Constrained Spectral Clustering Network with Self-Training

Xinyue Liu, Shichong Yang, Linlin Zong

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Spectral Clustering Network: A Constrained Deep spectral clustering network

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Deep spectral clustering networks have shown their superiorities due to the integration of feature learning and cluster assignment, and the ability to deal with non-convex clusters. Nevertheless, deep spectral clustering is still an ill-posed problem. Specifically, the affinity learned by the most remarkable SpectralNet is not guaranteed to be consistent with local invariance and thus hurts the final clustering performance. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of Constrained Spectral Clustering Network (CSCN) by incorporating pairwise constraints and clustering oriented fine-tuning to deal with the ill-posedness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first constrained deep spectral clustering method. Another advantage of CSCN over existing constrained deep clustering networks is that it propagates pairwise constraints throughout the entire dataset. In addition, we design a clustering oriented loss by self-training to simultaneously finetune feature representations and perform cluster assignments, which further improve the quality of clustering. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

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Feature-Aware Unsupervised Learning with Joint Variational Attention and Automatic Clustering

Wang Ru, Lin Li, Peipei Wang, Liu Peiyu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Variational Attention Encoder-Decoder for Clustering

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Deep clustering aims to cluster unlabeled real-world samples by mining deep feature representation. Most of existing methods remain challenging when handling high-dimensional data and simultaneously exploring the complementarity of deep feature representation and clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Variational Attention Encoder-decoder for Clustering (DVAEC). Our DVAEC improves the representation learning ability by fusing variational attention. Specifically, we design a feature-aware automatic clustering module to mitigate the unreliability of similarity calculation and guide network learning. Besides, to further boost the performance of deep clustering from a global perspective, we define a joint optimization objective to promote feature representation learning and automatic clustering synergistically. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance achieved by our DVAEC on six datasets comparing with several popular baseline clustering methods.

N2D: (Not Too) Deep Clustering Via Clustering the Local Manifold of an Autoencoded Embedding

Ryan Mcconville, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Robert Piechocki, Ian Craddock

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Auto-TLDR; Local Manifold Learning for Deep Clustering on Autoencoded Embeddings

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Deep clustering has increasingly been demonstrating superiority over conventional shallow clustering algorithms. Deep clustering algorithms usually combine representation learning with deep neural networks to achieve this performance, typically optimizing a clustering and non-clustering loss. In such cases, an autoencoder is typically connected with a clustering network, and the final clustering is jointly learned by both the autoencoder and clustering network. Instead, we propose to learn an autoencoded embedding and then search this further for the underlying manifold. For simplicity, we then cluster this with a shallow clustering algorithm, rather than a deeper network. We study a number of local and global manifold learning methods on both the raw data and autoencoded embedding, concluding that UMAP in our framework is able to find the best clusterable manifold of the embedding. This suggests that local manifold learning on an autoencoded embedding is effective for discovering higher quality clusters. We quantitatively show across a range of image and time-series datasets that our method has competitive performance against the latest deep clustering algorithms, including out-performing current state-of-the-art on several. We postulate that these results show a promising research direction for deep clustering. The code can be found at

Variational Deep Embedding Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information Maximization

Qiang Ji, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information maximization for Deep Embedding

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Clustering is a crucial but challenging task in pattern analysis and machine learning. Recent many deep clustering methods combining representation learning with cluster techniques emerged. These deep clustering methods mainly focus on the correlation among samples and ignore the relationship between samples and their representations. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end clustering framework, namely variational deep embedding clustering by augmented mutual information maximization (VCAMI). From the perspective of VAE, we prove that minimizing reconstruction loss is equivalent to maximizing the mutual information of the input and its latent representation. This provides a theoretical guarantee for us to directly maximize the mutual information instead of minimizing reconstruction loss. Therefore we proposed the augmented mutual information which highlights the uniqueness of the representations while discovering invariant information among similar samples. Extensive experiments on several challenging image datasets show that the VCAMI achieves good performance. we achieve state-of-the-art results for clustering on MNIST (99.5%) and CIFAR-10 (65.4%) to the best of our knowledge.

Local Clustering with Mean Teacher for Semi-Supervised Learning

Zexi Chen, Benjamin Dutton, Bharathkumar Ramachandra, Tianfu Wu, Ranga Raju Vatsavai

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Auto-TLDR; Local Clustering for Semi-supervised Learning

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The Mean Teacher (MT) model of Tarvainen and Valpola has shown favorable performance on several semi-supervised benchmark datasets. MT maintains a teacher model's weights as the exponential moving average of a student model's weights and minimizes the divergence between their probability predictions under diverse perturbations of the inputs. However, MT is known to suffer from confirmation bias, that is, reinforcing incorrect teacher model predictions. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective method called Local Clustering (LC) to mitigate the effect of confirmation bias. In MT, each data point is considered independent of other points during training; however, data points are likely to be close to each other in feature space if they share similar features. Motivated by this, we cluster data points locally by minimizing the pairwise distance between neighboring data points in feature space. Combined with a standard classification cross-entropy objective on labeled data points, the misclassified unlabeled data points are pulled towards high-density regions of their correct class with the help of their neighbors, thus improving model performance. We demonstrate on semi-supervised benchmark datasets SVHN and CIFAR-10 that adding our LC loss to MT yields significant improvements compared to MT and performance comparable to the state of the art in semi-supervised learning.

Sparse-Dense Subspace Clustering

Shuai Yang, Wenqi Zhu, Yuesheng Zhu

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse-Dense Subspace Clustering with Piecewise Correlation Estimation

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Subspace clustering refers to the problem of clustering high-dimensional data into a union of low-dimensional subspaces. Current subspace clustering approaches are usually based on a two-stage framework. In the first stage, an affinity matrix is generated from data. In the second one, spectral clustering is applied on the affinity matrix. However, the affinity matrix produced by two-stage methods cannot fully reveal the similarity between data points from the same subspace, resulting in inaccurate clustering. Besides, most approaches fail to solve large-scale clustering problems due to poor efficiency. In this paper, we first propose a new scalable sparse method called Iterative Maximum Correlation (IMC) to learn the affinity matrix from data. Then we develop Piecewise Correlation Estimation (PCE) to densify the intra-subspace similarity produced by IMC. Finally we extend our work into a Sparse-Dense Subspace Clustering (SDSC) framework with a dense stage to optimize the affinity matrix for two-stage methods. We show that IMC is efficient for large-scale tasks, and PCE ensures better performance for IMC. We show the universality of our SDSC framework for current two-stage methods as well. Experiments on benchmark data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches.

