Quantifying Model Uncertainty in Inverse Problems Via Bayesian Deep Gradient Descent

Riccardo Barbano, Chen Zhang, Simon Arridge, Bangti Jin

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Neural Networks for Inverse Reconstruction via Bayesian Knowledge-Aided Computation

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Recent advances in reconstruction methods for inverse problems leverage powerful data-driven models, e.g., deep neural networks. These techniques have demonstrated state-of-the-art performances for several imaging tasks, but they often do not provide uncertainty on the obtained reconstructions. In this work, we develop a novel scalable data-driven knowledge-aided computational framework to quantify the model uncertainty via Bayesian neural networks. The approach builds on and extends deep gradient descent, a recently developed greedy iterative training scheme, and recasts it within a probabilistic framework. Scalability is achieved by being hybrid in the architecture: only the last layer of each block is Bayesian, while the others remain deterministic, and by being greedy in training. The framework is showcased on one representative medical imaging modality, viz. computed tomography with either sparse view or limited view data, and exhibits competitive performance with respect to state-of-the-art benchmarks, e.g., total variation, deep gradient descent and learned primal-dual.

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Deep Iterative Residual Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution

Rao Muhammad Umer, Gian Luca Foresti, Christian Micheloni

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Auto-TLDR; ISRResCNet: Deep Iterative Super-Resolution Residual Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-resolution

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Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently achieved great success for single image super-resolution (SISR) task due to their powerful feature representation capabilities. Most recent deep learning based SISR methods focus on designing deeper / wider models to learn the non-linear mapping between low-resolution (LR) inputs and the high-resolution (HR) outputs. These existing SR methods do not take into account the image observation (physical) model and thus require a large number of network's trainable parameters with a huge volume of training data. To address these issues, we propose a deep Iterative Super-Resolution Residual Convolutional Network (ISRResCNet) that exploits the powerful image regularization and large-scale optimization techniques by training the deep network in an iterative manner with a residual learning approach. Extensive experimental results on various super-resolution benchmarks demonstrate that our method with a few trainable parameters improves results for different scaling factors in comparison with the state-of-art methods.

Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks

Denis Huseljic, Bernhard Sick, Marek Herde, Daniel Kottke

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Auto-TLDR; AE-DNN: Modeling Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks

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Despite the success of deep neural networks (DNN) in many applications, their ability to model uncertainty is still significantly limited. For example, in safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is crucial to obtain a prediction that reflects different types of uncertainty to address life-threatening situations appropriately. In such cases, it is essential to be aware of the risk (i.e., aleatoric uncertainty) and the reliability (i.e., epistemic uncertainty) that comes with a prediction. We present AE-DNN, a model allowing the separation of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty while maintaining a proper generalization capability. AE-DNN is based on deterministic DNN, which can determine the respective uncertainty measures in a single forward pass. In analyses with synthetic and image data, we show that our method improves the modeling of epistemic uncertainty while providing an intuitively understandable separation of risk and reliability.

Detail-Revealing Deep Low-Dose CT Reconstruction

Xinchen Ye, Yuyao Xu, Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama

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Auto-TLDR; A Dual-branch Aggregation Network for Low-Dose CT Reconstruction

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Low-dose CT imaging emerges with low radiation risk due to the reduction of radiation dose, but brings negative impact on the imaging quality. This paper addresses the problem of low-dose CT reconstruction. Previous methods are unsatisfactory due to the inaccurate recovery of image details under the strong noise generated by the reduction of radiation dose, which directly affects the final diagnosis. To suppress the noise effectively while retain the structures well, we propose a detail-revealing dual-branch aggregation network to effectively reconstruct the degraded CT image. Specifically, the main reconstruction branch iteratively exploits and compensates the reconstruction errors to gradually refine the CT image, while the prior branch is to learn the structure details as prior knowledge to help recover the CT image. A sophisticated detail-revealing loss is designed to fuse the information from both branches and guide the learning to obtain better performance from pixel-wise and holistic perspectives respectively. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-art methods in both PSNR and SSIM metrics.

A Bayesian Deep CNN Framework for Reconstructing K-T-Undersampled Resting-fMRI

Karan Taneja, Prachi Kulkarni, Shabbir Merchant, Suyash Awate

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Auto-TLDR; K-t undersampled R-fMRI Reconstruction using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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Undersampled reconstruction in resting functional magnetic resonance imaging (R-fMRI) holds the potential to enable higher spatial resolution in brain R-fMRI without increasing scan duration. We propose a novel framework to reconstruct k-t undersampled R-fMRI relying on a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) framework that leverages the insight that R-fMRI measurements are in k-space (frequency domain) and explicitly models the Fourier transformation from the frequency domain to the spatial domain. The architecture of our CNN framework comprises a multi-stage scheme that jointly learns two multilayer CNN components for (i)~filling in missing k-space data using acquired data in frequency-temporal neighborhoods and (ii)~image quality enhancement in the spatiotemporal domain. We propose four methods within our framework, including a Bayesian CNN that produces uncertainty maps indicating the per-voxel (and per-timepoint) confidence in the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) time-series reconstruction. Results on brain R-fMRI show that our CNN framework improves over the state of the art, quantitatively and qualitatively, in terms of the connectivity maps for three cerebral functional networks.

Deep Universal Blind Image Denoising

Jae Woong Soh, Nam Ik Cho

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Auto-TLDR; Image Denoising with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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Image denoising is an essential part of many image processing and computer vision tasks due to inevitable noise corruption during image acquisition. Traditionally, many researchers have investigated image priors for the denoising, within the Bayesian perspective based on image properties and statistics. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown great success in image denoising by incorporating large-scale synthetic datasets. However, they both have pros and cons. While the deep CNNs are powerful for removing the noise with known statistics, they tend to lack flexibility and practicality for the blind and real-world noise. Moreover, they cannot easily employ explicit priors. On the other hand, traditional non-learning methods can involve explicit image priors, but they require considerable computation time and cannot exploit large-scale external datasets. In this paper, we present a CNN-based method that leverages the advantages of both methods based on the Bayesian perspective. Concretely, we divide the blind image denoising problem into sub-problems and conquer each inference problem separately. As the CNN is a powerful tool for inference, our method is rooted in CNNs and propose a novel design of network for efficient inference. With our proposed method, we can successfully remove blind and real-world noise, with a moderate number of parameters of universal CNN.

