Single-Modal Incremental Terrain Clustering from Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Feature Learning

Reina Ishikawa, Ryo Hachiuma, Akiyoshi Kurobe, Hideo Saito

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-modal Variational Autoencoder for Terrain Type Clustering

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The key to an accurate understanding of terrain is to extract the informative features from the multi-modal data obtained from different devices. Sensors, such as RGB cameras, depth sensors, vibration sensors, and microphones, are used as the multi-modal data. Many studies have explored ways to use them, especially in the robotics field. Some papers have successfully introduced single-modal or multi-modal methods. However, in practice, robots can be faced with extreme conditions; microphones do not work well in the crowded scenes, and an RGB camera cannot capture terrains well in the dark. In this paper, we present a novel framework using the multi-modal variational autoencoder and the Gaussian mixture model clustering algorithm on image data and audio data for terrain type clustering. Our method enables the terrain type clustering even if one of the modalities (either image or audio) is missing at the test-time. We evaluated the clustering accuracy with a conventional multi-modal terrain type clustering method and we conducted ablation studies to show the effectiveness of our approach.

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Surface Material Dataset for Robotics Applications (SMDRA): A Dataset with Friction Coefficient and RGB-D for Surface Segmentation

Donghun Noh, Hyunwoo Nam, Min Sung Ahn, Hosik Chae, Sangjoon Lee, Kyle Gillespie, Dennis Hong

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Auto-TLDR; A Surface Material Dataset for Robotics Applications

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In this paper, we introduce the Surface Material Dataset for Robotics Applications (SMDRA), a collection of RGB color image, depth data, and pixel-wise friction coefficient data of 10 different materials for computer vision research specifically with robotics applications in mind that require physical contact between the robot and its environment such as robotic manipulators or walking robots. These selected surface materials are both easily accessible around our daily lives and cover a wide range of friction coefficients. Our dataset is unique in that while there is an abundance of RGB-D data due to the popularization of imaging sensors, additional pixel-wise aligned data of a different modality are not readily available. The depth data is collected by an active stereo camera which has shown promise on a variety of different robotic applications. In addition, this dataset is greatly expanded with friction coefficient data. Similarly to humans, this additional information can be helpful in ensuing proper decision making in tasks ranging from grasping orientation and strength to path determination in an unstructured environment. A newly developed friction measuring device was used to obtain this data. We verify that existing Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, the Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and U-Net, can be trained on the SMDRA. This result demonstrates that the SMDRA can be utilized to train a neural network model for segmentation and these different modes are not just additional information, but valuable modes that researchers can incorporate and exploit when applying computer vision algorithms on robotic platforms.

Multi-Modal Deep Clustering: Unsupervised Partitioning of Images

Guy Shiran, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Modal Deep Clustering for Unlabeled Images

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The clustering of unlabeled raw images is a daunting task, which has recently been approached with some success by deep learning methods. Here we propose an unsupervised clustering framework, which learns a deep neural network in an end-to-end fashion, providing direct cluster assignments of images without additional processing. Multi-Modal Deep Clustering (MMDC), trains a deep network to align its image embeddings with target points sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model distribution. The cluster assignments are then determined by mixture component association of image embeddings. Simultaneously, the same deep network is trained to solve an additional self-supervised task. This pushes the network to learn more meaningful image representations and stabilizes the training. Experimental results show that MMDC achieves or exceeds state-of-the-art performance on four challenging benchmarks. On natural image datasets we improve on previous results with significant margins of up to 11% absolute accuracy points, yielding an accuracy of 70% on CIFAR-10 and 61% on STL-10.

Improving Mix-And-Separate Training in Audio-Visual Sound Source Separation with an Object Prior

Quan Nguyen, Simone Frintrop, Timo Gerkmann, Mikko Lauri, Julius Richter

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Auto-TLDR; Object-Prior: Learning the 1-to-1 correspondence between visual and audio signals by audio- visual sound source methods

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The performance of an audio-visual sound source separation system is determined by its ability to separate audio sources given images of the sources and the audio mixture. The goal of this study is to investigate the ability to learn the mapping between the sounds and the images of instruments by audio- visual sound source separation methods based on the state-of-the- art PixelPlayer [1]. Theoretical and empirical analyses illustrate that the PixelPlayer is not properly trained to learn the 1-to- 1 correspondence between visual and audio signals during its mix-and-separate training process. Based on the insights from this analysis, a weakly-supervised method called Object-Prior is proposed and evaluated on two audio-visual datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed Object-Prior method outperforms the PixelPlayer and other baselines in the audio- visual sound source separation task. It is also more robust against asynchronized data, where the frame and the audio do not come from the same video, and recognizes musical instruments based on their sound with higher accuracy than the PixelPlayer. This indicates that learning the 1-to-1 correspondence between visual and audio features of an instrument improves the effectiveness of audio-visual sound source separation.

ESResNet: Environmental Sound Classification Based on Visual Domain Models

Andrey Guzhov, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Environmental Sound Classification with Short-Time Fourier Transform Spectrograms

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Environmental Sound Classification (ESC) is an active research area in the audio domain and has seen a lot of progress in the past years. However, many of the existing approaches achieve high accuracy by relying on domain-specific features and architectures, making it harder to benefit from advances in other fields (e.g., the image domain). Additionally, some of the past successes have been attributed to a discrepancy of how results are evaluated (i.e., on unofficial splits of the UrbanSound8K (US8K) dataset), distorting the overall progression of the field. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we present a model that is inherently compatible with mono and stereo sound inputs. Our model is based on simple log-power Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) spectrograms and combines them with several well-known approaches from the image domain (i.e., ResNet, Siamese-like networks and attention). We investigate the influence of cross-domain pre-training, architectural changes, and evaluate our model on standard datasets. We find that our model out-performs all previously known approaches in a fair comparison by achieving accuracies of 97.0 % (ESC-10), 91.5 % (ESC-50) and 84.2 % / 85.4 % (US8K mono / stereo). Second, we provide a comprehensive overview of the actual state of the field, by differentiating several previously reported results on the US8K dataset between official or unofficial splits. For better reproducibility, our code (including any re-implementations) is made available.

