement

Niluthpol Mithun, Ravdeep Pasricha, Evangelos Papalexakis, Amit Roy-Chowdhury

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Joint Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval Using Web Images

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In this paper, we address the problem of utilizing web images in training robust joint embedding models for the image-text retrieval task. Prior webly supervised approaches directly leverage weakly annotated web images in the joint embedding learning framework. The objective of these approaches would suffer significantly when the ratio of noisy and missing tags associated with the web images is very high. In this regard, we propose a CP decomposition based tensor completion framework to refine the tags of web images by modeling observed ternary inter-relations between the sets of labeled images, tags, and web images as a tensor. To effectively deal with the high ratio of missing entries likely in our case, we incorporate intra-modal correlation as side information in the proposed framework. Our tag refinement approach combined with existing web supervised image-text embedding approaches provide a more principled way for learning the joint embedding models in the presence of significant noise from web data and limited clean labeled data. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach helps to achieve a significant performance gain in image-text retrieval.

PrivAttNet: Predicting Privacy Risks in Images Using Visual Attention

Chen Zhang, Thivya Kandappu, Vigneshwaran Subbaraju

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Auto-TLDR; PrivAttNet: A Visual Attention Based Approach for Privacy Sensitivity in Images

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Visual privacy concerns associated with image sharing is a critical issue that need to be addressed to enable safe and lawful use of online social platforms. Users of social media platforms often suffer from no guidance in sharing sensitive images in public, and often face with social and legal consequences. Given the recent success of visual attention based deep learning methods in measuring abstract phenomena like image memorability, we are motivated to investigate whether visual attention based methods could be useful in measuring psycho-physical phenomena like "privacy sensitivity". In this paper we propose PrivAttNet -- a visual attention based approach, that can be trained end-to-end to estimate the privacy sensitivity of images without explicitly detecting objects and attributes present in the image. We show that our PrivAttNet model outperforms various SOTA and baseline strategies -- a 1.6 fold reduction in $L1-error$ over SOTA and 7%--10% improvement in Spearman-rank correlation between the predicted and ground truth sensitivity scores. Additionally, the attention maps from PrivAttNet are found to be useful in directing the users to the regions that are responsible for generating the privacy risk score.

Using Scene Graphs for Detecting Visual Relationships

Anurag Tripathi, Siddharth Srivastava, Brejesh Lall, Santanu Chaudhury

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Auto-TLDR; Relationship Detection using Context Aligned Scene Graph Embeddings

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In this paper we solve the problem of detecting relationships between pairs of objects in an image. We develop spatially aware word embeddings using scene graphs and use joint feature representations containing visual, spatial and semantic embeddings from the input images to train a deep network on the task of relationship detection. Further, we propose to utilize context aligned scene graph embeddings from the train set, without requiring explicit availability of scene graphs at test time. We show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for predicate detection and provides competing results on relationship detection. We also show the generalization ability of the proposed method by performing predictions under zero shot settings. Further, we also provide an exhaustive empirical evaluation on each component of the proposed network.

SL-DML: Signal Level Deep Metric Learning for Multimodal One-Shot Action Recognition

Raphael Memmesheimer, Nick Theisen, Dietrich Paulus

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Auto-TLDR; One-Shot Action Recognition using Metric Learning

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Recognizing an activity with a single reference sample using metric learning approaches is a promising research field. The majority of few-shot methods focus on object recognition or face-identification. We propose a metric learning approach to reduce the action recognition problem to a nearest neighbor search in embedding space. We encode signals into images and extract features using a deep residual CNN. Using triplet loss, we learn a feature embedding. The resulting encoder transforms features into an embedding space in which closer distances encode similar actions while higher distances encode different actions. Our approach is based on a signal level formulation and remains flexible across a variety of modalities. It further outperforms the baseline on the large scale NTU RGB+D 120 dataset for the One-Shot action recognition protocol by \ntuoneshotimpro%. With just 60% of the training data, our approach still outperforms the baseline approach by \ntuoneshotimproreduced%. With 40% of the training data, our approach performs comparably well as the second follow up. Further, we show that our approach generalizes well in experiments on the UTD-MHAD dataset for inertial, skeleton and fused data and the Simitate dataset for motion capturing data. Furthermore, our inter-joint and inter-sensor experiments suggest good capabilities on previously unseen setups.

