CausalX: Causal Explanations and Block Multilinear Factor Analysis

M. Alex O. Vasilescu, Eric Kim, Xiao. S. Zeng

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Auto-TLDR; Unified tensor model of wholes and parts for object image formation

Objects and activities (temporal objects) are composed of a recursive hierarchy of perceptual wholes and parts, whose properties, such as shape, reflectance, and color, constitute a hierarchy of intrinsic causal factors of object appearance.However, object appearance is the compositional consequence of both an object’s intrinsic and extrinsic causal factors, where the extrinsic causal factors are related to illumination, and imaging conditions.We propose a unified tensor model of wholes and parts that statistically models the mechanism of data formation. We derive a compositional hierarchical block tensor factorization that computes a disentangled representation of the causal factors of object image formation by optimizing simultaneously across wholes and parts. Given computational efficiency considerations,we introduce an incremental bottom-up computational alternative that employs the lower level part representations to represent the higher level of abstractions, the parent wholes. This incremental computational approach may also be employed to update the causal model representation when data that becomes available incrementally. The resulting object representation is an interpretable combinatorial choice of intrinsic causal factor representations related to an object’s recursive hierarchy of wholes and parts that renders object recognition robust to occlusion and reduces training data requirements.

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Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging Based on Weighted High-Order Singular Value Regularization

Hua Huang, Cheng Niankai, Lizhi Wang

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Auto-TLDR; High-Order Tensor Optimization for Hyperspectral Imaging

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Snapshot hyperspectral imaging can capture the 3D hyperspectral image (HSI) with a single 2D measurement and has attracted increasing attention recently. Recovering the underlying HSI from the compressive measurement is an ill-posed problem and exploiting the image prior is essential for solving this ill-posed problem. However, existing reconstruction methods always start from modeling image prior with the 1D vector or 2D matrix and cannot fully exploit the structurally spectral-spatial nature in 3D HSI, thus leading to a poor fidelity. In this paper, we propose an effective high-order tensor optimization based method to boost the reconstruction fidelity for snapshot hyperspectral imaging. We first build high-order tensors by exploiting the spatial-spectral correlation in HSI. Then, we propose a weight high-order singular value regularization (WHOSVR) based low-rank tensor recovery model to characterize the structure prior of HSI. By integrating the structure prior in WHOSVR with the system imaging process, we develop an optimization framework for HSI reconstruction, which is finally solved via the alternating minimization algorithm. Extensive experiments implemented on two representative systems demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

T-SVD Based Non-Convex Tensor Completion and Robust Principal Component Analysis

Tao Li, Jinwen Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Non-Convex tensor rank surrogate function and non-convex sparsity measure for tensor recovery

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In this paper, we propose a novel non-convex tensor rank surrogate function and a novel non-convex sparsity measure. The basic idea is to sidestep the bias of $\ell_1-$norm by introducing the concavity. Furthermore, we employ this non-convex penalty in tensor recovery problems such as tensor completion and tensor robust principal component analysis. Due to the concavity, the parameters of these models are difficult to solve. To tackle this problem, we devise a majorization minimization algorithm that can optimize the upper bound of the original function in each iteration, and every sub-problem is solved by the alternating direction multiplier method. We also analyze the theoretical properties of the proposed algorithm. Finally, the experimental results on natural and hyperspectral images demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of the proposed method.

Space-Time Domain Tensor Neural Networks: An Application on Human Pose Classification

Konstantinos Makantasis, Athanasios Voulodimos, Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Nikolaos Bakalos

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Auto-TLDR; Tensor-Based Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Pose Classifiaction using Three-Dimensional Skeleton Data

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Recent advances in sensing technologies require the design and development of pattern recognition models capable of processing spatiotemporal data efficiently. In this study, we propose a spatially and temporally aware tensor-based neural network for human pose classifiaction using three-dimensional skeleton data. Our model employs three novel components. First, an input layer capable of constructing highly discriminative spatiotemporal features. Second, a tensor fusion operation that produces compact yet rich representations of the data, and third, a tensor-based neural network that processes data representations in their original tensor form. Our model is end-to-end trainable and characterized by a small number of trainable parameters making it suitable for problems where the annotated data is limited. Experimental evaluation of the proposed model indicates that it can achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Exploiting Elasticity in Tensor Ranks for Compressing Neural Networks

Jie Ran, Rui Lin, Hayden Kwok-Hay So, Graziano Chesi, Ngai Wong

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Auto-TLDR; Nuclear-Norm Rank Minimization Factorization for Deep Neural Networks

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Elasticities in depth, width, kernel size and resolution have been explored in compressing deep neural networks (DNNs). Recognizing that the kernels in a convolutional neural network (CNN) are 4-way tensors, we further exploit a new elasticity dimension along the input-output channels. Specifically, a novel nuclear-norm rank minimization factorization (NRMF) approach is proposed to dynamically and globally search for the reduced tensor ranks during training. Correlation between tensor ranks across multiple layers is revealed, and a graceful tradeoff between model size and accuracy is obtained. Experiments then show the superiority of NRMF over the previous non-elastic variational Bayesian matrix factorization (VBMF) scheme.

Tensorized Feature Spaces for Feature Explosion

Ravdeep Pasricha, Pravallika Devineni, Evangelos Papalexakis, Ramakrishnan Kannan

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Auto-TLDR; Tensor Rank Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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In this paper, we present a novel framework that uses tensor factorization to generate richer feature spaces for pixel classification in hyperspectral images. In particular, we assess the performance of different tensor rank decomposition methods as compared to the traditional kernel-based approaches for the hyperspectral image classification problem. We propose ORION, which takes as input a hyperspectral image tensor and a rank and outputs an enhanced feature space from the factor matrices of the decomposed tensor. Our method is a feature explosion technique that inherently maps low dimensional input space in R^K to high dimensional space in R^R, where R >> K, say in the order of 1000x, like a kernel. We show how the proposed method exploits the multi-linear structure of hyperspectral three-dimensional tensor. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with experiments on three publicly available hyperspectral datasets with labeled pixels and compare their classification performance against traditional linear and non-linear supervised learning methods such as SVM with Linear, Polynomial, RBF kernels, and the Multi-Layer Perceptron model. Finally, we explore the relationship between the rank of the tensor decomposition and the classification accuracy using several hyperspectral datasets with ground truth.

