Multi-Scale Keypoint Matching

Sina Lotfian, Hassan Foroosh

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Scale Keypoint Matching Using Multi-Scale Information

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We propose a new hierarchical method to match keypoints by exploiting information across multiple scales. Traditionally, for each keypoint a single scale is detected and the matching process is done in the specific scale. We replace this approach with matching across scale-space. The holistic information from higher scales are used for early rejection of candidates that are far away in the feature space. The more localized and finer details of lower scale are then used to decide between remaining possible points. The proposed multi-scale solution is more consistent with the multi-scale processing that is present in the human visual system and is therefore biologically plausible. We evaluate our method on several datasets and achieve state of the art accuracy, while significantly outperforming others in extraction time.

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Exploiting Local Indexing and Deep Feature Confidence Scores for Fast Image-To-Video Search

Savas Ozkan, Gözde Bozdağı Akar

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Auto-TLDR; Fast and Robust Image-to-Video Retrieval Using Local and Global Descriptors

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Cost-effective visual representation and fast query-by-example search are two challenging goals hat should be provided for web-scale visual retrieval task on a moderate hardware. In this paper, we introduce a fast yet robust method that ensures both of these goals by obtaining the state-of-the-art results for an image-to-video search scenario. To this end, we present important enhancements to commonly used indexing and visual representation techniques by promoting faster, better and more moderate retrieval performance. We also boost the effectiveness of the method for visual distortion by exploiting the individual decision results of local and global descriptors in the query time. By this way, local content descriptors effectively represent copied / duplicated scenes with large geometric deformations, while global descriptors for near duplicate and semantic searches are more practical. Experiments are conducted on the large-scale Stanford I2V dataset. The experimental results show that the method is effective in terms of complexity and query processing time for large-scale visual retrieval scenarios, even if local and global representations are used together. In addition, the proposed method is fairly accurate and achieves state-of-the-art performance based on the mAP score of the dataset. Lastly, we report additional mAP scores after updating the ground annotations obtained by the retrieval results of the proposed method showing more clearly the actual performance.

Improving Image Matching with Varied Illumination

Sarah Braeger, Hassan Foroosh

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Auto-TLDR; Optimizing Feature Matching for Stereo Image Pairs by Stereo Illumination

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We present a method to maximize feature matching performance across stereo image pairs by varying illumination. We perform matching between views per lighting condition, finding unique SIFT correspondences for each condition. These feature matches are then collected together into a single set, selecting those features which present the highest quality match. Instead of capturing each view under each illumination, we approximate lighting changes with a pretrained relighting convo- lutional neural network which only requires each view captured under a single specified lighting condition. We then collect the best of these feature matches over all lighting conditions offered by the relighting network. We further present an optimization to limit the number of lighting conditions evaluated to gain a specified number of matches. Our method is evaluated on a set of indoor scenes excluded from training the network with comparison to features extracted from pretrained VGG16. Our method offers an average 5.5× improvement in number of correct matches while retaining similar precision than by the original lit image pair per scene alone.

Mobile Augmented Reality: Fast, Precise, and Smooth Planar Object Tracking

Dmitrii Matveichev, Daw-Tung Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Planar Object Tracking with Sparse Optical Flow Tracking and Descriptor Matching

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We propose an innovative method for combining sparse optical flow tracking and descriptor matching algorithms. The proposed approach solves the following problems that are inherent to keypoint-based and optical flow based tracking algorithms: spatial jitter, extreme scale transformation, extreme perspective transformation, degradation in the number of tracking points, and drifting of tracking points. Our algorithm provides smooth object-position tracking under six degrees of freedom transformations with a small computational cost for providing a high-quality real-time AR experience on mobile platforms. We experimentally demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art tracking algorithms while offering faster computational time. A mobile augmented reality (AR) application, which is developed using our approach, delivers planar object tracking with 30 FPS on modern mobile phones for a camera resolution of 1280$\times$720. Finally, we compare the performance of our AR application with that of the Vuforia-based AR application on the same planar objects database. The test results show that our AR application delivers better AR experience than Vuforia in terms of smooth transition of object-pose between video frames.

Comparison of Deep Learning and Hand Crafted Features for Mining Simulation Data

Theodoros Georgiou, Sebastian Schmitt, Thomas Baeck, Nan Pu, Wei Chen, Michael Lew

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Data Analysis of Flow Fields in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are a very important tool for many industrial applications, such as aerodynamic optimization of engineering designs like cars shapes, airplanes parts etc. The output of such simulations, in particular the calculated flow fields, are usually very complex and hard to interpret for realistic three-dimensional real-world applications, especially if time-dependent simulations are investigated. Automated data analysis methods are warranted but a non-trivial obstacle is given by the very large dimensionality of the data. A flow field typically consists of six measurement values for each point of the computational grid in 3D space and time (velocity vector values, turbulent kinetic energy, pressure and viscosity). In this paper we address the task of extracting meaningful results in an automated manner from such high dimensional data sets. We propose deep learning methods which are capable of processing such data and which can be trained to solve relevant tasks on simulation data, i.e. predicting drag and lift forces applied on an airfoil. We also propose an adaptation of the classical hand crafted features known from computer vision to address the same problem and compare a large variety of descriptors and detectors. Finally, we compile a large dataset of 2D simulations of the flow field around airfoils which contains 16000 flow fields with which we tested and compared approaches. Our results show that the deep learning-based methods, as well as hand crafted feature based approaches, are well-capable to accurately describe the content of the CFD simulation output on the proposed dataset.

Learning to Find Good Correspondences of Multiple Objects

Youye Xie, Yingheng Tang, Gongguo Tang, William Hoff

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Object Inliers and Outliers for Perspective-n-Point and Object Recognition

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Given a set of 3D to 2D putative matches, labeling the correspondences as inliers or outliers plays a critical role in a wide range of computer vision applications including the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) and object recognition. In this paper, we study a more generalized problem which allows the matches to belong to multiple objects with distinct poses. We propose a deep architecture to simultaneously label the correspondences as inliers or outliers and classify the inliers into multiple objects. Specifically, we discretize the 3D rotation space into twenty convex cones based on the facets of a regular icosahedron. For each facet, a facet classifier is trained to predict the probability of a correspondence being an inlier for a pose whose rotation normal vector points towards this facet. An efficient RANSAC-based post-processing algorithm is also proposed to further process the prediction results and detect the objects. Experiments demonstrate that our method is very efficient compared to existing methods and is capable of simultaneously labeling and classifying the inliers of multiple objects with high precision.

