Probabilistic Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering with Bayesian Inference

Jiansheng Fang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yan Hu, Yanwu Xu, Ming Yang, Jiang Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering


Latent Factor Model (LFM) is one of the most successful methods for Collaborative filtering (CF) in the recommendation system, in which both users and items are projected into a joint latent factor space. Base on matrix factorization applied usually in pattern recognition, LFM models user-item interactions as inner products of factor vectors of user and item in that space and can be efficiently solved by least square methods with optimal estimation. However, such optimal estimation methods are prone to overfitting due to the extreme sparsity of user-item interactions. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian treatment for LFM, named Bayesian Latent Factor Model (BLFM). Based on observed user-item interactions, we build a probabilistic factor model in which the regularization is introduced via placing prior constraint on latent factors, and the likelihood function is established over observations and parameters. Then we draw samples of latent factors from the posterior distribution with Variational Inference (VI) to predict expected value. We further make an extension to BLFM, called BLFMBias, incorporating user-dependent and item-dependent biases into the model for enhancing performance. Extensive experiments on the movie rating dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed models by compared with several strong baselines.

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Temporal Collaborative Filtering with Graph Convolutional Neural Networks

Esther Rodrigo-Bonet, Minh Duc Nguyen, Nikos Deligiannis

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Collaborative Filtering with Graph-Neural-Network-based Neural Networks

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Temporal collaborative filtering (TCF) methods aim at modelling non-static aspects behind recommender systems, such as the dynamics in users' preferences and social trends around items. State-of-the-art TCF methods employ recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to model such aspects. These methods deploy matrix-factorization-based (MF-based) approaches to learn the user and item representations. Recently, graph-neural-network-based (GNN-based) approaches have shown improved performance in providing accurate recommendations over traditional MF-based approaches in non-temporal CF settings. Motivated by this, we propose a novel TCF method that leverages GNNs to learn user and item representations, and RNNs to model their temporal dynamics. A challenge with this method lies in the increased data sparsity, which negatively impacts obtaining meaningful quality representations with GNNs. To overcome this challenge, we train a GNN model at each time step using a set of observed interactions accumulated time-wise. Comprehensive experiments on real-world data show the improved performance obtained by our method over several state-of-the-art temporal and non-temporal CF models.

An Intransitivity Model for Matchup and Pairwise Comparison

Yan Gu, Jiuding Duan, Hisashi Kashima

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Auto-TLDR; Blade-Chest: A Low-Rank Matrix Approach for Probabilistic Ranking of Players

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Ranking is a ubiquitous problem appearing in many real-world applications. The superior players or objects are oftentimes determined by a matchup or pairwise comparison. Various models have been developed to integrate the matchup results into a single ranking list of players and to further predict the results of future matchups. Amongst them, the Bradley-Terry model is a mainstream model that achieves the goals by constructing explicit probabilistic interpretation. However, the model suffers from its strong assumption of transitive relationships and becomes vulnerable in practices where intransitive relationships exist. Blade-Chest model is an alternative solution to this intransitivity challenge by allowing the multi-dimensional representation of players. In this paper, we propose a low-rank matrix approach to characterize all players and generalize the related works by introducing a unified framework. Our experimental results on synthetic datasets and real-world datasets show that the proposed model is stably competitive with the standard models in terms of the consistency of probabilistic model interpretation and the predictive performance in out-of-sample tests.

Deep Topic Modeling by Multilayer Bootstrap Network and Lasso

Jian-Yu Wang, Xiao-Lei Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Deep Topic Modeling with Multilayer Bootstrap Network and Lasso

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Topic modeling is widely studied for the dimension reduction and analysis of documents. However, it is formulated as a difficult optimization problem. Current approximate solutions also suffer from inaccurate model- or data-assumptions. To deal with the above problems, we propose a polynomial-time deep topic model with no model and data assumptions. Specifically, we first apply multilayer bootstrap network (MBN), which is an unsupervised deep model, to reduce the dimension of documents, and then use the low-dimensional data representations or their clustering results as the target of supervised Lasso for topic word discovery. To our knowledge, this is the first time that MBN and Lasso are applied to unsupervised topic modeling. Experimental comparison results with five representative topic models on the 20-newsgroups and TDT2 corpora illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation

Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence

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Distributed Gaussian processes (DGPs) are prominent local approximation methods to scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large datasets. Instead of a global estimation, they train local experts by dividing the training set into subsets, thus reducing the time complexity. This strategy is based on the conditional independence assumption, which basically means that there is a perfect diversity between the local experts. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated, and the aggregation of experts leads to sub-optimal and inconsistent solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence. The dependency between experts is determined by using a Gaussian graphical model, which yields the precision matrix. The precision matrix encodes conditional dependencies between experts and is used to detect strongly dependent experts and construct an improved aggregation. Using both synthetic and real datasets, our experimental evaluations illustrate that our new method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) DGP approaches while being substantially more time-efficient than SOTA approaches, which build on independent experts.

Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization

Aliaksei Mikhailiuk, Clifford Wilmot, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Dingcheng Yue, Rafal Mantiuk

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Auto-TLDR; ASAP: An Active Sampling Algorithm for Pairwise Comparison Data

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Pairwise comparison data arise in many domains with subjective assessment experiments, for example in image and video quality assessment. In these experiments observers are asked to express a preference between two conditions. However, many pairwise comparison protocols require a large number of comparisons to infer accurate scores, which may be unfeasible when each comparison is time-consuming (e.g. videos) or expensive (e.g. medical imaging). This motivates the use of an active sampling algorithm that chooses only the most informative pairs for comparison. In this paper we propose ASAP, an active sampling algorithm based on approximate message passing and expected information gain maximization. Unlike most existing methods, which rely on partial updates of the posterior distribution, we are able to perform full updates and therefore much improve the accuracy of the inferred scores. The algorithm relies on three techniques for reducing computational cost: inference based on approximate message passing, selective evaluations of the information gain, and selecting pairs in a batch that forms a minimum spanning tree of the inverse of information gain. We demonstrate, with real and synthetic data, that ASAP offers the highest accuracy of inferred scores compared to the existing methods. We also provide an open-source GPU implementation of ASAP for large-scale experiments.