Multi-Modal Deep Clustering: Unsupervised Partitioning of Images

Guy Shiran, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Modal Deep Clustering for Unlabeled Images

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The clustering of unlabeled raw images is a daunting task, which has recently been approached with some success by deep learning methods. Here we propose an unsupervised clustering framework, which learns a deep neural network in an end-to-end fashion, providing direct cluster assignments of images without additional processing. Multi-Modal Deep Clustering (MMDC), trains a deep network to align its image embeddings with target points sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model distribution. The cluster assignments are then determined by mixture component association of image embeddings. Simultaneously, the same deep network is trained to solve an additional self-supervised task. This pushes the network to learn more meaningful image representations and stabilizes the training. Experimental results show that MMDC achieves or exceeds state-of-the-art performance on four challenging benchmarks. On natural image datasets we improve on previous results with significant margins of up to 11% absolute accuracy points, yielding an accuracy of 70% on CIFAR-10 and 61% on STL-10.

JECL: Joint Embedding and Cluster Learning for Image-Text Pairs

Sean Yang, Kuan-Hao Huang, Bill Howe

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Auto-TLDR; JECL: Clustering Image-Caption Pairs with Parallel Encoders and Regularized Clusters

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We propose JECL, a method for clustering image-caption pairs by training parallel encoders with regularized clustering and alignment objectives, simultaneously learning both representations and cluster assignments. These image-caption pairs arise frequently in high-value applications where structured training data is expensive to produce, but free-text descriptions are common. JECL trains by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the distribution of the images and text to that of a combined joint target distribution and optimizing the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the soft cluster assignments of the images and text. Regularizers are also applied to JECL to prevent trivial solutions. Experiments show that JECL outperforms both single-view and multi-view methods on large benchmark image-caption datasets, and is remarkably robust to missing captions and varying data sizes.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

Soft Label and Discriminant Embedding Estimation for Semi-Supervised Classification

Fadi Dornaika, Abdullah Baradaaji, Youssof El Traboulsi

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Semi-Supervised Learning for Linear Feature Extraction and Label Propagation

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In recent times, graph-based semi-supervised learning proved to be a powerful paradigm for processing and mining large datasets. The main advantage relies on the fact that these methods can be useful in propagating a small set of known labels to a large set of unlabeled data. The scarcity of labeled data may affect the performance of the semi-learning. This paper introduces a new semi-supervised framework for simultaneous linear feature extraction and label propagation. The proposed method simultaneously estimates a discriminant transformation and the unknown label by exploiting both labeled and unlabeled data. In addition, the unknowns of the learning model are estimated by integrating two types of graph-based smoothness constraints. The resulting semi-supervised model is expected to learn more discriminative information. Experiments are conducted on six public image datasets. These experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method can be better than that of many state-of-the-art graph-based semi-supervised algorithms.

Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet Loss Approaches

Kalun Ho, Janis Keuper, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Margret Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering Objectives for K-means and Correlation Clustering Using Triplet Loss

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In this work, we evaluate two different image clustering objectives, k-means clustering and correlation clustering, in the context of Triplet Loss induced feature space embeddings. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network to learn discriminative features by optimizing two popular versions of the Triplet Loss in order to study their clustering properties under the assumption of noisy labels. Additionally, we propose a new, simple Triplet Loss formulation, which shows desirable properties with respect to formal clustering objectives and outperforms the existing methods. We evaluate all three Triplet loss formulations for K-means and correlation clustering on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset.

Generative Deep-Neural-Network Mixture Modeling with Semi-Supervised MinMax+EM Learning

Nilay Pande, Suyash Awate

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Deep Neural Networks for Generative Mixture Modeling and Clustering

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) for generative mixture modeling typically rely on unsupervised learning that employs hard clustering schemes, or variational learning with loose / approximate bounds, or under-regularized modeling. We propose a novel statistical framework for a DNN mixture model using a single generative adversarial network. Our learning formulation proposes a novel data-likelihood term relying on a well-regularized / constrained Gaussian mixture model in the latent space along with a prior term on the DNN weights. Our min-max learning increases the data likelihood using a tight variational lower bound using expectation maximization (EM). We leverage our min-max EM learning scheme for semi-supervised learning. Results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the benefits of our compact modeling and learning formulation over the state of the art for mixture modeling and clustering.

A Unified Framework for Distance-Aware Domain Adaptation

Fei Wang, Youdong Ding, Huan Liang, Yuzhen Gao, Wenqi Che

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Auto-TLDR; distance-aware domain adaptation

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Unsupervised domain adaptation has achieved significant results by leveraging knowledge from a source domain to learn a related but unlabeled target domain. Previous methods are insufficient to model domain discrepancy and class discrepancy, which may lead to misalignment and poor adaptation performance. To address this problem, in this paper, we propose a unified framework, called distance-aware domain adaptation, which is fully aware of both cross-domain distance and class-discriminative distance. In addition, second-order statistics distance and manifold alignment are also exploited to extract more information from data. In this manner, the generalization error of the target domain in classification problems can be reduced substantially. To validate the proposed method, we conducted experiments on five public datasets and an ablation study. The results demonstrate the good performance of our proposed method.

