Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking

Tianyang Xu, Zhenhua Feng, Xiaojun Wu, Josef Kittler

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Auto-TLDR; ACA-DCF: Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filter with complementary attention mechanisms

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In recent years, Discriminative Correlation Filters (DCFs) have gained popularity due to their superior performance in visual object tracking. However, existing DCF trackers usually learn filters using fixed attention mechanisms that focus on the centre of an image and suppresses filter amplitudes in surroundings. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filter (ACA-DCF) that is able to improve the existing DCF formulation with complementary attention mechanisms. Our ACA-DCF integrates foreground attention and background attention for complementary context-aware filter learning. More importantly, we ameliorate the design using an adaptive weighting strategy that takes complex appearance variations into account. The experimental results obtained on several well-known benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art approaches.

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Efficient Correlation Filter Tracking with Adaptive Training Sample Update Scheme

Shan Jiang, Shuxiao Li, Chengfei Zhu, Nan Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Training Sample Update Scheme of Correlation Filter Based Trackers for Visual Tracking

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Visual tracking serves as a significant module in many applications. However, the heavy computation and low speed of many recent trackers restrict their applications in some computing power restricted scenarios. On the other hand, the simple update scheme of most correlation filter based trackers limits their robustness during target deformation and occlusion. In this paper, we explore the update scheme of correlation filter based trackers and propose an efficient and adaptive training sample update scheme. Training sample extracted in each frame is updated to the training set according to its distance between existing samples measured with difference hashing algorithm(DHA) or discarded according to tracking result reliability. Experiments on OTB-2015, Temple Color 128 and UAV123 demonstrate our tracker performs favourably against state-of-the-art trackers with light computation and runs over 100 fps on desktop computer with Intel i7-8700 CPU(3.2GHz).

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Depth-Aware Long-Term RGBD Tracking with Deep Discriminative Correlation Filter

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RSINet: Rotation-Scale Invariant Network for Online Visual Tracking

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Auto-TLDR; RSINet: Rotation-Scale Invariant Network for Adaptive Tracking

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Most Siamese network-based trackers perform the tracking process without model update, and cannot learn target-specific variation adaptively. Moreover, Siamese-based trackers infer the new state of tracked objects by generating axis-aligned bounding boxes, which contain extra background noise, and are unable to accurately estimate the rotation and scale transformation of moving objects, thus potentially reducing tracking performance. In this paper, we propose a novel Rotation-Scale Invariant Network (RSINet) to address the above problem. Our RSINet tracker consists of a target-distractor discrimination branch and a rotation-scale estimation branch, the rotation and scale knowledge can be explicitly learned by a multi-task learning method in an end-to-end manner. In addtion, the tracking model is adaptively optimized and updated under spatio-temporal energy control, which ensures model stability and reliability, as well as high tracking efficiency. Comprehensive experiments on OTB-100, VOT2018, and LaSOT benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed RSINet tracker yields new state-of-the-art performance compared with recent trackers, while running at real-time speed about 45 FPS.

Siamese Fully Convolutional Tracker with Motion Correction

Mathew Francis, Prithwijit Guha

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Auto-TLDR; A Siamese Ensemble for Visual Tracking with Appearance and Motion Components

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TSDM: Tracking by SiamRPN++ with a Depth-Refiner and a Mask-Generator

Pengyao Zhao, Quanli Liu, Wei Wang, Qiang Guo

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Auto-TLDR; TSDM: A Depth-D Tracker for 3D Object Tracking

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In a generic object tracking, depth (D) information provides informative cues for foreground-background separation and target bounding box regression. However, so far, few trackers have used depth information to play the important role aforementioned due to the lack of a suitable model. In this paper, a RGB-D tracker named TSDM is proposed, which is composed of a Mask-generator (M-g), SiamRPN++ and a Depth-refiner (D-r). The M-g generates the background masks, and updates them as the target 3D position changes. The D-r optimizes the target bounding box estimated by SiamRPN++, based on the spatial depth distribution difference between the target and the surrounding background. Extensive evaluation on the Princeton Tracking Benchmark and the Visual Object Tracking challenge shows that our tracker outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin while achieving 23 FPS. In addition, a light-weight variant can run at 31 FPS and thus it is practical for real world applications. Code and models of TSDM are available at

Model Decay in Long-Term Tracking

Efstratios Gavves, Ran Tao, Deepak Gupta, Arnold Smeulders

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Auto-TLDR; Model Bias in Long-Term Tracking

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To account for appearance variations, tracking models need to be updated during the course of inference. However, updating the tracker model with adverse bounding box predictions adds an unavoidable bias term to the learning. This bias term, which we refer to as model decay, offsets the learning and causes tracking drift. While its adverse affect might not be visible in short-term tracking, accumulation of this bias over a long-term can eventually lead to a permanent loss of the target. In this paper, we look at the problem of model bias from a mathematical perspective. Further, we briefly examine the effect of various sources of tracking error on model decay, using a correlation filter (ECO) and a Siamese (SINT) tracker. Based on observations and insights, we propose simple additions that help to reduce model decay in long-term tracking. The proposed tracker is evaluated on four long-term and one short-term tracking benchmarks, demonstrating superior accuracy and robustness, even on 30 minute long videos.

MFST: Multi-Features Siamese Tracker

Zhenxi Li, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Wassim Bouachir

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Features Siamese Tracker for Robust Deep Similarity Tracking

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Siamese trackers have recently achieved interesting results due to their balanced accuracy-speed. This success is mainly due to the fact that deep similarity networks were specifically designed to address the image similarity problem. Therefore, they are inherently more appropriate than classical CNNs for the tracking task. However, Siamese trackers rely on the last convolutional layers for similarity analysis and target search, which restricts their performance. In this paper, we argue that using a single convolutional layer as feature representation is not the optimal choice within the deep similarity framework, as multiple convolutional layers provide several abstraction levels in characterizing an object. Starting from this motivation, we present the Multi-Features Siamese Tracker (MFST), a novel tracking algorithm exploiting several hierarchical feature maps for robust deep similarity tracking. MFST proceeds by fusing hierarchical features to ensure a richer and more efficient representation. Moreover, we handle appearance variation by calibrating deep features extracted from two different CNN models. Based on this advanced feature representation, our algorithm achieves high tracking accuracy, while outperforming several state-of-the-art trackers, including standard Siamese trackers.