Tensor Factorization of Brain Structural Graph for Unsupervised Classification in Multiple Sclerosis

Berardino Barile, Marzullo Aldo, Claudio Stamile, Françoise Durand-Dubief, Dominique Sappey-Marinier

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Auto-TLDR; A Fully Automated Tensor-based Algorithm for Multiple Sclerosis Classification based on Structural Connectivity Graph of the White Matter Network

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Analysis of longitudinal changes in brain diseases is essential for a better characterization of pathological processes and evaluation of the prognosis. This is particularly important in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which is the first traumatic disease in young adults, with unknown etiology and characterized by complex inflammatory and degenerative processes leading to different clinical courses. In this work, we propose a fully automated tensor-based algorithm for the classification of MS clinical forms based on the structural connectivity graph of the white matter (WM) network. Using non-negative tensor factorization (NTF), we first focused on the detection of pathological patterns of the brain WM network affected by significant longitudinal variations. Second, we performed unsupervised classification of different MS phenotypes based on these longitudinal patterns, and finally, we used the latent factors obtained by the factorization algorithm to identify the most affected brain regions.

Unsupervised Feature Learning for Event Data: Direct vs Inverse Problem Formulation

Dimche Kostadinov, Davide Scarammuza

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Representation Learning from Local Event Data for Pattern Recognition

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Event-based cameras record asynchronous streamof per-pixel brightness changes. As such, they have numerous advantages over the common frame-based cameras, including high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and no motion blur. Due to the asynchronous nature, efficient learning of compact representation for event data is challenging. While the extend to which the spatial and temporal event "information" is useful for pattern recognition tasks is not fully explored. In this paper, we focus on single layer architectures. We analyze the performance of two general problem formulations,i.e., the direct and the inverse, for unsupervised feature learning from local event data,i.e., local volumes of events that are described in space and time. We identify and show the main advantages of each approach. Theoretically, we analyze guarantees for local optimal solution, possibility for asynchronous and parallel parameter update as well as the computational complexity. We present numerical experiments for the task of object recognition, where we evaluate the solution under the direct and the inverse problem.We give a comparison with the state-of-the-art methods. Our empirical results highlight the advantages of the both approaches for representation learning from event data. Moreover, we show improvements of up to 9% in the recognition accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art methods from the same class of methods.

Dependently Coupled Principal Component Analysis for Bivariate Inversion Problems

Navdeep Dahiya, Yifei Fan, Samuel Bignardi, Tony Yezzi, Romeil Sandhu

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Auto-TLDR; Asymmetric Principal Component Analysis between Paired Data in an Asymmetric manner

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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a widely used technique for dimensionality reduction in various problem domains including data compression, image processing, visualization, exploratory data analysis, pattern recognition, time series prediction and machine learning. Often, data is presented in a correlated paired manner such there exists observable and correlated unobservable measurements. Unfortunately, traditional PCA techniques generally fail to optimally capture the leverageable correlations between such paired data as it does not yield a maximally correlated basis between the observable and unobservable counterparts. This instead is the objective of Canonical Correlation Analysis (and the more general Partial Least Squares methods); however, such techniques are still symmetric in maximizing correlation (covariance for PLSR) over all choices of basis for both datasets without differentiating between observable and unobservable variables (except for the regression phase of PLSR). Further, these methods deviate from PCA's formulation objective to minimize approximation error, seeking instead to maximize correlation or covariance. While these are sensible optimization objectives, they are not equivalent to error minimization. We therefore introduce a new method of leveraging PCA between paired datasets in an asymmetric manner which is optimal with respect to approximation error during training. We generate an asymmetrically paired basis for which we relax orthogonality constraints on the orthogonality in decomposing unreliable unobservable measurements. In doing so, this allows us to optimally capture the variations of the observable data while conditionally minimizing the expected prediction error for the unobservable component. We show preliminary results that demonstrate improved learning of our proposed method compared to that of traditional techniques.

Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-viewSubspace Clustering

Jipeng Guo, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifold for Multi-View Data Clustering

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Clustering high dimension multi-view data with complex intrinsic properties and nonlinear manifold structure is a challenging task since these data are always embedded in low dimension manifolds. Inspired by Low Rank Representation (LRR), some researchers extended classic LRR on Grassmann manifold or Product Grassmann manifold to represent data with non-linear metrics. However, most of these methods utilized convex nuclear norm to leverage a low-rank structure, which was over-relaxation of true rank and would lead to the results deviated from the true underlying ones. And, the computational complexity of singular value decomposition of matrix is high for nuclear norm minimization. In this paper, we propose a new low rank model for high-dimension multi-view data clustering on Product Grassmann Manifold with the matrix tri-factorization which is used to control the upper bound of true rank of representation matrix. And, the original problem can be transformed into the nuclear norm minimization with smaller scale matrices. An effective solution and theoretical analysis are also provided. The experimental results show that the proposed method obviously outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on several multi-source human/crowd action video datasets.

Embedding Shared Low-Rank and Feature Correlation for Multi-View Data Analysis

Zhan Wang, Lizhi Wang, Hua Huang

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Auto-TLDR; embedding shared low-rank and feature correlation for multi-view data analysis

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The diversity of multimedia data in the real-world usually forms multi-view features. How to explore the structure information and correlations among multi-view features is still an open problem. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view subspace learning method, named embedding shared low-rank and feature correlation (ESLRFC), for multi-view data analysis. First, in the embedding subspace, we propose a robust low-rank model on each feature set and enforce a shared low-rank constraint to characterize the common structure information of multiple feature data. Second, we develop an enhanced correlation analysis in the embedding subspace for simultaneously removing the redundancy of each feature set and exploring the correlations of multiple feature data. Finally, we incorporate the low-rank model and the correlation analysis into a unified framework. The shared low-rank constraint not only depicts the data distribution consistency among multiple feature data, but also assists robust subspace learning. Experimental results on recognition tasks demonstrate the superior performance and noise robustness of the proposed method.

3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning and a Biometric Fusion-Net of Demographic Properties

Soha Sadat Mahdi, Nele Nauwelaers, Philip Joris, Giorgos Bouritsas, Imperial London, Sergiy Bokhnyak, Susan Walsh, Mark Shriver, Michael Bronstein, Peter Claes

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-biometric Fusion for Biometric Verification using 3D Facial Mesures

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Face recognition is a widely accepted biometric verification tool, as the face contains a lot of information about the identity of a person. In this study, a 2-step neural-based pipeline is presented for matching 3D facial shape to multiple DNA-related properties (sex, age, BMI and genomic background). The first step consists of a triplet loss-based metric learner that compresses facial shape into a lower dimensional embedding while preserving information about the property of interest. Most studies in the field of metric learning have only focused on Euclidean data. In this work, geometric deep learning is employed to learn directly from 3D facial meshes. To this end, spiral convolutions are used along with a novel mesh-sampling scheme that retains uniformly sampled 3D points at different levels of resolution. The second step is a multi-biometric fusion by a fully connected neural network. The network takes an ensemble of embeddings and property labels as input and returns genuine and imposter scores. Since embeddings are accepted as an input, there is no need to train classifiers for the different properties and available data can be used more efficiently. Results obtained by a 10-fold cross-validation for biometric verification show that combining multiple properties leads to stronger biometric systems. Furthermore, the proposed neural-based pipeline outperforms a linear baseline, which consists of principal component analysis, followed by classification with linear support vector machines and a Naïve Bayes-based score-fuser.

