Hierarchical Routing Mixture of Experts

Wenbo Zhao, Yang Gao, Shahan Ali Memon, Bhiksha Raj, Rita Singh

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Auto-TLDR; A Binary Tree-structured Hierarchical Routing Mixture of Experts for Regression

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In regression tasks the distribution of the data is often too complex to be fitted by a single model. In contrast, partition-based models are developed where data is divided and fitted by local models. These models partition the input space and do not leverage the input-output dependency of multimodal-distributed data, and strong local models are needed to make good predictions. Addressing these problems, we propose a binary tree-structured hierarchical routing mixture of experts (HRME) model that has classifiers as non-leaf node experts and simple regression models as leaf node experts. The classifier nodes jointly soft-partition the input-output space based on the natural separateness of multimodal data. This enables simple leaf experts to be effective for prediction. Further, we develop a probabilistic framework for the HRME model, and propose a recursive Expectation-Maximization (EM) based algorithm to learn both the tree structure and the expert models. Experiments on a collection of regression tasks validate the effectiveness of our method compared to a variety of other regression models.

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Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation

Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence

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Distributed Gaussian processes (DGPs) are prominent local approximation methods to scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large datasets. Instead of a global estimation, they train local experts by dividing the training set into subsets, thus reducing the time complexity. This strategy is based on the conditional independence assumption, which basically means that there is a perfect diversity between the local experts. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated, and the aggregation of experts leads to sub-optimal and inconsistent solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence. The dependency between experts is determined by using a Gaussian graphical model, which yields the precision matrix. The precision matrix encodes conditional dependencies between experts and is used to detect strongly dependent experts and construct an improved aggregation. Using both synthetic and real datasets, our experimental evaluations illustrate that our new method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) DGP approaches while being substantially more time-efficient than SOTA approaches, which build on independent experts.

Decision Snippet Features

Pascal Welke, Fouad Alkhoury, Christian Bauckhage, Stefan Wrobel

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Auto-TLDR; Decision Snippet Features for Interpretability

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Decision trees excel at interpretability of their prediction results. To achieve required prediction accuracies, however, often large ensembles of decision trees -- random forests -- are considered, reducing interpretability due to large size. Additionally, their size slows down inference on modern hardware and restricts their applicability in low-memory embedded devices. We introduce \emph{Decision Snippet Features}, which are obtained from small subtrees that appear frequently in trained random forests. We subsequently show that linear models on top of these features achieve comparable and sometimes even better predictive performance than the original random forest, while reducing the model size by up to two orders of magnitude.

A Novel Random Forest Dissimilarity Measure for Multi-View Learning

Hongliu Cao, Simon Bernard, Robert Sabourin, Laurent Heutte

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-view Learning with Random Forest Relation Measure and Instance Hardness

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Multi-view learning is a learning task in which data is described by several concurrent representations. Its main challenge is most often to exploit the complementarities between these representations to help solve a classification/regression task. This is a challenge that can be met nowadays if there is a large amount of data available for learning. However, this is not necessarily true for all real-world problems, where data are sometimes scarce (e.g. problems related to the medical environment). In these situations, an effective strategy is to use intermediate representations based on the dissimilarities between instances. This work presents new ways of constructing these dissimilarity representations, learning them from data with Random Forest classifiers. More precisely, two methods are proposed, which modify the Random Forest proximity measure, to adapt it to the context of High Dimension Low Sample Size (HDLSS) multi-view classification problems. The second method, based on an Instance Hardness measurement, is significantly more accurate than other state-of-the-art measurements including the original RF Proximity measurement and the Large Margin Nearest Neighbor (LMNN) metric learning measurement.

Hierarchical Mixtures of Generators for Adversarial Learning

Alper Ahmetoğlu, Ethem Alpaydin

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Auto-TLDR; Hierarchical Mixture of Generative Adversarial Networks

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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are deep neural networks that allow us to sample from an arbitrary probability distribution without explicitly estimating the distri- bution. There is a generator that takes a latent vector as input and transforms it into a valid sample from the distribution. There is also a discriminator that is trained to discriminate such fake samples from true samples of the distribution; at the same time, the generator is trained to generate fakes that the discriminator cannot tell apart from the true samples. Instead of learning a global generator, a recent approach involves training multiple generators each responsible from one part of the distribution. In this work, we review such approaches and propose the hierarchical mixture of generators, inspired from the hierarchical mixture of experts model, that learns a tree structure implementing a hierarchical clustering with soft splits in the decision nodes and local generators in the leaves. Since the generators are combined softly, the whole model is continuous and can be trained using gradient-based optimization, just like the original GAN model. Our experiments on five image data sets, namely, MNIST, FashionMNIST, UTZap50K, Oxford Flowers, and CelebA, show that our proposed model generates samples of high quality and diversity in terms of popular GAN evaluation metrics. The learned hierarchical structure also leads to knowledge extraction.

On Learning Random Forests for Random Forest Clustering

Manuele Bicego, Francisco Escolano

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Random Forests for Clustering

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In this paper we study the poorly investigated problem of learning Random Forests for distance-based Random Forest clustering. We studied both classic schemes as well as alternative approaches, novel in this context. In particular, we investigated the suitability of Gaussian Density Forests, Random Forests specifically designed for density estimation. Further, we introduce a novel variant of Random Forest, based on an effective non parametric by-pass estimator of the Renyi entropy, which can be useful when the parametric assumption is too strict. An empirical evaluation involving different datasets and different RF-clustering strategies confirms that the learning step is crucial for RF-clustering. We also present a set of practical guidelines useful to determine the most suitable variant of RF-clustering according to the problem under examination.

Automatically Mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Ryoichiro Yafune, Daisuke Sakuma, Yasuo Tabei, Noritaka Saito, Hiroto Saigo

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse Bayes for Interpretable Non-linear Prediction

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With the rapid increase in the availability of large amount of data, prediction is becoming increasingly popular, and has widespread through our daily life. However, powerful non- linear prediction methods such as deep learning and SVM suffer from interpretability problem, making it hard to use in domains where the reason for decision making is required. In this paper, we develop an interpretable non-linear model called itemset Sparse Bayes (iSB), which builds a Bayesian probabilistic model, while simultaneously considering variable interactions. In order to suppress the resulting large number of variables, sparsity is imposed on regression weights by a sparsity inducing prior. As a subroutine to search for variable interactions, itemset enumeration algorithm is employed with a novel bounding condition. In computational experiments using real-world dataset, the proposed method performed better than decision tree by 10% in terms of r-squared . We also demonstrated the advantage of our method in Bayesian optimization setting, in which the proposed approach could successfully find the maximum of an unknown function faster than Gaussian process. The interpretability of iSB is naturally inherited to Bayesian optimization, thereby gives us a clue to understand which variables interactions are important in optimizing an unknown function.