Enhanced User Interest and Expertise Modeling for Expert Recommendation

Tongze He, Caili Guo, Yunfei Chu

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Auto-TLDR; A Unified Framework for Expert Recommendation in Community Question Answering

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The rapid development of Community Question Answering (CQA) satisfies users' request for professional and personal knowledge. In CQA, one key issue is to recommend users with high expertise and willingness to answer the given questions, namely expert recommendation. However, most of existing methods for expert recommendation ignore some key information, such as time information and historical feedback information, degrading the performance. On the one hand, users' interest are changing over time. It is biased if we don't consider the dynamics. On the other hand, feedback information is critical to estimate users' expertise. To solve these problems, we propose a unified framework for expert recommendation to exploit user interest and expertise more precisely. Considering the inconsistency between them, we propose to learn their embeddings separately. We leverage Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) to model user's short-term interest and combine it with long-term interest. The user expertise is learned by the designed user expertise network, which explicitly models feedback on users' historical behavior. The extensive experiments on a large-scale dataset from a real-world CQA site demonstrate the superior performance of our method than state-of-the-art solutions to the problem.

Factor Screening Using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling

Cheng Li, Santu Rana, Andrew William Gill, Dang Nguyen, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Svetha Venkatesh

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Auto-TLDR; Data-Efficient Bayesian Active Learning for Factor Screening in Combat Simulations


In this paper we propose a data-efficient Bayesian active learning framework for factor screening, which is important when dealing with systems which are expensive to evaluate, such as combat simulations. We use Gaussian Process meta-modelling with the Automatic Relevance Determination covariance kernel, which measures the importance of each factor by the inverse of their associated length-scales in the kernel. This importance measures the degree of non-linearity in the simulation response with respect to the corresponding factor. We initially place a prior over the length-scale values, then use the estimated posterior to select the next datum to simulate which maximises the mutual entropy between the length-scales and the unknown simulation response. Our goal-driven Bayesian active learning strategy ensures that we are data-efficient in discovering the correct values of the length-scales compared to either a random-sampling or uncertainty-sampling based approach. We apply our method to an expensive combat simulation and demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

Automatically Mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Ryoichiro Yafune, Daisuke Sakuma, Yasuo Tabei, Noritaka Saito, Hiroto Saigo

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse Bayes for Interpretable Non-linear Prediction

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With the rapid increase in the availability of large amount of data, prediction is becoming increasingly popular, and has widespread through our daily life. However, powerful non- linear prediction methods such as deep learning and SVM suffer from interpretability problem, making it hard to use in domains where the reason for decision making is required. In this paper, we develop an interpretable non-linear model called itemset Sparse Bayes (iSB), which builds a Bayesian probabilistic model, while simultaneously considering variable interactions. In order to suppress the resulting large number of variables, sparsity is imposed on regression weights by a sparsity inducing prior. As a subroutine to search for variable interactions, itemset enumeration algorithm is employed with a novel bounding condition. In computational experiments using real-world dataset, the proposed method performed better than decision tree by 10% in terms of r-squared . We also demonstrated the advantage of our method in Bayesian optimization setting, in which the proposed approach could successfully find the maximum of an unknown function faster than Gaussian process. The interpretability of iSB is naturally inherited to Bayesian optimization, thereby gives us a clue to understand which variables interactions are important in optimizing an unknown function.

Hierarchical Routing Mixture of Experts

Wenbo Zhao, Yang Gao, Shahan Ali Memon, Bhiksha Raj, Rita Singh

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Auto-TLDR; A Binary Tree-structured Hierarchical Routing Mixture of Experts for Regression

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In regression tasks the distribution of the data is often too complex to be fitted by a single model. In contrast, partition-based models are developed where data is divided and fitted by local models. These models partition the input space and do not leverage the input-output dependency of multimodal-distributed data, and strong local models are needed to make good predictions. Addressing these problems, we propose a binary tree-structured hierarchical routing mixture of experts (HRME) model that has classifiers as non-leaf node experts and simple regression models as leaf node experts. The classifier nodes jointly soft-partition the input-output space based on the natural separateness of multimodal data. This enables simple leaf experts to be effective for prediction. Further, we develop a probabilistic framework for the HRME model, and propose a recursive Expectation-Maximization (EM) based algorithm to learn both the tree structure and the expert models. Experiments on a collection of regression tasks validate the effectiveness of our method compared to a variety of other regression models.

Quantifying Model Uncertainty in Inverse Problems Via Bayesian Deep Gradient Descent

Riccardo Barbano, Chen Zhang, Simon Arridge, Bangti Jin

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Neural Networks for Inverse Reconstruction via Bayesian Knowledge-Aided Computation

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Recent advances in reconstruction methods for inverse problems leverage powerful data-driven models, e.g., deep neural networks. These techniques have demonstrated state-of-the-art performances for several imaging tasks, but they often do not provide uncertainty on the obtained reconstructions. In this work, we develop a novel scalable data-driven knowledge-aided computational framework to quantify the model uncertainty via Bayesian neural networks. The approach builds on and extends deep gradient descent, a recently developed greedy iterative training scheme, and recasts it within a probabilistic framework. Scalability is achieved by being hybrid in the architecture: only the last layer of each block is Bayesian, while the others remain deterministic, and by being greedy in training. The framework is showcased on one representative medical imaging modality, viz. computed tomography with either sparse view or limited view data, and exhibits competitive performance with respect to state-of-the-art benchmarks, e.g., total variation, deep gradient descent and learned primal-dual.