A Fine-Grained Dataset and Its Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Unstructured Driving Scenarios

Kai Andreas Metzger, Peter Mortimer, Hans J "Joe" Wuensche

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Auto-TLDR; TAS500: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments

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Research in autonomous driving for unstructured environments suffers from a lack of semantically labeled datasets compared to its urban counterpart. Urban and unstructured outdoor environments are challenging due to the varying lighting and weather conditions during a day and across seasons. In this paper, we introduce TAS500, a novel semantic segmentation dataset for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. TAS500 offers fine-grained vegetation and terrain classes to learn drivable surfaces and natural obstacles in outdoor scenes effectively. We evaluate the performance of modern semantic segmentation models with an additional focus on their efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of fine-grained semantic classes to improve the overall prediction accuracy, especially along the class boundaries. The dataset, code, and pretrained model are available online.

Self-Supervised Joint Encoding of Motion and Appearance for First Person Action Recognition

Mirco Planamente, Andrea Bottino, Barbara Caputo

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Auto-TLDR; A Single Stream Architecture for Egocentric Action Recognition from the First-Person Point of View

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Wearable cameras are becoming more and more popular in several applications, increasing the interest of the research community in developing approaches for recognizing actions from the first-person point of view. An open challenge in egocentric action recognition is that videos lack detailed information about the main actor's pose and thus tend to record only parts of the movement when focusing on manipulation tasks. Thus, the amount of information about the action itself is limited, making crucial the understanding of the manipulated objects and their context. Many previous works addressed this issue with two-stream architectures, where one stream is dedicated to modeling the appearance of objects involved in the action, and another to extracting motion features from optical flow. In this paper, we argue that learning features jointly from these two information channels is beneficial to capture the spatio-temporal correlations between the two better. To this end, we propose a single stream architecture able to do so, thanks to the addition of a self-supervised block that uses a pretext motion prediction task to intertwine motion and appearance knowledge. Experiments on several publicly available databases show the power of our approach.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

S2I-Bird: Sound-To-Image Generation of Bird Species Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Joo Yong Shim, Joongheon Kim, Jong-Kook Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Generating bird images from sound using conditional generative adversarial networks

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Generating images from sound is a challenging task. This paper proposes a novel deep learning model that generates bird images from their corresponding sound information. Our proposed model includes a sound encoder in order to extract suitable feature representations from audio recordings, and then it generates bird images that corresponds to its calls using conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) with auxiliary classifiers. We demonstrate that our model produces better image generation results which outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in a similar context.

Feature-Aware Unsupervised Learning with Joint Variational Attention and Automatic Clustering

Wang Ru, Lin Li, Peipei Wang, Liu Peiyu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Variational Attention Encoder-Decoder for Clustering

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Deep clustering aims to cluster unlabeled real-world samples by mining deep feature representation. Most of existing methods remain challenging when handling high-dimensional data and simultaneously exploring the complementarity of deep feature representation and clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Variational Attention Encoder-decoder for Clustering (DVAEC). Our DVAEC improves the representation learning ability by fusing variational attention. Specifically, we design a feature-aware automatic clustering module to mitigate the unreliability of similarity calculation and guide network learning. Besides, to further boost the performance of deep clustering from a global perspective, we define a joint optimization objective to promote feature representation learning and automatic clustering synergistically. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance achieved by our DVAEC on six datasets comparing with several popular baseline clustering methods.

Unsupervised Co-Segmentation for Athlete Movements and Live Commentaries Using Crossmodal Temporal Proximity

Yasunori Ohishi, Yuki Tanaka, Kunio Kashino

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Auto-TLDR; A guided attention scheme for audio-visual co-segmentation

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Audio-visual co-segmentation is a task to extract segments and regions corresponding to specific events on unlabelled audio and video signals. It is particularly important to accomplish it in an unsupervised way, since it is generally very difficult to manually label all the objects and events appearing in audio-visual signals for supervised learning. Here, we propose to take advantage of temporal proximity of corresponding audio and video entities included in the signals. For this purpose, we newly employ a guided attention scheme to this task to efficiently detect and utilize temporal cooccurrences of audio and video information. The experiments using a real TV broadcasting of Sumo wrestling, a sport event, with live commentaries show that our model can automatically extract specific athlete movements and its spoken descriptions in an unsupervised manner.

Low Dimensional State Representation Learning with Reward-Shaped Priors

Nicolò Botteghi, Ruben Obbink, Daan Geijs, Mannes Poel, Beril Sirmacek, Christoph Brune, Abeje Mersha, Stefano Stramigioli

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Learning for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Robotics

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Reinforcement Learning has been able to solve many complicated robotics tasks without any need of feature engineering in an end-to-end fashion. However, learning the optimal policy directly from the sensory inputs, i.e the observations, often requires processing and storage of huge amount of data. In the context of robotics, the cost of data from real robotics hardware is usually very high, thus solutions that achieves high sample-efficiency are needed. We propose a method that aims at learning a mapping from the observations into a lower dimensional state space. This mapping is learned with unsupervised learning using loss functions shaped to incorporate prior knowledge of the environment and the task. Using the samples from the state space, the optimal policy is quickly and efficiently learned. We test the method on several mobile robot navigation tasks in simulation environment and also on a real robot.

Variational Deep Embedding Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information Maximization

Qiang Ji, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information maximization for Deep Embedding

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Clustering is a crucial but challenging task in pattern analysis and machine learning. Recent many deep clustering methods combining representation learning with cluster techniques emerged. These deep clustering methods mainly focus on the correlation among samples and ignore the relationship between samples and their representations. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end clustering framework, namely variational deep embedding clustering by augmented mutual information maximization (VCAMI). From the perspective of VAE, we prove that minimizing reconstruction loss is equivalent to maximizing the mutual information of the input and its latent representation. This provides a theoretical guarantee for us to directly maximize the mutual information instead of minimizing reconstruction loss. Therefore we proposed the augmented mutual information which highlights the uniqueness of the representations while discovering invariant information among similar samples. Extensive experiments on several challenging image datasets show that the VCAMI achieves good performance. we achieve state-of-the-art results for clustering on MNIST (99.5%) and CIFAR-10 (65.4%) to the best of our knowledge.