Switching Dynamical Systems with Deep Neural Networks

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev, Ramses J. Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Variational RNN for Switching Dynamics

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The problem of uncovering different dynamicalregimes is of pivotal importance in time series analysis. Switchingdynamical systems provide a solution for modeling physical phe-nomena whose time series data exhibit different dynamical modes.In this work we propose a novel variational RNN model forswitching dynamics allowing for both non-Markovian and non-linear dynamical behavior between and within dynamic modes.Attention mechanisms are provided to inform the switchingdistribution. We evaluate our model on synthetic and empiricaldatasets of diverse nature and successfully uncover differentdynamical regimes and predict the switching dynamics.

3CS Algorithm for Efficient Gaussian Process Model Retrieval

Fabian Berns, Kjeld Schmidt, Ingolf Bracht, Christian Beecks

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient retrieval of Gaussian Process Models for large-scale data using divide-&-conquer-based approach

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Gaussian Process Models (GPMs) have been applied for various pattern recognition tasks due to their analytical tractability, ability to quantify uncertainty for their own results as well as to subsume prominent other regression techniques. Despite these promising prospects their super-quadratic computation time complexity for model selection and evaluation impedes its broader application for more than a few thousand data points. Although there have been many proposals towards Gaussian Processes for large-scale data, those only offer a linearly scaling improvement to a cubical scaling problem. In particular, solutions like the Nystrom approximation or sparse matrices are only taking fractions of the given data into account and subsequently lead to inaccurate models. In this paper, we thus propose a divide-&-conquer-based approach, that allows to efficiently retrieve GPMs for large-scale data. The resulting model is composed of independent pattern representations for non-overlapping segments of the given data and consequently reduces computation time significantly. Our performance analysis indicates that our proposal is able to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for GPM retrieval with respect to the qualities of efficiency and accuracy.

Learning Natural Thresholds for Image Ranking

Somayeh Keshavarz, Quang Nhat Tran, Richard Souvenir

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Auto-TLDR; Image Representation Learning and Label Discretization for Natural Image Ranking

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For image ranking tasks with naturally continuous output, such as age and scenicness estimation, it is common to discretize the label range and apply methods from (ordered) classification analysis. In this paper, we propose a data-driven approach for simultaneous representation learning and label discretization. Compared to arbitrarily selecting thresholds, we seek to learn thresholds and image representations by minimizing a novel loss function in an end-to-end model. We demonstrate our combined approach on a variety of image ranking tasks and demonstrate that it outperforms task-specific methods. Additionally, our learned partitioning scheme can be transferred to improve methods that rely on discretization.

GPSRL: Learning Semi-Parametric Bayesian Survival Rule Lists from Heterogeneous Patient Data

Ameer Hamza Shakur, Xiaoning Qian, Zhangyang Wang, Bobak Mortazavi, Shuai Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List Model for Heterogeneous Survival Data

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Survival data is often collected in medical applications from a heterogeneous population of patients. While in the past, popular survival models focused on modeling the average effect of the co-variates on survival outcomes, rapidly advancing sensing and information technologies have provided opportunities to further model the heterogeneity of the population as well as the non-linearity of the survival risk. With this motivation, we propose a new semi-parametric Bayesian Survival Rule List model in this paper. Our model derives a rule-based decision-making approach, while within the regime defined by each rule, survival risk is modelled via a Gaussian process latent variable model. Markov Chain Monte Carlo with a nested Laplace approximation for the latent variable model is used to search over the posterior of the rule lists efficiently. The use of ordered rule lists enables us to model heterogeneity while keeping the model complexity in check. Performance evaluations on a synthetic heterogeneous survival dataset and a real world sepsis survival dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.

Deep Transformation Models: Tackling Complex Regression Problems with Neural Network Based Transformation Models

Beate Sick, Torsten Hothorn, Oliver Dürr

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Transformation Model for Probabilistic Regression

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We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.

Probabilistic Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering with Bayesian Inference

Jiansheng Fang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yan Hu, Yanwu Xu, Ming Yang, Jiang Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering

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Latent Factor Model (LFM) is one of the most successful methods for Collaborative filtering (CF) in the recommendation system, in which both users and items are projected into a joint latent factor space. Base on matrix factorization applied usually in pattern recognition, LFM models user-item interactions as inner products of factor vectors of user and item in that space and can be efficiently solved by least square methods with optimal estimation. However, such optimal estimation methods are prone to overfitting due to the extreme sparsity of user-item interactions. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian treatment for LFM, named Bayesian Latent Factor Model (BLFM). Based on observed user-item interactions, we build a probabilistic factor model in which the regularization is introduced via placing prior constraint on latent factors, and the likelihood function is established over observations and parameters. Then we draw samples of latent factors from the posterior distribution with Variational Inference (VI) to predict expected value. We further make an extension to BLFM, called BLFMBias, incorporating user-dependent and item-dependent biases into the model for enhancing performance. Extensive experiments on the movie rating dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed models by compared with several strong baselines.

Proximity Isolation Forests

Antonella Mensi, Manuele Bicego, David Tax

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Auto-TLDR; Proximity Isolation Forests for Non-vectorial Data

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Isolation Forests are a very successful approach for solving outlier detection tasks. Isolation Forests are based on classical Random Forest classifiers that require feature vectors as input. There are many situations where vectorial data is not readily available, for instance when dealing with input sequences or strings. In these situations, one can extract higher level characteristics from the input, which is typically hard and often loses valuable information. An alternative is to define a proximity between the input objects, which can be more intuitive. In this paper we propose the Proximity Isolation Forests that extend the Isolation Forests to non-vectorial data. The introduced methodology has been thoroughly evaluated on 8 different problems and it achieves very good results also when compared to other techniques.