Variational Information Bottleneck Model for Accurate Indoor Position Recognition

Weizhu Qian, Franck Gechter

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Auto-TLDR; Variational Information Bottleneck for Indoor Positioning with WiFi Fingerprints

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Recognizing user location with WiFi fingerprints is a popular method for accurate indoor positioning problems. In this work, we want to interpret WiFi fingerprints into actual user locations. However, the WiFi fingerprint data can be very high dimensional, we need to find a good representation of the input data for the learning task at first. Otherwise, the neural networks will suffer from sever overfitting problems. In this work, we solve this problem by combining the Information Bottleneck method and Variational Inference. Based on these two approaches, we propose a Variational Information Bottleneck model for accurate indoor positioning. The proposed model consists of an encoder structure and a predictor structure. The encoder is to find a good representation in the input data for the learning task. The predictor is to use the latent representation to predict the final output. To enhance the generalization of our model, we also adopt the Dropout technique for the each hidden layer of the decoder. We conduct the validation experiments on a real world dataset. We also compared the proposed model to other existing methods so as to quantify the performances of our method.

3CS Algorithm for Efficient Gaussian Process Model Retrieval

Fabian Berns, Kjeld Schmidt, Ingolf Bracht, Christian Beecks

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient retrieval of Gaussian Process Models for large-scale data using divide-&-conquer-based approach

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Gaussian Process Models (GPMs) have been applied for various pattern recognition tasks due to their analytical tractability, ability to quantify uncertainty for their own results as well as to subsume prominent other regression techniques. Despite these promising prospects their super-quadratic computation time complexity for model selection and evaluation impedes its broader application for more than a few thousand data points. Although there have been many proposals towards Gaussian Processes for large-scale data, those only offer a linearly scaling improvement to a cubical scaling problem. In particular, solutions like the Nystrom approximation or sparse matrices are only taking fractions of the given data into account and subsequently lead to inaccurate models. In this paper, we thus propose a divide-&-conquer-based approach, that allows to efficiently retrieve GPMs for large-scale data. The resulting model is composed of independent pattern representations for non-overlapping segments of the given data and consequently reduces computation time significantly. Our performance analysis indicates that our proposal is able to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for GPM retrieval with respect to the qualities of efficiency and accuracy.

Epitomic Variational Graph Autoencoder

Rayyan Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Umer Anwaar, Martin Kleinsteuber

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Auto-TLDR; EVGAE: A Generative Variational Autoencoder for Graph Data

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Variational autoencoder (VAE) is a widely used generative model for learning latent representations. Burda et al. in their seminal paper showed that learning capacity of VAE is limited by over-pruning. It is a phenomenon where a significant number of latent variables fail to capture any information about the input data and the corresponding hidden units become inactive. This adversely affects learning diverse and interpretable latent representations. As variational graph autoencoder (VGAE) extends VAE for graph-structured data, it inherits the over-pruning problem. In this paper, we adopt a model based approach and propose epitomic VGAE (EVGAE),a generative variational framework for graph datasets which successfully mitigates the over-pruning problem and also boosts the generative ability of VGAE. We consider EVGAE to consist of multiple sparse VGAE models, called epitomes, that are groups of latent variables sharing the latent space. This approach aids in increasing active units as epitomes compete to learn better representation of the graph data. We verify our claims via experiments on three benchmark datasets. Our experiments show that EVGAE has a better generative ability than VGAE. Moreover, EVGAE outperforms VGAE on link prediction task in citation networks

Learning Parameter Distributions to Detect Concept Drift in Data Streams

Johannes Haug, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel framework for the detection of concept drift in streaming environments

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Data distributions in streaming environments are usually not stationary. In order to maintain a high predictive quality at all times, online learning models need to adapt to distributional changes, which are known as concept drift. The timely and robust identification of concept drift can be difficult, as we never have access to the true distribution of streaming data. In this work, we propose a novel framework for the detection of real concept drift, called ERICS. By treating the parameters of a predictive model as random variables, we show that concept drift corresponds to a change in the distribution of optimal parameters. To this end, we adopt common measures from information theory. The proposed framework is completely model-agnostic. By choosing an appropriate base model, ERICS is also capable to detect concept drift at the input level, which is a significant advantage over existing approaches. An evaluation on several synthetic and real-world data sets suggests that the proposed framework identifies concept drift more effectively and precisely than various existing works.

GPSRL: Learning Semi-Parametric Bayesian Survival Rule Lists from Heterogeneous Patient Data

Ameer Hamza Shakur, Xiaoning Qian, Zhangyang Wang, Bobak Mortazavi, Shuai Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List Model for Heterogeneous Survival Data

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Survival data is often collected in medical applications from a heterogeneous population of patients. While in the past, popular survival models focused on modeling the average effect of the co-variates on survival outcomes, rapidly advancing sensing and information technologies have provided opportunities to further model the heterogeneity of the population as well as the non-linearity of the survival risk. With this motivation, we propose a new semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List model in this paper. Our model derives a rule-based decision-making approach, while within the regime defined by each rule, survival risk is modelled via a Gaussian process latent variable model. Markov Chain Monte Carlo with a nested Laplace approximation for the latent variable model is used to search over the posterior of the rule lists efficiently. The use of ordered rule lists enables us to model heterogeneity while keeping the model complexity in check. Performance evaluations on a synthetic heterogeneous survival dataset and a real world sepsis survival dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.

Temporal Pattern Detection in Time-Varying Graphical Models

Federico Tomasi, Veronica Tozzo, Annalisa Barla

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Auto-TLDR; A dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns

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Graphical models allow to describe the interplay among variables of a system through a compact representation, suitable when relations evolve over time. For example, in a biological setting, genes interact differently depending on external environmental or metabolic factors. To incorporate this dynamics a viable strategy is to estimate a sequence of temporally related graphs assuming similarity among samples in different time points. While adjacent time points may direct the analysis towards a robust estimate of the underlying graph, the resulting model will not incorporate long-term or recurrent temporal relationships. In this work we propose a dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns (such as circadian rhythms or seasonality). We show how our approach may also be exploited when the recurrent patterns are unknown, by coupling the network inference with a clustering procedure that detects possibly non-consecutive similar networks. Such clusters are then used to build similarity kernels. The convexity of the functional is determined by whether we impose or infer the kernel. In the first case, the optimisation algorithm exploits efficiently proximity operators with closed-form solutions. In the other case, we resort to an alternating minimisation procedure which jointly learns the temporal kernel and the underlying network. Extensive analysis on synthetic data shows the efficacy of our models compared to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we applied our approach on two real-world applications to show how considering long-term patterns is fundamental to have insights on the behaviour of a complex system.