Scalable Direction-Search-Based Approach to Subspace Clustering

Yicong He, George Atia

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Direction-Search-Based Subspace Clustering

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Subspace clustering finds a multi-subspace representation that best fits a high-dimensional dataset. The computational and storage complexities of existing algorithms limit their usefulness for large scale data. In this paper, we develop a novel scalable approach to subspace clustering termed Fast Direction-Search-Based Subspace Clustering (Fast DiSC). In sharp contrast to existing scalable solutions which are mostly based on the self-expressiveness property of the data, Fast DiSC rests upon a new representation obtained from projections on computed data-dependent directions. These directions are derived from a convex formulation for optimal direction search to gauge hidden similarity relations. The computational complexity is significantly reduced by performing direction search in partitions of sampled data, followed by a retrieval step to cluster out-of-sample data using projections on the computed directions. A theoretical analysis underscores the ability of the proposed formulation to construct local similarity relations for the different data points. Experiments on both synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can often outperform the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

Subspace Clustering Via Joint Unsupervised Feature Selection

Wenhua Dong, Xiaojun Wu, Hui Li, Zhenhua Feng, Josef Kittler

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Feature Selection for Subspace Clustering

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Any high-dimensional data arising from practical applications usually contains irrelevant features, which may impact on the performance of existing subspace clustering methods. This paper proposes a novel subspace clustering method, which reconstructs the feature matrix by the means of unsupervised feature selection (UFS) to achieve a better dictionary for subspace clustering (SC). Different from most existing clustering methods, the proposed approach uses a reconstructed feature matrix as the dictionary rather than the original data matrix. As the feature matrix reconstructed by representative features is more discriminative and closer to the ground-truth, it results in improved performance. The corresponding non-convex optimization problem is effectively solved using the half-quadratic and augmented Lagrange multiplier methods. Extensive experiments on four real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-viewSubspace Clustering

Jipeng Guo, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifold for Multi-View Data Clustering

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Clustering high dimension multi-view data with complex intrinsic properties and nonlinear manifold structure is a challenging task since these data are always embedded in low dimension manifolds. Inspired by Low Rank Representation (LRR), some researchers extended classic LRR on Grassmann manifold or Product Grassmann manifold to represent data with non-linear metrics. However, most of these methods utilized convex nuclear norm to leverage a low-rank structure, which was over-relaxation of true rank and would lead to the results deviated from the true underlying ones. And, the computational complexity of singular value decomposition of matrix is high for nuclear norm minimization. In this paper, we propose a new low rank model for high-dimension multi-view data clustering on Product Grassmann Manifold with the matrix tri-factorization which is used to control the upper bound of true rank of representation matrix. And, the original problem can be transformed into the nuclear norm minimization with smaller scale matrices. An effective solution and theoretical analysis are also provided. The experimental results show that the proposed method obviously outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on several multi-source human/crowd action video datasets.

Adversarial Encoder-Multi-Task-Decoder for Multi-Stage Processes

Andre Mendes, Julian Togelius, Leandro Dos Santos Coelho

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Stage Processes


In multi-stage processes, decisions occur in an ordered sequence of stages. Early stages usually have more observations with general information (easier/cheaper to collect), while later stages have fewer observations but more specific data. This situation can be represented by a dual funnel structure, in which the sample size decreases from one stage to the other while the information increases. Training classifiers in this scenario is challenging since information in the early stages may not contain distinct patterns to learn (underfitting). In contrast, the small sample size in later stages can cause overfitting. We address both cases by introducing a framework that combines adversarial autoencoders (AAE), multi-task learning (MTL), and multi-label semi-supervised learning (MLSSL). We improve the decoder of the AAE with an MTL component so it can jointly reconstruct the original input and use feature nets to predict the features for the next stages. We also introduce a sequence constraint in the output of an MLSSL classifier to guarantee the sequential pattern in the predictions. Using real-world data from different domains (selection process, medical diagnosis), we show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.

Nonlinear Ranking Loss on Riemannian Potato Embedding

Byung Hyung Kim, Yoonje Suh, Honggu Lee, Sungho Jo

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Auto-TLDR; Riemannian Potato for Rank-based Metric Learning

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We propose a rank-based metric learning method by leveraging a concept of the Riemannian Potato for better separating non-linear data. By exploring the geometric properties of Riemannian manifolds, the proposed loss function optimizes the measure of dispersion using the distribution of Riemannian distances between a reference sample and neighbors and builds a ranked list according to the similarities. We show the proposed function can learn a hypersphere for each class, preserving the similarity structure inside it on Riemannian manifold. As a result, compared with Euclidean distance-based metric, our method can further jointly reduce the intra-class distances and enlarge the inter-class distances for learned features, consistently outperforming state-of-the-art methods on three widely used non-linear datasets.

Improved Deep Classwise Hashing with Centers Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval

Ming Zhang, Hong Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Classwise Hashing for Image Retrieval Using Center Similarity Learning

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Deep supervised hashing for image retrieval has attracted researchers' attention due to its high efficiency and superior retrieval performance. Most existing deep supervised hashing works, which are based on pairwise/triplet labels, suffer from the expensive computational cost and insufficient utilization of the semantics information. Recently, deep classwise hashing introduced a classwise loss supervised by class labels information alternatively; however, we find it still has its drawback. In this paper, we propose an improved deep classwise hashing, which enables hashing learning and class centers learning simultaneously. Specifically, we design a two-step strategy on center similarity learning. It interacts with the classwise loss to attract the class center to concentrate on the intra-class samples while pushing other class centers as far as possible. The centers similarity learning contributes to generating more compact and discriminative hashing codes. We conduct experiments on three benchmark datasets. It shows that the proposed method effectively surpasses the original method and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines under various commonly-used evaluation metrics for image retrieval.