Algorithm Recommendation for Data Streams

Jáder Martins Camboim De Sá, Andre Luis Debiaso Rossi, Gustavo Enrique De Almeida Prado Alves Batista, Luís Paulo Faina Garcia

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Auto-TLDR; Meta-Learning for Algorithm Selection in Time-Changing Data Streams

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In the last decades, many companies are taking advantage of massive data generation at high frequencies through knowledge discovery to identify valuable information. Machine learning techniques can be employed for knowledge discovery, since they are able to extract patterns from data and induce models to predict future events. However, dynamic and evolving environments generate streams of data that usually are non-stationary. Models induced in these scenarios may perish over time due to seasonality or concept drift. The periodic retraining could help but the fixed algorithm's hypothesis space could no longer be appropriate. An alternative solution is to use meta-learning for periodic algorithm selection in time-changing environments, choosing the bias that best suits the current data. In this paper, we present an enhanced framework for data streams algorithm selection based on MetaStream. Our approach uses meta-learning and incremental learning to actively select the best algorithm for the current concept in a time-changing. Different from previous works, a set of cutting edge meta-features and an incremental learning approach in the meta-level based on LightGBM are used. The results show that this new strategy can improve the recommendation of the best algorithm more accurately in time-changing data.

PROPEL: Probabilistic Parametric Regression Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks

Muhammad Asad, Rilwan Basaru, S M Masudur Rahman Al Arif, Greg Slabaugh

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Auto-TLDR; PRObabilistic Parametric rEgression Loss for Probabilistic Regression Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have enabled significant advancements to the state-of-the-art in computer vision. For classification tasks, CNNs have widely employed probabilistic output and have shown the significance of providing additional confidence for predictions. However, such probabilistic methodologies are not widely applicable for addressing regression problems using CNNs, as regression involves learning unconstrained continuous and, in many cases, multi-variate target variables. We propose a PRObabilistic Parametric rEgression Loss (PROPEL) that facilitates CNNs to learn parameters of probability distributions for addressing probabilistic regression problems. PROPEL is fully differentiable and, hence, can be easily incorporated for end-to-end training of existing CNN regression architectures using existing optimization algorithms. The proposed method is flexible as it enables learning complex unconstrained probabilities while being generalizable to higher dimensional multi-variate regression problems. We utilize a PROPEL-based CNN to address the problem of learning hand and head orientation from uncalibrated color images. Our experimental validation and comparison with existing CNN regression loss functions show that PROPEL improves the accuracy of a CNN by enabling probabilistic regression, while significantly reducing required model parameters by 10x, resulting in improved generalization as compared to the existing state-of-the-art.

Factor Screening Using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling

Cheng Li, Santu Rana, Andrew William Gill, Dang Nguyen, Sunil Kumar Gupta, Svetha Venkatesh

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Auto-TLDR; Data-Efficient Bayesian Active Learning for Factor Screening in Combat Simulations


In this paper we propose a data-efficient Bayesian active learning framework for factor screening, which is important when dealing with systems which are expensive to evaluate, such as combat simulations. We use Gaussian Process meta-modelling with the Automatic Relevance Determination covariance kernel, which measures the importance of each factor by the inverse of their associated length-scales in the kernel. This importance measures the degree of non-linearity in the simulation response with respect to the corresponding factor. We initially place a prior over the length-scale values, then use the estimated posterior to select the next datum to simulate which maximises the mutual entropy between the length-scales and the unknown simulation response. Our goal-driven Bayesian active learning strategy ensures that we are data-efficient in discovering the correct values of the length-scales compared to either a random-sampling or uncertainty-sampling based approach. We apply our method to an expensive combat simulation and demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients

Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Jiajin Li, Man-Cho Anthony So

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Importance Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) usually samples training data based on the uniform distribution, which may not be a good choice because of the high variance of its stochastic gradient. Thus, importance sampling methods are considered in the literature to improve the performance. Most previous work on SGD-based methods with importance sampling requires the knowledge of Lipschitz constants of all component gradients, which are in general difficult to estimate. In this paper, we study an adaptive importance sampling method for common SGD-based methods by exploiting the local first-order information without knowing any Lipschitz constants. In particular, we periodically changes the sampling distribution by only utilizing the gradient norms in the past few iterations. We prove that our adaptive importance sampling non-asymptotically reduces the variance of the stochastic gradients in SGD, and thus better convergence bounds than that for vanilla SGD can be obtained. We extend this sampling method to several other widely used stochastic gradient algorithms including SGD with momentum and ADAM. Experiments on common convex learning problems and deep neural networks illustrate notably enhanced performance using the adaptive sampling strategy.

Memetic Evolution of Training Sets with Adaptive Radial Basis Kernels for Support Vector Machines

Jakub Nalepa, Wojciech Dudzik, Michal Kawulok

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Auto-TLDR; Memetic Algorithm for Evolving Support Vector Machines with Adaptive Kernels

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Support vector machines (SVMs) are a supervised learning technique that can be applied in both binary and multi-class classification and regression tasks. SVMs seamlessly handle continuous and categorical variables. Their training is, however, both time- and memory-costly for large training data, and selecting an incorrect kernel function or its hyperparameters leads to suboptimal decision hyperplanes. In this paper, we introduce a memetic algorithm for evolving SVM training sets with adaptive radial basis function kernels to not only make the deployment of SVMs easier for emerging big data applications, but also to improve their generalization abilities over the unseen data. We build upon two observations: first, only a small subset of all training vectors, called the support vectors, contribute to the position of the decision boundary, hence the other vectors can be removed from the training set without deteriorating the performance of the model. Second, selecting different kernel hyperparameters for different training vectors may help better reflect the subtle characteristics of the space while determining the hyperplane. The experiments over almost 100 benchmark and synthetic sets showed that our algorithm delivers models outperforming both SVMs optimized using state-of-the-art evolutionary techniques, and other supervised learners.

PIF: Anomaly detection via preference embedding

Filippo Leveni, Luca Magri, Giacomo Boracchi, Cesare Alippi

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Auto-TLDR; PIF: Anomaly Detection with Preference Embedding for Structured Patterns

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We address the problem of detecting anomalies with respect to structured patterns. To this end, we conceive a novel anomaly detection method called PIF, that combines the advantages of adaptive isolation methods with the flexibility of preference embedding. Specifically, we propose to embed the data in a high dimensional space where an efficient tree-based method, PI-FOREST, is employed to compute an anomaly score. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that PIF favorably compares with state-of-the-art anomaly detection techniques, and confirm that PI-FOREST is better at measuring arbitrary distances and isolate points in the preference space.