Audio-Visual Predictive Coding for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning

Mani Kumar Tellamekala, Michel Valstar, Michael Pound, Timo Giesbrecht

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Auto-TLDR; AV-PPC: A Multi-task Learning Framework for Learning Semantic Visual Features from Unlabeled Video Data

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Self-supervised learning has emerged as a candidate approach to learn semantic visual features from unlabeled video data. In self-supervised learning, intrinsic correspondences between data points are used to define a proxy task that forces the model to learn semantic representations. Most existing proxy tasks applied to video data exploit only either intra-modal (e.g. temporal) or cross-modal (e.g. audio-visual) correspondences separately. In theory, jointly learning both these correspondences may result in richer visual features; but, as we show in this work, doing so is non-trivial in practice. To address this problem, we introduce `Audio-Visual Permutative Predictive Coding' (AV-PPC), a multi-task learning framework designed to fully leverage the temporal and cross-modal correspondences as natural supervision signals. In AV-PPC, the model is trained to simultaneously learn multiple intra- and cross-modal predictive coding sub-tasks. By using visual speech recognition (lip-reading) as the downstream evaluation task, we show that our proposed proxy task can learn higher quality visual features than existing proxy tasks. We also show that AV-PPC visual features are highly data-efficient. Without further finetuning, AV-PPC visual encoder achieves 80.30% spoken word classification rate on the LRW dataset, performing on par with directly or fully supervised visual encoders learned from large amounts of labeled data.

Mutual Information Based Method for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Video Representation

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; MIPAE: Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder for Video Prediction

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Video Prediction is an interesting and challenging task of predicting future frames from a given set context frames that belong to a video sequence. Video prediction models have found prospective applications in Maneuver Planning, Health care, Autonomous Navigation and Simulation. One of the major challenges in future frame generation is due to the high dimensional nature of visual data. In this work, we propose Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder (MIPAE) framework, that reduces the task of predicting high dimensional video frames by factorising video representations into content and low dimensional pose latent variables that are easy to predict. A standard LSTM network is used to predict these low dimensional pose representations. Content and the predicted pose representations are decoded to generate future frames. Our approach leverages the temporal structure of the latent generative factors of a video and a novel mutual information loss to learn disentangled video representations. We also propose a metric based on mutual information gap (MIG) to quantitatively access the effectiveness of disentanglement on DSprites and MPI3D-real datasets. MIG scores corroborate with the visual superiority of frames predicted by MIPAE. We also compare our method quantitatively on evaluation metrics LPIPS, SSIM and PSNR.

N2D: (Not Too) Deep Clustering Via Clustering the Local Manifold of an Autoencoded Embedding

Ryan Mcconville, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Robert Piechocki, Ian Craddock

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Auto-TLDR; Local Manifold Learning for Deep Clustering on Autoencoded Embeddings

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Deep clustering has increasingly been demonstrating superiority over conventional shallow clustering algorithms. Deep clustering algorithms usually combine representation learning with deep neural networks to achieve this performance, typically optimizing a clustering and non-clustering loss. In such cases, an autoencoder is typically connected with a clustering network, and the final clustering is jointly learned by both the autoencoder and clustering network. Instead, we propose to learn an autoencoded embedding and then search this further for the underlying manifold. For simplicity, we then cluster this with a shallow clustering algorithm, rather than a deeper network. We study a number of local and global manifold learning methods on both the raw data and autoencoded embedding, concluding that UMAP in our framework is able to find the best clusterable manifold of the embedding. This suggests that local manifold learning on an autoencoded embedding is effective for discovering higher quality clusters. We quantitatively show across a range of image and time-series datasets that our method has competitive performance against the latest deep clustering algorithms, including out-performing current state-of-the-art on several. We postulate that these results show a promising research direction for deep clustering. The code can be found at

Reducing the Variance of Variational Estimates of Mutual Information by Limiting the Critic's Hypothesis Space to RKHS

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; Mutual Information Estimation from Variational Lower Bounds Using a Critic's Hypothesis Space

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Mutual information (MI) is an information-theoretic measure of dependency between two random variables. Several methods to estimate MI, from samples of two random variables with unknown underlying probability distributions have been proposed in the literature. Recent methods realize parametric probability distributions or critic as a neural network to approximate unknown density ratios. The approximated density ratios are used to estimate different variational lower bounds of MI. While these methods provide reliable estimation when the true MI is low, they produce high variance estimates in cases of high MI. We argue that the high variance characteristic is due to the uncontrolled complexity of the critic's hypothesis space. In support of this argument, we use the data-driven Rademacher complexity of the hypothesis space associated with the critic's architecture to analyse generalization error bound of variational lower bound estimates of MI. In the proposed work, we show that it is possible to negate the high variance characteristics of these estimators by constraining the critic's hypothesis space to Reproducing Hilbert Kernel Space (RKHS), which corresponds to a kernel learned using Automated Spectral Kernel Learning (ASKL). By analysing the aforementioned generalization error bounds, we augment the overall optimisation objective with effective regularisation term. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of this regularization in enforcing proper bias variance tradeoff on four variational lower bounds, namely NWJ, MINE, JS and SMILE.

Person Recognition with HGR Maximal Correlation on Multimodal Data

Yihua Liang, Fei Ma, Yang Li, Shao-Lun Huang

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Auto-TLDR; A correlation-based multimodal person recognition framework that learns discriminative embeddings of persons by joint learning visual features and audio features

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Multimodal person recognition is a common task in video analysis and public surveillance, where information from multiple modalities, such as images and audio extracted from videos, are used to jointly determine the identity of a person. Previous person recognition techniques either use only uni-modal data or only consider shared representations between different input modalities, while leaving the extraction of their relationship with identity information to downstream tasks. Furthermore, real-world data often contain noise, which makes recognition more challenging practical situations. In our work, we propose a novel correlation-based multimodal person recognition framework that is relatively simple but can efficaciously learn supervised information in multimodal data fusion and resist noise. Specifically, our framework learns a discriminative embeddings of persons by joint learning visual features and audio features while maximizing HGR maximal correlation among multimodal input and persons' identities. Experiments are done on a subset of Voxceleb2. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, the proposed method demonstrates an improvement of accuracy and robustness to noise.