Probabilistic Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering with Bayesian Inference

Jiansheng Fang, Xiaoqing Zhang, Yan Hu, Yanwu Xu, Ming Yang, Jiang Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Latent Factor Model for Collaborative Filtering

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Latent Factor Model (LFM) is one of the most successful methods for Collaborative filtering (CF) in the recommendation system, in which both users and items are projected into a joint latent factor space. Base on matrix factorization applied usually in pattern recognition, LFM models user-item interactions as inner products of factor vectors of user and item in that space and can be efficiently solved by least square methods with optimal estimation. However, such optimal estimation methods are prone to overfitting due to the extreme sparsity of user-item interactions. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian treatment for LFM, named Bayesian Latent Factor Model (BLFM). Based on observed user-item interactions, we build a probabilistic factor model in which the regularization is introduced via placing prior constraint on latent factors, and the likelihood function is established over observations and parameters. Then we draw samples of latent factors from the posterior distribution with Variational Inference (VI) to predict expected value. We further make an extension to BLFM, called BLFMBias, incorporating user-dependent and item-dependent biases into the model for enhancing performance. Extensive experiments on the movie rating dataset show the effectiveness of our proposed models by compared with several strong baselines.

Generic Merging of Structure from Motion Maps with a Low Memory Footprint

Gabrielle Flood, David Gillsjö, Patrik Persson, Anders Heyden, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; A Low-Memory Footprint Representation for Robust Map Merge

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With the development of cheap image sensors, the amount of available image data have increased enormously, and the possibility of using crowdsourced collection methods has emerged. This calls for development of ways to handle all these data. In this paper, we present new tools that will enable efficient, flexible and robust map merging. Assuming that separate optimisations have been performed for the individual maps, we show how only relevant data can be stored in a low memory footprint representation. We use these representations to perform map merging so that the algorithm is invariant to the merging order and independent of the choice of coordinate system. The result is a robust algorithm that can be applied to several maps simultaneously. The result of a merge can also be represented with the same type of low-memory footprint format, which enables further merging and updating of the map in a hierarchical way. Furthermore, the method can perform loop closing and also detect changes in the scene between the capture of the different image sequences. Using both simulated and real data — from both a hand held mobile phone and from a drone — we verify the performance of the proposed method.

Photometric Stereo with Twin-Fisheye Cameras

Jordan Caracotte, Fabio Morbidi, El Mustapha Mouaddib

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Auto-TLDR; Photometric stereo problem for low-cost 360-degree cameras

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In this paper, we introduce and solve, for the first time, the photometric stereo problem for low-cost 360-degree cameras. In particular, we present a spherical image irradiance equation which is adapted to twin-fisheye cameras, and an original algorithm for the estimation of light directions based on the specular highlights observed on mirror balls. Extensive experiments with synthetic and real-world images captured by a Ricoh Theta V camera, demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed 3D reconstruction pipeline. To foster reproducible research, the image dataset and code developed for this paper are made publicly available at the address:

Learning Connectivity with Graph Convolutional Networks

Hichem Sahbi

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Graph Convolutional Networks Using Topological Properties of Graphs

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Learning graph convolutional networks (GCNs) is an emerging field which aims at generalizing convolutional operations to arbitrary non-regular domains. In particular, GCNs operating on spatial domains show superior performances compared to spectral ones, however their success is highly dependent on how the topology of input graphs is defined. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for graph convolutional networks that learns the topological properties of graphs. The design principle of our method is based on the optimization of a constrained objective function which learns not only the usual convolutional parameters in GCNs but also a transformation basis that conveys the most relevant topological relationships in these graphs. Experiments conducted on the challenging task of skeleton-based action recognition shows the superiority of the proposed method compared to handcrafted graph design as well as the related work.

Learning Non-Rigid Surface Reconstruction from Spatio-Temporal Image Patches

Matteo Pedone, Abdelrahman Mostafa, Janne Heikkilä

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Auto-TLDR; Dense Spatio-Temporal Depth Maps of Deformable Objects from Video Sequences

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We present a method to reconstruct a dense spatio-temporal depth map of a non-rigidly deformable object directly from a video sequence. The estimation of depth is performed locally on spatio-temporal patches of the video, and then the full depth video of the entire shape is recovered by combining them together. Since the geometric complexity of a local spatio-temporal patch of a deforming non-rigid object is often simple enough to be faithfully represented with a parametric model, we artificially generate a database of small deforming rectangular meshes rendered with different material properties and light conditions, along with their corresponding depth videos, and use such data to train a convolutional neural network. We tested our method on both synthetic and Kinect data and experimentally observed that the reconstruction error is significantly lower than the one obtained using other approaches like conventional non-rigid structure from motion.

Double Manifolds Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation

Jipeng Guo, Shuai Yin, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu

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Auto-TLDR; Double Manifolds Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Clustering

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Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an important method in learning latent data representation. The local geometrical structure can make the learned representation more effectively and significantly improve the performance of NMF. However, most of existing graph-based learning methods are determined by a predefined similarity graph which may be not optimal for specific tasks. To solve the above the problem, we propose the Double Manifolds Regularized NMF (DMR-NMF) model which jointly learns an adaptive affinity matrix with the non-negative matrix factorization. The learned affinity matrix can guide the NMF to fit the clustering task. Moreover, we develop the iterative updating optimization schemes for DMR-NMF, and provide the strict convergence proof of our optimization strategy. Empirical experiments on four different real-world data sets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of DMR-NMF in comparison with the other related algorithms.