Visual Object Tracking in Drone Images with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Derya Gözen, Sedat Ozer

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Single Object Tracker for Drone Applications

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There is an increasing demand on utilizing camera equipped drones and their applications in many domains varying from agriculture to entertainment and from sports events to surveillance. In such drone applications, an essential and a common task is tracking an object of interest visually. Drone (or UAV) images have different properties when compared to the ground taken (natural) images and those differences introduce additional complexities to the existing object trackers to be directly applied on drone applications. Some important differences among those complexities include (i) smaller object sizes to be tracked and (ii) different orientations and viewing angles yielding different texture and features to be observed. Therefore, new algorithms trained on drone images are needed for the drone-based applications. In this paper, we introduce a deep reinforcement learning (RL) based single object tracker that tracks an object of interest in drone images by estimating a series of actions to find the location of the object in the next frame. This is the first work introducing a single object tracker using a deep RL-based technique for drone images. Our proposed solution introduces a novel reward function that aims to reduce the total number of actions taken to estimate the object's location in the next frame and also introduces a different backbone network to be used on low resolution images. Additionally, we introduce a set of new actions into the action library to better deal with the above-mentioned complexities. We compare our proposed solutions to a state of the art tracking algorithm from the recent literature and demonstrate up to 3.87\% improvement in precision and 3.6\% improvement in IoU values on the VisDrone2019 dataset. We also provide additional results on OTB-100 dataset and show up to 3.15\% improvement in precision on the OTB-100 dataset when compared to the same previous state of the art algorithm. Lastly, we analyze the ability to handle some of the challenges faced during tracking, including but not limited to occlusion, deformation, and scale variation for our proposed solutions.

Exploiting Distilled Learning for Deep Siamese Tracking

Chengxin Liu, Zhiguo Cao, Wei Li, Yang Xiao, Shuaiyuan Du, Angfan Zhu

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Auto-TLDR; Distilled Learning Framework for Siamese Tracking

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Existing deep siamese trackers are typically built on off-the-shelf CNN models for feature learning, with the demand for huge power consumption and memory storage. This limits current deep siamese trackers to be carried on resource-constrained devices like mobile phones, given factor that such a deployment normally requires cost-effective considerations. In this work, we address this issue by presenting a novel Distilled Learning Framework(DLF) for siamese tracking, which aims at learning tracking model with efficiency and high accuracy. Specifically, we propose two simple yet effective knowledge distillation strategies, denote as point-wise distillation and pair-wise distillation, which are designed for transferring knowledge from a more discriminative teacher tracker into a compact student tracker. In this way, cost-effective and high performance tracking could be achieved. Extensive experiments on several tracking benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Robust Visual Object Tracking with Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Networks

Ning Zhang, Jingen Liu, Ke Wang, Dan Zeng, Tao Mei

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Auto-TLDR; Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Network for Visual Tracking

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The current deep learning based visual tracking approaches have been very successful by learning the target classification and/or estimation model from a large amount of supervised training data in offline mode. However, most of them can still fail in tracking objects due to some more challenging issues such as dense distractor objects, confusing background, motion blurs, and so on. Inspired by the human ``visual tracking'' capability which leverages motion cues to distinguish the target from the background, we propose a Two-Stream Residual Convolutional Network (TS-RCN) for visual tracking, which successfully exploits both appearance and motion features for model update. Our TS-RCN can be integrated with existing deep learning based visual trackers. To further improve the tracking performance, we adopt a ``wider'' residual network ResNeXt as its feature extraction backbone. To the best of our knowledge, TS-RCN is the first end-to-end trainable two-stream visual tracking system, which makes full use of both appearance and motion features of the target. We have extensively evaluated the TS-RCN on most widely used benchmark datasets including VOT2018, VOT2019, and GOT-10K. The experiment results have successfully demonstrated that our two-stream model can greatly outperform the appearance based tracker, and it also achieves state-of-the-art performance. The tracking system can run at up to 38.1 FPS.

Tackling Occlusion in Siamese Tracking with Structured Dropouts

Deepak Gupta, Efstratios Gavves, Arnold Smeulders

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Auto-TLDR; Structured Dropout for Occlusion in latent space

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Occlusion is one of the most difficult challenges in object tracking to model. This is because unlike other challenges, where data augmentation can be of help, occlusion is hard to simulate as the occluding object can be anything in any shape. In this paper, we propose a simple solution to simulate the effects of occlusion in the latent space. Specifically, we present structured dropout to mimic the change in latent codes under occlusion. We present three forms of dropout (channel dropout, segment dropout and slice dropout) with the various forms of occlusion in mind. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the dropouts are incorporated into two modern Siamese trackers (SiamFC and SiamRPN++). The outputs from multiple dropouts are combined using an encoder network to obtain the final prediction. Experiments on several tracking benchmarks show the benefits of structured dropouts, while due to their simplicity requiring only small changes to the existing tracker models.

VTT: Long-Term Visual Tracking with Transformers

Tianling Bian, Yang Hua, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Neil Robertson, Haibing Guan

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Tracking Transformer with transformers for long-term visual tracking

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Long-term visual tracking is a challenging problem. State-of-the-art long-term trackers, e.g., GlobalTrack, utilize region proposal networks (RPNs) to generate target proposals. However, the performance of the trackers is affected by occlusions and large scale or ratio variations. To address these issues, in this paper, we are the first to propose a novel architecture with transformers for long-term visual tracking. Specifically, the proposed Visual Tracking Transformer (VTT) utilizes a transformer encoder-decoder architecture for aggregating global information to deal with occlusion and large scale or ratio variation. Furthermore, it also shows better discriminative power against instance-level distractors without the need for extra labeling and hard-sample mining. We conduct extensive experiments on three largest long-term tracking dataset and have achieved state-of-the-art performance.

SiamMT: Real-Time Arbitrary Multi-Object Tracking

Lorenzo Vaquero, Manuel Mucientes, Victor Brea

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Auto-TLDR; SiamMT: A Deep-Learning-based Arbitrary Multi-Object Tracking System for Video

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Visual object tracking is of great interest in many applications, as it preserves the identity of an object throughout a video. However, while real applications demand systems capable of real-time-tracking multiple objects, multi-object tracking solutions usually follow the tracking-by-detection paradigm, thus they depend on running a costly detector in each frame, and they do not allow the tracking of arbitrary objects, i.e., they require training for specific classes. In response to this need, this work presents the architecture of SiamMT, a system capable of efficiently applying individual visual tracking techniques to multiple objects in real-time. This makes it the first deep-learning-based arbitrary multi-object tracker. To achieve this, we propose the global frame features extraction by using a fully-convolutional neural network, followed by the cropping and resizing of the different object search areas. The final similarity operation between these search areas and the target exemplars is carried out with an optimized pairwise cross-correlation. These novelties allow the system to track multiple targets in a scalable manner, achieving 25 fps with 60 simultaneous objects for VGA videos and 40 objects for HD720 videos, all with a tracking quality similar to SiamFC.