GAN-Based Gaussian Mixture Model Responsibility Learning

Wanming Huang, Yi Da Xu, Shuai Jiang, Xuan Liang, Ian Oppermann

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Auto-TLDR; Posterior Consistency Module for Gaussian Mixture Model

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Mixture Model (MM) is a probabilistic framework allows us to define dataset containing $K$ different modes. When each of the modes is associated with a Gaussian distribution, we refer to it as Gaussian MM or GMM. Given a data point $x$, a GMM may assume the existence of a random index $k \in \{1, \dots , K \}$ identifying which Gaussian the particular data is associated with. In a traditional GMM paradigm, it is straightforward to compute in closed-form, the conditional likelihood $p(x |k, \theta)$ as well as the responsibility probability $p(k|x, \theta)$ describing the distribution weights for each data. Computing the responsibility allows us to retrieve many important statistics of the overall dataset, including the weights of each of the modes/clusters. Modern large data-sets are often containing multiple unlabelled modes, such as paintings dataset may contain several styles; fashion images containing several unlabelled categories. In its raw representation, the Euclidean distances between the data (e.g., images) do not allow them to form mixtures naturally, nor it's feasible to compute responsibility distribution analytically, making GMM unable to apply. In this paper, we utilize the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework to achieve a plausible alternative method to compute these probabilities. The key insight is that we compute them at the data's latent space $z$ instead of $x$. However, this process of $z \rightarrow x$ is irreversible under GAN which renders the computation of responsibility $p(k|x, \theta)$ infeasible. Our paper proposed a novel method to solve it by using a so-called Posterior Consistency Module (PCM). PCM acts like a GAN, except its Generator $C_{\text{PCM}}$ does not output the data, but instead it outputs a distribution to approximate $p(k|x, \theta)$. The entire network is trained in an ``end-to-end'' fashion. Trough these techniques, it allows us to model the dataset of very complex structure using GMM and subsequently to discover interesting properties of an unsupervised dataset, including its segments, as well as generating new ``out-distribution" data by smooth linear interpolation across any combinations of the modes in a completely unsupervised manner.

The Color Out of Space: Learning Self-Supervised Representations for Earth Observation Imagery

Stefano Vincenzi, Angelo Porrello, Pietro Buzzega, Marco Cipriano, Pietro Fronte, Roberto Cuccu, Carla Ippoliti, Annamaria Conte, Simone Calderara

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Auto-TLDR; Satellite Image Representation Learning for Remote Sensing

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The recent growth in the number of satellite images fosters the development of effective deep-learning techniques for Remote Sensing (RS). However, their full potential is untapped due to the lack of large annotated datasets. Such a problem is usually countered by fine-tuning a feature extractor that is previously trained on the ImageNet dataset. Unfortunately, the domain of natural images differs from the RS one, which hinders the final performance. In this work, we propose to learn meaningful representations from satellite imagery, leveraging its high-dimensionality spectral bands to reconstruct the visible colors. We conduct experiments on land cover classification (BigEarthNet) and West Nile Virus detection, showing that colorization is a solid pretext task for training a feature extractor. Furthermore, we qualitatively observe that guesses based on natural images and colorization rely on different parts of the input. This paves the way to an ensemble model that eventually outperforms both the above-mentioned techniques.

Video Anomaly Detection by Estimating Likelihood of Representations

Yuqi Ouyang, Victor Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Video Anomaly Detection in the latent feature space using a deep probabilistic model

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Video anomaly detection is a challenging task not only because it involves solving many sub-tasks such as motion representation, object localization and action recognition, but also because it is commonly considered as an unsupervised learning problem that involves detecting outliers. Traditionally, solutions to this task have focused on the mapping between video frames and their low-dimensional features, while ignoring the spatial connections of those features. Recent solutions focus on analyzing these spatial connections by using hard clustering techniques, such as K-Means, or applying neural networks to map latent features to a general understanding, such as action attributes. In order to solve video anomaly in the latent feature space, we propose a deep probabilistic model to transfer this task into a density estimation problem where latent manifolds are generated by a deep denoising autoencoder and clustered by expectation maximization. Evaluations on several benchmarks datasets show the strengths of our model, achieving outstanding performance on challenging datasets.

Generative Deep-Neural-Network Mixture Modeling with Semi-Supervised MinMax+EM Learning

Nilay Pande, Suyash Awate

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Deep Neural Networks for Generative Mixture Modeling and Clustering

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) for generative mixture modeling typically rely on unsupervised learning that employs hard clustering schemes, or variational learning with loose / approximate bounds, or under-regularized modeling. We propose a novel statistical framework for a DNN mixture model using a single generative adversarial network. Our learning formulation proposes a novel data-likelihood term relying on a well-regularized / constrained Gaussian mixture model in the latent space along with a prior term on the DNN weights. Our min-max learning increases the data likelihood using a tight variational lower bound using expectation maximization (EM). We leverage our min-max EM learning scheme for semi-supervised learning. Results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the benefits of our compact modeling and learning formulation over the state of the art for mixture modeling and clustering.

Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression

Xifeng Guo, Jiyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Shihao Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Image Representation Learning using Continuous Parameter Prediction

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Self-supervised learning is a thriving research direction since it can relieve the burden of human labeling for machine learning by seeking for supervision from data instead of human annotation. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, we observe that the existing methods usually model the auxiliary learning tasks as classification tasks with finite discrete labels, leading to insufficient supervisory signals, which in turn restricts the representation quality. In this paper, to solve the above problem and make full use of the supervision from data, we design a regression model to predict the continuous parameters of a group of transformations, i.e., image rotation, translation, and scaling. Surprisingly, this naive modification stimulates tremendous potential from data and the resulting supervisory signal has largely improved the performance of image representation learning. Extensive experiments on four image datasets, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, and SVHN, indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods by a large margin in terms of classification accuracy. Crucially, we find that with our proposed training mechanism as an initialization, the performance of the existing state-of-the-art classification deep architectures can be preferably improved.