MBD-GAN: Model-Based Image Deblurring with a Generative Adversarial Network

Li Song, Edmund Y. Lam

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Auto-TLDR; Model-Based Deblurring GAN for Inverse Imaging

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This paper presents a methodology to tackle inverse imaging problems by leveraging the synergistic power of imaging model and deep learning. The premise is that while learning-based techniques have quickly become the methods of choice in various applications, they often ignore the prior knowledge embedded in imaging models. Incorporating the latter has the potential to improve the image estimation. Specifically, we first provide a mathematical basis of using generative adversarial network (GAN) in inverse imaging through considering an optimization framework. Then, we develop the specific architecture that connects the generator and discriminator networks with the imaging model. While this technique can be applied to a variety of problems, from image reconstruction to super-resolution, we take image deblurring as the example here, where we show in detail the implementation and experimental results of what we call the model-based deblurring GAN (MBD-GAN).

Probabilistic Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering with Bayesian Inference

Jiansheng Fang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yan Hu, Yanwu Xu, Ming Yang, Jiang Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering

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Latent Factor Model (LFM) is one of the most successful methods for Collaborative filtering (CF) in the recommendation system, in which both users and items are projected into a joint latent factor space. Base on matrix factorization applied usually in pattern recognition, LFM models user-item interactions as inner products of factor vectors of user and item in that space and can be efficiently solved by least square methods with optimal estimation. However, such optimal estimation methods are prone to overfitting due to the extreme sparsity of user-item interactions. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian treatment for LFM, named Bayesian Latent Factor Model (BLFM). Based on observed user-item interactions, we build a probabilistic factor model in which the regularization is introduced via placing prior constraint on latent factors, and the likelihood function is established over observations and parameters. Then we draw samples of latent factors from the posterior distribution with Variational Inference (VI) to predict expected value. We further make an extension to BLFM, called BLFMBias, incorporating user-dependent and item-dependent biases into the model for enhancing performance. Extensive experiments on the movie rating dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed models by compared with several strong baselines.

Factor Screening Using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling

Cheng Li, Santu Rana, Andrew William Gill, Dang Nguyen, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Svetha Venkatesh

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Auto-TLDR; Data-Efficient Bayesian Active Learning for Factor Screening in Combat Simulations


In this paper we propose a data-efficient Bayesian active learning framework for factor screening, which is important when dealing with systems which are expensive to evaluate, such as combat simulations. We use Gaussian Process meta-modelling with the Automatic Relevance Determination covariance kernel, which measures the importance of each factor by the inverse of their associated length-scales in the kernel. This importance measures the degree of non-linearity in the simulation response with respect to the corresponding factor. We initially place a prior over the length-scale values, then use the estimated posterior to select the next datum to simulate which maximises the mutual entropy between the length-scales and the unknown simulation response. Our goal-driven Bayesian active learning strategy ensures that we are data-efficient in discovering the correct values of the length-scales compared to either a random-sampling or uncertainty-sampling based approach. We apply our method to an expensive combat simulation and demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

In Depth Semantic Scene Completion

David Gillsjö, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Scene Completion

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For autonomous agents moving around in our world, mapping of the environment is essential. This is their only perception of their surrounding, what is not measured is unknown. Humans have learned from experience what to expect in certain environments, for example in indoor offices or supermarkets. This work studies Semantic Scene Completion which aims to predict a 3D semantic segmentation of our surroundings, even though some areas are occluded. For this we construct a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BCNN), which is not only able to perform the segmentation, but also predict model uncertainty. This is an important feature not present in standard CNNs. We show on the MNIST dataset that the Bayesian approach performs equal or better to the standard CNN when processing digits unseen in the training phase when looking at accuracy, precision and recall. With the added benefit of having better calibrated scores and the ability to express model uncertainty. We then show results for the Semantic Scene Completion task where a category is introduced at test time on the SUNCG dataset. In this more complex task the Bayesian approach outperforms the standard CNN. Showing better Intersection over Union score and excels in Average Precision and separation scores.

Variational Information Bottleneck Model for Accurate Indoor Position Recognition

Weizhu Qian, Franck Gechter

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Auto-TLDR; Variational Information Bottleneck for Indoor Positioning with WiFi Fingerprints

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Recognizing user location with WiFi fingerprints is a popular method for accurate indoor positioning problems. In this work, we want to interpret WiFi fingerprints into actual user locations. However, the WiFi fingerprint data can be very high dimensional, we need to find a good representation of the input data for the learning task at first. Otherwise, the neural networks will suffer from sever overfitting problems. In this work, we solve this problem by combining the Information Bottleneck method and Variational Inference. Based on these two approaches, we propose a Variational Information Bottleneck model for accurate indoor positioning. The proposed model consists of an encoder structure and a predictor structure. The encoder is to find a good representation in the input data for the learning task. The predictor is to use the latent representation to predict the final output. To enhance the generalization of our model, we also adopt the Dropout technique for the each hidden layer of the decoder. We conduct the validation experiments on a real world dataset. We also compared the proposed model to other existing methods so as to quantify the performances of our method.

Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green AI

Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Deep Neural Network with Constrained Splitting Projection

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In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have been applied to different domains and achieved dramatic performance improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods. These performances of DNNs were however often obtained with networks containing millions of parameters and which training required heavy computational power. In order to cope with this computational issue a huge literature deals with proximal regularization methods which are time consuming.\\ In this paper, we propose instead a constrained approach. We provide the general framework for our new splitting projection gradient method. Our splitting algorithm iterates a gradient step and a projection on convex sets. We study algorithms for different constraints: the classical $\ell_1$ unstructured constraint and structured constraints such as the nuclear norm, the $\ell_{2,1} $ constraint (Group LASSO). We propose a new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint for which we provide a new projection algorithm We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three popular datasets (MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR). Experiments on these datasets show that our splitting projection method with our new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint provides the best reduction of memory and computational power. Experiments show that fully connected linear DNN are more efficient for green AI.