FC-DCNN: A Densely Connected Neural Network for Stereo Estimation

Dominik Hirner, Friedrich Fraundorfer

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Auto-TLDR; FC-DCNN: A Lightweight Network for Stereo Estimation

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We propose a novel lightweight network for stereo estimation. Our network consists of a fully-convolutional densely connected neural network (FC-DCNN) that computes matching costs between rectified image pairs. Our FC-DCNN method learns expressive features and performs some simple but effective post-processing steps. The densely connected layer structure connects the output of each layer to the input of each subsequent layer. This network structure in addition to getting rid of any fully-connected layers leads to a very lightweight network. The output of this network is used in order to calculate matching costs and create a cost-volume. Instead of using time and memory-inefficient cost-aggregation methods such as semi-global matching or conditional random fields in order to improve the result, we rely on filtering techniques, namely median filter and guided filter. By computing a left-right consistency check we get rid of inconsistent values. Afterwards we use a watershed foreground-background segmentation on the disparity image with removed inconsistencies. This mask is then used to refine the final prediction. We show that our method works well for both challenging indoor and outdoor scenes by evaluating it on the Middlebury, KITTI and ETH3D benchmarks respectively.

3D Point Cloud Registration Based on Cascaded Mutual Information Attention Network

Xiang Pan, Xiaoyi Ji

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Auto-TLDR; Cascaded Mutual Information Attention Network for 3D Point Cloud Registration

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For 3D point cloud registration, how to improve the local feature correlation of two point clouds is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a cascaded mutual information attention registration network. The network improves the accuracy of point cloud registration by stacking residual structure and using lateral connection. Firstly, the local reference coordinate system is defined by spherical representation for the local point set, which improves the stability and reliability of local features under noise. Secondly, the attention structure is used to improve the network depth and ensure the convergence of the network. Furthermore, a lateral connection is introduced into the network to avoid the loss of features in the process of concatenation. In the experimental part, the results of different algorithms are compared. It can be found that the proposed cascaded network can enhance the correlation of local features between different point clouds. As a result, it improves the registration accuracy significantly over the DCP and other typical algorithms.

Localization and Transformation Reconstruction of Image Regions: An Extended Congruent Triangles Approach

Afra'A Ahmad Alyosef, Christian Elias, Andreas Nürnberger

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Auto-TLDR; Outlier Filtering of Sub-Image Relations using Geometrical Information

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Most of the existing methods to localize (sub) image relations – a subclass of near-duplicate retrieval techniques – rely on the distinctiveness of matched features of the images being compared. These sets of matching features usually include a proportion of outliers, i.e. features linking non matching regions. In approaches that are designed for retrieval purposes only, these false matches usually have a minor impact on the final ranking. However, if also a localization of regions and corresponding image transformations should be computed, these false matches often have a more significant impact. In this paper, we propose a novel outlier filtering approach based on the geometrical information of the matched features. Our approach is similar to the RANSAC model, but instead of randomly selecting sets of matches and employ them to derive the homography transformation between images or image regions, we exploit in addition the geometrical relation of feature matches to find the best congruent triangle matches. Based on this information we classify outliers and determine the correlation between image regions. We compare our approach with state of art approaches using different feature models and various benchmark data sets (sub-image/panorama with affine transformation, adding blur, noise or scale change). The results indicate that our approach is more robust than the state of art approaches and is able to detect correlation even when most matches are outliers. Moreover, our approach reduces the pre-processing time to filter the matches significantly.

Visual Saliency Oriented Vehicle Scale Estimation

Qixin Chen, Tie Liu, Jiali Ding, Zejian Yuan, Yuanyuan Shang

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Auto-TLDR; Regularized Intensity Matching for Vehicle Scale Estimation with salient object detection

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Vehicle scale estimation with a single camera is a typical application for intelligent transportation and it faces the challenges from visual computing while intensity-based method and descriptor-based method should be balanced. This paper proposed a vehicle scale estimation method based on salient object detection to resolve this problem. The regularized intensity matching method is proposed in Lie Algebra to achieve robust and accurate scale estimation, and descriptor matching and intensity matching are combined to minimize the proposed loss function. The visual attention mechanism is designed to select image patches with texture and remove the occluded image patches. Then the weights are assigned to pixels from the selected image patches which alleviates the influence of noise-corrupted pixels. The experiments show that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods with regard to the robustness and accuracy of vehicle scale estimation.

Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving: Mapping the Accurate Location in the City Maze

Dongfang Liu, Yiming Cui, Xiaolei Guo, Wei Ding, Baijian Yang, Yingjie Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Feature Voting for Robust Visual Localization in Urban Settings

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Accurate localization is a foundational capacity, required for autonomous vehicles to accomplish other tasks such as navigation or path planning. It is a common practice for vehicles to use GPS to acquire location information. However, the application of GPS can result in severe challenges when vehicles run within the inner city where different kinds of structures may shadow the GPS signal and lead to inaccurate location results. To address the localization challenges of urban settings, we propose a novel feature voting technique for visual localization. Different from the conventional front-view-based method, our approach employs views from three directions (front, left, and right) and thus significantly improves the robustness of location prediction. In our work, we craft the proposed feature voting method into three state-of-the-art visual localization networks and modify their architectures properly so that they can be applied for vehicular operation. Extensive field test results indicate that our approach can predict location robustly even in challenging inner-city settings. Our research sheds light on using the visual localization approach to help autonomous vehicles to find accurate location information in a city maze, within a desirable time constraint.

Attention-Based Deep Metric Learning for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval

Kuan-Hsun Wang, Chia Chun Cheng, Yi-Ling Chen, Yale Song, Shang-Hong Lai

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-based Deep Metric Learning for Near-duplicate Video Retrieval

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Near-duplicate video retrieval (NDVR) is an important and challenging problem due to the increasing amount of videos uploaded to the Internet. In this paper, we propose an attention-based deep metric learning method for NDVR. Our method is based on well-established principles: We leverage two-stream networks to combine RGB and optical flow features, and incorporate an attention module to effectively deal with distractor frames commonly observed in near duplicate videos. We further aggregate the features corresponding to multiple video segments to enhance the discriminative power. The whole system is trained using a deep metric learning objective with a Siamese architecture. Our experiments show that the attention module helps eliminate redundant and noisy frames, while focusing on visually relevant frames for solving NVDR. We evaluate our approach on recent large-scale NDVR datasets, CC_WEB_VIDEO, VCDB, FIVR and SVD. To demonstrate the generalization ability of our approach, we report results in both within- and cross-dataset settings, and show that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.