TreeRNN: Topology-Preserving Deep Graph Embedding and Learning

Yecheng Lyu, Ming Li, Xinming Huang, Ulkuhan Guler, Patrick Schaumont, Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; TreeRNN: Recurrent Neural Network for General Graph Classification

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General graphs are difficult for learning due to their irregular structures. Existing works employ message passing along graph edges to extract local patterns using customized graph kernels, but few of them are effective for the integration of such local patterns into global features. In contrast, in this paper we study the methods to transfer the graphs into trees so that explicit orders are learned to direct the feature integration from local to global. To this end, we apply the breadth first search (BFS) to construct trees from the graphs, which adds direction to the graph edges from the center node to the peripheral nodes. In addition, we proposed a novel projection scheme that transfer the trees to image representations, which is suitable for conventional convolution neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). To best learn the patterns from the graph-tree-images, we propose TreeRNN, a 2D RNN architecture that recurrently integrates the image pixels by rows and columns to help classify the graph categories. We evaluate the proposed method on several graph classification datasets, and manage to demonstrate comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-art on MUTAG, PTC-MR and NCI1 datasets.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

Honglin Li, Yifei Fan, Frieder Ganz, Tony Yezzi, Payam Barnaghi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

Explainable Online Validation of Machine Learning Models for Practical Applications

Wolfgang Fuhl, Yao Rong, Thomas Motz, Michael Scheidt, Andreas Markus Hartel, Andreas Koch, Enkelejda Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A Reformulation of Regression and Classification for Machine Learning Algorithm Validation

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We present a reformulation of the regression and classification, which aims to validate the result of a machine learning algorithm. Our reformulation simplifies the original problem and validates the result of the machine learning algorithm using the training data. Since the validation of machine learning algorithms must always be explainable, we perform our experiments with the kNN algorithm as well as with an algorithm based on conditional probabilities, which is proposed in this work. For the evaluation of our approach, three publicly available data sets were used and three classification and two regression problems were evaluated. The presented algorithm based on conditional probabilities is also online capable and requires only a fraction of memory compared to the kNN algorithm.

The eXPose Approach to Crosslier Detection

Antonio Barata, Frank Takes, Hendrik Van Den Herik, Cor Veenman

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Auto-TLDR; EXPose: Crosslier Detection Based on Supervised Category Modeling

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Transit of wasteful materials within the European Union is highly regulated through a system of permits. Waste processing costs vary greatly depending on the waste category of a permit. Therefore, companies may have a financial incentive to allege transporting waste with erroneous categorisation. Our goal is to assist inspectors in selecting potentially manipulated permits for further investigation, making their task more effective and efficient. Due to data limitations, a supervised learning approach based on historical cases is not possible. Standard unsupervised approaches, such as outlier detection and data quality-assurance techniques, are not suited since we are interested in targeting non-random modifications in both category and category-correlated features. For this purpose we (1) introduce the concept of crosslier: an anomalous instance of a category which lies across other categories; (2) propose eXPose: a novel approach to crosslier detection based on supervised category modelling; and (3) present the crosslier diagram: a visualisation tool specifically designed for domain experts to easily assess crossliers. We compare eXPose against traditional outlier detection methods in various benchmark datasets with synthetic crossliers and show the superior performance of our method in targeting these instances.

Making Every Label Count: Handling Semantic Imprecision by Integrating Domain Knowledge

Clemens-Alexander Brust, Björn Barz, Joachim Denzler

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Auto-TLDR; Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation

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Noisy data, crawled from the web or supplied by volunteers such as Mechanical Turkers or citizen scientists, is considered an alternative to professionally labeled data. There has been research focused on mitigating the effects of label noise. It is typically modeled as inaccuracy, where the correct label is replaced by an incorrect label from the same set. We consider an additional dimension of label noise: imprecision. For example, a non-breeding snow bunting is labeled as a bird. This label is correct, but not as precise as the task requires. Standard softmax classifiers cannot learn from such a weak label because they consider all classes mutually exclusive, which non-breeding snow bunting and bird are not. We propose CHILLAX (Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation), a method based on hierarchical classification, to fully utilize labels of any precision. Experiments on noisy variants of NABirds and ILSVRC2012 show that our method outperforms strong baselines by as much as 16.4 percentage points, and the current state of the art by up to 3.9 percentage points.

An Efficient Empirical Solver for Localized Multiple Kernel Learning Via DNNs

Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Localized Multiple Kernel Learning using LMKL-Net

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In this paper we propose solving localized multiple kernel learning (LMKL) using LMKL-Net, a feedforward deep neural network (DNN). In contrast to previous works, as a learning principle we propose parameterizing the gating function for learning kernel combination weights and the multiclass classifier using an attentional network (AN) and a multilayer perceptron (MLP), respectively. Such interpretability helps us better understand how the network solves the problem. Thanks to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), our approach has {\em linear} computational complexity in training. Empirically on benchmark datasets we demonstrate that with comparable or better accuracy than the state-of-the-art, our LMKL-Net can be trained about {\bf two orders of magnitude} faster with about {\bf two orders of magnitude} smaller memory footprint for large-scale learning.

Malware Detection by Exploiting Deep Learning over Binary Programs

Panpan Qi, Zhaoqi Zhang, Wei Wang, Chang Yao

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Malware Detection without Feature Engineering

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Malware evolves rapidly over time, which makes existing solutions being ineffective in detecting newly released malware. Machine learning models that can learn to capture malicious patterns directly from the data play an increasingly important role in malware analysis. However, traditional machine learning models heavily depend on feature engineering. The extracted static features are vulnerable as hackers could create new malware with different feature values to deceive the machine learning models. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end malware detection framework consisting of convolutional neural network, autoencoder and neural decision trees. It learns the features from multiple domains for malware detection without feature engineering. In addition, since anti-virus products should have a very low false alarm rate to avoid annoying users, we propose a special loss function, which optimizes the recall for a fixed low false positive rate (e.g., less than 0.1%). Experiments show that the proposed framework has achieved a better recall than the baseline models, and the derived loss function also makes a difference.