Reducing False Positives in Object Tracking with Siamese Network

Takuya Ogawa, Takashi Shibata, Shoji Yachida, Toshinori Hosoi

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Long-Term Object Tracking with Adaptive Search based on Motion Models

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We have developed a robust long-term object tracking method that resolves the fundamental cause of the drift and loss of a target in visual object tracking. The proposed method consists of “sampling area extension”, which prevents a tracking result from drifting to other objects by learning false positive samples in advance (before they enter the search region of the target), and “adaptive search based on motion models”, which prevents a tracking result from drifting to other objects and avoids the loss of the target by using not only appearance features but also motion models to adaptively search for the target. Experiments conducted on long-term tracking dataset showed that our first technique improved robustness by 16.6% while the second technique improved robustness by 15.3%. By combining both, our method achieved 21.7% and 9.1% improvement for the robustness and precision, and the processing speed became 3.3 times faster. Additional experiments showed that our method achieved the top robustness among state-of-the-art methods on three long-term tracking datasets. These findings demonstrate that our method is effective for long-term object tracking and that its performance and speed are promising for use in practical applications of various technologies underlying object tracking.

Visual Saliency Oriented Vehicle Scale Estimation

Qixin Chen, Tie Liu, Jiali Ding, Zejian Yuan, Yuanyuan Shang

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Auto-TLDR; Regularized Intensity Matching for Vehicle Scale Estimation with salient object detection

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Vehicle scale estimation with a single camera is a typical application for intelligent transportation and it faces the challenges from visual computing while intensity-based method and descriptor-based method should be balanced. This paper proposed a vehicle scale estimation method based on salient object detection to resolve this problem. The regularized intensity matching method is proposed in Lie Algebra to achieve robust and accurate scale estimation, and descriptor matching and intensity matching are combined to minimize the proposed loss function. The visual attention mechanism is designed to select image patches with texture and remove the occluded image patches. Then the weights are assigned to pixels from the selected image patches which alleviates the influence of noise-corrupted pixels. The experiments show that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods with regard to the robustness and accuracy of vehicle scale estimation.

Siamese Dynamic Mask Estimation Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation

Dexiang Hong, Guorong Li, Kai Xu, Li Su, Qingming Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Siamese Dynamic Mask Estimation for Video Object Segmentation

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Video object segmentation(VOS) has been a fundamental topic in recent years, and many deep learning-based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks. However, most of these methods rely on pixel-level matching between the template and the searched frames on the whole image while the targets only occupy a small region. Calculating on the entire image brings lots of additional computation cost. Besides, the whole image may contain some distracting information resulting in many false-positive matching points. To address this issue, motivated by one-stage instance object segmentation methods, we propose an efficient siamese dynamic mask estimation network for fast video object segmentation. The VOS is decoupled into two tasks, i.e. mask feature learning and dynamic kernel prediction. The former is responsible for learning high-quality features to preserve structural geometric information, and the latter learns a dynamic kernel which is used to convolve with the mask feature to generate a mask output. We use Siamese neural network as a feature extractor and directly predict masks after correlation. In this way, we can avoid using pixel-level matching, making our framework more simple and efficient. Experiment results on DAVIS 2016 /2017 datasets show that our proposed methods can run at 35 frames per second on NVIDIA RTX TITAN while preserving competitive accuracy.

Compact and Discriminative Multi-Object Tracking with Siamese CNNs

Claire Labit-Bonis, Jérôme Thomas, Frederic Lerasle

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Auto-TLDR; Fast, Light-Weight and All-in-One Single Object Tracking for Multi-Target Management

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Following the tracking-by-detection paradigm, multiple object tracking deals with challenging scenarios, occlusions or even missing detections; the priority is often given to quality measures instead of speed, and a good trade-off between the two is hard to achieve. Based on recent work, we propose a fast, light-weight tracker able to predict targets position and reidentify them at once, when it is usually done with two sequential steps. To do so, we combine a bounding box regressor with a target-oriented appearance learner in a newly designed and unified architecture. This way, our tracker can infer the targets' image pose but also provide us with a confidence level about target identity. Most of the time, it is also common to filter out the detector outputs with a preprocessing step, throwing away precious information about what has been seen in the image. We propose a tracks management strategy able to balance efficiently between detection and tracking outputs and their associated likelihoods. Simply put, we spotlight a full siamese based single object tracker able to predict both position and appearance features at once with a light-weight and all-in-one architecture, within a balanced overall multi-target management strategy. We demonstrate the efficiency and speed of our system w.r.t the literature on the well-known MOT17 challenge benchmark, and bring to the fore qualitative evaluations as well as state-of-the-art quantitative results.

SynDHN: Multi-Object Fish Tracker Trained on Synthetic Underwater Videos

Mygel Andrei Martija, Prospero Naval

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Auto-TLDR; Underwater Multi-Object Tracking in the Wild with Deep Hungarian Network

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In this paper, we seek to extend multi-object tracking research on a relatively less explored domain, that of, underwater multi-object tracking in the wild. Multi-object fish tracking is an important task because it can provide fish monitoring systems with richer information (e.g. multiple views of the same fish) as compared to detections and it can be an invaluable input to fish behavior analysis. However, there is a lack of an annotated benchmark dataset with enough samples for this task. To circumvent the need for manual ground truth tracking annotation, we craft a synthetic dataset. Using this synthetic dataset, we train an integrated detector and tracker called SynDHN. SynDHN uses the Deep Hungarian Network (DHN), which is a differentiable approximation of the Hungarian assignment algorithm. We repurpose DHN to become the tracking component of our algorithm by performing the task of affinity estimation between detector predictions. We consider both spatial and appearance features for affinity estimation. Our results show that despite being trained on a synthetic dataset, SynDHN generalizes well to real underwater video tracking and performs better against our baseline algorithms.