Double Manifolds Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation

Jipeng Guo, Shuai Yin, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu

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Auto-TLDR; Double Manifolds Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Clustering

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Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an important method in learning latent data representation. The local geometrical structure can make the learned representation more effectively and significantly improve the performance of NMF. However, most of existing graph-based learning methods are determined by a predefined similarity graph which may be not optimal for specific tasks. To solve the above the problem, we propose the Double Manifolds Regularized NMF (DMR-NMF) model which jointly learns an adaptive affinity matrix with the non-negative matrix factorization. The learned affinity matrix can guide the NMF to fit the clustering task. Moreover, we develop the iterative updating optimization schemes for DMR-NMF, and provide the strict convergence proof of our optimization strategy. Empirical experiments on four different real-world data sets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of DMR-NMF in comparison with the other related algorithms.

Variational Deep Embedding Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information Maximization

Qiang Ji, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information maximization for Deep Embedding

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Clustering is a crucial but challenging task in pattern analysis and machine learning. Recent many deep clustering methods combining representation learning with cluster techniques emerged. These deep clustering methods mainly focus on the correlation among samples and ignore the relationship between samples and their representations. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end clustering framework, namely variational deep embedding clustering by augmented mutual information maximization (VCAMI). From the perspective of VAE, we prove that minimizing reconstruction loss is equivalent to maximizing the mutual information of the input and its latent representation. This provides a theoretical guarantee for us to directly maximize the mutual information instead of minimizing reconstruction loss. Therefore we proposed the augmented mutual information which highlights the uniqueness of the representations while discovering invariant information among similar samples. Extensive experiments on several challenging image datasets show that the VCAMI achieves good performance. we achieve state-of-the-art results for clustering on MNIST (99.5%) and CIFAR-10 (65.4%) to the best of our knowledge.

Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Ratio of Edge-User Estimation in Mobile Networks

Jiehui Deng, Sheng Wan, Xiang Wang, Enmei Tu, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang, Chen Gong

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Auto-TLDR; EAGAT: Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Automatic REU Estimation in Mobile Networks

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Estimating the Ratio of Edge-Users (REU) is an important issue in mobile networks, as it helps the subsequent adjustment of loads in different cells. However, existing approaches usually determine the REU manually, which are experience-dependent and labor-intensive, and thus the estimated REU might be imprecise. Considering the inherited graph structure of mobile networks, in this paper, we utilize a graph-based deep learning method for automatic REU estimation, where the practical cells are deemed as nodes and the load switchings among them constitute edges. Concretely, Graph Attention Network (GAT) is employed as the backbone of our method due to its impressive generalizability in dealing with networked data. Nevertheless, conventional GAT cannot make full use of the information in mobile networks, since it only incorporates node features to infer the pairwise importance and conduct graph convolutions, while the edge features that are actually critical in our problem are disregarded. To accommodate this issue, we propose an Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network (EAGAT), which is able to fuse the node features and edge features for REU estimation. Extensive experimental results on two real-world mobile network datasets demonstrate the superiority of our EAGAT approach to several state-of-the-art methods.

Video Episode Boundary Detection with Joint Episode-Topic Model

Shunyao Wang, Ye Tian, Ruidong Wang, Yang Du, Han Yan, Ruilin Yang, Jian Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Video Episode Boundary Detection for Bullet Screen Comment Video

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Social online video has emerged as one of the most popular application, where "bullet screen comment" is one of the favorite features of Asian users. User behavior report finds that most people are used to quickly navigate and locate his concerned video clip according to its corresponding video labels. Traditional scene segmentation algorithms are mostly based on the analysis of frames, which cannot automatically generate labels. Since time-synchronized comments can reflect the episode of current moment, this paper proposed an unsupervised video episode boundary detection model (VEBD) for bullet screen comment video. It could not only automatically identify each episode boundary, but also detect the topic for video tagging. Specifically, a Joint Episode-Topic model is first constructed to detect the hidden topic in initial partitioned time slices. Then, based on the detected topics, temporal and semantic relevancy between adjacent time slices are measured to refine the boundary detection accuracy. Experiments based on real data show that our model outperforms the existing algorithms in both boundary detection and semantic tagging quality.

Webly Supervised Image-Text Embedding with Noisy Tag Refinement

Niluthpol Mithun, Ravdeep Pasricha, Evangelos Papalexakis, Amit Roy-Chowdhury

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Joint Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval Using Web Images

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In this paper, we address the problem of utilizing web images in training robust joint embedding models for the image-text retrieval task. Prior webly supervised approaches directly leverage weakly annotated web images in the joint embedding learning framework. The objective of these approaches would suffer significantly when the ratio of noisy and missing tags associated with the web images is very high. In this regard, we propose a CP decomposition based tensor completion framework to refine the tags of web images by modeling observed ternary inter-relations between the sets of labeled images, tags, and web images as a tensor. To effectively deal with the high ratio of missing entries likely in our case, we incorporate intra-modal correlation as side information in the proposed framework. Our tag refinement approach combined with existing web supervised image-text embedding approaches provide a more principled way for learning the joint embedding models in the presence of significant noise from web data and limited clean labeled data. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach helps to achieve a significant performance gain in image-text retrieval.

Feature-Aware Unsupervised Learning with Joint Variational Attention and Automatic Clustering

Wang Ru, Lin Li, Peipei Wang, Liu Peiyu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Variational Attention Encoder-Decoder for Clustering

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Deep clustering aims to cluster unlabeled real-world samples by mining deep feature representation. Most of existing methods remain challenging when handling high-dimensional data and simultaneously exploring the complementarity of deep feature representation and clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Variational Attention Encoder-decoder for Clustering (DVAEC). Our DVAEC improves the representation learning ability by fusing variational attention. Specifically, we design a feature-aware automatic clustering module to mitigate the unreliability of similarity calculation and guide network learning. Besides, to further boost the performance of deep clustering from a global perspective, we define a joint optimization objective to promote feature representation learning and automatic clustering synergistically. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance achieved by our DVAEC on six datasets comparing with several popular baseline clustering methods.