Multi-Label Contrastive Focal Loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

Xiaoqiang Zheng, Zhenxia Yu, Lin Chen, Fan Zhu, Shilong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-label Contrastive Focal Loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

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Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) has received extensive attention during the past few years. With the advances of deep constitutional neural networks (CNNs), the performance of PAR has been significantly improved. Existing methods tend to acquire attribute-specific features by designing various complex network structures with additional modules. Such additional modules, however, dramatically increase the number of parameters. Meanwhile, the problems of class imbalance and hard attribute retrieving remain underestimated in PAR. In this paper, we explore the optimization mechanism of the training processing to account for these problems and propose a new loss function called Multi-label Contrastive Focal Loss (MCFL). This proposed MCFL emphasizes the hard and minority attributes by using a separated re-weighting mechanism for different positive and negative classes to alleviate the impact of the imbalance. MCFL is also able to enlarge the gaps between the intra-class of multi-label attributes, to force CNNs to extract more subtle discriminative features. We evaluate the proposed MCFL on three large public pedestrian datasets, including RAP, PA-100K, and PETA. The experimental results indicate that the proposed MCFL with the ResNet-50 backbone is able to outperform other state-of-the-art approaches in comparison.

MEG: Multi-Evidence GNN for Multimodal Semantic Forensics

Ekraam Sabir, Ayush Jaiswal, Wael Abdalmageed, Prem Natarajan

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Auto-TLDR; Scalable Image Repurposing Detection with Graph Neural Network Based Model

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Image repurposing is a category of fake news where a digitally unmanipulated image is misrepresented by means of its accompanying metadata such as captions, location, etc., where the image and accompanying metadata together comprise a multimedia package. The problem setup is to authenticate a query multimedia package using a reference dataset of potentially related packages as evidences. Existing methods are limited to using a single evidence (retrieved package), which ignores potential performance improvement from the use of multiple evidences. In this work, we introduce a novel graph neural network based model for image repurposing detection, which effectively utilizes multiple retrieved packages as evidences and is scalable with the number of evidences. We compare the scalability and performance of our model against existing methods. Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms existing state-of-the-art for image repurposing detection with an error reduction of up to 25%.

Progressive Learning Algorithm for Efficient Person Re-Identification

Zhen Li, Hanyang Shao, Liang Niu, Nian Xue

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Learning Algorithm for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification

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This paper studies the problem of Person Re-Identification (ReID) for large-scale applications. Recent research efforts have been devoted to building complicated part models, which introduce considerably high computational cost and memory consumption, inhibiting its practicability in large-scale applications. This paper aims to develop a novel learning strategy to find efficient feature embeddings while maintaining the balance of accuracy and model complexity. More specifically, we find by enhancing the classical triplet loss together with cross-entropy loss, our method can explore the hard examples and build a discriminant feature embedding yet compact enough for large-scale applications. Our method is carried out progressively using Bayesian optimization, and we call it the Progressive Learning Algorithm (PLA). Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets show that our PLA is comparable or better than the state-of-the-arts. Especially, on the challenging Market-1501 dataset, we achieve Rank-1=94.7\%/mAP=89.4\% while saving at least 30\% parameters than strong part models.

VSB^2-Net: Visual-Semantic Bi-Branch Network for Zero-Shot Hashing

Xin Li, Xiangfeng Wang, Bo Jin, Wenjie Zhang, Jun Wang, Hongyuan Zha

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Auto-TLDR; VSB^2-Net: inductive zero-shot hashing for image retrieval

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Zero-shot hashing aims at learning hashing model from seen classes and the obtained model is capable of generalizing to unseen classes for image retrieval. Inspired by zero-shot learning, existing zero-shot hashing methods usually transfer the supervised knowledge from seen to unseen classes, by embedding the hamming space to a shared semantic space. However, this makes instances difficult to distinguish due to limited hashing bit numbers, especially for semantically similar unseen classes. We propose a novel inductive zero-shot hashing framework, i.e., VSB^2-Net, where both semantic space and visual feature space are embedded to the same hamming space instead. The reconstructive semantic relationships are established in the hamming space, preserving local similarity relationships and explicitly enlarging the discrepancy between semantic hamming vectors. A two-task architecture, comprising of classification module and visual feature reconstruction module, is employed to enhance the generalization and transfer abilities. Extensive evaluation results on several benchmark datasets demonstratethe superiority of our proposed method compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.