Automatic Classification of Human Granulosa Cells in Assisted Reproductive Technology Using Vibrational Spectroscopy Imaging

Marina Paolanti, Emanuele Frontoni, Giorgia Gioacchini, Giorgini Elisabetta, Notarstefano Valentina, Zacà Carlotta, Carnevali Oliana, Andrea Borini, Marco Mameli

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting Oocyte Quality in Assisted Reproductive Technology Using Machine Learning Techniques

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In the field of reproductive technology, the biochemical composition of female gametes has been successfully investigated with the use of vibrational spectroscopy. Currently, in assistive reproductive technology (ART), there are no shared criteria for the choice of oocyte, and automatic classification methods for the best quality oocytes have not yet been applied. In this paper, considering the lack of criteria in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), we use Machine Learning (ML) techniques to predict oocyte quality for a successful pregnancy. To improve the chances of successful implantation and minimize any complications during the pregnancy, Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FTIRM) analysis has been applied on granulosa cells (GCs) collected along with the oocytes during oocyte aspiration, as it is routinely done in ART, and specific spectral biomarkers were selected by multivariate statistical analysis. A proprietary biological reference dataset (BRD) was successfully collected to predict the best oocyte for a successful pregnancy. Personal health information are stored, maintained and backed up using a cloud computing service. Using a user-friendly interface, the user will evaluate whether or not the selected oocyte will have a positive result. This interface includes a dashboard for retrospective analysis, reporting, real-time processing, and statistical analysis. The experimental results are promising and confirm the efficiency of the method in terms of classification metrics: precision, recall, and F1-score (F1) measures.

Assortative-Constrained Stochastic Block Models

Daniel Gribel, Thibaut Vidal, Michel Gendreau

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Stochastic Block Models for Assortative Communities in Neural Networks

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Stochastic block models (SBMs) are often used to find assortative community structures in networks, such that the probability of connections within communities is higher than in between communities. However, classic SBMs are not limited to assortative structures. In this study, we discuss the implications of this model-inherent indifference towards assortativity or disassortativity, and show that it can lead to undesirable outcomes in datasets which are known to be assortative but which contain a reduced amount of information. To circumvent these issues, we propose a constrained SBM that imposes strong assortativity constraints, along with efficient algorithmic solutions. These constraints significantly boost community-detection capabilities in regimes which are close to the detectability threshold. They also permit to identify structurally-different communities in networks representing cerebral-cortex activity regions.

Budgeted Batch Mode Active Learning with Generalized Cost and Utility Functions

Arvind Agarwal, Shashank Mujumdar, Nitin Gupta, Sameep Mehta

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Auto-TLDR; Active Learning Based on Utility and Cost Functions

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Active learning reduces the labeling cost by actively querying labels for the most valuable data points. Typical active learning methods select the most informative examples one-at-a-time, their batch variants exist where a set of most informative points are selected. These points are selected in such a way that when added to the training data along with their labels, they provide maximum benefit to the underlying model. In this paper, we present a learning framework that actively selects optimal set of examples (in a batch) within a given budget, based on given utility and cost functions. The framework is generic enough to incorporate any utility and any cost function defined on a set of examples. Furthermore, we propose a novel utility function based on the Facility Location problem that considers three important characteristics of utility i.e., diversity, density and point utility. We also propose a novel cost function, by formulating the cost computation problem as an optimization problem, the solution to which turns out to be the minimum spanning tree. Thus, our framework provides the optimal batch of points within the given budget based on the cost and utility functions. We evaluate our method on several data sets and show its superior performance over baseline methods.

Bayesian Active Learning for Maximal Information Gain on Model Parameters

Kasra Arnavaz, Aasa Feragen, Oswin Krause, Marco Loog

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian assumptions for Bayesian classification

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The fact that machine learning models, despite their advancements, are still trained on randomly gathered data is proof that a lasting solution to the problem of optimal data gathering has not yet been found. In this paper, we investigate whether a Bayesian approach to the classification problem can provide assumptions under which one is guaranteed to perform at least as good as random sampling. For a logistic regression model, we show that maximal expected information gain on model parameters is a promising criterion for selecting samples, assuming that our classification model is well-matched to the data. Our derived criterion is closely related to the maximum model change. We experiment with data sets which satisfy this assumption to varying degrees to see how sensitive our performance is to the violation of our assumption in practice.

Detecting Rare Cell Populations in Flow Cytometry Data Using UMAP

Lisa Weijler, Markus Diem, Michael Reiter

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Manifold Approximation and Projection for Small Cell Population Detection in Flow cytometry Data

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We present an approach for detecting small cell populations in flow cytometry (FCM) samples based on the combination of unsupervised manifold embedding and supervised random forest classification. Each sample consists of hundred thousands to a few million cells where each cell typically corresponds to a measurement vector with 10 to 50 dimensions. The difficulty of the task is that clusters of measurement vectors formed in the data space according to standard clustering criteria often do not correspond to biologically meaningful sub-populations of cells, due to strong variations in shape and size of their distributions. In many cases the relevant population consists of less than 100 scattered events out of millions of events, where supervised approaches perform better than unsupervised clustering. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the performance of the standard supervised classifier can be improved significantly by combining it with a preceding unsupervised learning step involving the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP). We present an experimental evaluation on FCM data from children suffering from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) showing that the improvement particularly occurs in difficult samples where the size of the relevant population of leukemic cells is low in relation to other sub-populations. Further, the experiments indicate that on such samples the algorithm also outperforms other baseline methods based on Gaussian Mixture Models.

Learning Parameter Distributions to Detect Concept Drift in Data Streams

Johannes Haug, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel framework for the detection of concept drift in streaming environments

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Data distributions in streaming environments are usually not stationary. In order to maintain a high predictive quality at all times, online learning models need to adapt to distributional changes, which are known as concept drift. The timely and robust identification of concept drift can be difficult, as we never have access to the true distribution of streaming data. In this work, we propose a novel framework for the detection of real concept drift, called ERICS. By treating the parameters of a predictive model as random variables, we show that concept drift corresponds to a change in the distribution of optimal parameters. To this end, we adopt common measures from information theory. The proposed framework is completely model-agnostic. By choosing an appropriate base model, ERICS is also capable to detect concept drift at the input level, which is a significant advantage over existing approaches. An evaluation on several synthetic and real-world data sets suggests that the proposed framework identifies concept drift more effectively and precisely than various existing works.