Fast Subspace Clustering Based on the Kronecker Product

Lei Zhou, Xiao Bai, Liang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Edwin Hancock

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Auto-TLDR; Subspace Clustering with Kronecker Product for Large Scale Datasets

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Subspace clustering is a useful technique for many computer vision applications in which the intrinsic dimension of high-dimensional data is often smaller than the ambient dimension. Spectral clustering, as one of the main approaches to subspace clustering, often takes on a sparse representation or a low-rank representation to learn a block diagonal self-representation matrix for subspace generation. However, existing methods require solving a large scale convex optimization problem with a large set of data, with computational complexity reaches O(N^3) for N data points. Therefore, the efficiency and scalability of traditional spectral clustering methods can not be guaranteed for large scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a subspace clustering model based on the Kronecker product. Due to the property that the Kronecker product of a block diagonal matrix with any other matrix is still a block diagonal matrix, we can efficiently learn the representation matrix which is formed by the Kronecker product of k smaller matrices. By doing so, our model significantly reduces the computational complexity to O(kN^{3/k}). Furthermore, our model is general in nature, and can be adapted to different regularization based subspace clustering methods. Experimental results on two public datasets show that our model significantly improves the efficiency compared with several state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we have conducted experiments on synthetic data to verify the scalability of our model for large scale datasets.

Classification and Feature Selection Using a Primal-Dual Method and Projections on Structured Constraints

Michel Barlaud, Antonin Chambolle, Jean_Baptiste Caillau

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Auto-TLDR; A Constrained Primal-dual Method for Structured Feature Selection on High Dimensional Data

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This paper deals with feature selection using supervised classification on high dimensional datasets. A classical approach is to project data on a low dimensional space and classify by minimizing an appropriate quadratic cost. Our first contribution is to introduce a matrix of centers in the definition of this cost. Moreover, as quadratic costs are not robust to outliers, we propose to use an $\ell_1$ cost instead (or Huber loss to mitigate overfitting issues). While control on sparsity is commonly obtained by adding an $\ell_1$ constraint on the vectorized matrix of weights used for projecting the data, our second contribution is to enforce structured sparsity. To this end we propose constraints that take into account the matrix structure of the data, based either on the nuclear norm, on the $\ell_{2,1}$ norm, or on the $\ell_{1,2}$ norm for which we provide a new projection algorithm. We optimize simultaneously the projection matrix and the matrix of centers thanks to a new tailored constrained primal-dual method. The primal-dual framework is general enough to encompass the various robust losses and structured constraints we use, and allows a convergence analysis. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on three biological datasets. Our primal-dual method with robust losses, adaptive centers and structured constraints does significantly better than classical methods, both in terms of accuracy and computational time.

Active Sampling for Pairwise Comparisons via Approximate Message Passing and Information Gain Maximization

Aliaksei Mikhailiuk, Clifford Wilmot, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Dingcheng Yue, Rafal Mantiuk

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Auto-TLDR; ASAP: An Active Sampling Algorithm for Pairwise Comparison Data

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Pairwise comparison data arise in many domains with subjective assessment experiments, for example in image and video quality assessment. In these experiments observers are asked to express a preference between two conditions. However, many pairwise comparison protocols require a large number of comparisons to infer accurate scores, which may be unfeasible when each comparison is time-consuming (e.g. videos) or expensive (e.g. medical imaging). This motivates the use of an active sampling algorithm that chooses only the most informative pairs for comparison. In this paper we propose ASAP, an active sampling algorithm based on approximate message passing and expected information gain maximization. Unlike most existing methods, which rely on partial updates of the posterior distribution, we are able to perform full updates and therefore much improve the accuracy of the inferred scores. The algorithm relies on three techniques for reducing computational cost: inference based on approximate message passing, selective evaluations of the information gain, and selecting pairs in a batch that forms a minimum spanning tree of the inverse of information gain. We demonstrate, with real and synthetic data, that ASAP offers the highest accuracy of inferred scores compared to the existing methods. We also provide an open-source GPU implementation of ASAP for large-scale experiments.

Sketch-Based Community Detection Via Representative Node Sampling

Mahlagha Sedghi, Andre Beckus, George Atia

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Auto-TLDR; Sketch-based Clustering of Community Detection Using a Small Sketch

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This paper proposes a sketch-based approach to the community detection problem which clusters the full graph through the use of an informative and concise sketch. The reduced sketch is built through an effective sampling approach which selects few nodes that best represent the complete graph and operates on a pairwise node similarity measure based on the average commute time. After sampling, the proposed algorithm clusters the nodes in the sketch, and then infers the cluster membership of the remaining nodes in the full graph based on their aggregate similarity to nodes in the partitioned sketch. By sampling nodes with strong representation power, our approach can improve the success rates over full graph clustering. In challenging cases with large node degree variation, our approach not only maintains competitive accuracy with full graph clustering despite using a small sketch, but also outperforms existing sampling methods. The use of a small sketch allows considerable storage savings, and computational and timing improvements for further analysis such as clustering and visualization. We provide numerical results on synthetic data based on the homogeneous, heterogeneous and degree corrected versions of the stochastic block model, as well as experimental results on real-world data.

On Morphological Hierarchies for Image Sequences

Caglayan Tuna, Alain Giros, François Merciol, Sébastien Lefèvre

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Auto-TLDR; Comparison of Hierarchies for Image Sequences

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Morphological hierarchies form a popular framework aiming at emphasizing the multiscale structure of digital image by performing an unsupervised spatial partitioning of the data. These hierarchies have been recently extended to cope with image sequences, and different strategies have been proposed to allow their construction from spatio-temporal data. In this paper, we compare these hierarchical representation strategies for image sequences according to their structural properties. We introduce a projection method to make these representations comparable. Furthermore, we extend one of these recent strategies in order to obtain more efficient hierarchical representations for image sequences. Experiments were conducted on both synthetic and real datasets, the latter being made of satellite image time series. We show that building one hierarchy by using spatial and temporal information together is more efficient comparing to other existing strategies.

Learning Dictionaries of Kinematic Primitives for Action Classification

Alessia Vignolo, Nicoletta Noceti, Alessandra Sciutti, Francesca Odone, Giulio Sandini

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Auto-TLDR; Action Understanding using Visual Motion Primitives

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This paper proposes a method based on visual motion primitives to address the problem of action understanding. The approach builds in an unsupervised way a dictionary of kinematic primitives from a set of sub-movements obtained by segmenting the velocity profile of an action on the basis of local minima derived directly from the optical flow. The dictionary is then used to describe each sub-movement as a linear combination of atoms using sparse coding. The descriptive capability of the proposed motion representation is experimentally validated on the MoCA dataset, a collection of synchronized multi-view videos and motion capture data of cooking activities. The results show that the approach, despite its simplicity, has a good performance in action classification, especially when the motion primitives are combined over time. Also, the method is proved to be tolerant to view point changes, and can thus support cross-view action recognition. Overall, the method may be seen as a backbone of a general approach to action understanding, with potential applications in robotics.