Phase Retrieval Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Tobias Uelwer, Alexander Oberstraß, Stefan Harmeling

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Auto-TLDR; Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Phase Retrieval

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In this paper, we propose the application of conditional generative adversarial networks to solve various phase retrieval problems. We show that including knowledge of the measurement process at training time leads to an optimization at test time that is more robust to initialization than existing approaches involving generative models. In addition, conditioning the generator network on the measurements enables us to achieve much more detailed results. We empirically demonstrate that these advantages provide meaningful solutions to the Fourier and the compressive phase retrieval problem and that our method outperforms well-established projection-based methods as well as existing methods that are based on neural networks. Like other deep learning methods, our approach is very robust to noise and can therefore be very useful for real-world applications.

AVAE: Adversarial Variational Auto Encoder

Antoine Plumerault, Hervé Le Borgne, Celine Hudelot

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Auto-TLDR; Combining VAE and GAN for Realistic Image Generation

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Among the wide variety of image generative models, two models stand out: Variational Auto Encoders (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). GANs can produce realistic images, but they suffer from mode collapse and do not provide simple ways to get the latent representation of an image. On the other hand, VAEs do not have these problems, but they often generate images less realistic than GANs. In this article, we explain that this lack of realism is partially due to a common underestimation of the natural image manifold dimensionality. To solve this issue we introduce a new framework that combines VAE and GAN in a novel and complementary way to produce an auto-encoding model that keeps VAEs properties while generating images of GAN-quality. We evaluate our approach both qualitatively and quantitatively on five image datasets.

Deep Residual Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

Kohei Yorimoto, Xian-Hua Han

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction from a Snapshot

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Coded aperture snapshot spectral imaging (CASSI) captures a full frame spectral image as a single compressive image and is mandatory to reconstruct the underlying hyperspectral image (HSI) from the snapshot as the post-processing, which is challenge inverse problem due to its ill-posed nature. Existing methods for HSI reconstruction from a snapshot usually employs optimization for solving the formulated image degradation model regularized with the empirically designed priors, and still cannot achieve enough reconstruction accuracy for real HS image analysis systems. Motivated by the recent advances of deep learning for different inverse problems, deep learning based HSI reconstruction method has attracted a lot of attention, and can boost the reconstruction performance. This study proposes a novel deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) based framework for effectively learning the spatial structure and spectral attribute in the underlying HSI with the reciprocal spatial and spectral modules. Further, to adaptively leverage the useful learned feature for better HSI image reconstruction, we integrate residual attention modules into our DCNN via exploring both spatial and spectral attention maps. Experimental results on two benchmark HSI datasets show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both quantitative values and visual effect.

Trainable Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Michele Alberti, Angela Botros, Schuetz Narayan, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki, Mathias Seuret

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Auto-TLDR; Trainable and Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations for Neural Networks

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In this work, we introduce a new architectural component to Neural Networks (NN), i.e., trainable and spectrally initializable matrix transformations on feature maps. While previous literature has already demonstrated the possibility of adding static spectral transformations as feature processors, our focus is on more general trainable transforms. We study the transforms in various architectural configurations on four datasets of different nature: from medical (ColorectalHist, HAM10000) and natural (Flowers) images to historical documents (CB55). With rigorous experiments that control for the number of parameters and randomness, we show that networks utilizing the introduced matrix transformations outperform vanilla neural networks. The observed accuracy increases appreciably across all datasets. In addition, we show that the benefit of spectral initialization leads to significantly faster convergence, as opposed to randomly initialized matrix transformations. The transformations are implemented as auto-differentiable PyTorch modules that can be incorporated into any neural network architecture. The entire code base is open-source.

Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Techniques for Spectrum Reconstruction

Adriano Simonetto, Vincent Parret, Alexander Gatto, Piergiorgio Sartor, Pietro Zanuttigh

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Auto-TLDR; hyperspectral data estimation from RGB data using semi-supervised learning

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State-of-the-art approaches for the estimation of hyperspectral images (HSI) from RGB data are mostly based on deep learning techniques but due to the lack of training data their performances are limited to uncommon scenarios where a large hyperspectral database is available. In this work we present a family of novel deep learning schemes for hyperspectral data estimation able to work when the hyperspectral information at our disposal is limited. Firstly, we introduce a learning scheme exploiting a physical model based on the backward mapping to the RGB space and total variation regularization that can be trained with a limited amount of HSI images. Then, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning scheme able to work even with just a few pixels labeled with hyperspectral information. Finally, we show that the approach can be extended to a transfer learning scenario. The proposed techniques allow to reach impressive performances while requiring only some HSI images or just a few pixels for the training.

Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes

Andre Mendes, Julian Togelius, Leandro Dos Santos Coelho

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Stage Processes


In multi-stage processes, decisions occur in an ordered sequence of stages. Early stages usually have more observations with general information (easier/cheaper to collect), while later stages have fewer observations but more specific data. This situation can be represented by a dual funnel structure, in which the sample size decreases from one stage to the other while the information increases. Training classifiers in this scenario is challenging since information in the early stages may not contain distinct patterns to learn (underfitting). In contrast, the small sample size in later stages can cause overfitting. We address both cases by introducing a framework that combines adversarial autoencoders (AAE), multi-task learning (MTL), and multi-label semi-supervised learning (MLSSL). We improve the decoder of the AAE with an MTL component so it can jointly reconstruct the original input and use feature nets to predict the features for the next stages. We also introduce a sequence constraint in the output of an MLSSL classifier to guarantee the sequential pattern in the predictions. Using real-world data from different domains (selection process, medical diagnosis), we show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.