Label Self-Adaption Hashing for Image Retrieval

Jianglin Lu, Zhihui Lai, Hailing Wang, Jie Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; Label Self-Adaption Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval

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Hashing has attracted widespread attention in image retrieval because of its fast retrieval speed and low storage cost. Compared with supervised methods, unsupervised hashing methods are more reasonable and suitable for large-scale image retrieval since it is always difficult and expensive to collect true labels of the massive data. Without label information, however, unsupervised hashing methods can not guarantee the quality of learned binary codes. To resolve this dilemma, this paper proposes a novel unsupervised hashing method called Label Self-Adaption Hashing (LSAH), which contains effective hashing function learning part and self-adaption label generation part. In the first part, we utilize anchor graph to keep the local structure of the data and introduce joint sparsity into the model to extract effective features for high-quality binary code learning. In the second part, a self-adaptive cluster label matrix is learned from the data under the assumption that the nearest neighbor points should have a large probability to be in the same cluster. Therefore, the proposed LSAH can make full use of the potential discriminative information of the data to guide the learning of binary code. It is worth noting that LSAH can learn effective binary codes, hashing function and cluster labels simultaneously in a unified optimization framework. To solve the resulting optimization problem, an Augmented Lagrange Multiplier based iterative algorithm is elaborately designed. Extensive experiments on three large-scale data sets indicate the promising performance of the proposed LSAH.

Supervised Domain Adaptation Using Graph Embedding

Lukas Hedegaard, Omar Ali Sheikh-Omar, Alexandros Iosifidis

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Auto-TLDR; Domain Adaptation from the Perspective of Multi-view Graph Embedding and Dimensionality Reduction

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Getting deep convolutional neural networks to perform well requires a large amount of training data. When the available labelled data is small, it is often beneficial to use transfer learning to leverage a related larger dataset (source) in order to improve the performance on the small dataset (target). Among the transfer learning approaches, domain adaptation methods assume that distributions between the two domains are shifted and attempt to realign them. In this paper, we consider the domain adaptation problem from the perspective of multi-view graph embedding and dimensionality reduction. Instead of solving the generalised eigenvalue problem to perform the embedding, we formulate the graph-preserving criterion as loss in the neural network and learn a domain-invariant feature transformation in an end-to-end fashion. We show that the proposed approach leads to a powerful Domain Adaptation framework which generalises the prior methods CCSA and d-SNE, and enables simple and effective loss designs; an LDA-inspired instantiation of the framework leads to performance on par with the state-of-the-art on the most widely used Domain Adaptation benchmarks, Office31 and MNIST to USPS datasets.

Rethinking Deep Active Learning: Using Unlabeled Data at Model Training

Oriane Siméoni, Mateusz Budnik, Yannis Avrithis, Guillaume Gravier

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Auto-TLDR; Unlabeled Data for Active Learning

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Active learning typically focuses on training a model on few labeled examples alone, while unlabeled ones are only used for acquisition. In this work we depart from this setting by using both labeled and unlabeled data during model training across active learning cycles. We do so by using unsupervised feature learning at the beginning of the active learning pipeline and semi-supervised learning at every active learning cycle, on all available data. The former has not been investigated before in active learning, while the study of latter in the context of deep learning is scarce and recent findings are not conclusive with respect to its benefit. Our idea is orthogonal to acquisition strategies by using more data, much like ensemble methods use more models. By systematically evaluating on a number of popular acquisition strategies and datasets, we find that the use of unlabeled data during model training brings a spectacular accuracy improvement in image classification, compared to the differences between acquisition strategies. We thus explore smaller label budgets, even one label per class.

Double Manifolds Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation

Jipeng Guo, Shuai Yin, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu

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Auto-TLDR; Double Manifolds Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Clustering

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Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an important method in learning latent data representation. The local geometrical structure can make the learned representation more effectively and significantly improve the performance of NMF. However, most of existing graph-based learning methods are determined by a predefined similarity graph which may be not optimal for specific tasks. To solve the above the problem, we propose the Double Manifolds Regularized NMF (DMR-NMF) model which jointly learns an adaptive affinity matrix with the non-negative matrix factorization. The learned affinity matrix can guide the NMF to fit the clustering task. Moreover, we develop the iterative updating optimization schemes for DMR-NMF, and provide the strict convergence proof of our optimization strategy. Empirical experiments on four different real-world data sets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of DMR-NMF in comparison with the other related algorithms.

Self-Paced Bottom-Up Clustering Network with Side Information for Person Re-Identification

Mingkun Li, Chun-Guang Li, Ruo-Pei Guo, Jun Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Paced Bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information for Unsupervised Person Re-identification

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Person re-identification (Re-ID) has attracted a lot of research attention in recent years. However, supervised methods demand an enormous amount of manually annotated data. In this paper, we propose a Self-Paced bottom-up Clustering Network with Side Information (SPCNet-SI) for unsupervised person Re-ID, where the side information comes from the serial number of the camera associated with each image. Specifically, our proposed SPCNet-SI exploits the camera side information to guide the feature learning and uses soft label in bottom-up clustering process, in which the camera association information is used in the repelled loss and the soft label based cluster information is used to select the candidate cluster pairs to merge. Moreover, a self-paced dynamic mechanism is developed to regularize the merging process such that the clustering is implemented in an easy-to-hard way with a slow-to-fast merging process. Experiments on two benchmark datasets Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID demonstrate promising performance.

Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Image-Based Person Re-Identification

Mingliang Yang, Da Huang, Jing Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification

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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has emerged as an effective paradigm for reducing the huge manual annotation cost for Person Re-Identification (Re-ID). Many of the recent UDA methods for Re-ID are clustering-based and select all the pseudo-label samples in each iteration for the model training. However, there are many wrong labeled samples that will mislead the model optimization under this circumstance. To solve this problem, we propose a Progressive Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (PUDA) framework for image-based Person Re-ID to reduce the negative effect of wrong pseudo-label samples on the model training process. Specifically, we first pretrain a CNN model on a labeled source dataset, then finetune the model on unlabeled target dataset with the following three steps iteratively: 1) estimating pseudo-labels for all the images in the target dataset with the model trained in the last iteration; 2) extending the training set by adding pseudo-label samples with higher label confidence; 3) updating the CNN model with the expanded training set in a supervised manner. During the iteration process, the number of pseudo-label samples added increased progressively. In particular, a Moderate Initial Selections (MIS) strategy for pseudo-label sampling is also proposed to reduce the negative impacts of random noise features in the early iterations and mislabeled samples in the late iterations on the model. The proposed framework with MIS strategy is validated on the Duke-to-Market, Market-to-Duke unsupervised domain adaptation tasks and achieves improvements of 4.2 points (absolute, i.e., 80.0% vs. 75.8%) and 1.7 points (absolute, i.e., 70.7% vs. 69.0%) in mAP correspondingly.