Scalable Direction-Search-Based Approach to Subspace Clustering

Yicong He, George Atia

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Direction-Search-Based Subspace Clustering

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Subspace clustering finds a multi-subspace representation that best fits a high-dimensional dataset. The computational and storage complexities of existing algorithms limit their usefulness for large scale data. In this paper, we develop a novel scalable approach to subspace clustering termed Fast Direction-Search-Based Subspace Clustering (Fast DiSC). In sharp contrast to existing scalable solutions which are mostly based on the self-expressiveness property of the data, Fast DiSC rests upon a new representation obtained from projections on computed data-dependent directions. These directions are derived from a convex formulation for optimal direction search to gauge hidden similarity relations. The computational complexity is significantly reduced by performing direction search in partitions of sampled data, followed by a retrieval step to cluster out-of-sample data using projections on the computed directions. A theoretical analysis underscores the ability of the proposed formulation to construct local similarity relations for the different data points. Experiments on both synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can often outperform the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

2D Discrete Mirror Transform for Image Non-Linear Approximation

Alessandro Gnutti, Fabrizio Guerrini, Riccardo Leonardi

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Auto-TLDR; Discrete Mirror Transform (DMT)

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In this paper, a new 2D transform named Discrete Mirror Transform (DMT) is presented. The DMT is computed by decomposing a signal into its even and odd parts around an optimal location in a given direction so that the signal energy is maximally split between the two components. After minimizing the information required to regenerate the original signal by removing redundant structures, the process is iterated leading the signal energy to distribute into a continuously smaller set of coefficients. The DMT can be displayed as a binary tree, where each node represents the single (even or odd) signal derived from the decomposition in the previous level. An optimized version of the DMT (ODMT) is also introduced, by exploiting the possibility to choose different directions at which performing the decomposition. Experimental simulations have been carried out in order to test the sparsity properties of the DMT and ODMT when applied on images: referring to both transforms, the results show a superior performance with respect to the popular Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in terms of non-linear approximation.

AdaFilter: Adaptive Filter Design with Local Image Basis Decomposition for Optimizing Image Recognition Preprocessing

Aiga Suzuki, Keiichi Ito, Takahide Ibe, Nobuyuki Otsu

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Auto-TLDR; Optimal Preprocessing Filtering for Pattern Recognition Using Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlation

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Image preprocessing is an important process during pattern recognition which increases the recognition performance. Linear convolution filtering is a primary preprocessing method used to enhance particular local patterns of the image which are essential for recognizing the images. However, because of the vast search space of the preprocessing filter, almost no earlier studies have tackled the problem of identifying an optimal preprocessing filter that yields effective features for input images. This paper proposes a novel design method for the optimal preprocessing filter corresponding to a given task. Our method calculates local image bases of the training dataset and represents the optimal filter as a linear combination of these local image bases with the optimized coefficients to maximize the expected generalization performance. Thereby, the optimization problem of the preprocessing filter is converted to a lower-dimensional optimization problem. Our proposed method combined with a higher-order local auto-correlation (HLAC) feature extraction exhibited the best performance both in the anomaly detection task with the conventional pattern recognition algorithm and in the classification task using the deep convolutional neural network compared with typical preprocessing filters.

Probability Guided Maxout

Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Probability Guided Maxout for CNN Training

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In this paper, we propose an original CNN training strategy that brings together ideas from both dropout-like regularization methods and solutions that learn discriminative features. We propose a dropping criterion that, differently from dropout and its variants, is deterministic rather than random. It grounds on the empirical evidence that feature descriptors with larger $L2$-norm and highly-active nodes are strongly correlated to confident class predictions. Thus, our criterion guides towards dropping a percentage of the most active nodes of the descriptors, proportionally to the estimated class probability. We simultaneously train a per-sample scaling factor to balance the expected output across training and inference. This further allows us to keep high the descriptor's L2-norm, which we show enforces confident predictions. The combination of these two strategies resulted in our ``Probability Guided Maxout'' solution that acts as a training regularizer. We prove the above behaviors by reporting extensive image classification results on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Caltech256 datasets.

Webly Supervised Image-Text Embedding with Noisy Tag Refinement

Niluthpol Mithun, Ravdeep Pasricha, Evangelos Papalexakis, Amit Roy-Chowdhury

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Joint Embedding for Image-Text Retrieval Using Web Images

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In this paper, we address the problem of utilizing web images in training robust joint embedding models for the image-text retrieval task. Prior webly supervised approaches directly leverage weakly annotated web images in the joint embedding learning framework. The objective of these approaches would suffer significantly when the ratio of noisy and missing tags associated with the web images is very high. In this regard, we propose a CP decomposition based tensor completion framework to refine the tags of web images by modeling observed ternary inter-relations between the sets of labeled images, tags, and web images as a tensor. To effectively deal with the high ratio of missing entries likely in our case, we incorporate intra-modal correlation as side information in the proposed framework. Our tag refinement approach combined with existing web supervised image-text embedding approaches provide a more principled way for learning the joint embedding models in the presence of significant noise from web data and limited clean labeled data. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach helps to achieve a significant performance gain in image-text retrieval.

3D Pots Configuration System by Optimizing Over Geometric Constraints

Jae Eun Kim, Muhammad Zeeshan Arshad, Seong Jong Yoo, Je Hyeong Hong, Jinwook Kim, Young Min Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Optimizing 3D Configurations for Stable Pottery Restoration from irregular and noisy evidence

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While potteries are common artifacts excavated in archaeological sites, the restoration process relies on the manual cleaning and reassembling shattered pieces. Since the number of possible 3D configurations is considerably large, the exhaustive manual trial may result in an abrasion on fractured surfaces and even failure to find the correct matches. As a result, many recent works suggest virtual reassembly from 3D scans of the fragments. The problem is challenging in the view of the conventional 3D geometric analysis, as it is hard to extract reliable shape features from the thin break lines. We propose to optimize the global configuration by combining geometric constraints with information from noisy shape features. Specifically, we enforce bijection and continuity of sequence of correspondences given estimates of corners and pair-wise matching scores between multiple break lines. We demonstrate that our pipeline greatly increases the accuracy of correspondences, resulting in the stable restoration of 3D configurations from irregular and noisy evidence.

Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green AI

Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Deep Neural Network with Constrained Splitting Projection

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In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have been applied to different domains and achieved dramatic performance improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods. These performances of DNNs were however often obtained with networks containing millions of parameters and which training required heavy computational power. In order to cope with this computational issue a huge literature deals with proximal regularization methods which are time consuming.\\ In this paper, we propose instead a constrained approach. We provide the general framework for our new splitting projection gradient method. Our splitting algorithm iterates a gradient step and a projection on convex sets. We study algorithms for different constraints: the classical $\ell_1$ unstructured constraint and structured constraints such as the nuclear norm, the $\ell_{2,1} $ constraint (Group LASSO). We propose a new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint for which we provide a new projection algorithm We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three popular datasets (MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR). Experiments on these datasets show that our splitting projection method with our new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint provides the best reduction of memory and computational power. Experiments show that fully connected linear DNN are more efficient for green AI.