Utilising Visual Attention Cues for Vehicle Detection and Tracking

Feiyan Hu, Venkatesh Gurram Munirathnam, Noel E O'Connor, Alan Smeaton, Suzanne Little

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Attention for Object Detection and Tracking in Driver-Assistance Systems

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Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been attracting attention from many researchers. Vision based sensors are the closest way to emulate human driver visual behavior while driving. In this paper, we explore possible ways to use visual attention (saliency) for object detection and tracking. We investigate: 1) How a visual attention map such as a subjectness attention or saliency map and an objectness attention map can facilitate region proposal generation in a 2-stage object detector; 2) How a visual attention map can be used for tracking multiple objects. We propose a neural network that can simultaneously detect objects as and generate objectness and subjectness maps to save computational power. We further exploit the visual attention map during tracking using a sequential Monte Carlo probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter. The experiments are conducted on KITTI and DETRAC datasets. The use of visual attention and hierarchical features has shown a considerable improvement of≈8% in object detection which effectively increased tracking performance by≈4% on KITTI dataset.

Mobile Augmented Reality: Fast, Precise, and Smooth Planar Object Tracking

Dmitrii Matveichev, Daw-Tung Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Planar Object Tracking with Sparse Optical Flow Tracking and Descriptor Matching

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We propose an innovative method for combining sparse optical flow tracking and descriptor matching algorithms. The proposed approach solves the following problems that are inherent to keypoint-based and optical flow based tracking algorithms: spatial jitter, extreme scale transformation, extreme perspective transformation, degradation in the number of tracking points, and drifting of tracking points. Our algorithm provides smooth object-position tracking under six degrees of freedom transformations with a small computational cost for providing a high-quality real-time AR experience on mobile platforms. We experimentally demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art tracking algorithms while offering faster computational time. A mobile augmented reality (AR) application, which is developed using our approach, delivers planar object tracking with 30 FPS on modern mobile phones for a camera resolution of 1280$\times$720. Finally, we compare the performance of our AR application with that of the Vuforia-based AR application on the same planar objects database. The test results show that our AR application delivers better AR experience than Vuforia in terms of smooth transition of object-pose between video frames.

Subspace Clustering Via Joint Unsupervised Feature Selection

Wenhua Dong, Xiaojun Wu, Hui Li, Zhenhua Feng, Josef Kittler

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Feature Selection for Subspace Clustering

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Any high-dimensional data arising from practical applications usually contains irrelevant features, which may impact on the performance of existing subspace clustering methods. This paper proposes a novel subspace clustering method, which reconstructs the feature matrix by the means of unsupervised feature selection (UFS) to achieve a better dictionary for subspace clustering (SC). Different from most existing clustering methods, the proposed approach uses a reconstructed feature matrix as the dictionary rather than the original data matrix. As the feature matrix reconstructed by representative features is more discriminative and closer to the ground-truth, it results in improved performance. The corresponding non-convex optimization problem is effectively solved using the half-quadratic and augmented Lagrange multiplier methods. Extensive experiments on four real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features

Maximilian Kraus, Seyed Majid Azimi, Emec Ercelik, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz, Alois Knoll

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Auto-TLDR; AerialMPTNet: A novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features

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Multi-pedestrian tracking in aerial imagery has several applications such as large-scale event monitoring, disaster management, search-and-rescue missions, and as input into predictive crowd dynamic models. Due to the challenges such as the large number and the tiny size of the pedestrians (e.g., 4 x 4 pixels) with their similar appearances as well as different scales and atmospheric conditions of the images with their extremely low frame rates (e.g., 2 fps), current state-of-the-art algorithms including the deep learning-based ones are unable to perform well. In this paper, we propose AerialMPTNet, a novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features from a Siamese Neural Network, movement predictions from a Long Short-Term Memory, and pedestrian interconnections from a GraphCNN. In addition, to address the lack of diverse aerial multi-pedestrian tracking datasets, we introduce the Aerial Multi-Pedestrian Tracking (AerialMPT) dataset consisting of 307 frames and 44,740 pedestrians annotated. To the best of our knowledge, AerialMPT is the largest and most diverse dataset to this date and will be released publicly. We evaluate AerialMPTNet on AerialMPT and KIT AIS, and benchmark with several state-of-the-art tracking methods. Results indicate that AerialMPTNet significantly outperforms other methods on accuracy and time-efficiency.

Tracking Fast Moving Objects by Segmentation Network

Ales Zita, Filip Sroubek

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Moving Objects Tracking by Segmentation Using Deep Learning

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Tracking Fast Moving Objects (FMO), which appear as blurred streaks in video sequences, is a difficult task for standard trackers, as the object position does not overlap in consecutive video frames and texture information of the objects is blurred. Up-to-date approaches tuned for this task are based on background subtraction with a static background and slow deblurring algorithms. In this article, we present a tracking-by-segmentation approach implemented using modern deep learning methods that perform near real-time tracking on real-world video sequences. We have developed a physically plausible FMO sequence generator to be a robust foundation for our training pipeline and demonstrate straightforward network adaptation for different FMO scenarios with varying foreground.

Dual-Attention Guided Dropblock Module for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

Junhui Yin, Siqing Zhang, Dongliang Chang, Zhanyu Ma, Jun Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Dual-Attention Guided Dropblock for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

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Attention mechanisms is frequently used to learn the discriminative features for better feature representations. In this paper, we extend the attention mechanism to the task of weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) and propose the dual-attention guided dropblock module (DGDM), which aims at learning the informative and complementary visual patterns for WSOL. This module contains two key components, the channel attention guided dropout (CAGD) and the spatial attention guided dropblock (SAGD). To model channel interdependencies, the CAGD ranks the channel attentions and treats the top-k attentions with the largest magnitudes as the important ones. It also keeps some low-valued elements to increase their value if they become important during training. The SAGD can efficiently remove the most discriminative information by erasing the contiguous regions of feature maps rather than individual pixels. This guides the model to capture the less discriminative parts for classification. Furthermore, it can also distinguish the foreground objects from the background regions to alleviate the attention misdirection. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art localization performance.