Ballroom Dance Recognition from Audio Recordings

Tomas Pavlin, Jan Cech, Jiri Matas

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Auto-TLDR; A CNN-based approach to classify ballroom dances given audio recordings

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We propose a CNN-based approach to classify ten genres of ballroom dances given audio recordings, five latin and five standard, namely Cha Cha Cha, Jive, Paso Doble, Rumba, Samba, Quickstep, Slow Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Tango and Viennese Waltz. We utilize a spectrogram of an audio signal and we treat it as an image that is an input of the CNN. The classification is performed independently by 5-seconds spectrogram segments in sliding window fashion and the results are then aggregated. The method was tested on following datasets: Publicly available Extended Ballroom dataset collected by Marchand and Peeters, 2016 and two YouTube datasets collected by us, one in studio quality and the other, more challenging, recorded on mobile phones. The method achieved accuracy 93.9%, 96.7% and 89.8% respectively. The method runs in real-time. We implemented a web application to demonstrate the proposed method.

A Bayesian Approach to Reinforcement Learning of Vision-Based Vehicular Control

Zahra Gharaee, Karl Holmquist, Linbo He, Michael Felsberg

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

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In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art reinforcement learning method for autonomous driving. Our approach employs temporal difference learning in a Bayesian framework to learn vehicle control signals from sensor data. The agent has access to images from a forward facing camera, which are pre-processed to generate semantic segmentation maps. We trained our system using both ground truth and estimated semantic segmentation input. Based on our observations from a large set of experiments, we conclude that training the system on ground truth input data leads to better performance than training the system on estimated input even if estimated input is used for evaluation. The system is trained and evaluated in a realistic simulated urban environment using the CARLA simulator. The simulator also contains a benchmark that allows for comparing to other systems and methods. The required training time of the system is shown to be lower and the performance on the benchmark superior to competing approaches.

Robust Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Based on Hybrid Fusion

Hong Liu, Wenhao Li, Bing Yang

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Auto-TLDR; Hybrid Fusion Based AVSR with Residual Networks and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit for Robust Speech Recognition in Noise Conditions

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The fusion of audio and visual modalities is an important stage of audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR), which is generally approached through feature fusion or decision fusion. Feature fusion can exploit the covariations between features from different modalities effectively, whereas decision fusion shows the robustness of capturing an optimal combination of multi-modality. In this work, to take full advantage of the complementarity of the two fusion strategies and address the challenge of inherent ambiguity in noisy environments, we propose a novel hybrid fusion based AVSR method with residual networks and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (BGRU), which is able to distinguish homophones in both clean and noisy conditions. Specifically, a simple yet effective audio-visual encoder is used to map audio and visual features into a shared latent space to capture more discriminative multi-modal feature and find the internal correlation between spatial-temporal information for different modalities. Furthermore, a decision fusion module is designed to get final predictions in order to robustly utilize the reliability measures of audio-visual information. Finally, we introduce a combined loss, which shows its noise-robustness in learning the joint representation across various modalities. Experimental results on the largest publicly available dataset (LRW) demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method under various noisy conditions.

Multimodal End-To-End Learning for Autonomous Steering in Adverse Road and Weather Conditions

Jyri Sakari Maanpää, Josef Taher, Petri Manninen, Leo Pakola, Iaroslav Melekhov, Juha Hyyppä

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Learning for Autonomous Steering in Adverse Road and Weather Conditions with Lidar Data

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Autonomous driving is challenging in adverse road and weather conditions in which there might not be lane lines, the road might be covered in snow and the visibility might be poor. We extend the previous work on end-to-end learning for autonomous steering to operate in these adverse real-life conditions with multimodal data. We collected 28 hours of driving data in several road and weather conditions and trained convolutional neural networks to predict the car steering wheel angle from front-facing color camera images and lidar range and reflectance data. We compared the CNN model performances based on the different modalities and our results show that the lidar modality improves the performances of different multimodal sensor-fusion models. We also performed on-road tests with different models and they support this observation.

Anticipating Activity from Multimodal Signals

Tiziana Rotondo, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Davide Giacalone, Sebastiano Mauro Strano, Valeria Tomaselli, Sebastiano Battiato

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Multimodal Signal Embedding Space for Multi-Action Prediction

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Images, videos, audio signals, sensor data, can be easily collected in huge quantity by different devices and processed in order to emulate the human capability of elaborating a variety of different stimuli. Are multimodal signals useful to understand and anticipate human actions if acquired from the user viewpoint? This paper proposes to build an embedding space where inputs of different nature, but semantically correlated, are projected in a new representation space and properly exploited to anticipate the future user activity. To this purpose, we built a new multimodal dataset comprising video, audio, tri-axial acceleration, angular velocity, tri-axial magnetic field, pressure and temperature. To benchmark the proposed multimodal anticipation challenge, we consider classic classifiers on top of deep learning methods used to build the embedding space representing multimodal signals. The achieved results show that the exploitation of different modalities is useful to improve the anticipation of the future activity.

Which are the factors affecting the performance of audio surveillance systems?

Antonio Greco, Antonio Roberto, Alessia Saggese, Mario Vento

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Auto-TLDR; Sound Event Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Visual Representations on MIVIA Audio Events

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Sound event recognition systems are rapidly becoming part of our life, since they can be profitably used in several vertical markets, ranging from audio security applications to scene classification and multi-modal analysis in social robotics. In the last years, a not negligible part of the scientific community started to apply Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to image-based representations of the audio stream, due to their successful adoption in almost all the computer vision tasks. In this paper, we carry out a detailed benchmark of various widely used CNN architectures and visual representations on a popular dataset, namely the MIVIA Audio Events database. Our analysis is aimed at understanding how these factors affect the sound event recognition performance with a particular focus on the false positive rate, very relevant in audio surveillance solutions. In fact, although most of the proposed solutions achieve a high recognition rate, the capability of distinguishing the events-of-interest from the background is often not yet sufficient for real systems, and prevent its usage in real applications. Our comprehensive experimental analysis investigates this aspect and allows to identify useful design guidelines for increasing the specificity of sound event recognition systems.