Distinctive 3D Local Deep Descriptors

Fabio Poiesi, Davide Boscaini

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Auto-TLDR; DIPs: Local Deep Descriptors for Point Cloud Regression

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We present a simple but yet effective method for learning distinctive 3D local deep descriptors (DIPs) that can be used to register point clouds without requiring an initial alignment. Point cloud patches are extracted, canonicalised with respect to their estimated local reference frame and encoded into rotation-invariant compact descriptors by a PointNet-based deep neural network. DIPs can effectively generalise across different sensor modalities because they are learnt end-to-end from locally and randomly sampled points. Moreover, because DIPs encode only local geometric information, they are robust to clutter, occlusions and missing regions. We evaluate and compare DIPs against alternative hand-crafted and deep descriptors on several indoor and outdoor datasets reconstructed using different sensors. Results show that DIPs (i) achieve comparable results to the state-of-the-art on RGB-D indoor scenes (3DMatch dataset), (ii) outperform state-of-the-art by a large margin on laser-scanner outdoor scenes (ETH dataset), and (iii) generalise to indoor scenes reconstructed with the Visual-SLAM system of Android ARCore.

Audio-Based Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval with Audio Similarity Learning

Pavlos Avgoustinakis, Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos, Symeon Papadopoulos, Andreas L. Symeonidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

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Auto-TLDR; AuSiL: Audio Similarity Learning for Near-duplicate Video Retrieval

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In this work, we address the problem of audio-based near-duplicate video retrieval. We propose the Audio Similarity Learning (AuSiL) approach that effectively captures temporal patterns of audio similarity between video pairs. For the robust similarity calculation between two videos, we first extract representative audio-based video descriptors by leveraging transfer learning based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on a large scale dataset of audio events, and then we calculate the similarity matrix derived from the pairwise similarity of these descriptors. The similarity matrix is subsequently fed to a CNN network that captures the temporal structures existing within its content. We train our network following a triplet generation process and optimizing the triplet loss function. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have manually annotated two publicly available video datasets based on the audio duplicity between their videos. The proposed approach achieves very competitive results compared to three state-of-the-art methods. Also, unlike the competing methods, it is very robust for the retrieval of audio duplicates generated with speed transformations.

Generic Merging of Structure from Motion Maps with a Low Memory Footprint

Gabrielle Flood, David Gillsjö, Patrik Persson, Anders Heyden, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; A Low-Memory Footprint Representation for Robust Map Merge

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With the development of cheap image sensors, the amount of available image data have increased enormously, and the possibility of using crowdsourced collection methods has emerged. This calls for development of ways to handle all these data. In this paper, we present new tools that will enable efficient, flexible and robust map merging. Assuming that separate optimisations have been performed for the individual maps, we show how only relevant data can be stored in a low memory footprint representation. We use these representations to perform map merging so that the algorithm is invariant to the merging order and independent of the choice of coordinate system. The result is a robust algorithm that can be applied to several maps simultaneously. The result of a merge can also be represented with the same type of low-memory footprint format, which enables further merging and updating of the map in a hierarchical way. Furthermore, the method can perform loop closing and also detect changes in the scene between the capture of the different image sequences. Using both simulated and real data — from both a hand held mobile phone and from a drone — we verify the performance of the proposed method.

On Identification and Retrieval of Near-Duplicate Biological Images: A New Dataset and Protocol

Thomas E. Koker, Sai Spandana Chintapalli, San Wang, Blake A. Talbot, Daniel Wainstock, Marcelo Cicconet, Mary C. Walsh

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Auto-TLDR; BINDER: Bio-Image Near-Duplicate Examples Repository for Image Identification and Retrieval

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Manipulation and re-use of images in scientific publications is a growing issue, not only for biomedical publishers, but also for the research community in general. In this work we introduce BINDER -- Bio-Image Near-Duplicate Examples Repository, a novel dataset to help researchers develop, train, and test models to detect same-source biomedical images. BINDER contains 7,490 unique image patches for model training, 1,821 same-size patch duplicates for validation and testing, and 868 different-size image/patch pairs for image retrieval validation and testing. Except for the training set, patches already contain manipulations including rotation, translation, scale, perspective transform, contrast adjustment and/or compression artifacts. We further use the dataset to demonstrate how novel adaptations of existing image retrieval and metric learning models can be applied to achieve high-accuracy inference results, creating a baseline for future work. In aggregate, we thus present a supervised protocol for near-duplicate image identification and retrieval without any "real-world" training example. Our dataset and source code are available at

Countering Anti-Forensics of SIFT-Based Copy-Move Detection

Muhammad Salman, Andreas Uhl

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Auto-TLDR; Countering SIFT Keypoint Removal for Image Forgery Detection by Changing to a Different Type of Keypoints

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Forensic analysis is used to detect image forgeries e.g. the copy move forgery and the object removal forgery, respectively. Counter forensic techniques (aka anti-forensic methods to fool the forensic analyst by concealing traces of manipulation) have become popular in the game of cat and mouse between the analyst and the attacker. Classical anti-forensic techniques targeting on SIFT keypoints have been established with particular emphasis on keypoint removal in the context of copy move forgery detection. In this paper we propose a forensic approach countering SIFT keypoint removal by changing to a different type of keypoints in forensic analysis, clearly demonstrating benefits over traditional SIFT keypoint oriented techniques.

Two-Stage Adaptive Object Scene Flow Using Hybrid CNN-CRF Model

Congcong Li, Haoyu Ma, Qingmin Liao

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive object scene flow estimation using a hybrid CNN-CRF model and adaptive iteration

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Scene flow estimation based on stereo sequences is a comprehensive task relevant to disparity and optical flow. Some existing methods are time-consuming and often fail in the presence of reflective surfaces. In this paper, we propose a two-stage adaptive object scene flow estimation method using a hybrid CNN-CRF model (ACOSF), which benefits from high-quality features and the structured modelling capability. Meanwhile, in order to balance the computational efficiency and accuracy, we employ adaptive iteration for energy function optimization, which is flexible and efficient for various scenes. Besides, we utilize high-quality pixel selection to reduce the computation time with only a slight decrease in accuracy. Our method achieves competitive results with the state-of-the-art, which ranks second on the challenging KITTI 2015 scene flow benchmark.