A Heuristic-Based Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling of 3D Volumes

Maximilian Söchting, Stefano Allegretti, Federico Bolelli, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; Entropy Partitioning Decision Tree for Connected Components Labeling

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Connected Components Labeling represents a fundamental step for many Computer Vision and Image Processing pipelines. Since the first appearance of the task in the sixties, many algorithmic solutions to optimize the computational load needed to label an image have been proposed. Among them, block-based scan approaches and decision trees revealed to be some of the most valuable strategies. However, due to the cost of the manual construction of optimal decision trees and the computational limitations of automatic strategies employed in the past, the application of blocks and decision trees has been restricted to small masks, and thus to 2D algorithms. With this paper we present a novel heuristic algorithm based on decision tree learning methodology, called Entropy Partitioning Decision Tree (EPDT). It allows to compute near-optimal decision trees for large scan masks. Experimental results demonstrate that algorithms based on the generated decision trees outperform state-of-the-art competitors.

Generalization Comparison of Deep Neural Networks Via Output Sensitivity

Mahsa Forouzesh, Farnood Salehi, Patrick Thiran

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Auto-TLDR; Generalization of Deep Neural Networks using Sensitivity

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Although recent works have brought some insights into the performance improvement of techniques used in state-of-the-art deep-learning models, more work is needed to understand their generalization properties. We shed light on this matter by linking the loss function to the output's sensitivity to its input. We find a rather strong empirical relation between the output sensitivity and the variance in the bias-variance decomposition of the loss function, which hints on using sensitivity as a metric for comparing the generalization performance of networks, without requiring labeled data. We find that sensitivity is decreased by applying popular methods which improve the generalization performance of the model, such as (1) using a deep network rather than a wide one, (2) adding convolutional layers to baseline classifiers instead of adding fully-connected layers, (3) using batch normalization, dropout and max-pooling, and (4) applying parameter initialization techniques.

Dual-Memory Model for Incremental Learning: The Handwriting Recognition Use Case

Mélanie Piot, Bérangère Bourdoulous, Aurelia Deshayes, Lionel Prevost

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Auto-TLDR; A dual memory model for handwriting recognition

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In this paper, we propose a dual memory model inspired by neural science. Short-term memory processes the data stream before integrating them into long-term memory, which generalizes. The use case is learning the ability to recognize handwriting. This begins with the learning of prototypical letters . It continues throughout life and gives the individual the ability to recognize increasingly varied handwriting. This second task is achieved by incrementally training our dual-memory model. We used a convolution network for encoding and random forests as the memory model. Indeed, the latter have the advantage of being easily enhanced to integrate new data and new classes. Performances on the MNIST database are very encouraging since they exceed 95\% and the complexity of the model remains reasonable.

Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Ratio of Edge-User Estimation in Mobile Networks

Jiehui Deng, Sheng Wan, Xiang Wang, Enmei Tu, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang, Chen Gong

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Auto-TLDR; EAGAT: Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Automatic REU Estimation in Mobile Networks

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Estimating the Ratio of Edge-Users (REU) is an important issue in mobile networks, as it helps the subsequent adjustment of loads in different cells. However, existing approaches usually determine the REU manually, which are experience-dependent and labor-intensive, and thus the estimated REU might be imprecise. Considering the inherited graph structure of mobile networks, in this paper, we utilize a graph-based deep learning method for automatic REU estimation, where the practical cells are deemed as nodes and the load switchings among them constitute edges. Concretely, Graph Attention Network (GAT) is employed as the backbone of our method due to its impressive generalizability in dealing with networked data. Nevertheless, conventional GAT cannot make full use of the information in mobile networks, since it only incorporates node features to infer the pairwise importance and conduct graph convolutions, while the edge features that are actually critical in our problem are disregarded. To accommodate this issue, we propose an Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network (EAGAT), which is able to fuse the node features and edge features for REU estimation. Extensive experimental results on two real-world mobile network datasets demonstrate the superiority of our EAGAT approach to several state-of-the-art methods.

Comparison of Stacking-Based Classifier Ensembles Using Euclidean and Riemannian Geometries

Vitaliy Tayanov, Adam Krzyzak, Ching Y Suen

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Auto-TLDR; Classifier Stacking in Riemannian Geometries using Cascades of Random Forest and Extra Trees

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This paper considers three different classifier stacking algorithms: simple stacking, cascades of classifier ensembles and nonlinear version of classifier stacking based on classifier interactions. Classifier interactions can be expressed using classifier prediction pairwise matrix (CPPM). As a meta-learner for the last algorithm Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and two other classifier stacking algorithms (simple classifier stacking and cascades of classifier ensembles) have been applied. This allows applying classical stacking and cascade-based recursive stacking in the Euclidean and the Riemannian geometries. The cascades of random forests (RFs) and extra trees (ETs) are considered as a forest-based alternative to deep neural networks [1]. Our goal is to compare accuracies of the cascades of RFs and CNN-based stacking or deep multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) for different classifications problems. We use gesture phase dataset from UCI repository [2] to compare and analyze cascades of RFs and extra trees (ETs) in both geometries and CNN-based version of classifier stacking. This data set was selected because generally motion is considered as a nonlinear process (patterns do no lie in Euclidean vector space) in computer vision applications. Thus we can assess how good are forest-based deep learning and the Riemannian manifolds (R-manifolds) when applied to nonlinear processes. Some more datasets from UCI repository were used to compare the aforementioned algorithms to some other well-known classifiers and their stacking-based versions in both geometries. Experimental results show that classifier stacking algorithms in Riemannian geometry (R-geometry) are less dependent on some properties of individual classifiers (e.g. depth of decision trees in RFs or ETs) in comparison to Euclidean geometry. More independent individual classifiers allow to obtain R-manifolds with better properties for classification. Generally, accuracy of classification using classifier stacking in R-geometry is higher than in Euclidean one.