Radar Image Reconstruction from Raw ADC Data Using Parametric Variational Autoencoder with Domain Adaptation

Michael Stephan, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Georg Fischer, Robert Weigel, Fabian Lurz

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Auto-TLDR; Parametric Variational Autoencoder-based Human Target Detection and Localization for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar

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This paper presents a parametric variational autoencoder-based human target detection and localization framework working directly with the raw analog-to-digital converter data from the frequency modulated continuous wave radar. We propose a parametrically constrained variational autoencoder, with residual and skip connections, capable of generating the clustered and localized target detections on the range-angle image. Furthermore, to circumvent the problem of training the proposed neural network on all possible scenarios using real radar data, we propose domain adaptation strategies whereby we first train the neural network using ray tracing based model data and then adapt the network to work on real sensor data. This strategy ensures better generalization and scalability of the proposed neural network even though it is trained with limited radar data. We demonstrate the superior detection and localization performance of our proposed solution compared to the conventional signal processing pipeline and earlier state-of-art deep U-Net architecture with range-doppler images as inputs.

A Joint Representation Learning and Feature Modeling Approach for One-Class Recognition

Pramuditha Perera, Vishal Patel

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Auto-TLDR; Combining Generative Features and One-Class Classification for Effective One-class Recognition

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One-class recognition is traditionally approached either as a representation learning problem or a feature modelling problem. In this work, we argue that both of these approaches have their own limitations; and a more effective solution can be obtained by combining the two. The proposed approach is based on the combination of a generative framework and a one-class classification method. First, we learn generative features using the one-class data with a generative framework. We augment the learned features with the corresponding reconstruction errors to obtain augmented features. Then, we qualitatively identify a suitable feature distribution that reduces the redundancy in the chosen classifier space. Finally, we force the augmented features to take the form of this distribution using an adversarial framework. We test the effectiveness of the proposed method on three one-class classification tasks and obtain state-of-the-art results.

Spatial Bias in Vision-Based Voice Activity Detection

Kalin Stefanov, Mohammad Adiban, Giampiero Salvi

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Bias in Vision-based Voice Activity Detection in Multiparty Human-Human Interactions

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We present models for automatic vision-based voice activity detection (VAD) in multiparty human-human interactions that are aimed at complementing the acoustic VAD methods. We provide evidence that this type of vision-based VAD models are susceptible to spatial bias in the datasets. The physical settings of the interaction, usually constant throughout data acquisition, determines the distribution of head poses of the participants. Our results show that when the head pose distributions are significantly different in the training and test sets, the performance of the models drops significantly. This suggests that previously reported results on datasets with a fixed physical configuration may overestimate the generalization capabilities of this type of models. We also propose a number of possible remedies to the spatial bias, including data augmentation, input masking and dynamic features, and provide an in-depth analysis of the visual cues used by our models.

Multiple Future Prediction Leveraging Synthetic Trajectories

Lorenzo Berlincioni, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Trajectory Prediction using Markov Chains

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Trajectory prediction is an important task, especially in autonomous driving. The ability to forecast the position of other moving agents can yield to an effective planning, ensuring safety for the autonomous vehicle as well for the observed entities. In this work we propose a data driven approach based on Markov Chains to generate synthetic trajectories, which are useful for training a multiple future trajectory predictor. The advantages are twofold: on the one hand synthetic samples can be used to augment existing datasets and train more effective predictors; on the other hand, it allows to generate samples with multiple ground truths, corresponding to diverse equally likely outcomes of the observed trajectory. We define a trajectory prediction model and a loss that explicitly address the multimodality of the problem and we show that combining synthetic and real data leads to prediction improvements, obtaining state of the art results.

Extending Single Beam Lidar to Full Resolution by Fusing with Single Image Depth Estimation

Yawen Lu, Yuxing Wang, Devarth Parikh, Guoyu Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised LIDAR for Low-Cost Depth Estimation

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Depth estimation is playing an important role in indoor and outdoor scene understanding, autonomous driving, augmented reality and many other tasks. Vehicles and robotics are able to use active illumination sensors such as LIDAR to receive high precision depth estimation. However, high-resolution Lidars are usually too expensive, which limits its massive production on various applications. Though single beam LIDAR enjoys the benefits of low cost, one beam depth sensing is not usually sufficient to perceive the surrounding environment in many scenarios. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework to explore to replicate similar or even higher performance as costly LIDARs with our designed self-supervised network and a low-cost single-beam LIDAR. After the accurate calibration with a visible camera, the single beam LIDAR can adjust the scale uncertainty of the depth map estimated by the visible camera. The adjusted depth map enjoys the benefits of high resolution and sensing accuracy as high beam LIDAR and maintains low-cost as single beam LIDAR. Thus we can achieve similar sensing effect of high beam LIDAR with more than a 50-100 times cheaper price (e.g., \$80000 Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR v.s. \$1000 SICK TIM-781 2D LIDAR and normal camera). The proposed approach is verified on our collected dataset and public dataset with superior depth-sensing performance.

Modeling Extent-Of-Texture Information for Ground Terrain Recognition

Shuvozit Ghose, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal

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Auto-TLDR; Extent-of-Texture Guided Inter-domain Message Passing for Ground Terrain Recognition

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Ground Terrain Recognition is a difficult task as the context information varies significantly over the regions of a ground terrain image. In this paper, we propose a novel approach towards ground-terrain recognition via modeling the Extent-of-Texture information to establish a balance between the order-less texture component and ordered-spatial information locally. At first, the proposed method uses a CNN backbone feature extractor network to capture meaningful information of a ground terrain image, and model the extent of texture and shape information locally. Then, the order-less texture information and ordered shape information are encoded in a patch-wise manner, which is utilized by intra-domain message passing module to make every patch aware of each other for rich feature learning. Next, the Extent-of-Texture (EoT) Guided Inter-domain Message Passing module combines the extent of texture and shape information with the encoded texture and shape information in a patch-wise fashion for sharing knowledge to balance out the order-less texture information with ordered shape information. Further, Bilinear model generates a pairwise correlation between the order-less texture information and ordered shape information. Finally, the ground-terrain image classification is performed by a fully connected layer. The experimental results indicate superior performance of the proposed model over existing state-of-the-art techniques on publicly available datasets like DTD, MINC and GTOS-mobile.