Multi-Stage Attention Based Visual Question Answering

Aakansha Mishra, Ashish Anand, Prithwijit Guha

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Auto-TLDR; Alternative Bi-directional Attention for Visual Question Answering

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Recent developments in the field of Visual Question Answering (VQA) have witnessed promising improvements in performance through contributions in attention based networks. Most such approaches have focused on unidirectional attention that leverage over attention from textual domain (question) on visual space. These approaches mostly focused on learning high-quality attention in the visual space. In contrast, this work proposes an alternating bi-directional attention framework. First, a question to image attention helps to learn the robust visual space embedding, and second, an image to question attention helps to improve the question embedding. This attention mechanism is realized in an alternating fashion i.e. question-to-image followed by image-to-question and is repeated for maximizing performance. We believe that this process of alternating attention generation helps both the modalities and leads to better representations for the VQA task. This proposal is benchmark on TDIUC dataset and against state-of-art approaches. Our ablation analysis shows that alternate attention is the key to achieve high performance in VQA.

On Identification and Retrieval of Near-Duplicate Biological Images: A New Dataset and Protocol

Thomas E. Koker, Sai Spandana Chintapalli, San Wang, Blake A. Talbot, Daniel Wainstock, Marcelo Cicconet, Mary C. Walsh

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Auto-TLDR; BINDER: Bio-Image Near-Duplicate Examples Repository for Image Identification and Retrieval

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Manipulation and re-use of images in scientific publications is a growing issue, not only for biomedical publishers, but also for the research community in general. In this work we introduce BINDER -- Bio-Image Near-Duplicate Examples Repository, a novel dataset to help researchers develop, train, and test models to detect same-source biomedical images. BINDER contains 7,490 unique image patches for model training, 1,821 same-size patch duplicates for validation and testing, and 868 different-size image/patch pairs for image retrieval validation and testing. Except for the training set, patches already contain manipulations including rotation, translation, scale, perspective transform, contrast adjustment and/or compression artifacts. We further use the dataset to demonstrate how novel adaptations of existing image retrieval and metric learning models can be applied to achieve high-accuracy inference results, creating a baseline for future work. In aggregate, we thus present a supervised protocol for near-duplicate image identification and retrieval without any "real-world" training example. Our dataset and source code are available at hms-idac.github.io/BINDER.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

Future Urban Scenes Generation through Vehicles Synthesis

Alessandro Simoni, Luca Bergamini, Andrea Palazzi, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting the Future of an Urban Scene with a Novel View Synthesis Paradigm

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In this work we propose a deep learning pipeline to predict the visual future appearance of an urban scene. Despite recent advances, generating the entire scene in an end-to-end fashion is still far from being achieved. Instead, here we follow a two stages approach, where interpretable information is included in the loop and each actor is modelled independently. We leverage a per-object novel view synthesis paradigm; i.e. generating a synthetic representation of an object undergoing a geometrical roto-translation in the 3D space. Our model can be easily conditioned with constraints (e.g. input trajectories) provided by state-of-the-art tracking methods or by the user itself. This allows us to generate a set of diverse realistic futures starting from the same input in a multi-modal fashion. We visually and quantitatively show the superiority of this approach over traditional end-to-end scene-generation methods on CityFlow, a challenging real world dataset.

Hierarchical Multimodal Attention for Deep Video Summarization

Melissa Sanabria, Frederic Precioso, Thomas Menguy

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Summarization of Professional Soccer Matches Using Event-Stream Data and Multi- Instance Learning

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The way people consume sports on TV has drastically evolved in the last years, particularly under the combined effects of the legalization of sport betting and the huge increase of sport analytics. Several companies are nowadays sending observers in the stadiums to collect live data of all the events happening on the field during the match. Those data contain meaningful information providing a very detailed description of all the actions occurring during the match to feed the coaches and staff, the fans, the viewers, and the gamblers. Exploiting all these data, sport broadcasters want to generate extra content such as match highlights, match summaries, players and teams analytics, etc., to appeal subscribers. This paper explores the problem of summarizing professional soccer matches as automatically as possible using both the aforementioned event-stream data collected from the field and the content broadcasted on TV. We have designed an architecture, introducing first (1) a Multiple Instance Learning method that takes into account the sequential dependency among events and then (2) a hierarchical multimodal attention layer that grasps the importance of each event in an action. We evaluate our approach on matches from two professional European soccer leagues, showing its capability to identify the best actions for automatic summarization by comparing with real summaries made by human operators.