A General Model for Learning Node and Graph Representations Jointly

Chaofan Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Community Detection/Dynamic Routing for Graph Classification

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This paper focuses on two fundamental graph recognition tasks: node classification and graph classification. Existing methods usually learn the node and graph representations for these two tasks separately, and ignore modeling the relations between the local and global structures. In this paper, we propose a general approach to learn the local and global features collaboratively: (1) in order to characterize the correlation among nodes and communities (a set of nodes), we employ the joint community detection/dynamic routing modules to generate the clustering assignment matrices at first and then utilize these matrices to cluster nodes to capture the global information of graphs (locally relevant graph representations). Inspired by the success of spectral clustering, we minimize the ratiocut loss to help optimize the learned assignment matrices. (2) We maximize the mutual information between local and global representations to help learn the globally relevant node representations. Experimental results on a variety of node and graph classification benchmarks show that our model can achieve superior performance over the state-of-the-art approaches.

Fast Subspace Clustering Based on the Kronecker Product

Lei Zhou, Xiao Bai, Liang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Edwin Hancock

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Auto-TLDR; Subspace Clustering with Kronecker Product for Large Scale Datasets

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Subspace clustering is a useful technique for many computer vision applications in which the intrinsic dimension of high-dimensional data is often smaller than the ambient dimension. Spectral clustering, as one of the main approaches to subspace clustering, often takes on a sparse representation or a low-rank representation to learn a block diagonal self-representation matrix for subspace generation. However, existing methods require solving a large scale convex optimization problem with a large set of data, with computational complexity reaches O(N^3) for N data points. Therefore, the efficiency and scalability of traditional spectral clustering methods can not be guaranteed for large scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a subspace clustering model based on the Kronecker product. Due to the property that the Kronecker product of a block diagonal matrix with any other matrix is still a block diagonal matrix, we can efficiently learn the representation matrix which is formed by the Kronecker product of k smaller matrices. By doing so, our model significantly reduces the computational complexity to O(kN^{3/k}). Furthermore, our model is general in nature, and can be adapted to different regularization based subspace clustering methods. Experimental results on two public datasets show that our model significantly improves the efficiency compared with several state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we have conducted experiments on synthetic data to verify the scalability of our model for large scale datasets.

Uniform and Non-Uniform Sampling Methods for Sub-Linear Time K-Means Clustering

Yuanhang Ren, Ye Du

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Auto-TLDR; Sub-linear Time Clustering with Constant Approximation Ratio for K-Means Problem

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The $k$-means problem is arguably the most well-known clustering problem in machine learning, and lots of approximation algorithms have been proposed for it. However, many of these algorithms may become infeasible when data is huge. Sub-linear time algorithms with constant approximation ratios are desirable in this scenario. In this paper, we first improve the analysis of the algorithm proposed by \cite{Mohan:2017:BNA:3172077.3172235} by sharpening the approximation ratio from $4(\alpha+\beta)$ to $\alpha+\beta$. Moreover, on mild assumptions of the data, a constant approximation ratio can be achieved in poly-logarithmic time by the algorithm. Furthermore, we propose a novel sub-linear time clustering algorithm called {\it Double-K-M$\text{C}^2$ sampling} as well. Experiments on the data clustering task and the image segmentation task have validated the effectiveness of our algorithms.

Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning

Yifei Zhang, Chang Liu, Yu Zhou, Wei Wang, Weiping Wang, Qixiang Ye

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning

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In unsupervised feature learning, sample specificity based methods ignore the inter-class information, which deteriorates the discriminative capability of representation models. Clustering based methods are error-prone to explore the complete class boundary information due to the inevitable class inconsistent samples in each cluster. In this work, we propose a novel clustering based method, which, by iteratively excluding class inconsistent samples during progressive cluster formation, alleviates the impact of noise samples in a simple-yet-effective manner. Our approach, referred to as Progressive Cluster Purification (PCP), implements progressive clustering by gradually reducing the number of clusters during training, while the sizes of clusters continuously expand consistently with the growth of model representation capability. With a well-designed cluster purification mechanism, it further purifies clusters by filtering noise samples which facilitate the subsequent feature learning by utilizing the refined clusters as pseudo-labels. Experiments on commonly used benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed PCP improves baseline method with significant margins. Our code will be available at

Q-SNE: Visualizing Data Using Q-Gaussian Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

Motoshi Abe, Junichi Miyao, Takio Kurita

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Auto-TLDR; Q-Gaussian distributed stochastic neighbor embedding for 2-dimensional mapping and classification

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The dimensionality reduction has been widely introduced to use the high-dimensional data for regression, classification, feature analysis, and visualization. As the one technique of dimensionality reduction, a stochastic neighbor embedding (SNE) was introduced. The SNE leads powerful results to visualize high-dimensional data by considering the similarity between the local Gaussian distributions of high and low-dimensional space. To improve the SNE, a t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) was also introduced. To visualize high-dimensional data, the t-SNE leads to more powerful and flexible visualization on 2 or 3-dimensional mapping than the SNE by using a t-distribution as the distribution of low-dimensional data. Recently, Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) is proposed as a dimensionality reduction technique. We present a novel technique called a q-Gaussian distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (q-SNE). The q-SNE leads to more powerful and flexible visualization on 2 or 3-dimensional mapping than the t-SNE and the SNE by using a q-Gaussian distribution as the distribution of low-dimensional data. The q-Gaussian distribution includes the Gaussian distribution and the t-distribution as the special cases with q=1.0 and q=2.0. Therefore, the q-SNE can also express the t-SNE and the SNE by changing the parameter q, and this makes it possible to find the best visualization by choosing the parameter q. We show the performance of q-SNE as visualization on 2-dimensional mapping and classification by k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) classifier in embedded space compared with SNE, t-SNE, and UMAP by using the datasets MNIST, COIL-20, OlivettiFaces, FashionMNIST, and Glove.