Variational Capsule Encoder

Harish Raviprakash, Syed Anwar, Ulas Bagci

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Capsule Networks for Representation Learning in latent space

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We propose a novel capsule network based variational encoder architecture, called Bayesian capsules (B-Caps), to modulate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution in the latent space. We hypothesize that this approach can learn a better representation of features in the latent space than traditional approaches. Our hypothesis was tested by using the learned latent variables for image reconstruction task, where for MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, different classes were separated successfully in the latent space using our proposed model. Our experimental results have shown improved reconstruction and classification performances for both datasets adding credence to our hypothesis. We also showed that by increasing the latent space dimension, the proposed B-Caps was able to learn a better representation when compared to the traditional variational auto-encoders (VAE). Hence our results indicate the strength of capsule networks in representation learning which has never been examined under the VAE settings before.

Probability Guided Maxout

Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Probability Guided Maxout for CNN Training

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In this paper, we propose an original CNN training strategy that brings together ideas from both dropout-like regularization methods and solutions that learn discriminative features. We propose a dropping criterion that, differently from dropout and its variants, is deterministic rather than random. It grounds on the empirical evidence that feature descriptors with larger $L2$-norm and highly-active nodes are strongly correlated to confident class predictions. Thus, our criterion guides towards dropping a percentage of the most active nodes of the descriptors, proportionally to the estimated class probability. We simultaneously train a per-sample scaling factor to balance the expected output across training and inference. This further allows us to keep high the descriptor's L2-norm, which we show enforces confident predictions. The combination of these two strategies resulted in our ``Probability Guided Maxout'' solution that acts as a training regularizer. We prove the above behaviors by reporting extensive image classification results on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Caltech256 datasets.

Improved anomaly detection by training an autoencoder with skip connections on images corrupted with Stain-shaped noise

Anne-Sophie Collin, Christophe De Vleeschouwer

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Auto-TLDR; Autoencoder with Skip Connections for Anomaly Detection

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In industrial vision, the anomaly detection problem can be addressed with an autoencoder trained to map an arbitrary image, i.e. with or without any defect, to a clean image, i.e. without any defect. In this approach, anomaly detection relies conventionally on the reconstruction residual or, alternatively, on the reconstruction uncertainty. To improve the sharpness of the reconstruction, we consider an autoencoder architecture with skip connections. In the common scenario where only clean images are available for training, we propose to corrupt them with a synthetic noise model to prevent the convergence of the network towards the identity mapping, and introduce an original Stain noise model for that purpose. We show that this model favors the reconstruction of clean images from arbitrary real-world images, regardless of the actual defects appearance. In addition to demonstrating the relevance of our approach, our validation provides the first consistent assessment of reconstruction-based methods, by comparing their performance over the MVTec AD dataset [ref.], both for pixel- and image-wise anomaly detection.

Deep Transformation Models: Tackling Complex Regression Problems with Neural Network Based Transformation Models

Beate Sick, Torsten Hothorn, Oliver Dürr

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Transformation Model for Probabilistic Regression

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We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.

Hierarchically Aggregated Residual Transformation for Single Image Super Resolution

Zejiang Hou, Sy Kung

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Auto-TLDR; HARTnet: Hierarchically Aggregated Residual Transformation for Multi-Scale Super-resolution

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Visual patterns usually appear at different scales/sizes in natural images. Multi-scale feature representation is of great importance for the single-image super-resolution(SISR) task to reconstruct image objects at different scales.However, such characteristic has been rarely considered by CNN-based SISR methods. In this work, we propose a novel build-ing block, i.e. hierarchically aggregated residual transformation(HART), to achieve multi-scale feature representation in each layer of the network. Within each HART block, we connect multiple convolutions in a hierarchical residual-like manner, which greatly expands the range of effective receptive fields and helps to detect image features at different scales. To theoretically understand the proposed HART block, we recast SISR as an optimal control problem and show that HART effectively approximates the classical4th-order Runge-Kutta method, which has the merit of small local truncation error for solving numerical ordinary differential equation. By cascading the proposed HART blocks, we establish our high-performing HARTnet. Comparedwith existing SR state-of-the-arts (including those in NTIRE2019 SR Challenge leaderboard), the proposed HARTnet demonstrates consistent PSNR/SSIM performance improvements on various benchmark datasets under different degradation models.Moreover, HARTnet can efficiently restore more faithful high-resolution images than comparative SR methods (cf. Figure 1).

Switching Dynamical Systems with Deep Neural Networks

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev, Ramses J. Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Variational RNN for Switching Dynamics

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The problem of uncovering different dynamicalregimes is of pivotal importance in time series analysis. Switchingdynamical systems provide a solution for modeling physical phe-nomena whose time series data exhibit different dynamical modes.In this work we propose a novel variational RNN model forswitching dynamics allowing for both non-Markovian and non-linear dynamical behavior between and within dynamic modes.Attention mechanisms are provided to inform the switchingdistribution. We evaluate our model on synthetic and empiricaldatasets of diverse nature and successfully uncover differentdynamical regimes and predict the switching dynamics.

Generative Deep-Neural-Network Mixture Modeling with Semi-Supervised MinMax+EM Learning

Nilay Pande, Suyash Awate

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Deep Neural Networks for Generative Mixture Modeling and Clustering

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) for generative mixture modeling typically rely on unsupervised learning that employs hard clustering schemes, or variational learning with loose / approximate bounds, or under-regularized modeling. We propose a novel statistical framework for a DNN mixture model using a single generative adversarial network. Our learning formulation proposes a novel data-likelihood term relying on a well-regularized / constrained Gaussian mixture model in the latent space along with a prior term on the DNN weights. Our min-max learning increases the data likelihood using a tight variational lower bound using expectation maximization (EM). We leverage our min-max EM learning scheme for semi-supervised learning. Results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the benefits of our compact modeling and learning formulation over the state of the art for mixture modeling and clustering.