Multi-Modal Deep Clustering: Unsupervised Partitioning of Images

Guy Shiran, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Modal Deep Clustering for Unlabeled Images

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The clustering of unlabeled raw images is a daunting task, which has recently been approached with some success by deep learning methods. Here we propose an unsupervised clustering framework, which learns a deep neural network in an end-to-end fashion, providing direct cluster assignments of images without additional processing. Multi-Modal Deep Clustering (MMDC), trains a deep network to align its image embeddings with target points sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model distribution. The cluster assignments are then determined by mixture component association of image embeddings. Simultaneously, the same deep network is trained to solve an additional self-supervised task. This pushes the network to learn more meaningful image representations and stabilizes the training. Experimental results show that MMDC achieves or exceeds state-of-the-art performance on four challenging benchmarks. On natural image datasets we improve on previous results with significant margins of up to 11% absolute accuracy points, yielding an accuracy of 70% on CIFAR-10 and 61% on STL-10.

Adaptive L2 Regularization in Person Re-Identification

Xingyang Ni, Liang Fang, Heikki Juhani Huttunen

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Auto-TLDR; AdaptiveReID: Adaptive L2 Regularization for Person Re-identification

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We introduce an adaptive L2 regularization mechanism termed AdaptiveReID, in the setting of person re-identification. In the literature, it is common practice to utilize hand-picked regularization factors which remain constant throughout the training procedure. Unlike existing approaches, the regularization factors in our proposed method are updated adaptively through backpropagation. This is achieved by incorporating trainable scalar variables as the regularization factors, which are further fed into a scaled hard sigmoid function. Extensive experiments on the Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reID and MSMT17 datasets validate the effectiveness of our framework. Most notably, we obtain state-of-the-art performance on MSMT17, which is the largest dataset for person re-identification. Source code will be published at https://github.com/nixingyang/AdaptiveReID.

Dual Path Multi-Modal High-Order Features for Textual Content Based Visual Question Answering

Yanan Li, Yuetan Lin, Hongrui Zhao, Donghui Wang

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Auto-TLDR; TextVQA: An End-to-End Visual Question Answering Model for Text-Based VQA

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As a typical cross-modal problem, visual question answering (VQA) has received increasing attention from the communities of computer vision and natural language processing. Reading and reasoning about texts and visual contents in the images is a burgeoning and important research topic in VQA, especially for the visually impaired assistance applications. Given an image, it aims to predict an answer to a provided natural language question closely related to its textual contents. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end textual content based VQA model, which grounds question answering both on the visual and textual information. After encoding the image, question and recognized text words, it uses multi-modal factorized high-order modules and the attention mechanism to fuse question-image and question-text features respectively. The complex correlations among different features can be captured efficiently. To ensure the model's extendibility, it embeds candidate answers and recognized texts in a semantic embedding space and adopts semantic embedding based classifier to perform answer prediction. Extensive experiments on the newly proposed benchmark TextVQA demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve promising results.

Visual Oriented Encoder: Integrating Multimodal and Multi-Scale Contexts for Video Captioning

Bang Yang, Yuexian Zou

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Oriented Encoder for Video Captioning

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Video captioning is a challenging task which aims at automatically generating a natural language description of a given video. Recent researches have shown that exploiting the intrinsic multi-modalities of videos significantly promotes captioning performance. However, how to integrate multi-modalities to generate effective semantic representations for video captioning is still an open issue. Some researchers proposed to learn multimodal features in parallel during the encoding stage. The downside of these methods lies in the neglect of the interaction among multi-modalities and their rich contextual information. In this study, inspired by the fact that visual contents are generally more important for comprehending videos, we propose a novel Visual Oriented Encoder (VOE) to integrate multimodal features in an interactive manner. Specifically, VOE is designed as a hierarchical structure, where bottom layers are utilized to extract multi-scale contexts from auxiliary modalities while the top layer is exploited to generate joint representations by considering both visual and contextual information. Following the encoder-decoder framework, we systematically develop a VOE-LSTM model and evaluate it on two mainstream benchmarks: MSVD and MSR-VTT. Experimental results show that the proposed VOE surpasses conventional encoders and our VOE-LSTM model achieves competitive results compared with state-of-the-art approaches.