Ordinal Depth Classification Using Region-Based Self-Attention

Minh Hieu Phan, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum

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Auto-TLDR; Region-based Self-Attention for Multi-scale Depth Estimation from a Single 2D Image

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Depth estimation from a single 2D image has been widely applied in 3D understanding, 3D modelling and robotics. It is challenging as reliable cues (e.g. stereo correspondences and motions) are not available. Most of the modern approaches exploited multi-scale feature extraction to provide more powerful representations for deep networks. However, these studies have not focused on how to effectively fuse the learned multi-scale features. This paper proposes a novel region-based self-attention (rSA) module. The rSA recalibrates the multi-scale responses by explicitly modelling the interdependency between channels in separate image regions. We discretize continuous depths to solve an ordinal depth classification in which the relative order between categories is significant. We contribute a dataset of 4410 RGB-D images, captured in outdoor environments at the University of Wollongong's campus. In our experimental results, the proposed module improves the lightweight models on small-sized datasets by 22% - 40%

Domain Siamese CNNs for Sparse Multispectral Disparity Estimation

David-Alexandre Beaupre, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau

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Auto-TLDR; Multispectral Disparity Estimation between Thermal and Visible Images using Deep Neural Networks

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Multispectral disparity estimation is a difficult task for many reasons: it as all the same challenges as traditional visible-visible disparity estimation (occlusions, repetitive patterns, textureless surfaces), in addition of having very few common visual information between images (e.g. color information vs. thermal information). In this paper, we propose a new CNN architecture able to do disparity estimation between images from different spectrum, namely thermal and visible in our case. Our proposed model takes two patches as input and proceeds to do domain feature extraction for each of them. Features from both domains are then merged with two fusion operations, namely correlation and concatenation. These merged vectors are then forwarded to their respective classification heads, which are responsible for classifying the inputs as being same or not. Using two merging operations gives more robustness to our feature extraction process, which leads to more precise disparity estimation. Our method was tested using the publicly available LITIV 2014 and LITIV 2018 datasets, and showed best results when compared to other state of the art methods.

Progressive Learning Algorithm for Efficient Person Re-Identification

Zhen Li, Hanyang Shao, Liang Niu, Nian Xue

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Learning Algorithm for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification

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This paper studies the problem of Person Re-Identification (ReID) for large-scale applications. Recent research efforts have been devoted to building complicated part models, which introduce considerably high computational cost and memory consumption, inhibiting its practicability in large-scale applications. This paper aims to develop a novel learning strategy to find efficient feature embeddings while maintaining the balance of accuracy and model complexity. More specifically, we find by enhancing the classical triplet loss together with cross-entropy loss, our method can explore the hard examples and build a discriminant feature embedding yet compact enough for large-scale applications. Our method is carried out progressively using Bayesian optimization, and we call it the Progressive Learning Algorithm (PLA). Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets show that our PLA is comparable or better than the state-of-the-arts. Especially, on the challenging Market-1501 dataset, we achieve Rank-1=94.7\%/mAP=89.4\% while saving at least 30\% parameters than strong part models.

3D Pots Configuration System by Optimizing Over Geometric Constraints

Jae Eun Kim, Muhammad Zeeshan Arshad, Seong Jong Yoo, Je Hyeong Hong, Jinwook Kim, Young Min Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Optimizing 3D Configurations for Stable Pottery Restoration from irregular and noisy evidence

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While potteries are common artifacts excavated in archaeological sites, the restoration process relies on the manual cleaning and reassembling shattered pieces. Since the number of possible 3D configurations is considerably large, the exhaustive manual trial may result in an abrasion on fractured surfaces and even failure to find the correct matches. As a result, many recent works suggest virtual reassembly from 3D scans of the fragments. The problem is challenging in the view of the conventional 3D geometric analysis, as it is hard to extract reliable shape features from the thin break lines. We propose to optimize the global configuration by combining geometric constraints with information from noisy shape features. Specifically, we enforce bijection and continuity of sequence of correspondences given estimates of corners and pair-wise matching scores between multiple break lines. We demonstrate that our pipeline greatly increases the accuracy of correspondences, resulting in the stable restoration of 3D configurations from irregular and noisy evidence.

Hierarchical Deep Hashing for Fast Large Scale Image Retrieval

Yongfei Zhang, Cheng Peng, Zhang Jingtao, Xianglong Liu, Shiliang Pu, Changhuai Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Hierarchical indexed deep hashing for fast large scale image retrieval

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Fast image retrieval is of great importance in many computer vision tasks and especially practical applications. Deep hashing, the state-of-the-art fast image retrieval scheme, introduces deep learning to learn the hash functions and generate binary hash codes, and outperforms the other image retrieval methods in terms of accuracy. However, all the existing deep hashing methods could only generate one level hash codes and require a linear traversal of all the hash codes to figure out the closest one when a new query arrives, which is very time-consuming and even intractable for large scale applications. In this work, we propose a Hierarchical Deep HASHing(HDHash) scheme to speed up the state-of-the-art deep hashing methods. More specifically, hierarchical deep hash codes of multiple levels can be generated and indexed with tree structures rather than linear ones, and pruning irrelevant branches can sharply decrease the retrieval time. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to introduce hierarchical indexed deep hashing for fast large scale image retrieval. Extensive experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed HDHash scheme achieves better or comparable accuracy with significantly improved efficiency and reduced memory as compared to state-of-the-art fast image retrieval schemes.

Siamese Fully Convolutional Tracker with Motion Correction

Mathew Francis, Prithwijit Guha

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Auto-TLDR; A Siamese Ensemble for Visual Tracking with Appearance and Motion Components

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Visual tracking algorithms use cues like appearance, structure, motion etc. for locating an object in a video. We propose an ensemble tracker with appearance and motion components. A siamese tracker that learns object appearance from a static image and motion vectors computed between consecutive frames with a flow network forms the ensemble. Motion predicted object localization is used to correct the appearance component in the ensemble. Complementary nature of the components bring performance improvement as observed in experiments performed on VOT2018 and VOT2019 datasets.