Switching Dynamical Systems with Deep Neural Networks

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev, Ramses J. Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Variational RNN for Switching Dynamics

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The problem of uncovering different dynamicalregimes is of pivotal importance in time series analysis. Switchingdynamical systems provide a solution for modeling physical phe-nomena whose time series data exhibit different dynamical modes.In this work we propose a novel variational RNN model forswitching dynamics allowing for both non-Markovian and non-linear dynamical behavior between and within dynamic modes.Attention mechanisms are provided to inform the switchingdistribution. We evaluate our model on synthetic and empiricaldatasets of diverse nature and successfully uncover differentdynamical regimes and predict the switching dynamics.

Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green AI

Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Deep Neural Network with Constrained Splitting Projection

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In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have been applied to different domains and achieved dramatic performance improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods. These performances of DNNs were however often obtained with networks containing millions of parameters and which training required heavy computational power. In order to cope with this computational issue a huge literature deals with proximal regularization methods which are time consuming.\\ In this paper, we propose instead a constrained approach. We provide the general framework for our new splitting projection gradient method. Our splitting algorithm iterates a gradient step and a projection on convex sets. We study algorithms for different constraints: the classical $\ell_1$ unstructured constraint and structured constraints such as the nuclear norm, the $\ell_{2,1} $ constraint (Group LASSO). We propose a new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint for which we provide a new projection algorithm We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three popular datasets (MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR). Experiments on these datasets show that our splitting projection method with our new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint provides the best reduction of memory and computational power. Experiments show that fully connected linear DNN are more efficient for green AI.

Deep Transformation Models: Tackling Complex Regression Problems with Neural Network Based Transformation Models

Beate Sick, Torsten Hothorn, Oliver Dürr

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Transformation Model for Probabilistic Regression

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We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.

Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks

Denis Huseljic, Bernhard Sick, Marek Herde, Daniel Kottke

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Auto-TLDR; AE-DNN: Modeling Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks

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Despite the success of deep neural networks (DNN) in many applications, their ability to model uncertainty is still significantly limited. For example, in safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is crucial to obtain a prediction that reflects different types of uncertainty to address life-threatening situations appropriately. In such cases, it is essential to be aware of the risk (i.e., aleatoric uncertainty) and the reliability (i.e., epistemic uncertainty) that comes with a prediction. We present AE-DNN, a model allowing the separation of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty while maintaining a proper generalization capability. AE-DNN is based on deterministic DNN, which can determine the respective uncertainty measures in a single forward pass. In analyses with synthetic and image data, we show that our method improves the modeling of epistemic uncertainty while providing an intuitively understandable separation of risk and reliability.

An Empirical Bayes Approach to Topic Modeling

Anirban Gangopadhyay

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Auto-TLDR; An Empirical Bayes Based Framework for Topic Modeling in Documents

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Given a corpus of documents, we consider the problem of finding latent topics, and introduce a novel Empirical Bayes based framework that allows us to choose the optimal topic modeling algorithm given observed variables in the data. We specifically consider three disparate algorithms - LDA, graph clustering, and non-negative matrix factorization - and provide a standardized framework that compares statistical and generative assumptions each algorithm makes. We then provide a model selection algorithm that quantifies each model based on how well assumptions match the data. We illustrate the efficacy of our approach by applying our framework to different sets of document corpuses and empirically measuring results.

T-SVD Based Non-Convex Tensor Completion and Robust Principal Component Analysis

Tao Li, Jinwen Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Non-Convex tensor rank surrogate function and non-convex sparsity measure for tensor recovery

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In this paper, we propose a novel non-convex tensor rank surrogate function and a novel non-convex sparsity measure. The basic idea is to sidestep the bias of $\ell_1-$norm by introducing the concavity. Furthermore, we employ this non-convex penalty in tensor recovery problems such as tensor completion and tensor robust principal component analysis. Due to the concavity, the parameters of these models are difficult to solve. To tackle this problem, we devise a majorization minimization algorithm that can optimize the upper bound of the original function in each iteration, and every sub-problem is solved by the alternating direction multiplier method. We also analyze the theoretical properties of the proposed algorithm. Finally, the experimental results on natural and hyperspectral images demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method.

Complementing Representation Deficiency in Few-Shot Image Classification: A Meta-Learning Approach

Xian Zhong, Cheng Gu, Wenxin Huang, Lin Li, Shuqin Chen, Chia-Wen Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Meta-learning with Complementary Representations Network for Few-Shot Learning

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Few-shot learning is a challenging problem that has attracted more and more attention recently since abundant training samples are difficult to obtain in practical applications. Meta-learning has been proposed to address this issue, which focuses on quickly adapting a predictor as a base-learner to new tasks, given limited labeled samples. However, a critical challenge for meta-learning is the representation deficiency since it is hard to discover common information from a small number of training samples or even one, as is the representation of key features from such little information. As a result, a meta-learner cannot be trained well in a high-dimensional parameter space to generalize to new tasks. Existing methods mostly resort to extracting less expressive features so as to avoid the representation deficiency. Aiming at learning better representations, we propose a meta-learning approach with complemented representations network (MCRNet) for few-shot image classification. In particular, we embed a latent space, where latent codes are reconstructed with extra representation information to complement the representation deficiency. Furthermore, the latent space is established with variational inference, collaborating well with different base-learners, and can be extended to other models. Finally, our end-to-end framework achieves the state-of-the-art performance in image classification on three standard few-shot learning datasets.