MAGNet: Multi-Region Attention-Assisted Grounding of Natural Language Queries at Phrase Level

Amar Shrestha, Krittaphat Pugdeethosapol, Haowen Fang, Qinru Qiu

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Auto-TLDR; MAGNet: A Multi-Region Attention-Aware Grounding Network for Free-form Textual Queries

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Grounding free-form textual queries necessitates an understanding of these textual phrases and its relation to the visual cues to reliably reason about the described locations. Spatial attention networks are known to learn this relationship and focus its gaze on salient objects in the image. Thus, we propose to utilize spatial attention networks for image-level visual-textual fusion preserving local (word) and global (phrase) information to refine region proposals with an in-network Region Proposal Network (RPN) and detect single or multiple regions for a phrase query. We focus only on the phrase query - ground truth pair (referring expression) for a model independent of the constraints of the datasets i.e. additional attributes, context etc. For such referring expression dataset ReferIt game, our Multi- region Attention-assisted Grounding network (MAGNet) achieves over 12% improvement over the state-of-the-art. Without the con- text from image captions and attribute information in Flickr30k Entities, we still achieve competitive results compared to the state- of-the-art.

Privacy Attributes-Aware Message Passing Neural Network for Visual Privacy Attributes Classification

Hanbin Hong, Wentao Bao, Yuan Hong, Yu Kong

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Auto-TLDR; Privacy Attributes-Aware Message Passing Neural Network for Visual Privacy Attribute Classification

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Visual Privacy Attribute Classification (VPAC) identifies privacy information leakage via social media images. These images containing privacy attributes such as skin color, face or gender are classified into multiple privacy attribute categories in VPAC. With limited works in this task, current methods often extract features from images and simply classify the extracted feature into multiple privacy attribute classes. The dependencies between privacy attributes, e.g., skin color and face typically co-exist in the same image, are usually ignored in classification, which causes performance degradation in VPAC. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end Privacy Attributes-aware Message Passing Neural Network (PA-MPNN) to address VPAC. Privacy attributes are considered as nodes on a graph and an MPNN is introduced to model the privacy attribute dependencies. To generate representative features for privacy attribute nodes, a class-wise encoder-decoder is proposed to learn a latent space for each attribute. An attention mechanism with multiple correlation matrices is also introduced in MPNN to learn the privacy attributes graph automatically. Experimental results on the Privacy Attribute Dataset demonstrate that our framework achieves better performance than state-of-the-art methods on visual privacy attributes classification.

Smart Inference for Multidigit Convolutional Neural Network Based Barcode Decoding

Duy-Thao Do, Tolcha Yalew, Tae Joon Jun, Daeyoung Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Smart Inference for Barcode Decoding using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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Barcodes are ubiquitous and have been used in most of critical daily activities for decades. However, most of traditional decoders require well-founded barcode under a relatively standard condition. While wilder conditioned barcodes such as underexposed, occluded, blurry, wrinkled and rotated are commonly captured in reality, those traditional decoders show weakness of recognizing. Several works attempted to solve those challenging barcodes, but many limitations still exist. This work aims to solve the decoding problem using deep convolutional neural network with the possibility of running on portable devices. Firstly, we proposed a special modification of inference based on the feature of having checksum and test-time augmentation, named as Smart Inference (SI) in prediction phase of a trained model. SI considerably boosts accuracy and reduces the false prediction for trained models. Secondly, we have created a large practical evaluation dataset of real captured 1D barcode under various challenging conditions to test our methods vigorously, which is publicly available for other researchers. The experiments' results demonstrated the SI effectiveness with the highest accuracy of 95.85% which outperformed many existing decoders on the evaluation set. Finally, we successfully minimized the best model by knowledge distillation to a shallow model which is shown to have high accuracy (90.85%) with good inference speed of 34.2 ms per image on a real edge device.

Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival

Yiwen Sun, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, Jieping Ye

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Auto-TLDR; Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival (RNML-ETA)

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Recently, deep learning have achieved promising results in Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), which is considered as predicting the travel time from the origin to the destination along a given path. One of the key techniques is to use embedding vectors to represent the elements of road network, such as the links (road segments). However, the embedding suffers from the data sparsity problem that many links in the road network are traversed by too few floating cars even in large ride-hailing platforms like Uber and DiDi. Insufficient data makes the embedding vectors in an under-fitting status, which undermines the accuracy of ETA prediction. To address the data sparsity problem, we propose the Road Network Metric Learning framework for ETA (RNML ETA). It consists of two components: (1) a main regression task to predict the travel time, and (2) an auxiliary metric learning task to improve the quality of link embedding vectors. We further propose the triangle loss, a novel loss function to improve the efficiency of metric learning. We validated the effectiveness of RNML-ETA on large scale real-world datasets, by showing that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art model and the promotion concentrates on the cold links with few data.