Assortative-Constrained Stochastic Block Models

Daniel Gribel, Thibaut Vidal, Michel Gendreau

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Stochastic Block Models for Assortative Communities in Neural Networks

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Stochastic block models (SBMs) are often used to find assortative community structures in networks, such that the probability of connections within communities is higher than in between communities. However, classic SBMs are not limited to assortative structures. In this study, we discuss the implications of this model-inherent indifference towards assortativity or disassortativity, and show that it can lead to undesirable outcomes in datasets which are known to be assortative but which contain a reduced amount of information. To circumvent these issues, we propose a constrained SBM that imposes strong assortativity constraints, along with efficient algorithmic solutions. These constraints significantly boost community-detection capabilities in regimes which are close to the detectability threshold. They also permit to identify structurally-different communities in networks representing cerebral-cortex activity regions.

Semi-Supervised Class Incremental Learning

Alexis Lechat, Stéphane Herbin, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; incremental class learning with non-annotated batches

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This paper makes a contribution to the problem of incremental class learning, the principle of which is to sequentially introduce batches of samples annotated with new classes during the learning phase. The main objective is to reduce the drop in classification performance on old classes, a phenomenon commonly called catastrophic forgetting. We propose in this paper a new method which exploits the availability of a large quantity of non-annotated images in addition to the annotated batches. These images are used to regularize the classifier and give the feature space a more stable structure. We demonstrate on several image data sets that our approach is able to improve the global performance of classifiers learned using an incremental learning protocol, even with annotated batches of small size.

A Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold Via Double Low Rank Constraint

Xinglin Piao, Yongli Hu, Junbin Gao, Yanfeng Sun, Xin Yang, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Double Low Rank Representation for High-Dimensional Data Clustering on Grassmann Manifold

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High-dimension data clustering is a fundamental topic in machine learning and data mining areas. In recent year, researchers have proposed a series of effective methods based on Low Rank Representation (LRR) which could explore low-dimension subspace structure embedded in original data effectively. The traditional LRR methods usually treat original data as samples in Euclidean space. They generally adopt linear metric to measure the distance between two data. However, high-dimension data (such as video clip or imageset) are always considered as non-linear manifold data such as Grassmann manifold. Therefore, the traditional linear Euclidean metric would be no longer suitable for these special data. In addition, traditional LRR clustering method always adopt nuclear norm as low rank constraint which would lead to suboptimal solution and decrease the clustering accuracy. In this paper, we proposed a new low rank method on Grassmann manifold for high-dimension data clustering task. In the proposed method, a double low rank representation approach is proposed by combining the nuclear norm and bilinear representation for better construct the representation matrix. The experimental results on several public datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art clustering methods.

Deep Topic Modeling by Multilayer Bootstrap Network and Lasso

Jian-Yu Wang, Xiao-Lei Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Deep Topic Modeling with Multilayer Bootstrap Network and Lasso

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Topic modeling is widely studied for the dimension reduction and analysis of documents. However, it is formulated as a difficult optimization problem. Current approximate solutions also suffer from inaccurate model- or data-assumptions. To deal with the above problems, we propose a polynomial-time deep topic model with no model and data assumptions. Specifically, we first apply multilayer bootstrap network (MBN), which is an unsupervised deep model, to reduce the dimension of documents, and then use the low-dimensional data representations or their clustering results as the target of supervised Lasso for topic word discovery. To our knowledge, this is the first time that MBN and Lasso are applied to unsupervised topic modeling. Experimental comparison results with five representative topic models on the 20-newsgroups and TDT2 corpora illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Subspace Clustering for Action Recognition with Covariance Representations and Temporal Pruning

Giancarlo Paoletti, Jacopo Cavazza, Cigdem Beyan, Alessio Del Bue

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Learning for Human Action Recognition from Skeletal Data

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This paper tackles the problem of human action recognition, defined as classifying which action is displayed in a trimmed sequence, from skeletal data. Albeit state-of-the-art approaches designed for this application are all supervised, in this paper we pursue a more challenging direction: Solving the problem with unsupervised learning. To this end, we propose a novel subspace clustering method, which exploits covariance matrix to enhance the action’s discriminability and a timestamp pruning approach that allow us to better handle the temporal dimension of the data. Through a broad experimental validation, we show that our computational pipeline surpasses existing unsupervised approaches but also can result in favorable performances as compared to supervised methods.

RSAC: Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

Chih-Hsing Ho, Shang-Ho Tsai

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Auto-TLDR; Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

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Continuous learning seeks to perform the learning on the data that arrives from time to time. While prior works have demonstrated several possible solutions, these approaches require excessive training time as well as memory usage. This is impractical for applications where time and storage are constrained, such as edge computing. In this work, a novel training algorithm, regularized subspace approximation classifier (RSAC), is proposed to achieve lightweight continuous learning. RSAC contains a feature reduction module and classifier module with regularization. Extensive experiments show that RSAC is more efficient than prior continuous learning works and outperforms these works on various experimental settings.

Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation

Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence

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Distributed Gaussian processes (DGPs) are prominent local approximation methods to scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large datasets. Instead of a global estimation, they train local experts by dividing the training set into subsets, thus reducing the time complexity. This strategy is based on the conditional independence assumption, which basically means that there is a perfect diversity between the local experts. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated, and the aggregation of experts leads to sub-optimal and inconsistent solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence. The dependency between experts is determined by using a Gaussian graphical model, which yields the precision matrix. The precision matrix encodes conditional dependencies between experts and is used to detect strongly dependent experts and construct an improved aggregation. Using both synthetic and real datasets, our experimental evaluations illustrate that our new method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) DGP approaches while being substantially more time-efficient than SOTA approaches, which build on independent experts.