Attack-Agnostic Adversarial Detection on Medical Data Using Explainable Machine Learning

Matthew Watson, Noura Al Moubayed

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Auto-TLDR; Explainability-based Detection of Adversarial Samples on EHR and Chest X-Ray Data

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Explainable machine learning has become increasingly prevalent, especially in healthcare where explainable models are vital for ethical and trusted automated decision making. Work on the susceptibility of deep learning models to adversarial attacks has shown the ease of designing samples to mislead a model into making incorrect predictions. In this work, we propose an explainability-based method for the accurate detection of adversarial samples on two datasets with different complexity and properties: Electronic Health Record (EHR) and chest X-ray (CXR) data. On the MIMIC-III and Henan-Renmin EHR datasets, we report a detection accuracy of 77% against the Longitudinal Adversarial Attack. On the MIMIC-CXR dataset, we achieve an accuracy of 88%; significantly improving on the state of the art of adversarial detection in both datasets by over 10% in all settings. We propose an anomaly detection based method using explainability techniques to detect adversarial samples which is able to generalise to different attack methods without a need for retraining.

Automatically Mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Ryoichiro Yafune, Daisuke Sakuma, Yasuo Tabei, Noritaka Saito, Hiroto Saigo

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse Bayes for Interpretable Non-linear Prediction

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With the rapid increase in the availability of large amount of data, prediction is becoming increasingly popular, and has widespread through our daily life. However, powerful non- linear prediction methods such as deep learning and SVM suffer from interpretability problem, making it hard to use in domains where the reason for decision making is required. In this paper, we develop an interpretable non-linear model called itemset Sparse Bayes (iSB), which builds a Bayesian probabilistic model, while simultaneously considering variable interactions. In order to suppress the resulting large number of variables, sparsity is imposed on regression weights by a sparsity inducing prior. As a subroutine to search for variable interactions, itemset enumeration algorithm is employed with a novel bounding condition. In computational experiments using real-world dataset, the proposed method performed better than decision tree by 10% in terms of r-squared . We also demonstrated the advantage of our method in Bayesian optimization setting, in which the proposed approach could successfully find the maximum of an unknown function faster than Gaussian process. The interpretability of iSB is naturally inherited to Bayesian optimization, thereby gives us a clue to understand which variables interactions are important in optimizing an unknown function.

Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization

Aliaksei Mikhailiuk, Clifford Wilmot, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Dingcheng Yue, Rafal Mantiuk

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Auto-TLDR; ASAP: An Active Sampling Algorithm for Pairwise Comparison Data

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Pairwise comparison data arise in many domains with subjective assessment experiments, for example in image and video quality assessment. In these experiments observers are asked to express a preference between two conditions. However, many pairwise comparison protocols require a large number of comparisons to infer accurate scores, which may be unfeasible when each comparison is time-consuming (e.g. videos) or expensive (e.g. medical imaging). This motivates the use of an active sampling algorithm that chooses only the most informative pairs for comparison. In this paper we propose ASAP, an active sampling algorithm based on approximate message passing and expected information gain maximization. Unlike most existing methods, which rely on partial updates of the posterior distribution, we are able to perform full updates and therefore much improve the accuracy of the inferred scores. The algorithm relies on three techniques for reducing computational cost: inference based on approximate message passing, selective evaluations of the information gain, and selecting pairs in a batch that forms a minimum spanning tree of the inverse of information gain. We demonstrate, with real and synthetic data, that ASAP offers the highest accuracy of inferred scores compared to the existing methods. We also provide an open-source GPU implementation of ASAP for large-scale experiments.

Single Image Super-Resolution with Dynamic Residual Connection

Karam Park, Jae Woong Soh, Nam Ik Cho

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Auto-TLDR; Dynamic Residual Attention Network for Lightweight Single Image Super-Residual Networks

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Deep convolutional neural networks have shown significant improvement in the single image super-resolution (SISR) field. Recently, there have been attempts to solve the SISR problem using lightweight networks, considering limited computational resources for real-world applications. Especially for lightweight networks, balancing between parameter demand and performance is very difficult to adjust, and most lightweight SISR networks are manually designed based on a huge number of brute-force experiments. Besides, a critical key to the network performance relies on the skip connection of building blocks that are repeatedly in the architecture. Notably, in previous works, these connections are pre-defined and manually determined by human researchers. Hence, they are less flexible to the input image statistics, and there can be a better solution for the given number of parameters. Therefore, we focus on the automated design of networks regarding the connection of basic building blocks (residual networks), and as a result, propose a dynamic residual attention network (DRAN). The proposed method allows the network to dynamically select residual paths depending on the input image, based on the idea of attention mechanism. For this, we design a dynamic residual module that determines the residual paths between the basic building blocks for the given input image. By finding optimal residual paths between the blocks, the network can selectively bypass informative features needed to reconstruct the target high-resolution (HR) image. Experimental results show that our proposed DRAN outperforms most of the existing state-of-the-arts lightweight models in SISR.

Adaptive Noise Injection for Training Stochastic Student Networks from Deterministic Teachers

Yi Xiang Marcus Tan, Yuval Elovici, Alexander Binder

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Stochastic Networks for Adversarial Attacks

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Adversarial attacks have been a prevalent problem causing misclassification in machine learning models, with stochasticity being a promising direction towards greater robustness. However, stochastic networks frequently underperform compared to deterministic deep networks. In this work, we present a conceptually clear adaptive noise injection mechanism in combination with teacher-initialisation, which adjusts its degree of randomness dynamically through the computation of mini-batch statistics. This mechanism is embedded within a simple framework to obtain stochastic networks from existing deterministic networks. Our experiments show that our method is able to outperform prior baselines under white-box settings, exemplified through CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. Following which, we perform in-depth analysis on varying different components of training with our approach on the effects of robustness and accuracy, through the study of the evolution of decision boundary and trend curves of clean accuracy/attack success over differing degrees of stochasticity. We also shed light on the effects of adversarial training on a pre-trained network, through the lens of decision boundaries.