Large-Scale Historical Watermark Recognition: Dataset and a New Consistency-Based Approach

Xi Shen, Ilaria Pastrolin, Oumayma Bounou, Spyros Gidaris, Marc Smith, Olivier Poncet, Mathieu Aubry

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Auto-TLDR; Historical Watermark Recognition with Fine-Grained Cross-Domain One-Shot Instance Recognition

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Historical watermark recognition is a highly practical, yet unsolved challenge for archivists and historians. With a large number of well-defined classes, cluttered and noisy samples, different types of representations, both subtle differences between classes and high intra-class variation, historical watermarks are also challenging for pattern recognition. In this paper, overcoming the difficulty of data collection, we present a large public dataset with more than 6k new photographs, allowing for the first time to tackle at scale the scenarios of practical interest for scholars: one-shot instance recognition and cross-domain one-shot instance recognition amongst more than 16k fine-grained classes. We demonstrate that this new dataset is large enough to train modern deep learning approaches, and show that standard methods can be improved considerably by using mid-level deep features. More precisely, we design both a matching score and a feature fine-tuning strategy based on filtering local matches using spatial consistency. This consistency-based approach provides important performance boost compared to strong baselines. Our model achieves 55\% as top-1 accuracy on our very challenging 16,753-class one-shot cross-domain recognition task, each class described by a single drawing from the classic Briquet catalog. In addition to watermark classification, we show our approach provides promising results on fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval.

Deep Top-Rank Counter Metric for Person Re-Identification

Chen Chen, Hao Dou, Xiyuan Hu, Silong Peng

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Top-Rank Counter Metric for Person Re-identification

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In the research field of person re-identification, deep metric learning that guides the efficient and effective embedding learning serves as one of the most fundamental tasks. Recent efforts of the loss function based deep metric learning methods mainly focus on the top rank accuracy optimization by minimiz- ing the distance difference between the correctly matching sample pair and wrongly matched sample pair. However, it is more straightforward to count the occurrences of correct top-rank candidates and maximize the counting results for better top rank accuracy. In this paper, we propose a generalized logistic function based metric with effective practicalness in deep learning, namely the“deep top-rank counter metric”, to approximately optimize the counted occurrences of the correct top-rank matches. The properties that qualify the proposed metric as a well-suited deep re-identification metric have been discussed and a progressive hard sample mining strategy is also introduced for effective training and performance boosting. The extensive experiments show that the proposed top-rank counter metric outperforms other loss function based deep metrics and achieves the state-of- the-art accuracies.

Rethinking ReID:Multi-Feature Fusion Person Re-Identification Based on Orientation Constraints

Mingjing Ai, Guozhi Shan, Bo Liu, Tianyang Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Person Re-identification with Orientation Constrained Network

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Person re-identification (ReID) aims to identify the specific pedestrian in a series of images or videos. Recently, ReID is receiving more and more attention in the fields of computer vision research and application like intelligent security. One major issue downgrading the ReID model performance lies in that various subjects in the same body orientations look too similar to distinguish by the model, while the same subject viewed in different orientations looks rather different. However, most of the current studies do not particularly differentiate pedestrians in orientation when designing the network, so we rethink this problem particularly from the perspective of person orientation and propose a new network structure by including two branches: one handling samples with the same body orientations and the other handling samples with different body orientations. Correspondingly, we also propose an orientation classifier that can accurately distinguish the orientation of each person. At the same time, the three-part loss functions are introduced for orientation constraint and combined to optimize the network simultaneously. Also, we use global and local features int the training stage in order to make use of multi-level information. Therefore, our network can derive its efficacy from orientation constraints and multiple features. Experiments show that our method not only has competitive performance on multiple datasets, but also can let retrieval results aligned with the orientation of the query sample rank higher, which may have great potential in the practical applications.

Effective Deployment of CNNs for 3DoF Pose Estimation and Grasping in Industrial Settings

Daniele De Gregorio, Riccardo Zanella, Gianluca Palli, Luigi Di Stefano

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Deep Learning for Robotic Grasping Applications

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In this paper we investigate how to effectively deploy deep learning in practical industrial settings, such as robotic grasping applications. When a deep-learning based solution is proposed, usually lacks of any simple method to generate the training data. In the industrial field, where automation is the main goal, not bridging this gap is one of the main reasons why deep learning is not as widespread as it is in the academic world. For this reason, in this work we developed a system composed by a 3-DoF Pose Estimator based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and an effective procedure to gather massive amounts of training images in the field with minimal human intervention. By automating the labeling stage, we also obtain very robust systems suitable for production-level usage. An open source implementation of our solution is provided, alongside with the dataset used for the experimental evaluation.

Can You Trust Your Pose? Confidence Estimation in Visual Localization

Luca Ferranti, Xiaotian Li, Jani Boutellier, Juho Kannala

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Auto-TLDR; Pose Confidence Estimation in Large-Scale Environments: A Light-weight Approach to Improving Pose Estimation Pipeline

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Camera pose estimation in large-scale environments is still an open question and, despite recent promising results, it may still fail in some situations. The research so far has focused on improving subcomponents of estimation pipelines, to achieve more accurate poses. However, there is no guarantee for the result to be correct, even though the correctness of pose estimation is critically important in several visual localization applications, such as in autonomous navigation. In this paper we bring to attention a novel research question, pose confidence estimation, where we aim at quantifying how reliable the visually estimated pose is. We develop a novel confidence measure to fulfill this task and show that it can be flexibly applied to different datasets, indoor or outdoor, and for various visual localization pipelines. We also show that the proposed techniques can be used to accomplish a secondary goal: improving the accuracy of existing pose estimation pipelines. Finally, the proposed approach is computationally light-weight and adds only a negligible increase to the computational effort of pose estimation.

Light3DPose: Real-Time Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

Alessio Elmi, Davide Mazzini, Pietro Tortella

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Pose Estimation of Multiple People from a Few calibrated Camera Views using Deep Learning

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We present an approach to perform 3D pose estimation of multiple people from a few calibrated camera views. Our architecture, leveraging the recently proposed unprojection layer, aggregates feature-maps from a 2D pose estimator backbone into a comprehensive representation of the 3D scene. Such intermediate representation is then elaborated by a fully-convolutional volumetric network and a decoding stage to extract 3D skeletons with sub-voxel accuracy. Our method achieves state of the art MPJPE on the CMU Panoptic dataset using a few unseen views and obtains competitive results even with a single input view. We also assess the transfer learning capabilities of the model by testing it against the publicly available Shelf dataset obtaining good performance metrics. The proposed method is inherently efficient: as a pure bottom-up approach, it is computationally independent of the number of people in the scene. Furthermore, even though the computational burden of the 2D part scales linearly with the number of input views, the overall architecture is able to exploit a very lightweight 2D backbone which is orders of magnitude faster than the volumetric counterpart, resulting in fast inference time. The system can run at 6 FPS, processing up to 10 camera views on a single 1080Ti GPU.