Towards Explaining Adversarial Examples Phenomenon in Artificial Neural Networks

Ramin Barati, Reza Safabakhsh, Mohammad Rahmati

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Auto-TLDR; Convolutional Neural Networks and Adversarial Training from the Perspective of convergence

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In this paper, we study the adversarial examples existence and adversarial training from the standpoint of convergence and provide evidence that pointwise convergence in ANNs can explain these observations. The main contribution of our proposal is that it relates the objective of the evasion attacks and adversarial training with concepts already defined in learning theory. Also, we extend and unify some of the other proposals in the literature and provide alternative explanations on the observations made in those proposals. Through different experiments, we demonstrate that the framework is valuable in the study of the phenomenon and is applicable to real-world problems.

Class-Incremental Learning with Topological Schemas of Memory Spaces

Xinyuan Chang, Xiaoyu Tao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xing Wei, Wei Ke, Yihong Gong

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Auto-TLDR; Class-incremental Learning with Topological Schematic Model

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Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to incrementally learn a unified classifier for new classes emerging, which suffers from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To alleviate forgetting and improve the recognition performance, we propose a novel CIL framework, named the topological schemas model (TSM). TSM consists of a Gaussian mixture model arranged on 2D grids (2D-GMM) as the memory of the learned knowledge. To train the 2D-GMM model, we develop a novel competitive expectation-maximization (CEM) method, which contains a global topology embedding step and a local expectation-maximization finetuning step. Meanwhile, we choose the image samples of old classes that have the maximum posterior probability with respect to each Gaussian distribution as the episodic points. When finetuning for new classes, we propose the memory preservation loss (MPL) term to ensure episodic points still have maximum probabilities with respect to the corresponding Gaussian distribution. MPL preserves the distribution of 2D-GMM for old knowledge during incremental learning and alleviates catastrophic forgetting. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on two popular CIL benchmarks CIFAR100 and subImageNet demonstrate the superiority of our TSM.

A Novel Adaptive Minority Oversampling Technique for Improved Classification in Data Imbalanced Scenarios

Ayush Tripathi, Rupayan Chakraborty, Sunil Kumar Kopparapu

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Minority OverSampling Technique for Imbalanced Data

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Imbalance in the proportion of training samples belonging to different classes often poses performance degradation of conventional classifiers. This is primarily due to the tendency of the classifier to be biased towards the majority classes in the imbalanced dataset. In this paper, we propose a novel three step technique to address imbalanced data. As a first step we significantly oversample the minority class distribution by employing the traditional Synthetic Minority OverSampling Technique (SMOTE) algorithm using the neighborhood of the minority class samples and in the next step we partition the generated samples using a Gaussian-Mixture Model based clustering algorithm. In the final step synthetic data samples are chosen based on the weight associated with the cluster, the weight itself being determined by the distribution of the majority class samples. Extensive experiments on several standard datasets from diverse domains show the usefulness of the proposed technique in comparison with the original SMOTE and its state-of-the-art variants algorithms.

Emerging Relation Network and Task Embedding for Multi-Task Regression Problems

Schreiber Jens, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; A Comparative Study of Multi-Task Learning for Non-linear Time Series Problems

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Multi-Task learning (MTL) provides state-of-the-art results in many applications of computer vision and natural language processing. In contrast to single-task learning (STL), MTL allows for leveraging knowledge between related tasks improving prediction results on all tasks. However, there is a limited number of comparative studies applied to MTL architectures for regression and time series problems taking recent advances of MTL into account. An intriguing, non-linear time-series problem are day ahead forecasts of the expected power generation for renewable power plants. Therefore, the main contribution of this article is a comparative study of the following recent and relevant MTL architectures: Hard-parameter sharing, cross-stitch network, and sluice network (SN). They are compared to a multi-layer peceptron (MLP) model of similar size in an STL setting. As a additional contribution, we provide a simple, yet practical approach to model task specific information through an embedding layer in an MLP, referred to as task embedding. Further, we contribute a new MTL architecture named emerging relation network (ERN), which can be considered as an extension of the SN. For a solar power dataset, the task embedding achieves the best mean improvement with 8.2%. For two wind and one additional solar dataset, the ERN is the best MTL architecture with improvements up to 11.3%.

On Morphological Hierarchies for Image Sequences

Caglayan Tuna, Alain Giros, François Merciol, Sébastien Lefèvre

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Auto-TLDR; Comparison of Hierarchies for Image Sequences

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Morphological hierarchies form a popular framework aiming at emphasizing the multiscale structure of digital image by performing an unsupervised spatial partitioning of the data. These hierarchies have been recently extended to cope with image sequences, and different strategies have been proposed to allow their construction from spatio-temporal data. In this paper, we compare these hierarchical representation strategies for image sequences according to their structural properties. We introduce a projection method to make these representations comparable. Furthermore, we extend one of these recent strategies in order to obtain more efficient hierarchical representations for image sequences. Experiments were conducted on both synthetic and real datasets, the latter being made of satellite image time series. We show that building one hierarchy by using spatial and temporal information together is more efficient comparing to other existing strategies.

Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization

Aliaksei Mikhailiuk, Clifford Wilmot, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Dingcheng Yue, Rafal Mantiuk

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Auto-TLDR; ASAP: An Active Sampling Algorithm for Pairwise Comparison Data

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Pairwise comparison data arise in many domains with subjective assessment experiments, for example in image and video quality assessment. In these experiments observers are asked to express a preference between two conditions. However, many pairwise comparison protocols require a large number of comparisons to infer accurate scores, which may be unfeasible when each comparison is time-consuming (e.g. videos) or expensive (e.g. medical imaging). This motivates the use of an active sampling algorithm that chooses only the most informative pairs for comparison. In this paper we propose ASAP, an active sampling algorithm based on approximate message passing and expected information gain maximization. Unlike most existing methods, which rely on partial updates of the posterior distribution, we are able to perform full updates and therefore much improve the accuracy of the inferred scores. The algorithm relies on three techniques for reducing computational cost: inference based on approximate message passing, selective evaluations of the information gain, and selecting pairs in a batch that forms a minimum spanning tree of the inverse of information gain. We demonstrate, with real and synthetic data, that ASAP offers the highest accuracy of inferred scores compared to the existing methods. We also provide an open-source GPU implementation of ASAP for large-scale experiments.