Variational Capsule Encoder

Harish Raviprakash, Syed Anwar, Ulas Bagci

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Capsule Networks for Representation Learning in latent space

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We propose a novel capsule network based variational encoder architecture, called Bayesian capsules (B-Caps), to modulate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution in the latent space. We hypothesize that this approach can learn a better representation of features in the latent space than traditional approaches. Our hypothesis was tested by using the learned latent variables for image reconstruction task, where for MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, different classes were separated successfully in the latent space using our proposed model. Our experimental results have shown improved reconstruction and classification performances for both datasets adding credence to our hypothesis. We also showed that by increasing the latent space dimension, the proposed B-Caps was able to learn a better representation when compared to the traditional variational auto-encoders (VAE). Hence our results indicate the strength of capsule networks in representation learning which has never been examined under the VAE settings before.

Self-Supervised Learning of Dynamic Representations for Static Images

Siyang Song, Enrique Sanchez, Linlin Shen, Michel Valstar

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Auto-TLDR; Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation and Affect Estimation from Still Images with Multiple Temporal Scale

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Facial actions are spatio-temporal signals by nature, and therefore their modeling is crucially dependent on the availability of temporal information. In this paper, we focus on inferring such temporal dynamics of facial actions when no explicit temporal information is available, i.e. from still images. We present a novel approach to capture multiple scales of such temporal dynamics, with an application to facial Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation and dimensional affect estimation. In particular, 1) we propose a framework that infers a dynamic representation (DR) from a still image, which captures the bi-directional flow of time within a short time-window centered at the input image; 2) we show that we can train our method without the need of explicitly generating target representations, allowing the network to represent dynamics more broadly; and 3) we propose to apply a multiple temporal scale approach that infers DRs for different window lengths (MDR) from a still image. We empirically validate the value of our approach on the task of frame ranking, and show how our proposed MDR attains state of the art results on BP4D for AU intensity estimation and on SEMAINE for dimensional affect estimation, using only still images at test time.

Benchmarking Cameras for OpenVSLAM Indoors

Kevin Chappellet, Guillaume Caron, Fumio Kanehiro, Ken Sakurada, Abderrahmane Kheddar

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Auto-TLDR; OpenVSLAM: Benchmarking Camera Types for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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In this paper we benchmark different types of cameras and evaluate their performance in terms of reliable localization reliability and precision in Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM). Such benchmarking is merely found for visual odometry, but never for vSLAM. Existing studies usually compare several algorithms for a given camera. %This work is the first to handle the dual of the latter, i.e. comparing several cameras for a given SLAM algorithm. The evaluation methodology we propose is applied to the recent OpenVSLAM framework. The latter is versatile enough to natively deal with perspective, fisheye, 360 cameras in a monocular or stereoscopic setup, an in RGB or RGB-D modalities. Results in various sequences containing light variation and scenery modifications in the scene assess quantitatively the maximum localization rate for 360 vision. In the contrary, RGB-D vision shows the lowest localization rate, but highest precision when localization is possible. Stereo-fisheye trades-off with localization rates and precision between 360 vision and RGB-D vision. The dataset with ground truth will be made available in open access to allow evaluating other/future vSLAM algorithms with respect to these camera types.

Developing Motion Code Embedding for Action Recognition in Videos

Maxat Alibayev, David Andrea Paulius, Yu Sun

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Auto-TLDR; Motion Embedding via Motion Codes for Action Recognition

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We propose a motion embedding strategy via the motion codes that is a vectorized representation of motions based on their salient mechanical attributes. We show that our motion codes can provide robust motion representation. We train a deep neural network model that learns to embed demonstration videos into motion codes. We integrate the extracted features from the motion embedding model into the current state-of-the-art action recognition model. The obtained model achieved higher accuracy than the baseline on a verb classification task from egocentric videos in EPIC-KITCHENS dataset.

Cascade Attention Guided Residue Learning GAN for Cross-Modal Translation

Bin Duan, Wei Wang, Hao Tang, Hugo Latapie, Yan Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN for Cross-modal Audio-Visual Learning

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Since we were babies, we intuitively develop the ability to correlate the input from different cognitive sensors such as vision, audio, and text. However, in machine learning, this cross-modal learning is a nontrivial task because different modalities have no homogeneous properties. Previous works discover that there should be bridges among different modalities. From neurology and psychology perspective, humans have the capacity to link one modality with another one, e.g., associating a picture of a bird with the only hearing of its singing and vice versa. Is it possible for machine learning algorithms to recover the scene given the audio signal? In this paper, we propose a novel Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN (CAR-GAN), aiming at reconstructing the scenes given the corresponding audio signals. Particularly, we present a residue module to mitigate the gap between different modalities progressively. Moreover, a cascade attention guided network with a novel classification loss function is designed to tackle the cross-modal learning task. Our model keeps consistency in the high-level semantic label domain and is able to balance two different modalities. The experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the state-of-the-art cross-modal audio-visual generation on the challenging Sub-URMP dataset.

Surface IR Reflectance Estimation and Material Recognition Using ToF Camera

Seokyeong Lee, Seungkyu Lee

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Auto-TLDR; Material Type Recognition Using IR Reflectance Based Material Type Recognitions

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Recently, various material recognition methods have been introduced that use a single color or light field camera. In prior methods, color and texture information of an object are used as key features. However, there exists fundamental limitation in using color features for material recognition in that material type can be characterized better by surface reflectance, visual appearance rather than its color and textures. In this work, we propose IR surface reflectance based material type recognition method. We use off-the-shelf ToF camera to estimate the IR reflectance of arbitrary surface. Material type recognition is performed on both color and surface IR reflectance features. Several network structures including gradual convolutional neural network are proposed and verified for our material recognition within our own 3D data sets.

AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention Based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies

Thi Phuong Thao Ha, Bt Balamurali, Herremans Dorien, Roig Gemma

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Auto-TLDR; AttendAffectNet: A Self-Attention Based Network for Emotion Prediction from Movies

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In this work, we propose different variants of the self-attention based network for emotion prediction from movies, which we call AttendAffectNet. We take both audio and video into account and incorporate the relation among multiple modalities by applying self-attention mechanism in a novel manner into the extracted features for emotion prediction. We compare it to the typically temporal integration of the self-attention based model, which in our case, allows to capture the relation of temporal representations of the movie while considering the sequential dependencies of emotion responses. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architectures on the extended COGNIMUSE dataset [1], [2] and the MediaEval 2016 Emotional Impact of Movies Task [3], which consist of movies with emotion annotations. Our results show that applying the self-attention mechanism on the different audio-visual features, rather than in the time domain, is more effective for emotion prediction. Our approach is also proven to outperform state-of-the-art models for emotion prediction.