Signature Features with the Visibility Transformation

Yue Wu, Hao Ni, Terry Lyons, Robin Hudson

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Auto-TLDR; The Visibility Transformation for Pattern Recognition

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In this paper we put the visibility transformation on a clear theoretical footing and show that this transform is able to embed the effect of the absolute position of the data stream into signature features in a unified and efficient way. The generated feature set is particularly useful in pattern recognition tasks, for its simplifying role in allowing the signature feature set to accommodate nonlinear functions of absolute and relative values.

Learning Sign-Constrained Support Vector Machines

Kenya Tajima, Kouhei Tsuchida, Esmeraldo Ronnie Rey Zara, Naoya Ohta, Tsuyoshi Kato

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Sign Constraints for Learning Linear Support Vector Machine

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Domain knowledge is useful to improve the generalization performance of learning machines. Sign constraints are a handy representation to combine domain knowledge with learning machine. In this paper, we consider constraining the signs of the weight coefficients in learning the linear support vector machine, and develop two optimization algorithms for minimizing the empirical risk under the sign constraints. One of the two algorithms is based on the projected gradient method, in which each iteration of the projected gradient method takes O(nd) computational cost and the sublinear convergence of the objective error is guaranteed. The second algorithm is based on the Frank-Wolfe method that also converges sublinearly and possesses a clear termination criterion. We show that each iteration of the Frank-Wolfe also requires O(nd) cost. Furthermore, we derive the explicit expression for the minimal iteration number to ensure an epsilon-accurate solution by analyzing the curvature of the objective function. Finally, we empirically demonstrate that the sign constraints are a promising technique when similarities to the training examples compose the feature vector.

Hybrid Approach for 3D Head Reconstruction: Using Neural Networks and Visual Geometry

Oussema Bouafif, Bogdan Khomutenko, Mohammed Daoudi

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Auto-TLDR; Recovering 3D Head Geometry from a Single Image using Deep Learning and Geometric Techniques

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Recovering the 3D geometric structure of a face from a single input image is a challenging active research area in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for reconstructing 3D heads from a single or multiple image(s) using a hybrid approach based on deep learning and geometric techniques. We propose an encoder-decoder network based on the U-net architecture and trained on synthetic data only. It predicts both pixel-wise normal vectors and landmarks maps from a single input photo. Landmarks are used for the pose computation and the initialization of the optimization problem, which, in turn, reconstructs the 3D head geometry by using a parametric morphable model and normal vector fields. State-of-the-art results are achieved through qualitative and quantitative evaluation tests on both single and multi-view settings. Despite the fact that the model was trained only on synthetic data, it successfully recovers 3D geometry and precise poses for real-world images.

Automatically Mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Ryoichiro Yafune, Daisuke Sakuma, Yasuo Tabei, Noritaka Saito, Hiroto Saigo

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse Bayes for Interpretable Non-linear Prediction

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With the rapid increase in the availability of large amount of data, prediction is becoming increasingly popular, and has widespread through our daily life. However, powerful non- linear prediction methods such as deep learning and SVM suffer from interpretability problem, making it hard to use in domains where the reason for decision making is required. In this paper, we develop an interpretable non-linear model called itemset Sparse Bayes (iSB), which builds a Bayesian probabilistic model, while simultaneously considering variable interactions. In order to suppress the resulting large number of variables, sparsity is imposed on regression weights by a sparsity inducing prior. As a subroutine to search for variable interactions, itemset enumeration algorithm is employed with a novel bounding condition. In computational experiments using real-world dataset, the proposed method performed better than decision tree by 10% in terms of r-squared . We also demonstrated the advantage of our method in Bayesian optimization setting, in which the proposed approach could successfully find the maximum of an unknown function faster than Gaussian process. The interpretability of iSB is naturally inherited to Bayesian optimization, thereby gives us a clue to understand which variables interactions are important in optimizing an unknown function.

Total Estimation from RGB Video: On-Line Camera Self-Calibration, Non-Rigid Shape and Motion

Antonio Agudo

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Auto-Calibration, Pose and 3D Reconstruction of a Non-rigid Object from an uncalibrated RGB Image Sequence

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In this paper we present a sequential approach to jointly retrieve camera auto-calibration, camera pose and the 3D reconstruction of a non-rigid object from an uncalibrated RGB image sequence, without assuming any prior information about the shape structure, nor the need for a calibration pattern, nor the use of training data at all. To this end, we propose a Bayesian filtering approach based on a sum-of-Gaussians filter composed of a bank of extended Kalman filters (EKF). For every EKF, we make use of dynamic models to estimate its state vector, which later will be Gaussianly combined to achieve a global solution. To deal with deformable objects, we incorporate a mechanical model solved by using the finite element method. Thanks to these ingredients, the resulting method is both efficient and robust to several artifacts such as missing and noisy observations as well as sudden camera motions, while being available for a wide variety of objects and materials, including isometric and elastic shape deformations. Experimental validation is proposed in real experiments, showing its strengths with respect to competing approaches.

Sequential Non-Rigid Factorisation for Head Pose Estimation

Stefania Cristina, Kenneth Patrick Camilleri

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Auto-TLDR; Sequential Shape-and-Motion Factorisation for Head Pose Estimation in Eye-Gaze Tracking

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Within the context of eye-gaze tracking, the capability of permitting the user to move naturally is an important step towards allowing for more natural user interaction in less constrained scenarios. Natural movement can be characterised by changes in head pose, as well as non-rigid face deformations as the user performs different facial expressions. While the estimation of head pose within the domain of eye-gaze tracking is being increasingly considered, the face is most often regarded as a rigid body. The few methods that factor the challenge of handling face deformations into the head pose estimation problem, often require the availability of a pre-defined face model or a considerable amount of training data. In this paper, we direct our attention towards the application of shape-and-motion factorisation for head pose estimation, since this does not generally rely on the availability of an initial face model. Over the years, various shape-and-motion factorisation methods have been proposed to address the challenges of rigid and non-rigid shape and motion recovery, in a batch or sequential manner. However, the real-time recovery of non-rigid shape and motion by factorisation remains, in general, an open problem. Our work addresses this open problem by proposing a sequential factorisation method for non-rigid shape and motion recovery, which does not rely on the availability of a pre-defined face deformation model or training data. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our method can handle various non-rigid face deformations without deterioration of the head pose estimation accuracy.