Open-World Group Retrieval with Ambiguity Removal: A Benchmark

Ling Mei, Jian-Huang Lai, Zhanxiang Feng, Xiaohua Xie

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Auto-TLDR; P2GSM-AR: Re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios

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Group retrieval has attracted plenty of attention in artificial intelligence, traditional group retrieval researches assume that members in a group are unique and do not change under different cameras. However, the assumption may not be met for practical situations such as open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios. This paper tackles an important yet non-studied problem: re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios in different camera fields. The open-world scenario considers that there are probably non-target people for the probe set appear in the searching gallery, while the group-ambiguity scenario means the group members may change. The open-world and group-ambiguity issue is very challenging for the existing methods because the changing of group members results in dramatic visual variations. Nevertheless, as far as we know, the existing literature lacks benchmarks which target on coping with this issue. In this paper, we propose a new group retrieval dataset named OWGA-Campus to consider these challenges. Moreover, we propose a person-to-group similarity matching based ambiguity removal (P2GSM-AR) method to solve these problems and realize the intention of group retrieval. Experimental results on OWGA-Campus dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed P2GSM-AR approach in improving the performance of the state-of-the-art feature extraction methods of person re-id towards the open-world and ambiguous group retrieval task.

Automated Whiteboard Lecture Video Summarization by Content Region Detection and Representation

Bhargava Urala Kota, Alexander Stone, Kenny Davila, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju

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Auto-TLDR; A Framework for Summarizing Whiteboard Lecture Videos Using Feature Representations of Handwritten Content Regions

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Lecture videos are rapidly becoming an invaluable source of information for students across the globe. Given the large number of online courses currently available, it is important to condense the information within these videos into a compact yet representative summary that can be used for search-based applications. We propose a framework to summarize whiteboard lecture videos by finding feature representations of detected handwritten content regions to determine unique content. We investigate multi-scale histogram of gradients and embeddings from deep metric learning for feature representation. We explicitly handle occluded, growing and disappearing handwritten content. Our method is capable of producing two kinds of lecture video summaries - the unique regions themselves or so-called key content and keyframes (which contain all unique content in a video segment). We use weighted spatio-temporal conflict minimization to segment the lecture and produce keyframes from detected regions and features. We evaluate both types of summaries and find that we obtain state-of-the-art peformance in terms of number of summary keyframes while our unique content recall and precision are comparable to state-of-the-art.

Learning Knowledge-Rich Sequential Model for Planar Homography Estimation in Aerial Video

Pu Li, Xiaobai Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Sequential Estimation of Planar Homographic Transformations over Aerial Videos

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This paper presents an unsupervised approach that leverages raw aerial videos to learn to estimate planar homographic transformation between consecutive video frames. Previous learning-based estimators work on pairs of images to estimate their planar homographic transformations but suffer from severe over-fitting issues, especially when applying over aerial videos. To address this concern, we develop a sequential estimator that directly processes a sequence of video frames and estimates their pairwise planar homographic transformations in batches. We also incorporate a set of spatial-temporal knowledge to regularize the learning of such a sequence-to-sequence model. We collect a set of challenging aerial videos and compare the proposed method to the alternative algorithms. Empirical studies suggest that our sequential model achieves significant improvement over alternative image-based methods and the knowledge-rich regularization further boosts our system performance. Our codes and dataset could be found at

HP2IFS: Head Pose Estimation Exploiting Partitioned Iterated Function Systems

Carmen Bisogni, Michele Nappi, Chiara Pero, Stefano Ricciardi

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Auto-TLDR; PIFS based head pose estimation using fractal coding theory and Partitioned Iterated Function Systems

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Estimating the actual head orientation from 2D images, with regard to its three degrees of freedom, is a well known problem that is highly significant for a large number of applications involving head pose knowledge. Consequently, this topic has been tackled by a plethora of methods and algorithms the most part of which exploits neural networks. Machine learning methods, indeed, achieve accurate head rotation values yet require an adequate training stage and, to that aim, a relevant number of positive and negative examples. In this paper we take a different approach to this topic by using fractal coding theory and particularly Partitioned Iterated Function Systems to extract the fractal code from the input head image and to compare this representation to the fractal code of a reference model through Hamming distance. According to experiments conducted on both the BIWI and the AFLW2000 databases, the proposed PIFS based head pose estimation method provides accurate yaw/pitch/roll angular values, with a performance approaching that of state of the art of machine-learning based algorithms and exceeding most of non-training based approaches.

Video Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Multi-View Representation Learning

Akrem Sellami, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Multi-view Representation Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning model based on deep multi-view representation learning, to address the video object segmentation task. The proposed model emphasizes the importance of the inherent correlation between video frames and incorporates a multi-view representation learning based on deep canonically correlated autoencoders. The multi-view representation learning in our model provides an efficient mechanism for capturing inherent correlations by jointly extracting useful features and learning better representation into a joint feature space, i.e., shared representation. To increase the training data and the learning capacity, we train the proposed model with pairs of video frames, i.e., $F_{a}$ and $F_{b}$. During the segmentation phase, the deep canonically correlated autoencoders model encodes useful features by processing multiple reference frames together, which is used to detect the frequently reappearing. Our model enhances the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that mainly focus on learning discriminative foreground representations over appearance and motion. Experimental results over two large benchmarks demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform competitive approaches and to reach good performances, in terms of semantic segmentation.

Loop-closure detection by LiDAR scan re-identification

Jukka Peltomäki, Xingyang Ni, Jussi Puura, Joni-Kristian Kamarainen, Heikki Juhani Huttunen

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Auto-TLDR; Loop-Closing Detection from LiDAR Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In this work, loop-closure detection from LiDAR scans is defined as an image re-identification problem. Re-identification is performed by computing Euclidean distances of a query scan to a gallery set of previous scans. The distances are computed in a feature embedding space where the scans are mapped by a convolutional neural network (CNN). The network is trained using the triplet loss training strategy. In our experiments we compare different backbone networks, variants of the triplet loss and generic and LiDAR specific data augmentation techniques. With a realistic indoor dataset the best architecture obtains the mean average precision (mAP) above 90%.