Price Suggestion for Online Second-Hand Items

Liang Han, Zhaozheng Yin, Zhurong Xia, Li Guo, Mingqian Tang, Rong Jin

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Auto-TLDR; An Intelligent Price Suggestion System for Online Second-hand Items

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This paper describes an intelligent price suggestion system for online second-hand listings. In contrast to conventional pricing strategies which are employed to a large number of identical products, or to non-identical but similar products such as homes on Airbnb, the proposed system provides price suggestions for online second-hand items which are non-identical and fall into numerous different categories. Moreover, simplifying the item listing process for users is taken into consideration when designing the price suggestion system. Specifically, we design a truncate loss to train a vision-based price suggestion module which mainly takes some vision-based features as input to first classify whether an uploaded item image is qualified for price suggestion, and then offer price suggestions for items with qualified images. For the items with unqualified images, we encourage users to input some text descriptions of the items, and with the text descriptions, we design a multimodal item retrieval module to offer price suggestions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system.

Variational Capsule Encoder

Harish Raviprakash, Syed Anwar, Ulas Bagci

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Capsule Networks for Representation Learning in latent space

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We propose a novel capsule network based variational encoder architecture, called Bayesian capsules (B-Caps), to modulate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution in the latent space. We hypothesize that this approach can learn a better representation of features in the latent space than traditional approaches. Our hypothesis was tested by using the learned latent variables for image reconstruction task, where for MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, different classes were separated successfully in the latent space using our proposed model. Our experimental results have shown improved reconstruction and classification performances for both datasets adding credence to our hypothesis. We also showed that by increasing the latent space dimension, the proposed B-Caps was able to learn a better representation when compared to the traditional variational auto-encoders (VAE). Hence our results indicate the strength of capsule networks in representation learning which has never been examined under the VAE settings before.

Fast Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Label Relaxation and Matrix Factorization

Donglin Zhang, Xiaojun Wu, Zhen Liu, Jun Yu, Josef Kittler

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Auto-TLDR; LRMF: Label Relaxation and Discrete Matrix Factorization for Cross-Modal Retrieval

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In recent years, cross-media retrieval has drawn considerable attention due to the exponential growth of multimedia data. Many hashing approaches have been proposed for the cross-media search task. However, there are still open problems that warrant investigation. For example, most existing supervised hashing approaches employ a binary label matrix, which achieves small margins between wrong labels (0) and true labels (1). This may affect the retrieval performance by generating many false negatives and false positives. In addition, some methods adopt a relaxation scheme to solve the binary constraints, which may cause large quantization errors. There are also some discrete hashing methods that have been presented, but most of them are time-consuming. To conquer these problems, we present a label relaxation and discrete matrix factorization method (LRMF) for cross-modal retrieval. It offers a number of innovations. First of all, the proposed approach employs a novel label relaxation scheme to control the margins adaptively, which has the benefit of reducing the quantization error. Second, by virtue of the proposed discrete matrix factorization method designed to learn the binary codes, large quantization errors caused by relaxation can be avoided. The experimental results obtained on two widely-used databases demonstrate that LRMF outperforms state-of-the-art cross-media methods.

Bayesian Active Learning for Maximal Information Gain on Model Parameters

Kasra Arnavaz, Aasa Feragen, Oswin Krause, Marco Loog

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian assumptions for Bayesian classification

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The fact that machine learning models, despite their advancements, are still trained on randomly gathered data is proof that a lasting solution to the problem of optimal data gathering has not yet been found. In this paper, we investigate whether a Bayesian approach to the classification problem can provide assumptions under which one is guaranteed to perform at least as good as random sampling. For a logistic regression model, we show that maximal expected information gain on model parameters is a promising criterion for selecting samples, assuming that our classification model is well-matched to the data. Our derived criterion is closely related to the maximum model change. We experiment with data sets which satisfy this assumption to varying degrees to see how sensitive our performance is to the violation of our assumption in practice.

Classification and Feature Selection Using a Primal-Dual Method and Projections on Structured Constraints

Michel Barlaud, Antonin Chambolle, Jean_Baptiste Caillau

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Auto-TLDR; A Constrained Primal-dual Method for Structured Feature Selection on High Dimensional Data

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This paper deals with feature selection using supervised classification on high dimensional datasets. A classical approach is to project data on a low dimensional space and classify by minimizing an appropriate quadratic cost. Our first contribution is to introduce a matrix of centers in the definition of this cost. Moreover, as quadratic costs are not robust to outliers, we propose to use an $\ell_1$ cost instead (or Huber loss to mitigate overfitting issues). While control on sparsity is commonly obtained by adding an $\ell_1$ constraint on the vectorized matrix of weights used for projecting the data, our second contribution is to enforce structured sparsity. To this end we propose constraints that take into account the matrix structure of the data, based either on the nuclear norm, on the $\ell_{2,1}$ norm, or on the $\ell_{1,2}$ norm for which we provide a new projection algorithm. We optimize simultaneously the projection matrix and the matrix of centers thanks to a new tailored constrained primal-dual method. The primal-dual framework is general enough to encompass the various robust losses and structured constraints we use, and allows a convergence analysis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on three biological datasets. Our primal-dual method with robust losses, adaptive centers and structured constraints does significantly better than classical methods, both in terms of accuracy and computational time.

Naturally Constrained Online Expectation Maximization

Daniela Pamplona, Antoine Manzanera

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Online Expectation-Maximization for Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis

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With the rise of big data sets, learning algorithms must be adapted to piece-wise mechanisms in order to tackle time and memory costs of large scale calculations. Furthermore, for most learning embedded systems the input data are fed in a sequential and contingent manner: one by one, and possibly class by class. Thus, learning algorithms should not only run online but cope with time-varying, non-independent, and non-balanced training data for the system's entire life. Online Expectation-Maximization is a well-known algorithm for learning probabilistic models in real-time, due to its simplicity and convergence properties. However, these properties are only valid in the case of large, independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. In this paper, we propose to constraint the online Expectation-Maximization on the Fisher distance between the parameters. After the presentation of the algorithm, we make a thorough study of its use in Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. First, we derive the update rules, then we analyse the effect of the constraint on major problems of online and sequential learning: convergence, forgetting and interference. Furthermore we use several algorithmic protocols: iid {\em vs} sequential data, and constraint parameters updated step-wise {\em vs} class-wise. Our results show that this constraint increases the convergence rate of online Expectation-Maximization, decreases forgetting and slightly introduces transfer learning.

Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients

Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Jiajin Li, Man-Cho Anthony So

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Importance Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) usually samples training data based on the uniform distribution, which may not be a good choice because of the high variance of its stochastic gradient. Thus, importance sampling methods are considered in the literature to improve the performance. Most previous work on SGD-based methods with importance sampling requires the knowledge of Lipschitz constants of all component gradients, which are in general difficult to estimate. In this paper, we study an adaptive importance sampling method for common SGD-based methods by exploiting the local first-order information without knowing any Lipschitz constants. In particular, we periodically changes the sampling distribution by only utilizing the gradient norms in the past few iterations. We prove that our adaptive importance sampling non-asymptotically reduces the variance of the stochastic gradients in SGD, and thus better convergence bounds than that for vanilla SGD can be obtained. We extend this sampling method to several other widely used stochastic gradient algorithms including SGD with momentum and ADAM. Experiments on common convex learning problems and deep neural networks illustrate notably enhanced performance using the adaptive sampling strategy.

Multi-annotator Probabilistic Active Learning

Marek Herde, Daniel Kottke, Denis Huseljic, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; MaPAL: Multi-annotator Probabilistic Active Learning

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Classifiers require annotations of instances, i.e., class labels, for training. An annotation process is often costly due to its manual execution through human annotators. Active learning (AL) aims at reducing the annotation costs by selecting instances from which the classifier is expected to learn the most. Many AL strategies assume the availability of a single omniscient annotator. In this article, we overcome this limitation by considering multiple error-prone annotators. We propose a novel AL strategy multi-annotator probabilistic active learning (MaPAL). Due to the nature of learning with error-prone annotators, it must not only select instances but annotators, too. MaPAL builds on a decision-theoretic framework and selects instance-annotator pairs maximizing the classifier's expected performance. Experiments on a variety of data sets demonstrate MaPAL's superior performance compared to five related AL strategies.

Assortative-Constrained Stochastic Block Models

Daniel Gribel, Thibaut Vidal, Michel Gendreau

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Stochastic Block Models for Assortative Communities in Neural Networks

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Stochastic block models (SBMs) are often used to find assortative community structures in networks, such that the probability of connections within communities is higher than in between communities. However, classic SBMs are not limited to assortative structures. In this study, we discuss the implications of this model-inherent indifference towards assortativity or disassortativity, and show that it can lead to undesirable outcomes in datasets which are known to be assortative but which contain a reduced amount of information. To circumvent these issues, we propose a constrained SBM that imposes strong assortativity constraints, along with efficient algorithmic solutions. These constraints significantly boost community-detection capabilities in regimes which are close to the detectability threshold. They also permit to identify structurally-different communities in networks representing cerebral-cortex activity regions.

Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes

Andre Mendes, Julian Togelius, Leandro Dos Santos Coelho

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Stage Processes


In multi-stage processes, decisions occur in an ordered sequence of stages. Early stages usually have more observations with general information (easier/cheaper to collect), while later stages have fewer observations but more specific data. This situation can be represented by a dual funnel structure, in which the sample size decreases from one stage to the other while the information increases. Training classifiers in this scenario is challenging since information in the early stages may not contain distinct patterns to learn (underfitting). In contrast, the small sample size in later stages can cause overfitting. We address both cases by introducing a framework that combines adversarial autoencoders (AAE), multi-task learning (MTL), and multi-label semi-supervised learning (MLSSL). We improve the decoder of the AAE with an MTL component so it can jointly reconstruct the original input and use feature nets to predict the features for the next stages. We also introduce a sequence constraint in the output of an MLSSL classifier to guarantee the sequential pattern in the predictions. Using real-world data from different domains (selection process, medical diagnosis), we show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.

Respecting Domain Relations: Hypothesis Invariance for Domain Generalization

Ziqi Wang, Marco Loog, Jan Van Gemert

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Hypothesis Invariant Representations for Domain Generalization

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In domain generalization, multiple labeled non-independent and non-identically distributed source domains are available during training while neither the data nor the labels of target domains are. Currently, learning so-called domain invariant representations (DIRs) is the prevalent approach to domain generalization. In this work, we define DIRs employed by existing works in probabilistic terms and show that by learning DIRs, overly strict requirements are imposed concerning the invariance. Particularly, DIRs aim to perfectly align representations of different domains, i.e. their input distributions. This is, however, not necessary for good generalization to a target domain and may even dispose of valuable classification information. We propose to learn so-called hypothesis invariant representations (HIRs), which relax the invariance assumptions. We report experimental results on public domain generalization datasets to show that learning HIRs is more effective than learning DIRs. In fact, our approach can even compete with approaches using prior knowledge about domains.

Learning Natural Thresholds for Image Ranking

Somayeh Keshavarz, Quang Nhat Tran, Richard Souvenir

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Auto-TLDR; Image Representation Learning and Label Discretization for Natural Image Ranking

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For image ranking tasks with naturally continuous output, such as age and scenicness estimation, it is common to discretize the label range and apply methods from (ordered) classification analysis. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach for simultaneous representation learning and label discretization. Compared to arbitrarily selecting thresholds, we seek to learn thresholds and image representations by minimizing a novel loss function in an end-to-end model. We demonstrate our combined approach on a variety of image ranking tasks and demonstrate that it outperforms task-specific methods. Additionally, our learned partitioning scheme can be transferred to improve methods that rely on discretization.