Deep Gait Relative Attribute Using a Signed Quadratic Contrastive Loss

Yuta Hayashi, Shehata Allam, Yasushi Makihara, Daigo Muramatsu, Yasushi Yagi

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Auto-TLDR; Signal-Contrastive Loss for Gait Attributes Estimation


This paper presents a deep learning-based method to estimate gait attributes (e.g., stately, cool, relax, etc.). Similarly to the existing studies on relative attribute, human perception-based annotations on the gait attributes are given to pairs of gait videos (i.e., the first one is better, tie, and the second one is better), and the relative annotations are utilized to train a ranking model of the gait attribute. More specifically, we design a Siamese (i.e., two-stream) network which takes a pair of gait inputs and output gait attribute score for each. We then introduce a suitable loss function called a signed contrastive loss to train the network parameters with the relative annotation. Unlike the existing loss functions for learning to rank does not inherent a nice property of a quadratic contrastive loss, the proposed signed quadratic contrastive loss function inherents the nice property. The quantitative evaluation results reveal that the proposed method shows better or comparable accuracies of relative attribute prediction against the baseline methods.

3CS Algorithm for Efficient Gaussian Process Model Retrieval

Fabian Berns, Kjeld Schmidt, Ingolf Bracht, Christian Beecks

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient retrieval of Gaussian Process Models for large-scale data using divide-&-conquer-based approach

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Gaussian Process Models (GPMs) have been applied for various pattern recognition tasks due to their analytical tractability, ability to quantify uncertainty for their own results as well as to subsume prominent other regression techniques. Despite these promising prospects their super-quadratic computation time complexity for model selection and evaluation impedes its broader application for more than a few thousand data points. Although there have been many proposals towards Gaussian Processes for large-scale data, those only offer a linearly scaling improvement to a cubical scaling problem. In particular, solutions like the Nystrom approximation or sparse matrices are only taking fractions of the given data into account and subsequently lead to inaccurate models. In this paper, we thus propose a divide-&-conquer-based approach, that allows to efficiently retrieve GPMs for large-scale data. The resulting model is composed of independent pattern representations for non-overlapping segments of the given data and consequently reduces computation time significantly. Our performance analysis indicates that our proposal is able to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for GPM retrieval with respect to the qualities of efficiency and accuracy.

Temporal Pattern Detection in Time-Varying Graphical Models

Federico Tomasi, Veronica Tozzo, Annalisa Barla

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Auto-TLDR; A dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns

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Graphical models allow to describe the interplay among variables of a system through a compact representation, suitable when relations evolve over time. For example, in a biological setting, genes interact differently depending on external environmental or metabolic factors. To incorporate this dynamics a viable strategy is to estimate a sequence of temporally related graphs assuming similarity among samples in different time points. While adjacent time points may direct the analysis towards a robust estimate of the underlying graph, the resulting model will not incorporate long-term or recurrent temporal relationships. In this work we propose a dynamical network inference model that leverages on kernels to consider general temporal patterns (such as circadian rhythms or seasonality). We show how our approach may also be exploited when the recurrent patterns are unknown, by coupling the network inference with a clustering procedure that detects possibly non-consecutive similar networks. Such clusters are then used to build similarity kernels. The convexity of the functional is determined by whether we impose or infer the kernel. In the first case, the optimisation algorithm exploits efficiently proximity operators with closed-form solutions. In the other case, we resort to an alternating minimisation procedure which jointly learns the temporal kernel and the underlying network. Extensive analysis on synthetic data shows the efficacy of our models compared to state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we applied our approach on two real-world applications to show how considering long-term patterns is fundamental to have insights on the behaviour of a complex system.

Hierarchical Classification with Confidence Using Generalized Logits

James W. Davis, Tong Liang, James Enouen, Roman Ilin

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Auto-TLDR; Generalized Logits for Hierarchical Classification

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We present a bottom-up approach to hierarchical classification based on posteriors conditioned with logits. Beginning with the output logits for a set of terminal labels from a base classifier, an initial hypothesis is repeatedly generalized (softened) to a weaker label until a particular confidence measure is achieved. As conditioning the probabilistic model with the full set of terminal logits quickly becomes intractable for large label sets, we propose an alternative approach employing "generalized logits" spanning relevant hypotheses within the label hierarchy. Experimental results are compared with related methods on multiple datasets and base classifiers. The proposed approach provides an efficient and effective hierarchical classification framework with monotonic, non-decreasing inference behavior.

A Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold Via Double Low Rank Constraint

Xinglin Piao, Yongli Hu, Junbin Gao, Yanfeng Sun, Xin Yang, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Double Low Rank Representation for High-Dimensional Data Clustering on Grassmann Manifold

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High-dimension data clustering is a fundamental topic in machine learning and data mining areas. In recent year, researchers have proposed a series of effective methods based on Low Rank Representation (LRR) which could explore low-dimension subspace structure embedded in original data effectively. The traditional LRR methods usually treat original data as samples in Euclidean space. They generally adopt linear metric to measure the distance between two data. However, high-dimension data (such as video clip or imageset) are always considered as non-linear manifold data such as Grassmann manifold. Therefore, the traditional linear Euclidean metric would be no longer suitable for these special data. In addition, traditional LRR clustering method always adopt nuclear norm as low rank constraint which would lead to suboptimal solution and decrease the clustering accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a new low rank method on Grassmann manifold for high-dimension data clustering task. In the proposed method, a double low rank representation approach is proposed by combining the nuclear norm and bilinear representation for better construct the representation matrix. The experimental results on several public datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

Better Prior Knowledge Improves Human-Pose-Based Extrinsic Camera Calibration

Olivier Moliner, Sangxia Huang, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Human-pose-based Extrinsic Calibration for Multi-Camera Systems

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Accurate extrinsic calibration of wide baseline multi-camera systems enables better understanding of 3D scenes for many applications and is of great practical importance. Classical Structure-from-Motion calibration methods require special calibration equipment so that accurate point correspondences can be detected between different views. In addition, an operator with some training is usually needed to ensure that data is collected in a way that leads to good calibration accuracy. This limits the ease of adoption of such technologies. Recently, methods have been proposed to use human pose estimation models to establish point correspondences, thus removing the need for any special equipment. The challenge with this approach is that human pose estimation algorithms typically produce much less accurate feature points compared to classical patch-based methods. Another problem is that ambient human motion might not be optimal for calibration. We build upon prior works and introduce several novel ideas to improve the accuracy of human-pose-based extrinsic calibration. Our first contribution is a robust reprojection loss based on a better understanding of the sources of pose estimation error. Our second contribution is a 3D human pose likelihood model learned from motion capture data. We demonstrate significant improvements in calibration accuracy by evaluating our method on four publicly available datasets.