GraphBGS: Background Subtraction Via Recovery of Graph Signals

Jhony Heriberto Giraldo Zuluaga, Thierry Bouwmans

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Auto-TLDR; Graph BackGround Subtraction using Graph Signals

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Background subtraction is a fundamental pre-processing task in computer vision. This task becomes challenging in real scenarios due to variations in the background for both static and moving camera sequences. Several deep learning methods for background subtraction have been proposed in the literature with competitive performances. However, these models show performance degradation when tested on unseen videos; and they require huge amount of data to avoid overfitting. Recently, graph-based algorithms have been successful approaching unsupervised and semi-supervised learning problems. Furthermore, the theory of graph signal processing and semi-supervised learning have been combined leading to new insights in the field of machine learning. In this paper, concepts of recovery of graph signals are introduced in the problem of background subtraction. We propose a new algorithm called Graph BackGround Subtraction (GraphBGS), which is composed of: instance segmentation, background initialization, graph construction, graph sampling, and a semi-supervised algorithm inspired from the theory of recovery of graph signals. Our algorithm has the advantage of requiring less data than deep learning methods while having competitive results on both: static and moving camera videos. GraphBGS outperforms unsupervised and supervised methods in several challenging conditions on the publicly available Change Detection (CDNet2014), and UCSD background subtraction databases.

Video Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Multi-View Representation Learning

Akrem Sellami, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Multi-view Representation Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning model based on deep multi-view representation learning, to address the video object segmentation task. The proposed model emphasizes the importance of the inherent correlation between video frames and incorporates a multi-view representation learning based on deep canonically correlated autoencoders. The multi-view representation learning in our model provides an efficient mechanism for capturing inherent correlations by jointly extracting useful features and learning better representation into a joint feature space, i.e., shared representation. To increase the training data and the learning capacity, we train the proposed model with pairs of video frames, i.e., $F_{a}$ and $F_{b}$. During the segmentation phase, the deep canonically correlated autoencoders model encodes useful features by processing multiple reference frames together, which is used to detect the frequently reappearing. Our model enhances the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that mainly focus on learning discriminative foreground representations over appearance and motion. Experimental results over two large benchmarks demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform competitive approaches and to reach good performances, in terms of semantic segmentation.

3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with a Novel Particle Filter

Hong Liu, Yongheng Sun, Yidi Li, Bing Yang

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Auto-TLDR; 3D audio-visual speaker tracking using particle filter based method

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3D speaker tracking using co-located audio-visual sensors has received much attention recently. Though various methods have been attempted to this field, it is still challenging to obtain a reliable 3D tracking result since the position of co-located sensors are restricted to a small area. In this paper, a novel particle filter (PF) based method is proposed for 3D audio-visual speaker tracking. Compared with traditional PF based audio-visual speaker tracking method, our 3D audio-visual tracker has two main characteristics. In the prediction stage, we use audio-visual information at current frame to further adjust the direction of the particles after the particle state transition process, which can make the particles more concentrated around the speaker direction. In the update stage, the particle likelihood is calculated by fusing both the visual distance and audio-visual direction information. Specially, the distance likelihood is obtained according to the camera projection model and the adaptively estimated size of speaker face or head, and the direction likelihood is determined by audio-visual particle fitness. In this way, the particle likelihood can better represent the speaker presence probability in 3D space. Experimental results show that the proposed tracker outperforms other methods and provides a favorable speaker tracking performance both in 3D space and on the image plane.

Learning Object Deformation and Motion Adaption for Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation

Xiaoyang Zheng, Xin Tan, Jianming Guo, Lizhuang Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation with Mask-propagation-based Model

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We propose a novel method to solve the task of semi-supervised video object segmentation in this paper, where the mask annotation is only given at the first frame of the video sequence. A mask-propagation-based model is applied to learn the past and current information for segmentation. Besides, due to the scarcity of training data, image/mask pairs that model object deformation and shape variance are generated for the training phase. In addition, we generate the key flips between two adjacent frames for motion adaptation. The method works in an end-to-end way, without any online fine-tuning on test videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art algorithms on benchmark datasets, covering cases with single object or multiple objects. We also conduct extensive ablation experiments to analyze the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Aggregating Object Features Based on Attention Weights for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval

Hongli Lin, Yongqi Song, Zixuan Zeng, Weisheng Wang

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Auto-TLDR; DSAW: Unsupervised Dual-selection for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval


Object localization and local feature representation are key issues in fine-grained image retrieval. However, the existing unsupervised methods still need to be improved in these two aspects. For conquering these issues in a unified framework, a novel unsupervised scheme, named DSAW for short, is presented in this paper. Firstly, we proposed a dual-selection (DS) method, which achieves more accurate object localization by using adaptive threshold method to perform feature selection on local and global activation map in turn. Secondly, a novel and faster self-attention weights (AW) method is developed to weight local features by measuring their importance in the global context. Finally, we also evaluated the performance of the proposed method on five fine-grained image datasets and the results showed that our DSAW outperformed the existing best method.

Motion U-Net: Multi-Cue Encoder-Decoder Network for Motion Segmentation

Gani Rahmon, Filiz Bunyak, Kannappan Palaniappan

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Auto-TLDR; Motion U-Net: A Deep Learning Framework for Robust Moving Object Detection under Challenging Conditions

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Detection of moving objects is a critical first step in many computer vision applications. Several algorithms for motion and change detection were proposed. However, many of these approaches lack the ability to handle challenging real-world scenarios. Recently, deep learning approaches started to produce impressive solutions to computer vision tasks, particularly for detection and segmentation. Many existing deep learning networks proposed for moving object detection rely only on spatial appearance cues. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-cue and multi-stream network, Motion U-Net (MU-Net), which integrates motion, change, and appearance cues using a deep learning framework for robust moving object detection under challenging conditions. The proposed network consists of a two-stream encoder module followed by feature concatenation and a decoder module. Motion and change cues are computed through our tensor-based motion estimation and a multi-modal background subtraction modules. The proposed system was tested and evaluated on the change detection challenge datasets (CDnet-2014) and compared to state-of-the-art methods. On CDnet-2014 dataset, our approach reaches an average overall F-measure of 0.9852 and outperforms all current state-of-the-art methods. The network was also tested on the unseen SBI-2015 dataset and produced promising results.