PointSpherical: Deep Shape Context for Point Cloud Learning in Spherical Coordinates

Hua Lin, Bin Fan, Yongcheng Liu, Yirong Yang, Zheng Pan, Jianbo Shi, Chunhong Pan, Huiwen Xie

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Auto-TLDR; Spherical Hierarchical Modeling of 3D Point Cloud

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We propose Spherical Hierarchical modeling of 3D point cloud. Inspired by Shape Context, we design a receptive field on each 3D point by placing a spherical coordinate on it. We sample points using the furthest point method and creating overlapping balls of points. For each ball, we divide the space into radial, polar angular and azimuthal angular bins on which we form a Spherical Hierarchy. We apply 1x1 CNN convolution on points to start the initial feature extraction. Repeated 3D CNN and max pooling over the Spherical bins propagate contextual information until all the information is condensed in the center bin. Extensive experiments on five datasets strongly evidence that our method outperform current models on various Point Cloud Learning tasks, including 2D/3D shape classification, 3D part segmentation and 3D semantic segmentation.

Joint Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmprint Recognition

Lunke Fei, Bob Zhang, Jie Wen, Chunwei Tian, Peng Liu, Shuping Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Feature Learning for 3D palmprint recognition using curvature data vectors

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3D palmprint-based biometric recognition has drawn growing research attention due to its several merits over 2D counterpart such as robust structural measurement of a palm surface and high anti-counterfeiting capability. However, most existing 3D palmprint descriptors are hand-crafted that usually extract stationary features from 3D palmprint images. In this paper, we propose a feature learning method to jointly learn compact curvature feature descriptor for 3D palmprint recognition. We first form multiple curvature data vectors to completely sample the intrinsic curvature information of 3D palmprint images. Then, we jointly learn a feature projection function that project curvature data vectors into binary feature codes, which have the maximum inter-class variances and minimum intra-class distance so that they are discriminative. Moreover, we learn the collaborative binary representation of the multiple curvature feature codes by minimizing the information loss between the final representation and the multiple curvature features, so that the proposed method is more compact in feature representation and efficient in matching. Experimental results on the baseline 3D palmprint database demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in terms of recognition performance in comparison with state-of-the-art 3D palmprint descriptors.

Augmented Bi-Path Network for Few-Shot Learning

Baoming Yan, Chen Zhou, Bo Zhao, Kan Guo, Yang Jiang, Xiaobo Li, Zhang Ming, Yizhou Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Augmented Bi-path Network for Few-shot Learning

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Few-shot Learning (FSL) which aims to learn from few labeled training data is becoming a popular research topic, due to the expensive labeling cost in many real-world applications. One kind of successful FSL method learns to compare the testing (query) image and training (support) image by simply concatenating the features of two images and feeding it into the neural network. However, with few labeled data in each class, the neural network has difficulty in learning or comparing the local features of two images. Such simple image-level comparison may cause serious mis-classification. To solve this problem, we propose Augmented Bi-path Network (ABNet) for learning to compare both global and local features on multi-scales. Specifically, the salient patches are extracted and embedded as the local features for every image. Then, the model learns to augment the features for better robustness. Finally, the model learns to compare global and local features separately, \emph{i.e.}, in two paths, before merging the similarities. Extensive experiments show that the proposed ABNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Both quantitative and visual ablation studies are provided to verify that the proposed modules lead to more precise comparison results.

ACRM: Attention Cascade R-CNN with Mix-NMS for Metallic Surface Defect Detection

Junting Fang, Xiaoyang Tan, Yuhui Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Attention Cascade R-CNN with Mix Non-Maximum Suppression for Robust Metal Defect Detection

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Metallic surface defect detection is of great significance in quality control for production. However, this task is very challenging due to the noise disturbance, large appearance variation, and the ambiguous definition of the defect individual. Traditional image processing methods are unable to detect the damaged region effectively and efficiently. In this paper, we propose a new defect detection method, Attention Cascade R-CNN with Mix-NMS (ACRM), to classify and locate defects robustly. Three submodules are developed to achieve this goal: 1) a lightweight attention block is introduced, which can improve the ability in capture global and local feature both in the spatial and channel dimension; 2) we firstly apply the cascade R-CNN to our task, which exploits multiple detectors to sequentially refine the detection result robustly; 3) we introduce a new method named Mix Non-Maximum Suppression (Mix-NMS), which can significantly improve its ability in filtering the redundant detection result in our task. Extensive experiments on a real industrial dataset show that ACRM achieves state-of-the-art results compared to the existing methods, demonstrating the effectiveness and robustness of our detection method.

Documents Counterfeit Detection through a Deep Learning Approach

Darwin Danilo Saire Pilco, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Learning for Counterfeit Documents Detection using Deep Neural Network

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The main topic of this work is on the detection of counterfeit documents and especially banknotes. We propose an end-to-end learning model using a deep learning approach based on Adapnet++ which manages feature extraction at multiple scale levels using several residual units. Unlike previous models based on regions of interest (ROI) and high-resolution documents, our network is feed with simple input images (i.e., a single patch) and we do not need high resolution images. Besides, discriminative regions can be visualized at different scales. Our network learns by itself which regions of interest predict the better results. Experimental results show that we are competitive compared with the state-of-the-art and our deep neural network has good ability to generalize and can be applied to other kind of documents like identity or administrative one.

ID Documents Matching and Localization with Multi-Hypothesis Constraints

Guillaume Chiron, Nabil Ghanmi, Ahmad Montaser Awal

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Auto-TLDR; Identity Document Localization in the Wild Using Multi-hypothesis Exploration

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This paper presents an approach for spotting and accurately localizing identity documents in the wild. Contrary to blind solutions that often rely on borders and corners detection, the proposed approach requires a classification a priori along with a list of predefined models. The matching and accurate localization are performed using specific ID document features. This process is especially difficult due to the intrinsic variable nature of ID models (text fields, multi-pass printing with offset, unstable layouts, added artifacts, blinking security elements, non-rigid materials). We tackle the problem by putting different combinations of features in competition within a multi-hypothesis exploration where only the best document quadrilateral candidate is retained thanks to a custom visual similarity metric. The idea is to find, in a given context, at least one feature able to correctly crop the document. The proposed solution has been tested and has shown its benefits on both the MIDV-500 academic dataset and an industrial one supposedly more representative of a real-life application.

Motion Segmentation with Pairwise Matches and Unknown Number of Motions

Federica Arrigoni, Tomas Pajdla, Luca Magri

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Auto-TLDR; Motion Segmentation using Multi-Modelfitting andpermutation synchronization

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In this paper we address motion segmentation, that is the problem of clustering points in multiple images according to a number of moving objects. Two-frame correspondences are assumed as input without prior knowledge about trajectories. Our method is based on principles from ''multi-model fitting'' and ''permutation synchronization'', and - differently from previous techniques working under the same assumptions - it can handle an unknown number of motions. The proposed approach is validated on standard datasets, showing that it can correctly estimate the number of motions while maintaining comparable or better accuracy than the state of the art.