A Prototype-Based Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition

Jinting Wu, Yujia Zhang, Xiao-Guang Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Hand Gesture Recognition

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Hand gesture recognition plays a significant role in human-computer interaction for understanding various human gestures and their intent. However, most prior works can only recognize gestures of limited labeled classes and fail to adapt to new categories. The task of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) for hand gesture recognition aims to address the above issue by leveraging semantic representations and detecting both seen and unseen class samples. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end prototype-based GZSL framework for hand gesture recognition which consists of two branches. The first branch is a prototype-based detector that learns gesture representations and determines whether an input sample belongs to a seen or unseen category. The second branch is a zero-shot label predictor which takes the features of unseen classes as input and outputs predictions through a learned mapping mechanism between the feature and the semantic space. We further establish a hand gesture dataset that specifically targets this GZSL task, and comprehensive experiments on this dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach on recognizingQuestionnaire both seen and unseen gestures.

Deep Composer: A Hash-Based Duplicative Neural Network for Generating Multi-Instrument Songs

Jacob Galajda, Brandon Royal, Kien Hua

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Composer for Intelligence Duplication

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Music is one of the most appreciated forms of art, and generating songs has become a popular subject in the artificial intelligence community. There are various networks that can produce pleasant sounding music, but no model has been able to produce music that duplicates the style of a specific artist or artists. In this paper, we extend a previous single-instrument model: the Deep Composer -a model we believe to be capable of achieving this. Deep Composer originates from the Deep Segment Hash Learning (DSHL) single instrument model and is designed to learn how a specific artist would place individual segments of music together rather than create music similar to a specific genre. To the best of our knowledge, no other network has been designed to achieve this. For these reasons, we introduce a new field of study, Intelligence Duplication (ID). AI research generally focuses on developing techniques to mimic universal intelligence. Intelligence Duplication (ID) research focuses on techniques to artificially duplicate or clone a specific mind such as Mozart. Additionally, we present a new retrieval algorithm, Segment Barrier Retrieval (SBR), to improve retrieval accuracy within the hash-space as opposed to a more traditionally used feature-space. SBR prevents retrieval branches from entering areas of low-density within the hash-space, a phenomena we identify and label as segment sparsity. To test our Deep Composer and the effectiveness of SBR, we evaluate various models with different SBR threshold values and conduct qualitative surveys for each model. The survey results indicate that our Deep Composer model is capable of learning music generation from multiple composers. Our extended Deep Composer model provides a more suitable platform for Intelligence Duplication. Future work can apply this platform to duplicate great composers such as Mozart or allow them to collaborate in the virtual space.

Interpretable Structured Learning with Sparse Gated Sequence Encoder for Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction

Kishan K C, Feng Cui, Anne Haake, Rui Li

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting Protein-Protein Interactions Using Sequence Representations

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Predicting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) by learning informative representations from amino acid sequences is a challenging yet important problem in biology. Although various deep learning models in Siamese architecture have been proposed to model PPIs from sequences, these methods are computationally expensive for a large number of PPIs due to the pairwise encoding process. Furthermore, these methods are difficult to interpret because of non-intuitive mappings from protein sequences to their sequence representation. To address these challenges, we present a novel deep framework to model and predict PPIs from sequence alone. Our model incorporates a bidirectional gated recurrent unit to learn sequence representations by leveraging contextualized and sequential information from sequences. We further employ a sparse regularization to model long-range dependencies between amino acids and to select important amino acids (protein motifs), thus enhancing interpretability. Besides, the novel design of the encoding process makes our model computationally efficient and scalable to an increasing number of interactions. Experimental results on up-to-date interaction datasets demonstrate that our model achieves superior performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Literature-based case studies illustrate the ability of our model to provide biological insights to interpret the predictions.

Supporting Skin Lesion Diagnosis with Content-Based Image Retrieval

Stefano Allegretti, Federico Bolelli, Federico Pollastri, Sabrina Longhitano, Giovanni Pellacani, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; Skin Images Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Classification and Segmentation

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Given the relevance of skin cancer, many attempts have been dedicated to the creation of automated devices that could assist both expert and beginner dermatologists towards fast and early diagnosis of skin lesions. In recent years, tasks such as skin lesion classification and segmentation have been extensively addressed with deep learning algorithms, which in some cases reach a diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of expert physicians. However, the general lack of interpretability and reliability severely hinders the ability of those approaches to actually support dermatologists in the diagnosis process. In this paper a novel skin images retrieval system is presented, which exploits features extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks to gather similar images from a publicly available dataset, in order to assist the diagnosis process of both expert and novice practitioners. In the proposed framework, Resnet-50 is initially trained for the classification of dermoscopic images; then, the feature extraction part is isolated, and an embedding network is build on top of it. The embedding learns an alternative representation, which allows to check image similarity by means of a distance measure. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method is able to select meaningful images, which can effectively boost the classification accuracy of human dermatologists.

Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning

Vladislav Sovrasov, Dmitry Sidnev

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-Domain Generalization in Person Re-identification using Omni-Scale Network

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This work considers the problem of domain shift in person re-identification.Being trained on one dataset, a re-identification model usually performs much worse on unseen data. Partially this gap is caused by the relatively small scale of person re-identification datasets (compared to face recognition ones, for instance), but it is also related to training objectives. We propose to use the metric learning objective, namely AM-Softmax loss, and some additional training practices to build well-generalizing, yet, computationally efficient models. We use recently proposed Omni-Scale Network (OSNet) architecture combined with several training tricks and architecture adjustments to obtain state-of-the art results in cross-domain generalization problem on a large-scale MSMT17 dataset in three setups: MSMT17-all->DukeMTMC, MSMT17-train->Market1501 and MSMT17-all->Market1501.

Developing Motion Code Embedding for Action Recognition in Videos

Maxat Alibayev, David Andrea Paulius, Yu Sun

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Auto-TLDR; Motion Embedding via Motion Codes for Action Recognition

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We propose a motion embedding strategy via the motion codes that is a vectorized representation of motions based on their salient mechanical attributes. We show that our motion codes can provide robust motion representation. We train a deep neural network model that learns to embed demonstration videos into motion codes. We integrate the extracted features from the motion embedding model into the current state-of-the-art action recognition model. The obtained model achieved higher accuracy than the baseline on a verb classification task from egocentric videos in EPIC-KITCHENS dataset.

Attentive Visual Semantic Specialized Network for Video Captioning

Jesus Perez-Martin, Benjamin Bustos, Jorge Pérez

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Visual Semantic Specialized Network for Video Captioning

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As an essential high-level task of video understanding topic, automatically describing a video with natural language has recently gained attention as a fundamental challenge in computer vision. Previous models for video captioning have several limitations, such as the existence of gaps in current semantic representations and the inexpressibility of the generated captions. To deal with these limitations, in this paper, we present a new architecture that we callAttentive Visual Semantic Specialized Network(AVSSN), which is an encoder-decoder model based on our Adaptive Attention Gate and Specialized LSTM layers. This architecture can selectively decide when to use visual or semantic information into the text generation process. The adaptive gate makes the decoder to automatically select the relevant information for providing a better temporal state representation than the existing decoders. Besides, the model is capable of learning to improve the expressiveness of generated captions attending to their length, using a sentence-length-related loss function. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on the Microsoft Video Description(MSVD) and the Microsoft Research Video-to-Text (MSR-VTT) datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance with several popular evaluation metrics: BLEU-4, METEOR, CIDEr, and ROUGE_L.

Equation Attention Relationship Network (EARN) : A Geometric Deep Metric Framework for Learning Similar Math Expression Embedding

Saleem Ahmed, Kenny Davila, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju

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Auto-TLDR; Representational Learning for Similarity Based Retrieval of Mathematical Expressions

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Representational Learning in the form of high dimensional embeddings have been used for multiple pattern recognition applications. There has been a significant interest in building embedding based systems for learning representationsin the mathematical domain. At the same time, retrieval of structured information such as mathematical expressions is an important need for modern IR systems. In this work, our motivation is to introduce a robust framework for learning representations for similarity based retrieval of mathematical expressions. Given a query by example, the embedding can find the closest matching expression as a function of euclidean distance between them. We leverage recent advancements in image-based and graph-based deep learning algorithms to learn our similarity embeddings. We do this first, by using uni-modal encoders in graph space and image space and then, a multi-modal combination of the same. To overcome the lack of training data, we force the networks to learn a deep metric using triplets generated with a heuristic scoring function. We also adopt a custom strategy for mining hard samples to train our neural networks. Our system produces rankings similar to those generated by the original scoring function, but using only a fraction of the time. Our results establish the viability of using such a multi-modal embedding for this task.