An Efficient Empirical Solver for Localized Multiple Kernel Learning Via DNNs

Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Localized Multiple Kernel Learning using LMKL-Net

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In this paper we propose solving localized multiple kernel learning (LMKL) using LMKL-Net, a feedforward deep neural network (DNN). In contrast to previous works, as a learning principle we propose parameterizing the gating function for learning kernel combination weights and the multiclass classifier using an attentional network (AN) and a multilayer perceptron (MLP), respectively. Such interpretability helps us better understand how the network solves the problem. Thanks to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), our approach has {\em linear} computational complexity in training. Empirically on benchmark datasets we demonstrate that with comparable or better accuracy than the state-of-the-art, our LMKL-Net can be trained about {\bf two orders of magnitude} faster with about {\bf two orders of magnitude} smaller memory footprint for large-scale learning.

DSPNet: Deep Learning-Enabled Blind Reduction of Speckle Noise

Yuxu Lu, Meifang Yang, Liu Wen

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Blind DeSPeckling Network for Imaging Applications

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Blind reduction of speckle noise has become a long-standing unsolved problem in several imaging applications, such as medical ultrasound imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, and underwater sonar imaging, etc. The unwanted noise could lead to negative effects on the reliable detection and recognition of objects of interest. From a statistical point of view, speckle noise could be assumed to be multiplicative, significantly different from the common additive Gaussian noise. The purpose of this study is to blindly reduce the speckle noise under non-ideal imaging conditions. The multiplicative relationship between latent sharp image and random noise will be first converted into an additive version through a logarithmic transformation. To promote imaging performance, we introduced the feature pyramid network (FPN) and atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP), contributing to a more powerful deep blind DeSPeckling Network (named as DSPNet). In particular, DSPNet is mainly composed of two subnetworks, i.e., Log-NENet (i.e., noise estimation network in logarithmic domain) and Log-DNNet (i.e., denoising network in logarithmic domain). Log-NENet and Log-DNNet are, respectively, proposed to estimate noise level map and reduce random noise in logarithmic domain. The multi-scale mixed loss function is further proposed to improve the robust generalization of DSPNet. The proposed deep blind despeckling network is capable of reducing random noise and preserving salient image details. Both synthetic and realistic experiments have demonstrated the superior performance of our DSPNet in terms of quantitative evaluations and visual image qualities.

A Multilinear Sampling Algorithm to Estimate Shapley Values

Ramin Okhrati, Aldo Lipani

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Auto-TLDR; A sampling method for Shapley values for multilayer Perceptrons

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Shapley values are great analytical tools in game theory to measure the importance of a player in a game. Due to their axiomatic and desirable properties such as efficiency, they have become popular for feature importance analysis in data science and machine learning. However, the time complexity to compute Shapley values based on the original formula is exponential, and as the number of features increases, this becomes infeasible. Castro et al. [1] developed a sampling algorithm, to estimate Shapley values. In this work, we propose a new sampling method based on a multilinear extension technique as applied in game theory. The aim is to provide a more efficient (sampling) method for estimating Shapley values. Our method is applicable to any machine learning model, in particular for either multiclass classifications or regression problems. We apply the method to estimate Shapley values for multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) and through experimentation on two datasets, we demonstrate that our method provides more accurate estimations of the Shapley values by reducing the variance of the sampling statistics

Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels

Görkem Algan, Ilkay Ulusoy

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Auto-TLDR; MSLG: Meta-Learning for Noisy Label Generation

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The existence of noisy labels in the dataset causes significant performance degradation for deep neural networks (DNNs). To address this problem, we propose a Meta Soft Label Generation algorithm called MSLG, which can jointly generate soft labels using meta-learning techniques and learn DNN parameters in an end-to-end fashion. Our approach adapts the meta-learning paradigm to estimate optimal label distribution by checking gradient directions on both noisy training data and noise-free meta-data. In order to iteratively update soft labels, meta-gradient descent step is performed on estimated labels, which would minimize the loss of noise-free meta samples. In each iteration, the base classifier is trained on estimated meta labels. MSLG is model-agnostic and can be added on top of any existing model at hand with ease. We performed extensive experiments on CIFAR10, Clothing1M and Food101N datasets. Results show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/gorkemalgan/MSLG_noisy_label}.

Galaxy Image Translation with Semi-Supervised Noise-Reconstructed Generative Adversarial Networks

Qiufan Lin, Dominique Fouchez, Jérôme Pasquet

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks Using Paired and Unpaired Images

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Image-to-image translation with Deep Learning neural networks, particularly with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), is one of the most powerful methods for simulating astronomical images. However, current work is limited to utilizing paired images with supervised translation, and there has been rare discussion on reconstructing noise background that encodes instrumental and observational effects. These limitations might be harmful for subsequent scientific applications in astrophysics. Therefore, we aim to develop methods for using unpaired images and preserving noise characteristics in image translation. In this work, we propose a two-way image translation model using GANs that exploits both paired and unpaired images in a semi-supervised manner, and introduce a noise emulating module that is able to learn and reconstruct noise characterized by high-frequency features. By experimenting on multi-band galaxy images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHT), we show that our method recovers global and local properties effectively and outperforms benchmark image translation models. To our best knowledge, this work is the first attempt to apply semi-supervised methods and noise reconstruction techniques in astrophysical studies.

MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)

Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora, Mark W. Jones

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Auto-TLDR; Recurrent Neural Network for Lossless Medical Image Compression using Long Short-Term Memory

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As scanners produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled images, this raises the challenge of data storage, transmission and communication within healthcare systems. Since the quality of medical images plays a crucial role in diagnosis accuracy, medical imaging compression techniques are desired to reduce scan bitrate while guaranteeing lossless reconstruction. This paper presents a lossless compression method that integrates a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as a 3D sequence prediction model. The aim is to learn the long dependencies of the voxel's neighbourhood in 3D using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network then compress the residual error using arithmetic coding. Experiential results reveal that our method obtains a higher compression ratio achieving 15% saving compared to the state-of-the-art lossless compression standards, including JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JP3D, HEVC, and PPMd. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method generalizes well to unseen modalities CT and MRI for the lossless compression scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lossless compression method that uses LSTM neural network for 16-bit volumetric medical image compression.