Online Object Recognition Using CNN-Based Algorithm on High-Speed Camera Imaging

Shigeaki Namiki, Keiko Yokoyama, Shoji Yachida, Takashi Shibata, Hiroyoshi Miyano, Masatoshi Ishikawa

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Object Recognition with High-Speed Camera Imaging with Population Data Clearing and Data Ensemble

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High-speed camera imaging (e.g., 1,000 fps) is effective to detect and recognize objects moving at high speeds because temporally dense images obtained by a high-speed camera can usually capture the best moment for object detection and recognition. However, the latest recognition algorithms, with their high complexity, are difficult to utilize in real-time applications involving high-speed cameras because a vast amount of images need to be processed with no latency. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel framework for real-time object recognition with high-speed camera imaging. The proposed framework has the key processes of population data cleansing and data ensemble. Population data cleansing improves the recognition accuracy by quantifying the recognizability and by excluding part of the images prior to the recognition process, while data ensemble improves the robustness of object recognition by merging the class probabilities with multiple images of the same object. Experimental results with a real dataset show that our framework is more effective than existing methods.

A Riemannian Framework for Detecting Stimulus-Relevant Fiber Pathways

Jingyong Su, Linlin Tang, Zhipeng Yang, Mengmeng Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering Task-Specific Fiber Pathways in Functional MRI using BOLD Signals

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Functional MRI based on blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast is well established as a neuro-imaging technique for detecting neural activity in the cortex of the human brain. Recent studies have shown that variations of BOLD signals in white matter are also related to neural activities both in resting state and under functional loading. We develop a comprehensive framework of detecting task-specific fiber pathways. We not only study fiber tracts as open curves with different physical features (shape, scale, orientation and position), but also incorporate the BOLD signals transmitted along them to find stimulus-relevant pathways. Specifically, we propose a novel Riemannian metric, which is a weighted sum of distances in product space of shapes and functions. This metric provides both a cost function for registration and a proper distance for comparison. Experimental results on real data have shown that we can cluster fiber pathways correctly by evaluating correlations between BOLD signals and stimuli, temporal variations and power spectra of them. The proposed framework can also be easily generalized to various applications where multi-modality data exist.

Exploiting Non-Linear Redundancy for Neural Model Compression

Muhammad Ahmed Shah, Raphael Olivier, Bhiksha Raj

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Linear Dependency

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Deploying deep learning models with millions, even billions, of parameters is challenging given real world memory, power and compute constraints. In an effort to make these models more practical, in this paper, we propose a novel model compression approach that exploits linear dependence between the activations in a layer to eliminate entire structural units (neurons/convolutional filters). Our approach also adjusts the weights of the layer in a manner that is provably lossless while training if the removed neuron was perfectly predictable. We combine this approach with an annealing algorithm that may be applied during training, or even on a trained model, and demonstrate, using popular datasets, that our technique can reduce the parameters of VGG and AlexNet by more than 97\% on \cifar, 85\% on \caltech, and 19\% on ImageNet at less than 2\% loss in accuracy. Furthermore, we provide theoretical results showing that in overparametrized, locally linear (ReLU) neural networks where redundant features exist, and with correct hyperparameter selection, our method is indeed able to capture and suppress those dependencies.

Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients

Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Jiajin Li, Man-Cho Anthony So

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Importance Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) usually samples training data based on the uniform distribution, which may not be a good choice because of the high variance of its stochastic gradient. Thus, importance sampling methods are considered in the literature to improve the performance. Most previous work on SGD-based methods with importance sampling requires the knowledge of Lipschitz constants of all component gradients, which are in general difficult to estimate. In this paper, we study an adaptive importance sampling method for common SGD-based methods by exploiting the local first-order information without knowing any Lipschitz constants. In particular, we periodically changes the sampling distribution by only utilizing the gradient norms in the past few iterations. We prove that our adaptive importance sampling non-asymptotically reduces the variance of the stochastic gradients in SGD, and thus better convergence bounds than that for vanilla SGD can be obtained. We extend this sampling method to several other widely used stochastic gradient algorithms including SGD with momentum and ADAM. Experiments on common convex learning problems and deep neural networks illustrate notably enhanced performance using the adaptive sampling strategy.

Object Segmentation Tracking from Generic Video Cues

Amirhossein Kardoost, Sabine Müller, Joachim Weickert, Margret Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; A Light-Weight Variational Framework for Video Object Segmentation in Videos

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We propose a light-weight variational framework for online tracking of object segmentations in videos based on optical flow and image boundaries. While high-end computer vision methods on this task rely on sequence specific training of dedicated CNN architectures, we show the potential of a variational model, based on generic video information from motion and color. Such cues are usually required for tasks such as robot navigation or grasp estimation. We leverage them directly for video object segmentation and thus provide accurate segmentations at potentially very low extra cost. Our simple method can provide competitive results compared to the costly CNN-based methods with parameter tuning. Furthermore, we show that our approach can be combined with state-of-the-art CNN-based segmentations in order to improve over their respective results. We evaluate our method on the datasets DAVIS 16,17 and SegTrack v2.

Label Self-Adaption Hashing for Image Retrieval

Jianglin Lu, Zhihui Lai, Hailing Wang, Jie Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; Label Self-Adaption Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval

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Hashing has attracted widespread attention in image retrieval because of its fast retrieval speed and low storage cost. Compared with supervised methods, unsupervised hashing methods are more reasonable and suitable for large-scale image retrieval since it is always difficult and expensive to collect true labels of the massive data. Without label information, however, unsupervised hashing methods can not guarantee the quality of learned binary codes. To resolve this dilemma, this paper proposes a novel unsupervised hashing method called Label Self-Adaption Hashing (LSAH), which contains effective hashing function learning part and self-adaption label generation part. In the first part, we utilize anchor graph to keep the local structure of the data and introduce joint sparsity into the model to extract effective features for high-quality binary code learning. In the second part, a self-adaptive cluster label matrix is learned from the data under the assumption that the nearest neighbor points should have a large probability to be in the same cluster. Therefore, the proposed LSAH can make full use of the potential discriminative information of the data to guide the learning of binary code. It is worth noting that LSAH can learn effective binary codes, hashing function and cluster labels simultaneously in a unified optimization framework. To solve the resulting optimization problem, an Augmented Lagrange Multiplier based iterative algorithm is elaborately designed. Extensive experiments on three large-scale data sets indicate the promising performance of the proposed LSAH.