MagnifierNet: Learning Efficient Small-Scale Pedestrian Detector towards Multiple Dense Regions

Qi Cheng, Mingqin Chen, Yingjie Wu, Fei Chen, Shiping Lin

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Auto-TLDR; MagnifierNet: A Simple but Effective Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Towards Multiple Dense Regions

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Despite the success of pedestrian detection, there is still a significant gap in the performance of the detection of pedestrians at different scales. Detecting small-scale pedestrians is extremely challenging due to the low resolution of their convolution features which is essential for downstream classifiers. To address this issue, we observed pedestrian datasets and found that pedestrians often gather together in crowded public places. Then we propose MagnifierNet, a simple but effective small-scale pedestrian detector towards multiple dense regions. MagnifierNet uses our proposed sweep-line based grouping algorithm to find dense regions based on the number of pedestrians in the grouped region. And we adopt a new definition of small-scale pedestrians through grid search and KL-divergence. Besides, our grouping method can also be used as a new strategy for pedestrian data augmentation. The ablation study demonstrates that MagnifierNet improves the representation of small-scale pedestrians. We validate the effectiveness of MagnifierNet on CityPersons and KITTI datasets. Experimental results show that MagnifierNet achieves the best small-scale pedestrian detection performance on CityPersons benchmark without any external data, and also achieves competitive performance for detecting small-scale pedestrians on KITTI dataset without bells and whistles.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

Forground-Guided Vehicle Perception Framework

Kun Tian, Tong Zhou, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

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Auto-TLDR; A foreground segmentation branch for vehicle detection

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As the basis of advanced visual tasks such as vehicle tracking and traffic flow analysis, vehicle detection needs to accurately predict the position and category of vehicle objects. In the past decade, deep learning based methods have made great progress. However, we also notice that some existing cases are not studied thoroughly. First, false positive on the background regions is one of the critical problems. Second, most of the previous approaches only optimize a single vehicle detection model, ignoring the relationship between different visual perception tasks. In response to the above two findings, we introduce a foreground segmentation branch for the first time, which can predict the pixel level of vehicles in advance. Furthermore, two attention modules are designed to guide the work of the detection branch. The proposed method can be easily grafted into the one-stage and two-stage detection framework. We evaluate the effectiveness of our model on LSVH, a dataset with large variations in vehicle scales, and achieve the state-of-the-art detection accuracy.

3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning and a Biometric Fusion-Net of Demographic Properties

Soha Sadat Mahdi, Nele Nauwelaers, Philip Joris, Giorgos Bouritsas, Imperial London, Sergiy Bokhnyak, Susan Walsh, Mark Shriver, Michael Bronstein, Peter Claes

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-biometric Fusion for Biometric Verification using 3D Facial Mesures

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Face recognition is a widely accepted biometric verification tool, as the face contains a lot of information about the identity of a person. In this study, a 2-step neural-based pipeline is presented for matching 3D facial shape to multiple DNA-related properties (sex, age, BMI and genomic background). The first step consists of a triplet loss-based metric learner that compresses facial shape into a lower dimensional embedding while preserving information about the property of interest. Most studies in the field of metric learning have only focused on Euclidean data. In this work, geometric deep learning is employed to learn directly from 3D facial meshes. To this end, spiral convolutions are used along with a novel mesh-sampling scheme that retains uniformly sampled 3D points at different levels of resolution. The second step is a multi-biometric fusion by a fully connected neural network. The network takes an ensemble of embeddings and property labels as input and returns genuine and imposter scores. Since embeddings are accepted as an input, there is no need to train classifiers for the different properties and available data can be used more efficiently. Results obtained by a 10-fold cross-validation for biometric verification show that combining multiple properties leads to stronger biometric systems. Furthermore, the proposed neural-based pipeline outperforms a linear baseline, which consists of principal component analysis, followed by classification with linear support vector machines and a Naïve Bayes-based score-fuser.

6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion

Yi Cheng, Hongyuan Zhu, Ying Sun, Cihan Acar, Wei Jing, Yan Wu, Liyuan Li, Cheston Tan, Joo-Hwee Lim

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Auto-TLDR; Intra- and Inter-modality Fusion for 6D Object Pose Estimation with Attention Mechanism

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6D object pose estimation is widely applied in robotic tasks such as grasping and manipulation. Prior methods using RGB-only images are vulnerable to heavy occlusion and poor illumination, so it is important to complement them with depth information. However, existing methods using RGB-D data cannot adequately exploit consistent and complementary information between RGB and depth modalities. In this paper, we present a novel method to effectively consider the correlation within and across both modalities with attention mechanism to learn discriminative and compact multi-modal features. Then, effective fusion strategies for intra- and inter-correlation modules are explored to ensure efficient information flow between RGB and depth. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to explore effective intra- and inter-modality fusion in 6D pose estimation. The experimental results show that our method can achieve the state-of-the-art performance on LineMOD and YCBVideo dataset. We also demonstrate that the proposed method can benefit a real-world robot grasping task by providing accurate object pose estimation.

Multi-Scale Keypoint Matching

Sina Lotfian, Hassan Foroosh

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Scale Keypoint Matching Using Multi-Scale Information

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We propose a new hierarchical method to match keypoints by exploiting information across multiple scales. Traditionally, for each keypoint a single scale is detected and the matching process is done in the specific scale. We replace this approach with matching across scale-space. The holistic information from higher scales are used for early rejection of candidates that are far away in the feature space. The more localized and finer details of lower scale are then used to decide between remaining possible points. The proposed multi-scale solution is more consistent with the multi-scale processing that is present in the human visual system and is therefore biologically plausible. We evaluate our method on several datasets and achieve state of the art accuracy, while significantly outperforming others in extraction time.

Joint Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmprint Recognition

Lunke Fei, Bob Zhang, Jie Wen, Chunwei Tian, Peng Liu, Shuping Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Feature Learning for 3D palmprint recognition using curvature data vectors

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3D palmprint-based biometric recognition has drawn growing research attention due to its several merits over 2D counterpart such as robust structural measurement of a palm surface and high anti-counterfeiting capability. However, most existing 3D palmprint descriptors are hand-crafted that usually extract stationary features from 3D palmprint images. In this paper, we propose a feature learning method to jointly learn compact curvature feature descriptor for 3D palmprint recognition. We first form multiple curvature data vectors to completely sample the intrinsic curvature information of 3D palmprint images. Then, we jointly learn a feature projection function that project curvature data vectors into binary feature codes, which have the maximum inter-class variances and minimum intra-class distance so that they are discriminative. Moreover, we learn the collaborative binary representation of the multiple curvature feature codes by minimizing the information loss between the final representation and the multiple curvature features, so that the proposed method is more compact in feature representation and efficient in matching. Experimental results on the baseline 3D palmprint database demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in terms of recognition performance in comparison with state-of-the-art 3D palmprint descriptors.