Deep Superpixel Cut for Unsupervised Image Segmentation

Qinghong Lin, Weichan Zhong

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Superpixel Cut for Deep Unsupervised Image Segmentation

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Image segmentation, one of the most critical vision tasks, has been studied for many years. Most of the early algorithms are unsupervised methods, which use hand-crafted features to divide the image into many regions. Recently, owing to the great success of deep learning technology, CNNs based methods showing superior performance in image segmentation. However, these methods rely on a large number of human annotations, which are expensive to collect. In this paper, we propose a deep unsupervised method for image segmentation, which borrowed the ideas of classical graph partitioning. Our approach contains the following two stages. First, a Superpixel Guided Autoencoder (SGAE) is designed to learn the deep embedding and smooth the image simultaneously, then the smoothed image passed to generate superpixels. Second, based on the learned embedding, we propose a novel segmentation algorithm called Deep Superpixel Cut(DSC), which measures the deep similarity between superpixels and then adaptively partitions the superpixels into perceptual regions. Experimental results on the BSDS500 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

Single-Modal Incremental Terrain Clustering from Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Feature Learning

Reina Ishikawa, Ryo Hachiuma, Akiyoshi Kurobe, Hideo Saito

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-modal Variational Autoencoder for Terrain Type Clustering

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The key to an accurate understanding of terrain is to extract the informative features from the multi-modal data obtained from different devices. Sensors, such as RGB cameras, depth sensors, vibration sensors, and microphones, are used as the multi-modal data. Many studies have explored ways to use them, especially in the robotics field. Some papers have successfully introduced single-modal or multi-modal methods. However, in practice, robots can be faced with extreme conditions; microphones do not work well in the crowded scenes, and an RGB camera cannot capture terrains well in the dark. In this paper, we present a novel framework using the multi-modal variational autoencoder and the Gaussian mixture model clustering algorithm on image data and audio data for terrain type clustering. Our method enables the terrain type clustering even if one of the modalities (either image or audio) is missing at the test-time. We evaluated the clustering accuracy with a conventional multi-modal terrain type clustering method and we conducted ablation studies to show the effectiveness of our approach.

Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green AI

Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Deep Neural Network with Constrained Splitting Projection

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In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have been applied to different domains and achieved dramatic performance improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods. These performances of DNNs were however often obtained with networks containing millions of parameters and which training required heavy computational power. In order to cope with this computational issue a huge literature deals with proximal regularization methods which are time consuming.\\ In this paper, we propose instead a constrained approach. We provide the general framework for our new splitting projection gradient method. Our splitting algorithm iterates a gradient step and a projection on convex sets. We study algorithms for different constraints: the classical $\ell_1$ unstructured constraint and structured constraints such as the nuclear norm, the $\ell_{2,1} $ constraint (Group LASSO). We propose a new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint for which we provide a new projection algorithm We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three popular datasets (MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR). Experiments on these datasets show that our splitting projection method with our new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint provides the best reduction of memory and computational power. Experiments show that fully connected linear DNN are more efficient for green AI.

Adversarially Constrained Interpolation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Mohamed Azzam, Aurele Tohokantche Gnanha, Hau-San Wong, Si Wu

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Domain Mixup Strategy

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We address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) which aims at adapting models trained on a labeled domain to a completely unlabeled domain. One way to achieve this goal is to learn a domain-invariant representation. However, this approach is subject to two challenges: samples from two domains are insufficient to guarantee domain-invariance at most part of the latent space, and neighboring samples from the target domain may not belong to the same class on the low-dimensional manifold. To mitigate these shortcomings, we propose two strategies. First, we incorporate a domain mixup strategy in domain adversarial learning model by linearly interpolating between the source and target domain samples. This allows the latent space to be continuous and yields an improvement of the domain matching. Second, the domain discriminator is regularized via judging the relative difference between both domains for the input mixup features, which speeds up the domain matching. Experiment results show that our proposed model achieves a superior performance on different tasks under various domain shifts and data complexity.

Weakly Supervised Learning through Rank-Based Contextual Measures

João Gabriel Camacho Presotto, Lucas Pascotti Valem, Nikolas Gomes De Sá, Daniel Carlos Guimaraes Pedronette, Joao Paulo Papa

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Unlabeled Data for Weakly Supervised Classification of Multimedia Data

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Machine learning approaches have achieved remarkable advances over the last decades, especially in supervised learning tasks such as classification. Meanwhile, multimedia data and applications experienced an explosive growth, becoming ubiquitous in diverse domains. Due to the huge increase in multimedia data collections and the lack of labeled data in several scenarios, creating methods capable of exploiting the unlabeled data and operating under weakly supervision is imperative. In this work, we propose a rank-based model to exploit contextual information encoded in the unlabeled data in order to perform weakly supervised classification. We employ different rank-based correlation measures for identifying strong similarities relationships and expanding the labeled set in an unsupervised way. Subsequently, the extended labeled set is used by a classifier to achieve better accuracy results. The proposed weakly supervised approach was evaluated on multimedia classification tasks, considering several combinations of rank correlation measures and classifiers. An experimental evaluation was conducted on 4 public image datasets and different features. Very positive gains were achieved in comparison with various semi-supervised and supervised classifiers taken as baselines when considering the same amount of labeled data.

Graph Spectral Feature Learning for Mixed Data of Categorical and Numerical Type

Saswata Sahoo, Souradip Chakraborty

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Auto-TLDR; Feature Learning in Mixed Type of Variable by an undirected graph

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Feature learning in the presence of a mixed type of variables, numerical and categorical types, is important for related modeling problems. In this work, we propose a novel strategy to explicitly model the probabilistic dependence structure among the mixed type of variables by an undirected graph. The dependence structure among different pairs of variables are encoded by a suitable mapping function to estimate the edges of the graph. Spectral decomposition of the graph Laplacian provides the desired feature transformation. We numerically validate the implications of the feature learning strategy on various datasets in terms of data clustering.