Variational Information Bottleneck Model for Accurate Indoor Position Recognition

Weizhu Qian, Franck Gechter

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Auto-TLDR; Variational Information Bottleneck for Indoor Positioning with WiFi Fingerprints

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Recognizing user location with WiFi fingerprints is a popular method for accurate indoor positioning problems. In this work, we want to interpret WiFi fingerprints into actual user locations. However, the WiFi fingerprint data can be very high dimensional, we need to find a good representation of the input data for the learning task at first. Otherwise, the neural networks will suffer from sever overfitting problems. In this work, we solve this problem by combining the Information Bottleneck method and Variational Inference. Based on these two approaches, we propose a Variational Information Bottleneck model for accurate indoor positioning. The proposed model consists of an encoder structure and a predictor structure. The encoder is to find a good representation in the input data for the learning task. The predictor is to use the latent representation to predict the final output. To enhance the generalization of our model, we also adopt the Dropout technique for the each hidden layer of the decoder. We conduct the validation experiments on a real world dataset. We also compared the proposed model to other existing methods so as to quantify the performances of our method.

A Prototype-Based Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition

Jinting Wu, Yujia Zhang, Xiao-Guang Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Hand Gesture Recognition

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Hand gesture recognition plays a significant role in human-computer interaction for understanding various human gestures and their intent. However, most prior works can only recognize gestures of limited labeled classes and fail to adapt to new categories. The task of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) for hand gesture recognition aims to address the above issue by leveraging semantic representations and detecting both seen and unseen class samples. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end prototype-based GZSL framework for hand gesture recognition which consists of two branches. The first branch is a prototype-based detector that learns gesture representations and determines whether an input sample belongs to a seen or unseen category. The second branch is a zero-shot label predictor which takes the features of unseen classes as input and outputs predictions through a learned mapping mechanism between the feature and the semantic space. We further establish a hand gesture dataset that specifically targets this GZSL task, and comprehensive experiments on this dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach on recognizingQuestionnaire both seen and unseen gestures.

Temporally Coherent Embeddings for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning

Joshua Knights, Ben Harwood, Daniel Ward, Anthony Vanderkop, Olivia Mackenzie-Ross, Peyman Moghadam

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Auto-TLDR; Temporally Coherent Embeddings for Self-supervised Video Representation Learning

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This paper presents TCE: Temporally Coherent Embeddings for self-supervised video representation learning. The proposed method exploits inherent structure of unlabeled video data to explicitly enforce temporal coherency in the embedding space, rather than indirectly learning it through ranking or predictive proxy tasks. In the same way that high-level visual information in the world changes smoothly, we believe that nearby frames in learned representations will benefit from demonstrating similar properties. Using this assumption, we train our TCE model to encode videos such that adjacent frames exist close to each other and videos are separated from one another. Using TCE we learn robust representations from large quantities of unlabeled video data. We thoroughly analyse and evaluate our self-supervised learned TCE models on a downstream task of video action recognition using multiple challenging benchmarks (Kinetics400, UCF101, HMDB51). With a simple but effective 2D-CNN backbone and only RGB stream inputs, TCE pre-trained representations outperform all previous self-supervised 2D-CNN and 3D-CNN trained on UCF101. The code and pre-trained models for this paper can be downloaded at:

JECL: Joint Embedding and Cluster Learning for Image-Text Pairs

Sean Yang, Kuan-Hao Huang, Bill Howe

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Auto-TLDR; JECL: Clustering Image-Caption Pairs with Parallel Encoders and Regularized Clusters

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We propose JECL, a method for clustering image-caption pairs by training parallel encoders with regularized clustering and alignment objectives, simultaneously learning both representations and cluster assignments. These image-caption pairs arise frequently in high-value applications where structured training data is expensive to produce, but free-text descriptions are common. JECL trains by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distribution of the images and text to that of a combined joint target distribution and optimizing the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the soft cluster assignments of the images and text. Regularizers are also applied to JECL to prevent trivial solutions. Experiments show that JECL outperforms both single-view and multi-view methods on large benchmark image-caption datasets, and is remarkably robust to missing captions and varying data sizes.

NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera Auto-Calibration Based on Deep Learning

Shan Wu, Amnir Hadachi, Damien Vivet, Yadu Prabhakar

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Calibration of LiDAR and Cameras using Deep Neural Network

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A fusion of LiDAR and cameras have been widely used in many robotics applications such as classification, segmentation, object detection, and autonomous driving. It is essential that the LiDAR sensor can measure distances accurately, which is a good complement to the cameras. Hence, calibrating sensors before deployment is a mandatory step. The conventional methods include checkerboards, specific patterns, or human labeling, which is trivial and human-labor extensive if we do the same calibration process every time. The main propose of this research work is to build a deep neural network that is capable of automatically finding the geometric transformation between LiDAR and cameras. The results show that our model manages to find the transformations from randomly sampled artificial errors. Besides, our work is open-sourced for the community to fully utilize the advances of the methodology for developing more the approach, initiating collaboration, and innovation in the topic.

Improving Robotic Grasping on Monocular Images Via Multi-Task Learning and Positional Loss

William Prew, Toby Breckon, Magnus Bordewich, Ulrik Beierholm

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Auto-TLDR; Improving grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture with multi-task learning

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In this paper we introduce two methods of improv-ing real-time objecting grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture. The first isthe addition of an auxiliary task during model training (multi-task learning). Our multi-task CNN model improves graspingperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.14% onthe large Jacquard grasping dataset when performing a supple-mentary depth reconstruction task. The second is introducinga positional loss function that emphasises loss per pixel forsecondary parameters (gripper angle and width) only on points ofan object where a successful grasp can take place. This increasesperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.92% aswell as reducing the number of training epochs required. Thesemethods can be also performed in tandem resulting in a furtherperformance increase to 79.12%, while maintaining sufficientinference speed to enable processing at 50FPS

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.