Using Meta Labels for the Training of Weighting Models in a Sample-Specific Late Fusion Classification Architecture

Peter Bellmann, Patrick Thiam, Friedhelm Schwenker

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Auto-TLDR; A Late Fusion Architecture for Multiple Classifier Systems

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The performance of multiple classifier systems can be significantly improved by the use of intelligent classifier combination approaches. In this study, we introduce a novel late fusion architecture, which can be interpreted as a combination of the well-known mixture of experts and stacked generalization methods. Our proposed method aggregates the outputs of classification models and corresponding sample-specific weighting models. A special feature of our proposed architecture is that each weighting model is trained on an individual set of meta labels. Using individual sets of meta labels allows each weighting model to separate regions, on which the predictions of the corresponding classification model can be associated to an estimated confidence value. We test our proposed architecture on a set of publicly available databases, including different benchmark data sets. The experimental evaluation shows the effectiveness and potential of our proposed method. Moreover, we discuss different approaches for further improvement of our proposed architecture.

Multi-Attribute Learning with Highly Imbalanced Data

Lady Viviana Beltran Beltran, Mickaël Coustaty, Nicholas Journet, Juan C. Caicedo, Antoine Doucet

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Auto-TLDR; Data Imbalance in Multi-Attribute Deep Learning Models: Adaptation to face each one of the problems derived from imbalance

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Data is one of the most important keys for success when studying a simple or a complex phenomenon. With the use of deep-learning exploding and its democratization, non-computer science experts may struggle to use highly complex deep learning architectures, even when straightforward models offer them suitable performances. In this article, we study the specific and common problem of data imbalance in real databases as most of the bad performance problems are due to the data itself. We review two points: first, when the data contains different levels of imbalance. Classical imbalanced learning strategies cannot be directly applied when using multi-attribute deep learning models, i.e., multi-task and multi-label architectures. Therefore, one of our contributions is our proposed adaptations to face each one of the problems derived from imbalance. Second, we demonstrate that with little to no imbalance, straightforward deep learning models work well. However, for non-experts, these models can be seen as black boxes, where all the effort is put in pre-processing the data. To simplify the problem, we performed the classification task ignoring information that is costly to extract, such as part localization which is widely used in the state of the art of attribute classification. We make use of a widely known attribute database, CUB-200-2011 - CUB as our main use case due to its deeply imbalanced nature, along with two better structured databases: celebA and Awa2. All of them contain multi-attribute annotations. The results of highly fine-grained attribute learning over CUB demonstrate that in the presence of imbalance, by using our proposed strategies is possible to have competitive results against the state of the art, while taking advantage of multi-attribute deep learning models. We also report results for two better-structured databases over which our models over-perform the state of the art.

Transfer Learning with Graph Neural Networks for Short-Term Highway Traffic Forecasting

Tanwi Mallick, Prasanna Balaprakash, Eric Rask, Jane Macfarlane

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer Learning for Highway Traffic Forecasting on Unseen Traffic Networks

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Large-scale highway traffic forecasting approaches are critical for intelligent transportation systems. Recently, deep-learning-based traffic forecasting methods have emerged as promising approaches for a wide range of traffic forecasting tasks. However, these methods are specific to a given traffic network and consequently, they cannot be used for forecasting traffic on an unseen traffic network. Previous work has identified diffusion convolutional recurrent neural network (DCRNN), as a state-of-the-art method for highway traffic forecasting. It models the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of a highway network using a graph-based diffusion convolution operation within a recurrent neural network. Currently, DCRNN cannot perform transfer learning because it learns location-specific traffic patterns, which cannot be used for unseen regions of a network or new geographic locations. To that end, we develop TL-DCRNN, a new transfer learning approach for DCRNN, where a single model trained on a highway network can be used to forecast traffic on unseen highway networks. Given a traffic network with a large amount of traffic data, our approach consists of partitioning the traffic network into a number of subgraphs and using a new training scheme that utilizes subgraphs for the DCRNN to marginalize the location-specific information, thus learning the traffic as a function of network connectivity and temporal patterns alone. The resulting trained model can be used to forecast traffic on unseen networks. We demonstrate that TL-DCRNN can learn from San Francisco regional traffic data and forecast traffic on the Los Angeles region and vice versa.

Naturally Constrained Online Expectation Maximization

Daniela Pamplona, Antoine Manzanera

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Online Expectation-Maximization for Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis

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With the rise of big data sets, learning algorithms must be adapted to piece-wise mechanisms in order to tackle time and memory costs of large scale calculations. Furthermore, for most learning embedded systems the input data are fed in a sequential and contingent manner: one by one, and possibly class by class. Thus, learning algorithms should not only run online but cope with time-varying, non-independent, and non-balanced training data for the system's entire life. Online Expectation-Maximization is a well-known algorithm for learning probabilistic models in real-time, due to its simplicity and convergence properties. However, these properties are only valid in the case of large, independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. In this paper, we propose to constraint the online Expectation-Maximization on the Fisher distance between the parameters. After the presentation of the algorithm, we make a thorough study of its use in Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. First, we derive the update rules, then we analyse the effect of the constraint on major problems of online and sequential learning: convergence, forgetting and interference. Furthermore we use several algorithmic protocols: iid {\em vs} sequential data, and constraint parameters updated step-wise {\em vs} class-wise. Our results show that this constraint increases the convergence rate of online Expectation-Maximization, decreases forgetting and slightly introduces transfer learning.

Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes

Andre Mendes, Julian Togelius, Leandro Dos Santos Coelho

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Stage Processes


In multi-stage processes, decisions occur in an ordered sequence of stages. Early stages usually have more observations with general information (easier/cheaper to collect), while later stages have fewer observations but more specific data. This situation can be represented by a dual funnel structure, in which the sample size decreases from one stage to the other while the information increases. Training classifiers in this scenario is challenging since information in the early stages may not contain distinct patterns to learn (underfitting). In contrast, the small sample size in later stages can cause overfitting. We address both cases by introducing a framework that combines adversarial autoencoders (AAE), multi-task learning (MTL), and multi-label semi-supervised learning (MLSSL). We improve the decoder of the AAE with an MTL component so it can jointly reconstruct the original input and use feature nets to predict the features for the next stages. We also introduce a sequence constraint in the output of an MLSSL classifier to guarantee the sequential pattern in the predictions. Using real-world data from different domains (selection process, medical diagnosis), we show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.