GPSRL: Learning Semi-Parametric Bayesian Survival Rule Lists from Heterogeneous Patient Data

Ameer Hamza Shakur, Xiaoning Qian, Zhangyang Wang, Bobak Mortazavi, Shuai Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List Model for Heterogeneous Survival Data

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Survival data is often collected in medical applications from a heterogeneous population of patients. While in the past, popular survival models focused on modeling the average effect of the co-variates on survival outcomes, rapidly advancing sensing and information technologies have provided opportunities to further model the heterogeneity of the population as well as the non-linearity of the survival risk. With this motivation, we propose a new semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List model in this paper. Our model derives a rule-based decision-making approach, while within the regime defined by each rule, survival risk is modelled via a Gaussian process latent variable model. Markov Chain Monte Carlo with a nested Laplace approximation for the latent variable model is used to search over the posterior of the rule lists efficiently. The use of ordered rule lists enables us to model heterogeneity while keeping the model complexity in check. Performance evaluations on a synthetic heterogeneous survival dataset and a real world sepsis survival dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.

On the Information of Feature Maps and Pruning of Deep Neural Networks

Mohammadreza Soltani, Suya Wu, Jie Ding, Robert Ravier, Vahid Tarokh

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Models Using Mutual Information

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A technique for compressing deep neural models achieving competitive performance to state-of-the-art methods is proposed. The approach utilizes the mutual information between the feature maps and the output of the model in order to prune the redundant layers of the network. Extensive numerical experiments on both CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet data sets demonstrate that the proposed method can be effective in compressing deep models, both in terms of the numbers of parameters and operations. For instance, by applying the proposed approach to DenseNet model with 0.77 million parameters and 293 million operations for classification of CIFAR-10 data set, a reduction of 62.66% and 41.00% in the number of parameters and the number of operations are respectively achieved, while increasing the test error only by less than 1%.

Bayesian Active Learning for Maximal Information Gain on Model Parameters

Kasra Arnavaz, Aasa Feragen, Oswin Krause, Marco Loog

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian assumptions for Bayesian classification

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The fact that machine learning models, despite their advancements, are still trained on randomly gathered data is proof that a lasting solution to the problem of optimal data gathering has not yet been found. In this paper, we investigate whether a Bayesian approach to the classification problem can provide assumptions under which one is guaranteed to perform at least as good as random sampling. For a logistic regression model, we show that maximal expected information gain on model parameters is a promising criterion for selecting samples, assuming that our classification model is well-matched to the data. Our derived criterion is closely related to the maximum model change. We experiment with data sets which satisfy this assumption to varying degrees to see how sensitive our performance is to the violation of our assumption in practice.

3CS Algorithm for Efficient Gaussian Process Model Retrieval

Fabian Berns, Kjeld Schmidt, Ingolf Bracht, Christian Beecks

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient retrieval of Gaussian Process Models for large-scale data using divide-&-conquer-based approach

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Gaussian Process Models (GPMs) have been applied for various pattern recognition tasks due to their analytical tractability, ability to quantify uncertainty for their own results as well as to subsume prominent other regression techniques. Despite these promising prospects their super-quadratic computation time complexity for model selection and evaluation impedes its broader application for more than a few thousand data points. Although there have been many proposals towards Gaussian Processes for large-scale data, those only offer a linearly scaling improvement to a cubical scaling problem. In particular, solutions like the Nystrom approximation or sparse matrices are only taking fractions of the given data into account and subsequently lead to inaccurate models. In this paper, we thus propose a divide-&-conquer-based approach, that allows to efficiently retrieve GPMs for large-scale data. The resulting model is composed of independent pattern representations for non-overlapping segments of the given data and consequently reduces computation time significantly. Our performance analysis indicates that our proposal is able to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for GPM retrieval with respect to the qualities of efficiency and accuracy.

Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Image Classification

Federico Pollastri, Juan Maroñas, Federico Bolelli, Giulia Ligabue, Roberto Paredes, Riccardo Magistroni, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; A Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Network for Immunofluorescence Classification in Renal Biopsy

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With this work we tackle immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy, employing state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks. In this setting, the aim of the probabilistic model is to assist an expert practitioner towards identifying the location pattern of antibody deposits within a glomerulus. Since modern neural networks often provide overconfident outputs, we stress the importance of having a reliable prediction, demonstrating that Temperature Scaling, a recently introduced re-calibration technique, can be successfully applied to immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy. Experimental results demonstrate that the designed model yields good accuracy on the specific task, and that Temperature Scaling is able to provide reliable probabilities, which are highly valuable for such a task given the low inter-rater agreement.

Total Estimation from RGB Video: On-Line Camera Self-Calibration, Non-Rigid Shape and Motion

Antonio Agudo

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Auto-Calibration, Pose and 3D Reconstruction of a Non-rigid Object from an uncalibrated RGB Image Sequence

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In this paper we present a sequential approach to jointly retrieve camera auto-calibration, camera pose and the 3D reconstruction of a non-rigid object from an uncalibrated RGB image sequence, without assuming any prior information about the shape structure, nor the need for a calibration pattern, nor the use of training data at all. To this end, we propose a Bayesian filtering approach based on a sum-of-Gaussians filter composed of a bank of extended Kalman filters (EKF). For every EKF, we make use of dynamic models to estimate its state vector, which later will be Gaussianly combined to achieve a global solution. To deal with deformable objects, we incorporate a mechanical model solved by using the finite element method. Thanks to these ingredients, the resulting method is both efficient and robust to several artifacts such as missing and noisy observations as well as sudden camera motions, while being available for a wide variety of objects and materials, including isometric and elastic shape deformations. Experimental validation is proposed in real experiments, showing its strengths with respect to competing approaches.