Stochastic Label Refinery: Toward Better Target Label Distribution

Xi Fang, Jiancheng Yang, Bingbing Ni

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic Label Refinery for Deep Supervised Learning

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This paper proposes a simple yet effective strategy for improving deep supervised learning, named Stochastic Label Refinery (SLR), by refining training labels to more informative labels. When training a neural network, target distributions (or ground-truth) are typically "hard", which means the target label of each category consists of only 0 and 1. However, the fixed "hard" target distributions do not capture association between categories or that between objects. In this study, instead of using the hard target distributions, we iteratively generate "soft" target label distributions for training the neural networks, which leads to better performances. The soft target distributions are obtained via an Expectation-Maximization (EM) iteration, where the "true" target distributions and the learned models are regarded as hidden variables. In E step, the models are optimized to approximate the target distributions on stochastic splits of training data; In M step, the target distributions are updated with predicted pseudo-label on leave-out splits. Extensive experiments on classification and ordinal regression tasks, empirically prove that the refined target distribution consistently leads to considerable performance improvements even applied on competitive baselines. Notably, in DeepDR 2020 Diabetic Retinopathy Grading (DeepDRiD) challenge, our method improves the quadratic weighted kappa on official validation set from 0.8247 to 0.8348 and achieves a state-of-the-art score on online test set. The proposed SLR technique is easy to implement and practically applicable. The code will be open sourced soon.

Wasserstein k-Means with Sparse Simplex Projection

Takumi Fukunaga, Hiroyuki Kasai

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Auto-TLDR; SSPW $k$-means: Sparse Simplex Projection-based Wasserstein $ k$-Means Algorithm

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This paper presents a proposal of a faster Wasserstein $k$-means algorithm for histogram data by reducing Wasserstein distance computations exploiting sparse simplex projection. We shrink data samples, centroids and ground cost matrix, which enables significant reduction of the computations to solve optimal transport problems without loss of clustering quality. Furthermore, we dynamically reduce computational complexity by removing lower-valued data samples harnessing sparse simplex projection while keeping degradation of clustering quality lower. We designate this proposed algorithm as sparse simplex projection-based Wasserstein $k$-means, for short, SSPW $k$-means. Numerical evaluations against Wasserstein $k$-means algorithm demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SSPW $k$-means on real-world datasets.

Few-Shot Font Generation with Deep Metric Learning

Haruka Aoki, Koki Tsubota, Hikaru Ikuta, Kiyoharu Aizawa

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Metric Learning for Japanese Typographic Font Synthesis

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Designing fonts for languages with a large number of characters, such as Japanese and Chinese, is an extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming task. In this study, we addressed the problem of automatically generating Japanese typographic fonts from only a few font samples, where the synthesized glyphs are expected to have coherent characteristics, such as skeletons, contours, and serifs. Existing methods often fail to generate fine glyph images when the number of style reference glyphs is extremely limited. Herein, we proposed a simple but powerful framework for extracting better style features. This framework introduces deep metric learning to style encoders. We performed experiments using black-and-white and shape-distinctive font datasets and demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

Region and Relations Based Multi Attention Network for Graph Classification

Manasvi Aggarwal, M. Narasimha Murty

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Auto-TLDR; R2POOL: A Graph Pooling Layer for Non-euclidean Structures

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Graphs are non-euclidean structures that can represent many relational data efficiently. Many studies have proposed the convolution and the pooling operators on the non-euclidean domain. The graph convolution operators have shown astounding performance on various tasks such as node representation and classification. For graph classification, different pooling techniques are introduced, but none of them has considered both neighborhood of the node and the long-range dependencies of the node. In this paper, we propose a novel graph pooling layer R2POOL, which balances the structure information around the node as well as the dependencies with far away nodes. Further, we propose a new training strategy to learn coarse to fine representations. We add supervision at only intermediate levels to generate predictions using only intermediate-level features. For this, we propose the concept of an alignment score. Moreover, each layer's prediction is controlled by our proposed branch training strategy. This complete training helps in learning dominant class features at each layer for representing graphs. We call the combined model by R2MAN. Experiments show that R2MAN the potential to improve the performance of graph classification on various datasets.

Variational Capsule Encoder

Harish Raviprakash, Syed Anwar, Ulas Bagci

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Capsule Networks for Representation Learning in latent space

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We propose a novel capsule network based variational encoder architecture, called Bayesian capsules (B-Caps), to modulate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution in the latent space. We hypothesize that this approach can learn a better representation of features in the latent space than traditional approaches. Our hypothesis was tested by using the learned latent variables for image reconstruction task, where for MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, different classes were separated successfully in the latent space using our proposed model. Our experimental results have shown improved reconstruction and classification performances for both datasets adding credence to our hypothesis. We also showed that by increasing the latent space dimension, the proposed B-Caps was able to learn a better representation when compared to the traditional variational auto-encoders (VAE). Hence our results indicate the strength of capsule networks in representation learning which has never been examined under the VAE settings before.

Beyond Cross-Entropy: Learning Highly Separable Feature Distributions for Robust and Accurate Classification

Arslan Ali, Andrea Migliorati, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli

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Auto-TLDR; Gaussian class-conditional simplex loss for adversarial robust multiclass classifiers

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Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in several applications including image classification. However, deep classifiers are known to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in that a minor perturbation of the input can easily lead to an error. Providing robustness to adversarial attacks is a very challenging task especially in problems involving a large number of classes, as it typically comes at the expense of an accuracy decrease. In this work, we propose the Gaussian class-conditional simplex (GCCS) loss: a novel approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides adversarial robustness while at the same time achieving or even surpassing the classification accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. Differently from other frameworks, the proposed method learns a mapping of the input classes onto target distributions in a latent space such that the classes are linearly separable. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of target labels for individual samples, our objective function pushes the network to produce feature distributions yielding high inter-class separation. The mean values of the distributions are centered on the vertices of a simplex such that each class is at the same distance from every other class. We show that the regularization of the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy and inherently provides robustness to multiple adversarial attacks, both targeted and untargeted, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches over challenging datasets.