Embedding Shared Low-Rank and Feature Correlation for Multi-View Data Analysis

Zhan Wang, Lizhi Wang, Hua Huang

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Auto-TLDR; embedding shared low-rank and feature correlation for multi-view data analysis

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The diversity of multimedia data in the real-world usually forms multi-view features. How to explore the structure information and correlations among multi-view features is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view subspace learning method, named embedding shared low-rank and feature correlation (ESLRFC), for multi-view data analysis. First, in the embedding subspace, we propose a robust low-rank model on each feature set and enforce a shared low-rank constraint to characterize the common structure information of multiple feature data. Second, we develop an enhanced correlation analysis in the embedding subspace for simultaneously removing the redundancy of each feature set and exploring the correlations of multiple feature data. Finally, we incorporate the low-rank model and the correlation analysis into a unified framework. The shared low-rank constraint not only depicts the data distribution consistency among multiple feature data, but also assists robust subspace learning. Experimental results on recognition tasks demonstrate the superior performance and noise robustness of the proposed method.

Coarse to Fine: Progressive and Multi-Task Learning for Salient Object Detection

Dong-Goo Kang, Sangwoo Park, Joonki Paik

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive and mutl-task learning scheme for salient object detection

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Most deep learning-based salient object detection (SOD) methods tried to manipulate the convolution block to effectively capture the context of object. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called progressive and mutl-task learning scheme, to extract the context of object by only manipulating the learning scheme without changing the network architecture. The progressive learning scheme is a method to grow the decoder progressively in the train phase. In other words, starting from easier low-resolution layers, it gradually adds high-resolution layers. Although the progressive learning successfullyl captures the context of object, its output boundary tends to be rough. To solve this problem, we also propose a multi-task learning (MTL) scheme that processes the object saliency map and contour in a single network jointly. The proposed MTL scheme trains the network in an edge-preserved direction through an auxiliary branch that learns contours. The proposed a learning scheme can be combined with other convolution block manipulation methods. Extensive experiments on five datasets show that the proposed method performs best compared with state-of-the-art methods in most cases.

Coarse-To-Fine Foreground Segmentation Based on Co-Occurrence Pixel-Block and Spatio-Temporal Attention Model

Xinyu Liu, Dong Liang

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Auto-TLDR; Foreground Segmentation from coarse to Fine Using Co-occurrence Pixel-Block Model for Dynamic Scene

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Foreground segmentation in dynamic scene is an important task in video surveillance. The unsupervised background subtraction method based on background statistics modeling has difficulties in updating. On the other hand, the supervised foreground segmentation method based on deep learning relies on the large-scale of accurately annotated training data, which limits its cross-scene performance. In this paper, we propose a foreground segmentation method from coarse to fine. First, a across-scenes trained Spatio-Temporal Attention Model (STAM) is used to achieve coarse segmentation, which does not require training on specific scene. Then the coarse segmentation is used as a reference to help Co-occurrence Pixel-Block Model (CPB) complete the fine segmentation, and at the same time help CPB to update its background model. This method is more flexible than those deep-learning-based methods which depends on the specific-scene training, and realizes the accurate online dynamic update of the background model. Experimental results on WallFlower and LIMU validate our method outperforms STAM, CPB and other methods of participating in comparison.

Dynamic Guided Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Xiaoxia Xing, Yinghao Cai, Yiping Yang, Dayong Wen

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Auto-TLDR; DGNet: Dynamic Guidance Upsampling for Self-attention-Decoding for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Self-attention or encoder-decoder structure has been widely used in deep neural networks for monocular depth estimation tasks. The former mechanism are capable to capture long-range information by computing the representation of each position by a weighted sum of the features at all positions, while the latter networks can capture structural details information by gradually recovering the spatial information. In this work, we combine the advantages of both methods. Specifically, our proposed model, DGNet, extends EMANet Network by adding an effective decoder module to refine the depth results. In the decoder stage, we further design dynamic guidance upsampling which uses local neighboring information of low-level features guide coarser depth to upsample. In this way, dynamic guidance upsampling generates content-dependent and spatially-variant kernels for depth upsampling which makes full use of spatial details information from low-level features. Experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains higher accuracy and generates the desired depth map.

Two-Stage Adaptive Object Scene Flow Using Hybrid CNN-CRF Model

Congcong Li, Haoyu Ma, Qingmin Liao

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive object scene flow estimation using a hybrid CNN-CRF model and adaptive iteration

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Scene flow estimation based on stereo sequences is a comprehensive task relevant to disparity and optical flow. Some existing methods are time-consuming and often fail in the presence of reflective surfaces. In this paper, we propose a two-stage adaptive object scene flow estimation method using a hybrid CNN-CRF model (ACOSF), which benefits from high-quality features and the structured modelling capability. Meanwhile, in order to balance the computational efficiency and accuracy, we employ adaptive iteration for energy function optimization, which is flexible and efficient for various scenes. Besides, we utilize high-quality pixel selection to reduce the computation time with only a slight decrease in accuracy. Our method achieves competitive results with the state-of-the-art, which ranks second on the challenging KITTI 2015 scene flow benchmark.

Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction with Efficient Convolution Neural Networks

Keqiang Li, Huaiyu Wu, Xiuqin Shang, Zhen Shen, Gang Xiong, Xisong Dong, Bin Hu, Fei-Yue Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Mobile-FRNet: Efficient 3D Morphable Model Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single 2D Facial Image

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3D face reconstruction from a single 2D facial image is a challenging and concerned problem. Recent methods based on CNN typically aim to learn parameters of 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) from 2D images to render face alignment and 3D face reconstruction. Most algorithms are designed for faces with small, medium yaw angles, which is extremely challenging to align faces in large poses. At the same time, they are not efficient usually. The main challenge is that it takes time to determine the parameters accurately. In order to address this challenge with the goal of improving performance, this paper proposes a novel and efficient end-to-end framework. We design an efficient and lightweight network model combined with Depthwise Separable Convolution and Muti-scale Representation, Lightweight Attention Mechanism, named Mobile-FRNet. Simultaneously, different loss functions are used to constrain and optimize 3DMM parameters and 3D vertices during training to improve the performance of the network. Meanwhile, extensive experiments on the challenging datasets show that our method significantly improves the accuracy of face alignment and 3D face reconstruction. The model parameters and complexity of our method are also improved greatly.

A Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold Via Double Low Rank Constraint

Xinglin Piao, Yongli Hu, Junbin Gao, Yanfeng Sun, Xin Yang, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Double Low Rank Representation for High-Dimensional Data Clustering on Grassmann Manifold

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High-dimension data clustering is a fundamental topic in machine learning and data mining areas. In recent year, researchers have proposed a series of effective methods based on Low Rank Representation (LRR) which could explore low-dimension subspace structure embedded in original data effectively. The traditional LRR methods usually treat original data as samples in Euclidean space. They generally adopt linear metric to measure the distance between two data. However, high-dimension data (such as video clip or imageset) are always considered as non-linear manifold data such as Grassmann manifold. Therefore, the traditional linear Euclidean metric would be no longer suitable for these special data. In addition, traditional LRR clustering method always adopt nuclear norm as low rank constraint which would lead to suboptimal solution and decrease the clustering accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a new low rank method on Grassmann manifold for high-dimension data clustering task. In the proposed method, a double low rank representation approach is proposed by combining the nuclear norm and bilinear representation for better construct the representation matrix. The experimental results on several public datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

Saliency Prediction on Omnidirectional Images with Brain-Like Shallow Neural Network

Zhu Dandan, Chen Yongqing, Min Xiongkuo, Zhao Defang, Zhu Yucheng, Zhou Qiangqiang, Yang Xiaokang, Tian Han

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Auto-TLDR; A Brain-like Neural Network for Saliency Prediction of Head Fixations on Omnidirectional Images

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Deep feedforward convolutional neural networks (CNNs) perform well in the saliency prediction of omnidirectional images (ODIs), and have become the leading class of candidate models of the visual processing mechanism in the primate ventral stream. These CNNs have evolved from shallow network architecture to extremely deep and branching architecture to achieve superb performance in various vision tasks, yet it is unclear how brain-like they are. In particular, these deep feedforward CNNs are difficult to mapping to ventral stream structure of the brain visual system due to their vast number of layers and missing biologically-important connections, such as recurrence. To tackle this issue, some brain-like shallow neural networks are introduced. In this paper, we propose a novel brain-like network model for saliency prediction of head fixations on ODIs. Specifically, our proposed model consists of three modules: a CORnet-S module, a template feature extraction module and a ranking attention module (RAM). The CORnet-S module is a lightweight artificial neural network (ANN) with four anatomically mapped areas (V1, V2, V4 and IT) and it can simulate the visual processing mechanism of ventral visual stream in the human brain. The template features extraction module is introduced to extract attention maps of ODIs and provide guidance for the feature ranking in the following RAM module. The RAM module is used to rank and select features that are important for fine-grained saliency prediction. Extensive experiments have validated the effectiveness of the proposed model in predicting saliency maps of ODIs, and the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods with similar scale.

Face Anti-Spoofing Based on Dynamic Color Texture Analysis Using Local Directional Number Pattern

Junwei Zhou, Ke Shu, Peng Liu, Jianwen Xiang, Shengwu Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; LDN-TOP Representation followed by ProCRC Classification for Face Anti-Spoofing

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Face anti-spoofing is becoming increasingly indispensable for face recognition systems, which are vulnerable to various spoofing attacks performed using fake photos and videos. In this paper, a novel "LDN-TOP representation followed by ProCRC classification" pipeline for face anti-spoofing is proposed. We use local directional number pattern (LDN) with the derivative-Gaussian mask to capture detailed appearance information resisting illumination variations and noises, which can influence the texture pattern distribution. To further capture motion information, we extend LDN to a spatial-temporal variant named local directional number pattern from three orthogonal planes (LDN-TOP). The multi-scale LDN-TOP capturing complete information is extracted from color images to generate the feature vector with powerful representation capacity. Finally, the feature vector is fed into the probabilistic collaborative representation based classifier (ProCRC) for face anti-spoofing. Our method is evaluated on three challenging public datasets, namely CASIA FASD, Replay-Attack database, and UVAD database using sequence-based evaluation protocol. The experimental results show that our method can achieve promising performance with 0.37% EER on CASIA and 5.73% HTER on UVAD. The performance on Replay-Attack database is also competitive.

Flow-Guided Spatial Attention Tracking for Egocentric Activity Recognition

Tianshan Liu, Kin-Man Lam

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Auto-TLDR; flow-guided spatial attention tracking for egocentric activity recognition

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The popularity of wearable cameras has opened up a new dimension for egocentric activity recognition. While some methods introduce attention mechanisms into deep learning networks to capture fine-grained hand-object interactions, they often neglect exploring the spatio-temporal relationships. Generating spatial attention, without adequately exploiting temporal consistency, will result in potentially sub-optimal performance in the video-based task. In this paper, we propose a flow-guided spatial attention tracking (F-SAT) module, which is based on enhancing motion patterns and inter-frame information, to highlight the discriminative features from regions of interest across a video sequence. A new form of input, namely the optical-flow volume, is presented to provide informative cues from moving parts for spatial attention tracking. The proposed F-SAT module is deployed to a two-branch-based deep architecture, which fuses complementary information for egocentric activity recognition. Experimental results on three egocentric activity benchmarks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

An Improved Bilinear Pooling Method for Image-Based Action Recognition

Wei Wu, Jiale Yu

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Auto-TLDR; An improved bilinear pooling method for image-based action recognition

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Action recognition in still images is a challenging task because of the complexity of human motions and the variance of background in the same action category. And some actions typically occur in fine-grained categories, with little visual differences between these categories. So extracting discriminative features or modeling various semantic parts is essential for image-based action recognition. Many methods apply expensive manual annotations to learn discriminative parts information for action recognition, which may severely discourage potential applications in real life. In recent years, bilinear pooling method has shown its effectiveness for image classification due to its learning distinctive features automatically. Inspired by this model, in this paper, an improved bilinear pooling method is proposed for avoiding the shortcomings of traditional bilinear pooling methods. The previous bilinear pooling approaches contain lots of noisy background or harmful feature information, which limit their application for action recognition. In our method, the attention mechanism is introduced into hierarchical bilinear pooling framework with mask aggregation for action recognition. The proposed model can generate the distinctive and ROI-aware feature information by combining multiple attention mask maps from the channel and spatial-wise attention features. To be more specific, our method makes the network to better pay attention to discriminative region of the vital objects in an image. We verify our model on the two challenging datasets: 1) Stanford 40 action dataset and 2) our action dataset that includes 60 categories. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which is superior to the traditional and state-of-the-art methods.