Region and Relations Based Multi Attention Network for Graph Classification

Manasvi Aggarwal, M. Narasimha Murty

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Auto-TLDR; R2POOL: A Graph Pooling Layer for Non-euclidean Structures

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Graphs are non-euclidean structures that can represent many relational data efficiently. Many studies have proposed the convolution and the pooling operators on the non-euclidean domain. The graph convolution operators have shown astounding performance on various tasks such as node representation and classification. For graph classification, different pooling techniques are introduced, but none of them has considered both neighborhood of the node and the long-range dependencies of the node. In this paper, we propose a novel graph pooling layer R2POOL, which balances the structure information around the node as well as the dependencies with far away nodes. Further, we propose a new training strategy to learn coarse to fine representations. We add supervision at only intermediate levels to generate predictions using only intermediate-level features. For this, we propose the concept of an alignment score. Moreover, each layer's prediction is controlled by our proposed branch training strategy. This complete training helps in learning dominant class features at each layer for representing graphs. We call the combined model by R2MAN. Experiments show that R2MAN the potential to improve the performance of graph classification on various datasets.

Multi-Scale Cascading Network with Compact Feature Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Can Zhang, Hong Liu, Wei Guo, Mang Ye

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Scale Part-Aware Cascading for RGB-Infrared Person Re-identification

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RGB-Infrared person re-identification (RGB-IR Re-ID) aims to matching persons from heterogeneous images captured by visible and thermal cameras, which is of great significance in surveillance system under poor light conditions. Facing great challenges in complex variances including conventional single-modality and additional inter-modality discrepancies, most of existing RGB-IR Re-ID methods directly work on global features for simultaneous elimination, whereas modality-specific noises and modality-shared features are not well considered. To address these issues, a novel Multi-Scale Part-Aware Cascading framework (MSPAC) is formulated by aggregating multi-scale fine-grained features from part to global in a cascading manner, which results in an unified representation robust to noises. Moreover, a marginal exponential center (MeCen) loss is introduced to jointly eliminate mixed variances, which enables to model cross-modality correlations on sharable salient features. Extensive experiments are conducted for demonstration that the proposed method outperforms all the state-of-the-arts by a large margin.

One-Stage Multi-Task Detector for 3D Cardiac MR Imaging

Weizeng Lu, Xi Jia, Wei Chen, Nicolò Savioli, Antonio De Marvao, Linlin Shen, Declan O'Regan, Jinming Duan

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Learning for Real-Time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space

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Fast and accurate landmark location and bounding box detection are important steps in 3D medical imaging. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task learning framework, for real-time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space. Our method extends the famous single-shot multibox detector (SSD) from single-task learning to multi-task learning and from 2D to 3D. Furthermore, we propose a post-processing approach to refine the network landmark output, by averaging the candidate landmarks. Owing to these settings, the proposed framework is fast and accurate. For 3D cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images with size 224 × 224 × 64, our framework runs about 128 volumes per second (VPS) on GPU and achieves 6.75mm average point-to-point distance error for landmark location, which outperforms both state-of-the-art and baseline methods. We also show that segmenting the 3D image cropped with the bounding box results in both improved performance and efficiency.

Not 3D Re-ID: Simple Single Stream 2D Convolution for Robust Video Re-Identification

Toby Breckon, Aishah Alsehaim

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Auto-TLDR; ResNet50-IBN for Video-based Person Re-Identification using Single Stream 2D Convolution Network

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Video-based person re-identification has received increasing attention recently, as it plays an important role within the surveillance video analysis. Video-based Re-ID is an expansion of earlier image-based re-identification methods by learning features from a video via multiple image frames for each person. Most contemporary video Re-ID methods utilise complex CNN-based network architectures using 3D convolution or multi-branch networks to extract spatial-temporal features from the video. By contrast, in this paper, we will illustrate superior performance from a simple single stream 2D convolution network leveraging the ResNet50-IBN architecture to extract frame-level features followed by temporal attention for clip level features. These clip level features can be generalised to extract video level features by averaging clip level features without any additional cost. Our model, uses best video Re-ID practice and transfer learning between datasets, outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches on MARS, PRID2011 and iLIDSVID datasets with 89:62%, 97:75%, 97:33% rank-1 accuracy respectively and with 84:61% mAP for MARS, without reliance on complex and memory intensive 3D convolutions or multistream networks architectures as found in other contemporary work. Conversely, this work shows that global features extracted by the 2D convolution network are a sufficient representation for robust state of the art video Re-ID.