Bridging the Gap between Natural and Medical Images through Deep Colorization

Lia Morra, Luca Piano, Fabrizio Lamberti, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer Learning for Diagnosis on X-ray Images Using Color Adaptation

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Deep learning has thrived by training on large-scale datasets. However, in many applications, as for medical image diagnosis, getting massive amount of data is still prohibitive due to privacy, lack of acquisition homogeneity and annotation cost. In this scenario transfer learning from natural image collections is a standard practice that attempts to tackle shape, texture and color discrepancy all at once through pretrained model fine-tuning. In this work we propose to disentangle those challenges and design a dedicated network module that focuses on color adaptation. We combine learning from scratch of the color module with transfer learning of different classification backbones obtaining an end-to-end, easy-to-train architecture for diagnostic image recognition on X-ray images. Extensive experiments show how our approach is particularly efficient in case of data scarcity and provides a new path for further transferring the learned color information across multiple medical datasets.

Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation

Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence

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Distributed Gaussian processes (DGPs) are prominent local approximation methods to scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large datasets. Instead of a global estimation, they train local experts by dividing the training set into subsets, thus reducing the time complexity. This strategy is based on the conditional independence assumption, which basically means that there is a perfect diversity between the local experts. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated, and the aggregation of experts leads to sub-optimal and inconsistent solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence. The dependency between experts is determined by using a Gaussian graphical model, which yields the precision matrix. The precision matrix encodes conditional dependencies between experts and is used to detect strongly dependent experts and construct an improved aggregation. Using both synthetic and real datasets, our experimental evaluations illustrate that our new method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) DGP approaches while being substantially more time-efficient than SOTA approaches, which build on independent experts.

MaxDropout: Deep Neural Network Regularization Based on Maximum Output Values

Claudio Filipi Gonçalves Santos, Danilo Colombo, Mateus Roder, Joao Paulo Papa

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Auto-TLDR; MaxDropout: A Regularizer for Deep Neural Networks

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Different techniques have emerged in the deep learning scenario, such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Belief Networks, and Long Short-Term Memory Networks, to cite a few. In lockstep, regularization methods, which aim to prevent overfitting by penalizing the weight connections, or turning off some units, have been widely studied either. In this paper, we present a novel approach called MaxDropout, a regularizer for deep neural network models that works in a supervised fashion by removing (shutting off) the prominent neurons (i.e., most active) in each hidden layer. The model forces fewer activated units to learn more representative information, thus providing sparsity. Regarding the experiments, we show that it is possible to improve existing neural networks and provide better results in neural networks when Dropout is replaced by MaxDropout. The proposed method was evaluated in image classification, achieving comparable results to existing regularizers, such as Cutout and RandomErasing, also improving the accuracy of neural networks that uses Dropout by replacing the existing layer by MaxDropout.

On Resource-Efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers and Deep Neural Networks

Wolfgang Roth, Günther Schindler, Holger Fröning, Franz Pernkopf

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Auto-TLDR; Quantization-Aware Bayesian Network Classifiers for Small-Scale Scenarios

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We present two methods to reduce the complexity of Bayesian network (BN) classifiers. First, we introduce quantization-aware training using the straight-through gradient estimator to quantize the parameters of BNs to few bits. Second, we extend a recently proposed differentiable tree-augmented naive Bayes (TAN) structure learning approach to also consider the model size. Both methods are motivated by recent developments in the deep learning community, and they provide effective means to trade off between model size and prediction accuracy, which is demonstrated in extensive experiments. Furthermore, we contrast quantized BN classifiers with quantized deep neural networks (DNNs) for small-scale scenarios which have hardly been investigated in the literature. We show Pareto optimal models with respect to model size, number of operations, and test error and find that both model classes are viable options.

The Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation Using a Separate Formulation with Virtual Residuals

Takumi Kawashima, Qing Yu, Akari Asai, Daiki Ikami, Kiyoharu Aizawa

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Auto-TLDR; Aleatoric Uncertainty Estimation in Regression Problems

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We propose a new optimization framework for aleatoric uncertainty estimation in regression problems. Existing methods can quantify the error in the target estimation, but they tend to underestimate it. To obtain the predictive uncertainty inherent in an observation, we propose a new separable formulation for the estimation of a signal and of its uncertainty, avoiding the effect of overfitting. By decoupling target estimation and uncertainty estimation, we also control the balance between signal estimation and uncertainty estimation. We conduct three types of experiments: regression with simulation data, age estimation, and depth estimation. We demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms a state-of-the-art technique for signal and uncertainty estimation.

Auto Encoding Explanatory Examples with Stochastic Paths

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Ramses J. Sanchez, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Stochastic Path: Explaining a Classifier's Decision Making Process using latent codes

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In this paper we ask for the main factors that determine a classifier's decision making process and uncover such factors by studying latent codes produced by auto-encoding frameworks. To deliver an explanation of a classifier's behaviour, we propose a method that provides series of examples highlighting semantic differences between the classifier's decisions. These examples are generated through interpolations in latent space. We introduce and formalize the notion of a semantic stochastic path, as a suitable stochastic process defined in feature (data) space via latent code interpolations. We then introduce the concept of semantic Lagrangians as a way to incorporate the desired classifier's behaviour and find that the solution of the associated variational problem allows for highlighting differences in the classifier decision. Very importantly, within our framework the classifier is used as a black-box, and only its evaluation is required.

Combining GANs and AutoEncoders for Efficient Anomaly Detection

Fabio Carrara, Giuseppe Amato, Luca Brombin, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro

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Auto-TLDR; CBIGAN: Anomaly Detection in Images with Consistency Constrained BiGAN

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In this work, we propose CBiGAN --- a novel method for anomaly detection in images, where a consistency constraint is introduced as a regularization term in both the encoder and decoder of a BiGAN. Our model exhibits fairly good modeling power and reconstruction consistency capability. We evaluate the proposed method on MVTec AD --- a real-world benchmark for unsupervised anomaly detection on high-resolution images --- and compare against standard baselines and state-of-the-art approaches. Experiments show that the proposed method improves the performance of BiGAN formulations by a large margin and performs comparably to expensive state-of-the-art iterative methods while reducing the computational cost. We also observe that our model is particularly effective in texture-type anomaly detection, as it sets a new state of the art in this category. The code will be publicly released.