Constructing Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph for Traffic Forecasting

Yiwen Sun, Yulu Wang, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, Jieping Ye

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Auto-TLDR; GLT-GCRNN: Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting

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Traffic forecasting influences various intelligent transportation system (ITS) services and is of great significance for user experience as well as urban traffic control. It is challenging due to the fact that the road network contains complex and time-varying spatial-temporal dependencies. Recently, deep learning based methods have achieved promising results by adopting graph convolutional network (GCN) to extract the spatial correlations and recurrent neural network (RNN) to capture the temporal dependencies. However, the existing methods often construct the graph only based on road network connectivity, which limits the interaction between roads. In this work, we propose Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (GLT-GCRNN), a novel framework for traffic forecasting that learns the rich interactions between roads sharing similar geographic or long-term temporal patterns. Extensive experiments on a real-world traffic state dataset validate the effectiveness of our method by showing that GLT-GCRNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of different metrics.

On Resource-Efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers and Deep Neural Networks

Wolfgang Roth, Günther Schindler, Holger Fröning, Franz Pernkopf

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Auto-TLDR; Quantization-Aware Bayesian Network Classifiers for Small-Scale Scenarios

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We present two methods to reduce the complexity of Bayesian network (BN) classifiers. First, we introduce quantization-aware training using the straight-through gradient estimator to quantize the parameters of BNs to few bits. Second, we extend a recently proposed differentiable tree-augmented naive Bayes (TAN) structure learning approach to also consider the model size. Both methods are motivated by recent developments in the deep learning community, and they provide effective means to trade off between model size and prediction accuracy, which is demonstrated in extensive experiments. Furthermore, we contrast quantized BN classifiers with quantized deep neural networks (DNNs) for small-scale scenarios which have hardly been investigated in the literature. We show Pareto optimal models with respect to model size, number of operations, and test error and find that both model classes are viable options.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels

Görkem Algan, Ilkay Ulusoy

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Auto-TLDR; MSLG: Meta-Learning for Noisy Label Generation

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The existence of noisy labels in the dataset causes significant performance degradation for deep neural networks (DNNs). To address this problem, we propose a Meta Soft Label Generation algorithm called MSLG, which can jointly generate soft labels using meta-learning techniques and learn DNN parameters in an end-to-end fashion. Our approach adapts the meta-learning paradigm to estimate optimal label distribution by checking gradient directions on both noisy training data and noise-free meta-data. In order to iteratively update soft labels, meta-gradient descent step is performed on estimated labels, which would minimize the loss of noise-free meta samples. In each iteration, the base classifier is trained on estimated meta labels. MSLG is model-agnostic and can be added on top of any existing model at hand with ease. We performed extensive experiments on CIFAR10, Clothing1M and Food101N datasets. Results show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Our code is available at \url{}.

Exploiting Elasticity in Tensor Ranks for Compressing Neural Networks

Jie Ran, Rui Lin, Hayden Kwok-Hay So, Graziano Chesi, Ngai Wong

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Auto-TLDR; Nuclear-Norm Rank Minimization Factorization for Deep Neural Networks

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Elasticities in depth, width, kernel size and resolution have been explored in compressing deep neural networks (DNNs). Recognizing that the kernels in a convolutional neural network (CNN) are 4-way tensors, we further exploit a new elasticity dimension along the input-output channels. Specifically, a novel nuclear-norm rank minimization factorization (NRMF) approach is proposed to dynamically and globally search for the reduced tensor ranks during training. Correlation between tensor ranks across multiple layers is revealed, and a graceful tradeoff between model size and accuracy is obtained. Experiments then show the superiority of NRMF over the previous non-elastic variational Bayesian matrix factorization (VBMF) scheme.

RNN Training along Locally Optimal Trajectories via Frank-Wolfe Algorithm

Yun Yue, Ming Li, Venkatesh Saligrama, Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Efficient Training of RNNs

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We propose a novel and efficient training method for RNNs by iteratively seeking a local minima on the loss surface within a small region, and leverage this directional vector for the update, in an outer-loop. We propose to utilize the Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm in this context. Although, FW implicitly involves normalized gradients, which can lead to a slow convergence rate, we develop a novel RNN training method that, surprisingly, even with the additional cost, the overall training cost is empirically observed to be lower than back-propagation. Our method leads to a new Frank-Wolfe method, that is in essence an SGD algorithm with a restart scheme. We prove that under certain conditions our algorithm has a sublinear convergence rate of $O(1/\epsilon)$ for $\epsilon$ error. We then conduct empirical experiments on several benchmark datasets including those that exhibit long-term dependencies, and show significant performance improvement. We also experiment with deep RNN architectures and show efficient training performance. Finally, we demonstrate that our training method is robust to noisy data.

VOWEL: A Local Online Learning Rule for Recurrent Networks of Probabilistic Spiking Winner-Take-All Circuits

Hyeryung Jang, Nicolas Skatchkovsky, Osvaldo Simeone

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Auto-TLDR; VOWEL: A Variational Online Local Training Rule for Winner-Take-All Spiking Neural Networks

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Networks of spiking neurons and Winner-Take-All spiking circuits (WTA-SNNs) can detect information encoded in spatio-temporal multi-valued events. These are described by the timing of events of interest, e.g., clicks, as well as by categorical numerical values assigned to each event, e.g., like or dislike. Other use cases include object recognition from data collected by neuromorphic cameras, which produce, for each pixel, signed bits at the times of sufficiently large brightness variations. Existing schemes for training WTA-SNNs are limited to rate-encoding solutions, and are hence able to detect only spatial patterns. Developing more general training algorithms for arbitrary WTA-SNNs inherits the challenges of training (binary) Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). These amount, most notably, to the non-differentiability of threshold functions, to the recurrent behavior of spiking neural models, and to the difficulty of implementing backpropagation in neuromorphic hardware. In this paper, we develop a variational online local training rule for WTA-SNNs, referred to as VOWEL, that leverages only local pre- and post-synaptic information for visible circuits, and an additional common reward signal for hidden circuits. The method is based on probabilistic generalized linear neural models, control variates, and variational regularization. Experimental results on real-world neuromorphic datasets with multi-valued events demonstrate the advantages of WTA-SNNs over conventional binary SNNs trained with state-of-the-art methods, especially in the presence of limited computing resources.