Total Whitening for Online Signature Verification Based on Deep Representation

Xiaomeng Wu, Akisato Kimura, Kunio Kashino, Seiichi Uchida

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Auto-TLDR; Total Whitening for Online Signature Verification

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In deep metric learning targeted at time series, the correlation between feature activations may be easily enlarged through highly nonlinear neural networks, leading to suboptimal embedding effectiveness. An effective solution to this problem is whitening. For example, in online signature verification, whitening can be derived for three individual Gaussian distributions, namely the distributions of local features at all temporal positions 1) for all signatures of all subjects, 2) for all signatures of each particular subject, and 3) for each particular signature of each particular subject. This study proposes a unified method called total whitening that integrates these individual Gaussians. Total whitening rectifies the layout of multiple individual Gaussians to resemble a standard normal distribution, improving the balance between intraclass invariance and interclass discriminative power. Experimental results demonstrate that total whitening achieves state-of-the-art accuracy when tested on online signature verification benchmarks.

Visual Object Tracking in Drone Images with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Derya Gözen, Sedat Ozer

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Single Object Tracker for Drone Applications

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There is an increasing demand on utilizing camera equipped drones and their applications in many domains varying from agriculture to entertainment and from sports events to surveillance. In such drone applications, an essential and a common task is tracking an object of interest visually. Drone (or UAV) images have different properties when compared to the ground taken (natural) images and those differences introduce additional complexities to the existing object trackers to be directly applied on drone applications. Some important differences among those complexities include (i) smaller object sizes to be tracked and (ii) different orientations and viewing angles yielding different texture and features to be observed. Therefore, new algorithms trained on drone images are needed for the drone-based applications. In this paper, we introduce a deep reinforcement learning (RL) based single object tracker that tracks an object of interest in drone images by estimating a series of actions to find the location of the object in the next frame. This is the first work introducing a single object tracker using a deep RL-based technique for drone images. Our proposed solution introduces a novel reward function that aims to reduce the total number of actions taken to estimate the object's location in the next frame and also introduces a different backbone network to be used on low resolution images. Additionally, we introduce a set of new actions into the action library to better deal with the above-mentioned complexities. We compare our proposed solutions to a state of the art tracking algorithm from the recent literature and demonstrate up to 3.87\% improvement in precision and 3.6\% improvement in IoU values on the VisDrone2019 dataset. We also provide additional results on OTB-100 dataset and show up to 3.15\% improvement in precision on the OTB-100 dataset when compared to the same previous state of the art algorithm. Lastly, we analyze the ability to handle some of the challenges faced during tracking, including but not limited to occlusion, deformation, and scale variation for our proposed solutions.

ResFPN: Residual Skip Connections in Multi-Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Accurate Dense Pixel Matching

Rishav ., René Schuster, Ramy Battrawy, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Dense Pixel Matching

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Dense pixel matching is required for many computer vision algorithms such as disparity, optical flow or scene flow estimation. Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) have proven to be a suitable feature extractor for CNN-based dense matching tasks. FPN generates well localized and semantically strong features at multiple scales. However, the generic FPN is not utilizing its full potential, due to its reasonable but limited localization accuracy. Thus, we present ResFPN – a multiresolution feature pyramid network with multiple residual skip connections, where at any scale, we leverage the information from higher resolution maps for stronger and better localized features. In our ablation study we demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel architecture with clearly higher accuracy than FPN. In addition, we verify the superior accuracy of ResFPN in many different pixel matching applications on established datasets like KITTI, Sintel, and FlyingThings3D.

Story Comparison for Estimating Field of View Overlap in a Video Collection

Thierry Malon, Sylvie Chambon, Alain Crouzil, Vincent Charvillat

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Auto-TLDR; Finding Videos with Overlapping Fields of View Using Video Data

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Determining the links between large amounts of video data with no prior knowledge of the camera positions is a hard task to automate. From a collection of videos acquired from static cameras simultaneously, we propose a method for finding groups of videos with overlapping fields of view. Each video is first processed individually: at regular time steps, objects are detected and are assigned a category and an appearance descriptor. Next, the video is split into cells at different resolutions and we assign to each cell its story: it consists of the list of objects detected in the cell over time. Once the stories are established for each video, the links between cells of different videos are determined by comparing their stories: two cells are linked if they show simultaneous detections of objects of the same category with similar appearances. Pairs of videos with overlapping fields of view are identified using these links between cells. A link graph is finally returned, in which each node represents a video, and the edges indicate pairs of overlapping videos. The approach is evaluated on a set of 63 real videos from both public datasets and live surveillance videos, as well as on 84 synthetic videos, and shows promising results.

DR2S: Deep Regression with Region Selection for Camera Quality Evaluation

Marcelin Tworski, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Salim Belkarfa, Attilio Fiandrotti, Marco Cagnazzo

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Auto-TLDR; Texture Quality Estimation Using Deep Learning

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In this work, we tackle the problem of estimating a camera capability to preserve fine texture details at a given lighting condition. Importantly, our texture preservation measurement should coincide with human perception. Consequently, we formulate our problem as a regression one and we introduce a deep convolutional network to estimate texture quality score. At training time, we use ground-truth quality scores provided by expert human annotators in order to obtain a subjective quality measure. In addition, we propose a region selection method to identify the image regions that are better suited at measuring perceptual quality. Finally, our experimental evaluation shows that our learning-based approach outperforms existing methods and that our region selection algorithm consistently improves the quality estimation.

Self-Paced Bottom-Up Clustering Network with Side Information for Person Re-Identification

Mingkun Li, Chun-Guang Li, Ruo-Pei Guo, Jun Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Paced Bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

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Person re-identification (Re-ID) has attracted a lot of research attention in recent years. However, supervised methods demand an enormous amount of manually annotated data. In this paper, we propose a Self-Paced bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information (SPCNet-SI) for unsupervised person Re-ID, where the side information comes from the serial number of the camera associated with each image. Specifically, our proposed SPCNet-SI exploits the camera side information to guide the feature learning and uses soft label in bottom-up clustering process, in which the camera association information is used in the repelled loss and the soft label based cluster information is used to select the candidate cluster pairs to merge. Moreover, a self-paced dynamic mechanism is developed to regularize the merging process such that the clustering is implemented in an easy-to-hard way with a slow-to-fast merging process. Experiments on two benchmark datasets Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID demonstrate promising performance.